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2006 Conference article Restricted
Image Classifiers for Scene Analysis
Le Saux B., Amato G.
The semantic interpretation of natural scenes, generally so obvious and effortless for humans, still remains a challenge in computer vision. We intend to design classifiers able to annotate images with keywords. Firstly, we propose an image representation appropriate for scene description: images are segmented into regions and indexed according to the presence of given region types. Secondly, we propound a classification scheme de- signed to separate images in the descriptor space. This is achieved by combining feature selection and kernel-method-based classification.Source: ICCVG 04, International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics, pp. 39–44, Warsaw, 22-24 September 2004
DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-4179-9

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2004 Conference article Restricted
Image recognition for digital libraries
Le Saux B., Amato G.
The interpretation of natural scenes, generally so obvious and effortless for humans, still remains a challenge in computer vision. To allow the search of image-based documents in digital libraries, we propose to design classifiers able to annotate images with keywords. First, we propose an image representation appropriate for scene description. Images are segmented into regions, and then indexed according to the presence of given region types. Second, we propound a classification scheme designed to separate images in the descriptor space. This is achieved by combining feature selection and kernel-method-based classification.Source: MIR '04 Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGMM international workshop on Multimedia information retrieval, pp. 91–98, New York, USA, 10-16 October 2004
DOI: 10.1145/1026711.1026727

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2006 Conference article Unknown
The stream system : a data collection and communication abstraction for sensor networks
Amato G., Baronti P., Chessa S., Masi V.
Sensor network software is still in its youth. Due to sensor hardware limitations and the highly specific nature of application domains, existing software is generally poorly structured. We identify data collection, intra-sensor and inter-sensor communication as recurring activities in sensor network applications and propose a software module that abstracts these activities: the stream system. Applications running on the sensors rely on the stream system to disregard the actual implementation details of collecting transducer readings and passing such data to other local or remote computational entities.Source: 2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC 2006), pp. 1449–1454, Taipei, Taiwan, 2006

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2006 Book Unknown
Similarity Search: the metric space approach
Zezula P., Amato G., Dohnal V., Bako M.
In the Information Society, information holds the master key to economic inuence and success. But the usefulness of information depends critically upon its quality and the speed at which it can be transferred. In domains as diverse as multimedia, molecular biology, computer-aided design and marketing and purchasing assistance, the number of data resources is growing rapidly, both with regard to database size and the variety of forms in which data comes packaged. To cope with the resulting information overkill, it is vital to nd tools to search these resources efciently and effectively. Hence the intense interest in Computer Science in searching digital data repositories. But traditional retrieval techniques, typically based upon sorting routines and hash tables, are not appropriate for a growing number of newly-emerging data domains. More exible methods must be found instead which take into account the needs of particular users and particular application domains. This book is about nding efcient ways to locate user-relevant information in collections of objects which have been quantied using a pairwise distance measure between object instances. It is written in direct response to recent advances in computing, communication and storage which have led to the current ood of digital libraries, data warehouses and the limitless heterogeneity of Internet resources. The scale of the problem can be gauged by noting that almost everything we see, hear, read, write or measure will soon be available to computerized information systems. In such an environment, varied data modalities such as multimedia objects, scientic observations and measurements, statistical analyses and many others, are massively extending more traditional attribute-like data types.Source: New York: Springer, 2006

See at: CNR ExploRA

2008 Software Unknown
Flickr Image Search Engine
Amato G.
Motore di ricerca visuale per immagini fornite da Flickr e contenute nella collezione Cophir

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2006 Report Open Access OPEN
MaD-WiSe: a Distributed Query Processor for Wireless Sensor Networks
Amato G., Baronti P., Chessa S.
We propose a comprehensive approach to distributed query processing in wireless sensor networks. We consider various aspects related to database system design and we revise, reinterpret, and redefine them according to the wireless sensor networks context. We consider the aspects related to the definition of a query language, data model, query algebra, and query optimization strategies. All these aspects are consistently discussed and defined. We show that the proposed approach enables optimizations of the query plan which may reduce the costs, in terms of consumed energy, of orders of magnitude.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2006

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2002 Doctoral thesis Unknown
Approximate similarity search in metric spaces
Amato G.
There is an urgent need to improve the efficiency of similarity queries. For this reason, this thesis investigates approximate similarity search in the environment of metric spaces. Four different approximation techniques are proposed, each of which obtain high erformance at the price of tolerable imprecision in the results. Measures are defined to quantify the improvement of performance obtained and the quality of approximations. The proposed techniques were tested on various synthetic and real-life files. The results of the experiments confirm the hypothesis that high quality approximate similarity search can be performed at a much lower cost than exact similarity search. The approaches that we propose provide an improvement of efficiency of up to two orders of magnitude, guaranteeing a good quality of the approximation. The most promising of the proposed techniques exploits the measurement of the proximity of ball regions in metric spaces. The proximity of two ball regions is defined as the probability that data objects are contained in their intersection. This probability can be easily obtained in vector spaces but is very difficult to measure in generic metric spaces, where only distance distribution is available and data distribution cannot be used. Alternative techniques, which can be used to estimate such probability.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2004 Report Open Access OPEN
Image Recognition for Digital Libraries
Le Saux B., Amato G.
The interpretation of natural scenes, generally so obvious and effortless for humans, still remains a challenge in computer vision. To allow the search of image-based documents in digital libraries, we propose to design classifiers able to annotate images with keywords. First, we propose an image representation appropriate for scene description. Images are segmented into regions, and then indexed according to the presence of given region types. Second, we propound a classification scheme designed to separate images in the descriptor space. This is achieved by combining feature selection and kernel-method-based classification.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2004

