Scozzari A., Doveri M., Menichini M., Lelli M., Raco B.
Modelli data-driven Dati sintetici Rivelazione di anomalie C.3 SPECIAL-PURPOSE AND APPLICATION-BASED SYSTEMS. Signal processing systems
This deliverable illustrates the methodology developed in order to synthesize datasets, which are peculiar to the behaviour of the natural system in its standard conditions.Synthetic data have been generated by means of: i) the hydrogeological model developed in WP2.10; ii)past datasets; iii) environmental parameters.
Source: Project report, ACQUASENSE, Deliverable D3.8.2, 2014
@techreport{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:279368, title = {ACQUASENSE - Analisi e sviluppo sperimentale di un modello del sistema per la rivelazione di anomalie}, author = {Scozzari A. and Doveri M. and Menichini M. and Lelli M. and Raco B.}, institution = {Project report, ACQUASENSE, Deliverable D3.8.2, 2014}, year = {2014} }