Belli D, Fantechi A, Gnesi S, Masullo L, Mazzanti F, Quadrini L, Trentini D, Vaghi C
Formal verification UMC UML Requirements analysis Cost benefit analisys
In the context of the Shift2Rail open call S2R-OC-IP2-01- 2019, one of the two work streams of the 4SECURail project has pursued the objective to corroborate how a clear, rigorous standard interface specification between signaling sub-systems can be designed by applying an approach based on semi-formal and formal methods. The objective is addressed by developing a demonstrator case study of the application of formal methods to the specification of standard interfaces, aimed at illustrating some usable state-of-the-art techniques for rigorous standard interface specification, as well as at supporting a Cost-Benefit Analysis to back this strategy with sound economic arguments.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:486697, title = {The 4SECURail case study on rigorous standard interface specifications}, author = {Belli D and Fantechi A and Gnesi S and Masullo L and Mazzanti F and Quadrini L and Trentini D and Vaghi C}, year = {2023} }
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