Software  Unknown

PRIAR Tool - Pattern Recognition Image Augmented Resolution. A tool for image analysis

Righi M., D'Acunto M., Salvetti O.

AFM  Image analysis  Super-resolution  Modellazione  Pattern Recognition  NanoICT  I.4.5 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION. Reconstruction  I.4.6 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION. Segmentation  I.4.8 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION. Scene Analysis  I.4.9 IMAGE PROCESSING AND COMPUTER VISION. Applications  PATTERN RECOGNITION 

PRIAR is a software package that specializes Matlab functions for the analysis of the images. PRIAR comes from the idea that in a picture representing an object in space information can be processed to identify and model specific volumes, while improving image resolution. PRIAR track volumes in automatic mode using super-resolution algorithms and pattern-recognition. The results calculated using the super-resolution and pattern-recongition are used to improve the image information andandone to reconstruct the morphology and inserting meta tags that characterize the functionality.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {PRIAR Tool - Pattern Recognition Image Augmented Resolution. A tool for image analysis},
	author = {Righi M. and D'Acunto M. and Salvetti O.},
	year = {2015}