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2018 Conference article Open Access OPEN
The fractal dimension of music: geography, popularity and sentiment analysis
Pollacci L, Rossetti G, Guidotti R, Giannotti F, Pedreschi D
Nowadays there is a growing standardization of musical con- tents. Our finding comes out from a cross-service multi-level dataset analysis where we study how geography affects the music production. The investigation presented in this paper highlights the existence of a "fractal" musical structure that relates the technical characteristics of the music produced at regional, national and world level. Moreover, a similar structure emerges also when we analyze the musicians' popular- ity and the polarity of their songs defined as the mood that they are able to convey. Furthermore, the clusters identified are markedly distinct one from another with respect to popularity and sentiment.Source: LECTURE NOTES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES, SOCIAL INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING, pp. 183-194. Pisa, Italy, 29-30 November 2017
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76111-4_19
Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2018 Other Open Access OPEN
Assessing the stability of interpretable models
Guidotti R, Ruggieri S
Interpretable classification models are built with the purpose of providing a comprehensible description of the decision logic to an external oversight agent. When considered in isolation, a decision tree, a set of classification rules, or a linear model, are widely recognized as human-interpretable. However, such models are generated as part of a larger analytical process, which, in particular, comprises data collection and filtering. Selection bias in data collection or in data pre-processing may affect the model learned. Although model induction algorithms are designed to learn to generalize, they pursue optimization of predictive accuracy. It remains unclear how interpretability is instead impacted. We conduct an experimental analysis to investigate whether interpretable models are able to cope with data selection bias as far as interpretability is concerned.Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: arxiv.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2018 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Explaining successful docker images using pattern mining analysis
Guidotti R, Soldani J, Neri D, Brogi A
Docker is on the rise in today's enterprise IT. It permits shipping applications inside portable containers, which run from so-called Docker images. Docker images are distributed in public registries, which also monitor their popularity. The popularity of an image directly impacts on its usage, and hence on the potential revenues of its developers. In this paper, we present a frequent pattern mining-based approach for understanding how to improve an image to increase its popularity. The results in this work can provide valuable insights to Docker image providers, helping them to design more competitive software products.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-04771-9_9
Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: Archivio della Ricerca - Università di Pisa Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2018 Conference article Open Access OPEN
On the Equivalence Between Community Discovery and Clustering
Guidotti R, Coscia M
Clustering is the subset of data mining techniques used to agnostically classify entities by looking at their attributes. Clustering algorithms specialized to deal with complex networks are called community discovery. Notwithstanding their common objectives, there are crucial assumptions in community discovery edge sparsity and only one node type, among others which makes its mapping to clustering non trivial. In this paper, we propose a community discovery to clustering mapping, by focusing on transactional data clustering. We represent a network as a transactional dataset, and we find communities by grouping nodes with common items (neighbors) in their baskets (neighbor lists). By comparing our results with ground truth communities and state of the art community discovery methods, we show that transactional clustering algorithms are a feasible alternative to community discovery, and that a complete mapping of the two problems is possible.Source: LECTURE NOTES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES, SOCIAL INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING, pp. 342-352. Pisa, Italy, 29-30/11/2017
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76111-4_34
Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2018 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Recognizing Residents and Tourists with Retail Data Using Shopping Profiles
Guidotti R, Gabrielli L
The huge quantity of personal data stored by service providers registering customers daily life enables the analysis of individual findgerprints characterizing the customers' behavioral profiles. We propose a framework for recognizing residents, tourists and occasional shoppers among the customers of a retail market chain. We employ our recognition framework on a real massive dataset containing the shopping transactions of more than one million of customers, and we identify representative temporal shopping profiles for residents, tourists and occasional customers. Our experiments show that even though residents are about 33% of the customers they are responsible for more than 90% of the expenditure. We statistically validate the number of residents and tourists with national official statistics enabling in this way the adoption of our recognition framework for the development of novel services and analysis.Source: LECTURE NOTES OF THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPUTER SCIENCES, SOCIAL INFORMATICS AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS ENGINEERING, pp. 353-363. Pisa, Italy, 29-30/11/2017
