Conference article  Restricted

Automatic fuzzy-neural based segmentation of microscopic cell images

Colantonio S, Gurevich I B, Salvetti O

I.4.6 Segmentation  Image Segmentation 

In this paper, we propose a novel, completely automated method for the segmentation of lymphatic cell nuclei represented in microscopic specimen images. Actually, segmenting cell nuclei is the first, necessary step for develop-ing an automated application for the early diagnostics of lymphatic system tu-mors. The proposed method follows a two-step approach to, firstly, find the nu-clei and, then, to refine the segmentation by means of a neural model, able to localize the borders of each nucleus. Experimental results have shown the fea-sibility of the method.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Automatic fuzzy-neural based segmentation of microscopic cell images},
	author = {Colantonio S and Gurevich I B and Salvetti O},
	year = {2006}