Journal article  Restricted

Automatic recognition and classification of cerebral microemboli in ultrasound images

Colantonio S, Salvetti O, Sartucci F

Vision and Scene Understanding  Hierarchical Neural Networks  Microemboli Classification  Image Analysis 

The aim of this work was the definition of a method devoted to the automated recognition of different composition of cerebral microemboli. The developed diagnostic procedure made use of a feature-based analysis of ultrasonographic images containing the characteristic microembolic signals. The images were acquired with a transcranial Doppler and classified using a hierarchical neural network. The proposed procedure was tested on clinical cases selected by expert neurologists for their relevance, and experimental results showed its reliability.

Source: PATTERN RECOGNITION AND IMAGE ANALYSIS, vol. 15-2 (issue 2), pp. 532-535

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Automatic recognition and classification of cerebral microemboli in ultrasound images},
	author = {Colantonio S and Salvetti O and Sartucci F},
	year = {2005}