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Realizzazione del sistema interattivo 'Loggia digitale'

Siotto E, Palma G, Scopigno R

Digital acquisition  2D technology  Image processing  HTML5  JAVA  WebGL  Cultural Heritage  ICT  Information System  Museums 

The VC Lab has developed, in collaboration with the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, the Interactive Digital System of the Loggia of Cupid and Psyche within the exhibition 'The Loggia of Cupid and Psyche - Raffaello and Giovanni da Udine - Colours of Prosperity: Fruits from the Old and New World' Villa Farnesina, Rome April 20 - July 20 2017. The system allows access to the 'digital Loggia' and permits the visitor to navigate freely through the high-resolution panoramic image of the painted ceiling, to admire it from a closer point of view and to consult the results of historical, botanical and scientific analyses performed on the selected species. The system is available online and with an interactive kiosk in the Farnesina building.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Realizzazione del sistema interattivo 'Loggia digitale'},
	author = {Siotto E and Palma G and Scopigno R},
	year = {2017}