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2012 Software Unknown
Metric inverted file.
Amato G.
MI-File (Metric Inverted File) allows you to perform approximate similarity search on huge datasets. As an example give a look at the Image Similarity Search Engine, which allows you searching in a dataset of more than 100 millions images, that was built using the MI-File library. The technique is based on the use of a space transformation where data objects are represented by ordered sequences of reference objects. The sequence of reference objects that represent a data object is ordered according to the distance of the reference objects from the data object being represented. Distance between two data objects is measured by computing the spearmann footrule distance between the two sequence of reference objects that represent them. The closer the two data objects the most similar the two sequence of reference objects. The index is based on the use of inverted files.

See at: code.google.com | CNR ExploRA

2004 Journal article Unknown
Image annotation with Presence-Vector Classifiers
Bertrand Le Saux And Giuseppe Amato
The interpretation of natural scenes, generally so obvious and effortless for humans, still remains a challenge in computer vision. Efficient image recognition software would lead to technological advances in many areas, from effective security to intelligent information retrieval. We propose a system that can classify new images on the basis of information learnt from a training set of previously annotated images.Source: ERCIM news 58 (2004).

See at: CNR ExploRA

2000 Journal article Unknown
Approximate similarity search
Amato G.
Similarity searching is fundamental in various application areas. Recently it has attracted much attention in the database community because of the growing need to deal with large volume of data. Consequently, efficiency has become a matter of concern in design. Although much has been done to develop structures able to perform fast similarity search, results are still not satisfactory, and more research is needed. The performance of similarity search for complex features deteriorates and does not scale well to very large object collections. Given the intrinsically interactive nature of the similarity-based search process, the efficient execution of elementary queries has become even more important, and the notion of approximate search has emerged as an important research issue.Source: ERCIM news 43 (2000): 42–43.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2012 Report Unknown
VISITO Tuscany - Relazione avanzamento progetto VISITO Tuscany
Amato G.
Questo documento descrive i risultati ottenuti dal progetto VISITO Tuscany nei mesi 17-27 di esecuzione delle attività. Esso integra il documento G3.1 e G3.2, in cui è stata riportata l'avanzamento delle attività rispettivamente nei primi otto e sedici mesi di progetto.Source: Project report, VISITO Tuscany, pp.1–50, 2012

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2010 Report Unknown
G2 - Piano di controllo della qualità
Amato G.
Lo scopo di questo deliverable è quello di stabilire le procedure e metodologie da adottare durante l'esecuzione del progetto VISITO Tuscany. L'obbiettivo è quello di garantire un'efficace ed efficiente gestione del progetto, il raggiungimento degli obbiettivi , ed assicurare il consenso sulle attività da parte dei membri del progetto. Il PQ definisce un insieme di regole per la gestione del lavoro cooperativo nel progetto, includendo anche le procedure da adottare, i meccanismi di reportistica, l'organizzazione degli incontri, il controllo del flusso di informazione, l'affidabilità dei risultati, la preparazione della documentazione per la sottomissione alla Regione Toscana (RT).Source: Project report, VISITO Tuscany, pp.1–14, 2010

See at: CNR ExploRA

2004 Conference article Unknown
Image classifiers for scene analysis
Le Saux B., Amato G.
The semantic interpretation of natural scenes, generally so obvious and effortless for humans, still remains a challenge in computer vision. We intend to design classifiers able to annotate images with keywords. Firstly, we propose an image representation appropriate for scene description: images are segmented into regions and indexed according to the presence of given region types. Secondly, we propound a classification scheme de- signed to separate images in the descriptor space. This is achieved by combining feature selection and kernel-method-based classification.Source: ICCVG 04 - International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics, Warsaw, Poland, 1-12 September 2004

See at: CNR ExploRA

2006 Conference article Open Access OPEN
The DELOS testbed for choosing a digital preservation strategy
Strodl S., Rauber A., Rauch C., Hofman H., Debole F., Amato G.
With the rapid technological changes, digital preservation, i.e. the endeavor to provide long-term access to digital objects, is turning into one of the most pressing challenges to ensure the survival of our digital artefacts. A set of strategies has been proposed, with a range of tools supporting parts of digital preservation actions. Yet, with requirements on which strategy to follow and which tools to employ being different for each setting, depending e.g. on object characteristics or institutional requirements, deciding which solution to implement has turned into a crucial decision. This paper presents the DELOS Digital Preservation Testbed. It provides an approach to make informed and accountable decisions on which solution to implement in order to preserve digital objects for a given purpose. It is based on Utility Analysis to evaluate the performance of various solutions against well-defined objectives, and facilitates repeatable experiments in a standardized laboratory setting.Source: ICADL 2006 - 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, pp. 323–332, Kyoto, Japan, 27-30/11/2006
DOI: 10.1007/11931584_35

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2007 Journal article Restricted
Evaluating preservation strategies for electronic theses and dissertations
Strodl S., Becker C., Neumayer R., Rauber A., Nicchiarelli Bettelli E., Kaiser M., Hofman H., Neuroth H., Strathmann S., Debole F., Amato G.
Digital preservation has turned into a pressing challenge for institutions having the obligation to preserve digital objects over years. A range of tools exist today to support the variety of preservation strategies such as migration or emulation. Yet, di®erent preservation requirements across institutions and settings make the decision on which solution to implement very di±cult. The Austrian National Library will have to preserve electronic theses and dissertations provided as PDF ¯les and is thus investigating potential preservation solutions. The DELOS Digital Preservation Testbed is used to evaluate various alternatives with respect to speci¯c requirements. It provides an approach to make informed and accountable decisions on which solution to implement in order to preserve digital objects for a given purpose.We analyse the performance of various preservation strategies with respect to the speci¯ed requirements for the preservation of master theses and present the results.Source: Lecture notes in computer science 4877 (2007): 238–247. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-77088-6_23
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-77088-6_23

See at: doi.org Restricted | www.springerlink.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2009 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Application-driven, energy-efficient communication in wireless sensor networks
Amato G., Caruso A., Chessa S.
Several sensor network applications based on data diffusion and data management can determine the communication transfer rate between two sensors beforehand. In this framework, we consider the problem of energy efficient communication among nodes of a wireless sensor network and propose an application-driven approach that minimizes radio activity intervals and prolongs network lifetime. On the basis of possible communication delays we estimate packet arrival intervals at any intermediate hop of a fixed-rate data path. We study a generic strategy of radio activity minimization wherein each node maintains the radio switched on just in the expected packet arrival intervals and guarantees low communication latency. We define a probabilistic model that allows the evaluation of the packet loss probability that results from the reduced radio activity. The model can be used to optimally choose the radio activity intervals that achieve a certain probability of successful packet delivery for a specific radio activity strategy. Relying on the probabilistic model we also define a cost model that estimates the energy consumption of the proposed strategies, under specific settings. We propose three specific strategies and numerically evaluate the associated costs. We finally validate our work with a simulation made with TOSSIM (the Berkeley motes' simulator). The simulation results confirm the validity of the approach and the accuracy of the analytic models.Source: Computer communications 32 (2009): 896–906. doi:10.1016/j.comcom.2008.12.022
DOI: 10.1016/j.comcom.2008.12.022

See at: Archivio Istituzionale della Ricerca- Università del Salento Open Access | Computer Communications Restricted | www.sciencedirect.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2001 Journal article Unknown
ADELPHOS: un servente ad oggetti con prefetching logico
Amato G., Mainetto G., Rossini G.
An abstract is not available.Source: Rivista di Informatica XXXI (2001): 121–157.

See at: dl.acm.org | CNR ExploRA

2005 Conference article Restricted
MaD-WiSe: programming and accessing data in a wireless sensor networks
Amato G., Baronti P., Chessa S.
MaD-WiSe is a wireless sensor network database designed to perform in-network distributed query processing and to manage acquired data. This paper briefly presents the MaD-WiSe system and its query processing model based on data streams. Then, it focuses on the MaDWiSe graphical user interface, which supports query definition and injection and query results collection.Source: International Conference on Computer as a Tool. EUROCON 2005., pp. 1846–1849, Belgrado, 21-24 Nov. 2005
DOI: 10.1109/eurcon.2005.1630339

See at: arpi.unipi.it Restricted | doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2007 Conference article Restricted
Combining Features for image retrieval by concept lattice querying and navigation
Amato G., Meghini C.
Content-based image retrieval (CBIR for short) methods aim at capturing image similarity by relying on some specific characteristic of images such as color, texture and shape. The model we propose addresses the problem of exploring the image space applying multiple similarity criteria by representing the search for the images similar to a given image as the exploration of a lattice of (non-disjoint) image clusters, induced by a natural ordering criterion, based on similarity measures. The exploration proceeds in one of two basic ways: (1) by querying, the user can jump to any cluster of the lattice, by specifying the criteria that the sought cluster must satisfy; or (2) by navigation: from any cluster, the user can move to a neighbor cluster, thus exploiting the ordering amongst clusters.Source: VMDL 2007 International Workshop on Visual and Multimedia Digital Libraries. In conjunction to ICIAP 2007, Modena, Italy, 10-13 Sept. 2007
DOI: 10.1109/iciapw.2007.18

See at: doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA