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2006 Report Open Access OPEN
LibManager: un servizio per la pubblicazione e valutazione di documenti multimediali nel sistema per biblioteche digitali OpenDLib
Artini M.
Tra gli utilizzi più interessanti del Web occorre citare il fenomeno delle Biblioteche Digitali (Digital Libraries): in futuro per accedere alle informazioni, non sarà più necessario, recarsi fisicamente in una biblioteca: si potranno consultare testi, immagini, documenti multimediali situati in ogni parte del mondo semplicemente usando un computer collegato ad Internet. La varietà delle tipologie di documenti (articoli, libri, tesi, fotografie, filmati, ecc...) pone numerosi problemi legati alla loro gestione. Il modulo LibManager permette di gestire le fasi di sottomissione, valutazione e accettazione di documenti complessi consentendo agli utenti (autori, valutatori, amministratori) di interagire in modo semplice ed efficace con le complesse funzionalità del sistema per la realizzazione di biblioteche digitali OpenDLib.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2006

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
A dynamic OAI publisher service in the DRIVER repository infrastructure
Artini M.
OAI-Publishers are software modules enabling harvesting of metadata records describing the digital resources of a Digital Repository. Typically, such modules are manually configured and implemented to export records contained into a local store according to a predefined number of metadata formats. Due to their static nature, these are not apt to the dynamic context of Repository Infrastructures, where a virtual store, made of a dynamic pool of distributed physical stores, may hosts records of unpredictable metadata formats. In this document, we describe the internal architecture of the OAI-Publisher Service built for the DRIVER Repository Infrastructure. The Service is capable of self- configuring its internals so as to adapt to the variable content of the virtual store. Finally, we shall describe some extensions for the creation of dynamic collections and formats.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2008

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Other Unknown
Materiale didattico per un ciclo di seminari sulla realizzazione di applicazioni distribuite in ambiente Java
Artini M.
Questo documento contiene il materiale didattico prodotto per un ciclo di seminari nell'ambito dell'insegnamento "Tecnologie per il Commercio Elettronico" del corso di Laurea Specialistica in Ingegneria Informatica per la Gestione di Azienda. Il corso della durata di 16 ore si è tenuto nei mesi di aprile-maggio 2009 presso la facoltà di Ingegneria dell'Università di Pisa, ed è stato ripetuto nel 2010 e nel 2011. Argomento del ciclo di seminari sono state le applicazioni distribuite in Internet, con particolare riferimento ai Web Services in ambiente di sviluppo Java.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2008 Conference article Unknown
OAI-publishers in repository infrastructures
Artini M., Manghi P., Mikulicic M.
OAI-Publishers are software modules implementing the OAI-PMH protocol interface, enabling harvesting of metadata records describing the digital resources of a Digital Repository. Typically, such modules are manually configured and implemented to export records contained into a local store according to the metadata formats supported by the relative Repository. Due to their static nature, these are not apt to the dynamic context of Repository Infrastructures, where a virtual store, made of a dynamic pool of distributed physical stores, may hosts records of unpredictable metadata formats. In this paper, we describe the internal architecture of the OAI-Publisher Service built for the DRIVER Repository Infrastructure. The Service is capable of self-configuring its internals so as to adapt to the variable content of the virtual store. Finally, we shall show how, the immersion into a rich "living" infrastructure enables its extension with extra functionalities, novel to traditional OAIPublishers technology.Source: Italian Research Conference on Digital Library Systems, pp. 93–98, Padua, Italy, 24-25 Gennaio 2008