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-76111-4_35
Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2018 Other Open Access OPEN
Local rule-based explanations of black box decision systems
Guidotti R, Monreale A, Ruggieri S, Pedreschi D, Turini F, Giannotti F
The recent years have witnessed the rise of accurate but obscure decision systems which hide the logic of their internal decision processes to the users. The lack of explanations for the decisions of black box systems is a key ethical issue, and a limitation to the adoption of machine learning components in socially sensitive and safety-critical contexts.% Therefore, we need explanations that reveals the reasons why a predictor takes a certain decision. In this paper we focus on the problem of black box outcome explanation, ie, explaining the reasons of the decision taken on a specific instance. We propose LORE, an agnostic method able to provide interpretable and faithful explanations. LORE first leans a local interpretable predictor on a synthetic neighborhood generated by a genetic algorithm. Then it derives from the logic of the local interpretable predictor a meaningful explanation consisting of: a decision rule, which explains the reasons of the decision; and a set of counterfactual rules, suggesting the changes in the instance's features that lead to a different outcome. Wide experiments show that LORE outperforms existing methods and baselines both in the quality of explanations and in the accuracy in mimicking the black box.Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: arxiv.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2018 Other Open Access OPEN
Open the black box data-driven explanation of black box decision systems
Pedreschi D, Giannotti F, Guidotti R, Monreale A, Pappalardo L, Ruggieri S, Turini F
Black box systems for automated decision making, often based on machine learning over (big) data, map a user's features into a class or a score without exposing the reasons why. This is problematic not only for lack of transparency, but also for possible biases hidden in the algorithms, due to human prejudices and collection artifacts hidden in the training data, which may lead to unfair or wrong decisions. We introduce the local-to-global framework for black box explanation, a novel approach with promising early results, which paves the road for a wide spectrum of future developments along three dimensions:(i) the language for expressing explanations in terms of highly expressive logic-based rules, with a statistical and causal interpretation;(ii) the inference of local explanations aimed at revealing the logic of the decision adopted for a specific instance by querying and auditing the black box in the vicinity of the target instance;(iii), the bottom-up generalization of the many local explanations into simple global ones, with algorithms that optimize the quality and comprehensibility of explanations.Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: arxiv.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2018 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Discovering temporal regularities in retail customers' shopping behavior
Guidotti R, Gabrielli L, Monreale A, Pedreschi D, Giannotti F
In this paper we investigate the regularities characterizing the temporal purchasing behavior of the customers of a retail market chain. Most of the literature studying purchasing behavior focuses on what customers buy while giving few importance to the temporal dimension. As a consequence, the state of the art does not allow capturing which are the temporal purchasing patterns of each customers. These patterns should describe the customer's temporal habits highlighting when she typically makes a purchase in correlation with information about the amount of expenditure, number of purchased items and other similar aggregates. This knowledge could be exploited for different scopes: set temporal discounts for making the purchases of customers more regular with respect the time, set personalized discounts in the day and time window preferred by the customer, provide recommendations for shopping time schedule, etc. To this aim, we introduce a framework for extracting from personal retail data a temporal purchasing profile able to summarize whether and when a customer makes her distinctive purchases. The individual profile describes a set of regular and characterizing shopping behavioral patterns, and the sequences in which these patterns take place. We show how to compare different customers by providing a collective perspective to their individual profiles, and how to group the customers with respect to these comparable profiles. By analyzing real datasets containing millions of shopping sessions we found that there is a limited number of patterns summarizing the temporal purchasing behavior of all the customers, and that they are sequentially followed in a finite number of ways. Moreover, we recognized regular customers characterized by a small number of temporal purchasing behaviors, and changing customers characterized by various types of temporal purchasing behaviors. Finally, we discuss on how the profiles can be exploited both by customers to enable personalized services, and by the retail market chain for providing tailored discounts based on temporal purchasing regularity.Source: EPJ DATA SCIENCE, vol. 7 (issue 1)
DOI: 10.1140/epjds/s13688-018-0133-0
Project(s): SoBigData via OpenAIRE

See at: EPJ Data Science Open Access | epjdatascience.springeropen.com Open Access | EPJ Data Science Open Access | Archivio della Ricerca - Università di Pisa Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | EPJ Data Science Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted