Acconcia V, Boi V, Candela L, Falcone A, Mangiacrapa F, Massara F, Pagano P, Sinibaldi F
Geoportale Archaeological dataset Interoperability
The article describes the experience of the D4GNA - Dataset for the National Geoportal for Archaeology born within the framework of the ARIADNEplus (Advanced Research Infrastructure for Archaeological Dataset Networking in Europe, plus) project, which ended last 31 December. The contribution starts from the broader context of the European project to delve into the world of Italian archaeological data; the technological solution, standardization, dema- terialisation and network sharing of data are the topics touched upon in this journey that illustrates the progress towards a virtuous objective: the Geoportale Nazionale per l'Archeologia, GNA. The GNA, created by the Istituto Centrale per l'Archeologia (ICA), released online july 10, 2023, is the national access point for receiving and consulting both archaeological interventions carried out under the scientific direction of the Ministry of Culture (MiC) as well as archaeological investigations conducted by universities and other re- search institutions.
Source: DIGITALIA (ONLINE), vol. 1 (issue 2023), pp. 129-140
@article{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:485596, title = {ARIADNE Plus e il D4GNA-Dataset per il Geoportale Nazionale per l'Archeologia}, author = {Acconcia V and Boi V and Candela L and Falcone A and Mangiacrapa F and Massara F and Pagano P and Sinibaldi F}, year = {2023} }