See at: CNR ExploRA

2006 Software Unknown
Biblioteca Digitale della Scuola Normale Superiore (SNS)
Castelli D., Pagano P., Biagini F., Artini M. E Membri Della Sns
Il progetto di Biblioteca Digitale della SNS nasce con l'obiettivo di valorizzare, ampliare l'accesso, garantire la conservazione di fondi librari, manoscritti e fotografici di comprovata rilevanza per la ricerca. Ha inoltre la finalità di documentare l'attività di ricerca della Scuola favorendone la diffusione e circolazione.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2006 Software Unknown
Biblioteca Digitale del Servizio Bibliotecario dell'Università di Lecce (SIBA)
Castelli D., Pagano L., Biagini F., Artini M. E Membri Del Siba
Il progetto nasce con l'obiettivo di realizzare una piattaforma scientifica comune finalizzata alla costituzione della biblioteca digitale del SIBA. Il progetto si articola in due fasi: Progettazione e realizzazione di un primo prototipo della biblioteca digitale capace di integrare, gestire e rendere accessibili, anche in conformità alle raccomandazioni prescritte dall’Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadati Harvesting, le collezioni attualmente rese fruibili dal servizio ESE, Editoria Scientifica Elettronica dell'Università di Lecce. Revisione del prototipo realizzato e sua estensione con funzionalità personalizzate per l’anagrafica della ricerca, anche denominata “gestione editoriale”, e per l’integrazione, gestione e fruizione di SINM-MPRESS, Indice Nazionale dei Preprint di Matematica, e di REIM - Riviste Elettroniche Italiane Di Matematica.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Other Unknown
Biblioteca Digitale del Servizio Bibliotecario dell’Università di Lecce
Artini M., Biagini F., Castelli D., Pagano P.
Il progetto nasce con l'obiettivo di realizzare una piattaforma scientifica comune finalizzata alla costituzione della biblioteca digitale del SIBA. Il progetto si articola in due fasi: Progettazione e realizzazione di un primo prototipo della biblioteca digitale capace di integrare, gestire e rendere accessibili, anche in conformità alle raccomandazioni prescritte dall’Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadati Harvesting, le collezioni attualmente rese fruibili dal servizio ESE, Editoria Scientifica Elettronica dell'Università di Lecce. Revisione del prototipo realizzato e sua estensione con funzionalità personalizzate per l’anagrafica della ricerca, anche denominata “gestione editoriale”, e per l’integrazione, gestione e fruizione di SINM-MPRESS, Indice Nazionale dei Preprint di Matematica, e di REIM - Riviste Elettroniche Italiane Di Matematica. Il progetto è basato sul prodotto software OpenDLib sviluppato da CNR-ISTI per la gestione di biblioteche digitali.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - D4.4.a - BELIEF DL Release Notes - Release 4.0 - Ver.1.0
Zoppi F., Artini M., Baldacci M. B., Biagini F.
This document describes the implementation of the 4.0 (final) Release of the BELIEF Digital Library in terms of: · DL Contents · DL Functionalities You will find this "Release Notes" also at http://www.beliefproject.org/. The BELIEF DL is an instance of OpenDLib. OpenDLib is a digital library management system consisting of a federation of services that can be customized to satisfy the requirements of a target user community. This federation can be expanded at any time by adding other community specific services. The entire set of services can be managed and hosted either by a single or by a multitude of organizations that collaborate on the maintenance of the shared digital library, each according to their own computational and human resources.Source: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D4.4.a, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - D5.2 - Bridging Information Consumers & Providers - - Release 4.0 - Ver. 1.0
Zoppi F., Artini M., Baldacci M. B., Biagini F.
This document is the forth and final issue of the D5 deliverableSource: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D5.4, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - WP1D4.1.a - BELIEF DL Release Notes - Release 1.0 - Ver.1.0
Zoppi F., Artini M., Baldacci M. B., Biagini F.
This document describes the implementation of the 1.0 Release of the BELIEF Digital Library in terms of: · DL Contents · DL Functionalities You will find thisSource: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D4.1.a, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - WP1D5.1 - Bridging Information Consumers & Providers - Ver. 1.2
Zoppi F., Artini M., Baldacci M. B., Biagini F.
This document constitutes the first issue of the D5 deliverableSource: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D5.1, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - WP1D5.2 - Bridging Information Consumers & Providers - Ver. 0.2.1
Zoppi F., Artini M., Baldacci M. B., Biagini F.
This document is the second issue of the D5 deliverableSource: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D5.2, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - WP1D4.2.a - BELIEF DL Release Notes - Release 2.0 - Ver. 1.0
Zoppi F., Artini M., Baldacci M. B., Biagini F.
The BELIEF Digital Library is accessible at: http://belief02.isti.cnr.it/. The Digital Library Interface is organized in work environments (HOME, COMMUNITY, INFORMATION SPACE, SEARCH, BROWSE) which in their turn are organized according to different menus. This User Guide is presented under the following three Sections: o User Functionality o Author Functionality o Administrator & Reviewer Functionality The BELIEF Digital Library provides access to different document collections, public or private, which are distributed through the web. Any user can select collections which interest her/him using the INFORMATION SPACE options and access the SEARCH and BROWSE functionality.Source: WP1D4.1.b, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2012 Report Open Access OPEN
OPENAIREPLUS - Specification of adaptation of content management services
Manghi P., Mikulicic M., Atzori C., Artini M.
The deliverable describes how the services of the OpenAIRE infrastructure dedicated to collecting, storing, curating and indexing of content have been adapted to cope with management of data conforming to the data model (D6.1) of the OpenAIREplus infrastructure.Source: Project report, OpenAIREplus, Deliverable D6.2, 2012
Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2010 Software Unknown
D-NET Software Toolkit. Release September 2010.
Manghi P., Mikulicic M., Artini M., Castelli D.
D-NET is the outcome of research activities inspired by ``GRID resource discovery and sharing'' principles and applied to service oriented architectures and Digital Library system definition and aggregation. In a running D-NET infrastructure data source and service providers can dynamically integrate (register) their resources, embedded as services, at run-time. Such services can in turn discover and interact with others registered to the infrastructure. The environment offers tools for handling autonomic behaviour of resources: special services automatically orchestrate and combine given resources typologies into different workflows, in order to achieve or guarantee an expected behaviour (e.g. replica management, availability of service). In particular, the service kits currently supported by D-NET permit the composition of applications whose services can collect and flexibly aggregate content from a federation of Digital Library systems (multimedia archives and institutional repositories) and supply end-users with portals to access and manipulate such content by means of advanced functionalities; e.g. search, collection management, user registration, query profiling, user communities, and others. Due to its high flexibility and low uptake cost, D-NET is currently serving as software platform for a number of EU projects: DRIVER and DRIVER-II (which first funded its realization), the European Film Gateway, OpenAIRE, HOPE, R2D2. Furthermore, D-NET is under experimentation, for the construction of the respective national repository infrastructures, by the national consortia represented by Chinese Academia of Science (China), Consorcio Madrono (Spain) and National and University Library of Ljubljana (Slovenia).

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.d-net.research-infrastructures.eu

2013 Report Open Access OPEN
OPENAIREPLUS - Functional specification for the data curation services
Manghi P., Artini M., La Bruzzo S.
This deliverable presents the functionality and the high-level architecture of the End-User feedback Services. The services provide end-users with tools for improving the quality of the Information Space by submitting fixes and enrichments, to be validated by OpenAIRE data curators prior application.Source: Project report, OpenAIREplus, Deliverable D8.5, 2013
Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Restricted
Keeping your aggregative infrastructure under control
Artini M., Atzori C., Manghi P.
'Aggregative Data Infrastructures' (ADIs) are systems devised to collect metadata descriptions (and files) from several data sources to construct uniform Information Spaces, hence providing cross-data source access via standard APIs or custom portals. ADIs typically deal with data collection workflows from arbitrary numbers of data sources, with heterogeneous access protocols, data exchange formats, and data models. Besides, they handle data processing work-flows for the harmonization and enrichment of aggregated metadata. Correct workflow management is crucial to ensure Information Space consistency, but is in general hard to sustain. This demo will present the solution offered in the context of the OpenAIRE infrastructure, which today collects metadata and files from around 450+ data sources (and growing) of several typologies. The D-NET Workflow Management Suite user interfaces support data curators at orchestrating overtime and in a sustainable way the configuration, execution, and monitoring of data collection and processing workflows for thousands of data sources.Source: JCDL - IEEE/ACM Joint Conference on Digital Libraries, pp. 409–410, London, UK, 8-12 September 2014
DOI: 10.1109/jcdl.2014.6970199
Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: doi.org Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Report Open Access OPEN
OpenAIRE2020 - OpenAIRE Literature Broker Service - D9.4
Manghi P., Bardi A., Atzori C., Artini M.
This deliverable describes the OpenAIRE Literature Broker Service. The Service is designed to offer subscription and notification functionalities for institutional repositories to: (i) learn about publication objects in OpenAIRE that do not appear in their collection but may be pertinent to it, and (ii) learn about extra properties or relationships relative to publication objects in their collection.Source: Project report, OpenAIRE2020, Deliverable D9.4, 2015
Project(s): OpenAIRE2020 via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
The BELIEF digital library
Artini M., Biagini F., Zoppi F.
BELIEF is an international project to facilitate knowledge-exchange on eInfrastructures a one-stop home for public eInfrastructure documentation. This information will be readily accessible to BELIEF Community Members though the BELIEF Digital Library especially developed to provide a central repository for eInfrastructure Information. BELIEF brings together not just individual experts and potential users but also other eInfrastructure 'communities' and initiatives, from both research and industry worldwide. This document explains the implementation of the BELIEF DL using the Digital Library Management System OpenDLib.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF-II via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2016 Report Open Access OPEN
A subscription and notification broker for scholarly communication: functionalities and architecture
Artini M., Atzori C., La Bruzzo S.
The OpenAIRE infrastructure services populate and provide access to a graph of objects relative to publications, datasets, people, organizations, projects, and funders aggregated from a variety of data sources. Not only, objects in the graph are harmonized to achieve semantic homogeneity, de-duplicated and merged, and enriched by inference with missing properties and/or relationships. The OpenAIRE Literature Broker Service is designed to offer subscription and notification functionalities for institutional repositories to: (i) learn about publication objects in OpenAIRE that do not appear in their collection but may be pertinent to it, and (ii) learn about extra properties or relationships relative to publication objects in their collection. Due to the high variability of the information space the following problems may arise: (i) subscriptions may vary over time to adapt to information space evolution, (ii) repository managers need to be able to quickly test their configurations before activating them, (iii) notifications may be redundant, and (iv) notifications may be very large over time. This paper presents the data model and software architecture of the OLBS, specifically designed to address these issues.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2016
Project(s): OpenAIRE2020 via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA