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2008 Software Unknown
gCube Live Reports Generator [Release 1.0]
Assante M.
gRG allows users to create Report Templates and generate different manifestation of it (OpenXML (.docx), HTML) based on retrieved results. A gCube Report template definition is made up of two phases: 1st Phase: You can use the Template Creator Portlet to create a D4Science template, which is partially filled out by static information i.e. static images, static text and so on) and by dynamic ones (i.e. dropping image areas). The Template Creator Portlet produces a gCube Report Template that can be loaded into the gCube Report Generator Portlet. The aim of creating gCube Report Templates is the one of creating a basic document structure that can be used lately by actually filling the dynamic parts of the template. 2nd Phase gCube Report Generator Portlet is the one that generates one or more instances of templates (built in the 1st phase) allowing the end user to add dynamic content. The instance can be successively exported into the final Report as OpenXML, PDF or HTML.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2010 Software Unknown
gCube Live Reports Generator - Versione 3.5.0
Assante M.
gRG allows users to create Report Templates and generate different manifestation of it (OpenXML (.docx), HTML) based on retrieved results. A gCube Report template definition is made up of two phases: 1st Phase: You can use the Template Creator Portlet to create a D4Science template, which is partially filled out by static information i.e. static images, static text and so on) and by dynamic ones (i.e. dropping image areas). The Template Creator Portlet produces a gCube Report Template that can be loaded into the gCube Report Generator Portlet. The aim of creating gCube Report Templates is the one of creating a basic document structure that can be used lately by actually filling the dynamic parts of the template. 2nd Phase gCube Report Generator Portlet is the one that generates one or more instances of templates (built in the 1st phase) allowing the end user to add dynamic content. The instance can be successively exported into the final Report as OpenXML, PDF or HTML.

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2012 Software Unknown
gCube Infrastructure Gateway Bundle.
Assante M.
gCube Infrastructure Gateway Bundle is the access point to a number of gCube applications operated by the D4Science data e-Infrastructure. gCube Infrastructure Gateway is built over Liferay Portal 6.0.6 and comes with Apache Tomcat6,the latest stable relase of gCube Core Distribution (gCore) and gCube Application Support Layer (ASL). When you install the portal for the first time a Wizard Application (Staging procedure) guides you through the installation configuration and will setup everything's needed for you. The whole procedure consist of 4 steps: - Infrastructure and Theme Selection - Virtual Research Environments check-up - Administrator account creation - Final summary step The primary role assigned to this subsystem is to support the users of Virtual Research Environments exploiting their applications.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2013 Software Unknown
gCube social facilities: social networking library
Assante M.
The gCube social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a Web Browser conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific products, data sets, theories and tools. The Social Networking Library is a "bridge" between the gCube social networking applications and the NoSQL Datastore supporting the applications back-end. By abstracting over the Datastore provides with all the required logic to support publication of posts, post replies and/or likes, as well as the "smart retrieval" of these posts per user or VRE, i.e., timelines. Moreover, it supports selective notifications on the activities performed by users over these Posts.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2013 Software Unknown
gCube social facilities: share updates
Assante M.
The D4Science social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin client Web Browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific prod- ucts, data sets, theories and tools. The Share Updates enables (a) users to post updates or interesting links to others (this could be done with any social network) and (b) applications to post updates such as the avail- ability of a new product or facility.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2013 Software Unknown
gCube social facilities: notification system
Assante M.
The social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a web browser. These facilities are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific products, data sets, theories and tools. The Notification System alerts users on an as-it-happens basis. These notifications offer a sense of anticipation and create a productivity boost. Users receive an alert (through a priori selected channels, e.g., email, web portal) notifying them when something of interest has happened in their Virtual Research Environments VRE(s). For instance, VRE members will receive notifications when a complex and time consuming experiment is completed and its results are available, or a task of a collaborative work-flow is completed by all the planned participants, or another user mentioned a research product within an ongoing discussion and other similar scenarios.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2013 Software Unknown
gCube social facilities: news feed
Assante M.
The gCube social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin Web browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific prod- ucts, data sets, theories and tools. The News Feed lists users' and applications' updates and make these available to every user according to his/her preferences. Additionally, it enables users to comment, subscribe or re-share these updates, and - in case of application posts - to make users access the subject of the post directly in the application that created it, e.g., to see a data set or an application.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2011 Software Unknown
gCube Business Document Workflow Management Suite
Assante M.
Information Technology & Communications Systems ultima versione: 1.2Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2011 Software Unknown
gCube Virtual Research Environments Designer
Assante M.
The gCube VRE Designer supports the creation and management of VREs by offering mechanisms for VRE definition, deployment and operation. A wizard-based user interface guides the VRE definition process. The whole process consists in steps allowing the designer to provide the system with information on the VRE under creation. The VRE designer isolate and organise the VRE constituents, i.e. (i) the set of logical components that can be used when designing a VRE, (ii) the set of physical components that by implementing the logical components contribute to implement the VRE and (iii) the search strategy exploited to accomplish the generation task.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Software Unknown
gCube social facilities: news feed
Assante M.
The gCube social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin Web browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific prod- ucts, data sets, theories and tools. The News Feed lists users' and applications' updates and make these available to every user according to his/her preferences. Additionally, it enables users to comment, subscribe or reshare these updates, and - in case of application posts - to make users access the subject of the post directly in the application that created it, e.g., to see a data set or an application. Moreover it allows to trigger topic search when clicking on a post containing hashtags (topics)Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Software Unknown
gCube social facilities: social-profile
Assante M.
The gCube social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin Web browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific products, data sets, theories and tools. Social Profile allow users to enter their professional data and contact information. It also allows to import the profile data directly from LinkedIn via the OAuth 2.0 protocol.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2014 Software Unknown
gCube social facilities: share updates
Assante M.
The D4Science social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin client Web Browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific products, data sets, theories and tools. The Share Updates enables (a) users to post updates or interesting links to others (this could be done with any social network) and (b) applications to post updates such as the avail- ability of a new product or facility. Moreover it allows to mention other users and to define topics in a post by using the hashtag character.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2014 Report Open Access OPEN
IMARINE - Software release activity report
Fabriani P., Giammatteo G., Assante M., Laskaris N.
This document reports on activities related to the gCube system integration, testing, distribution and documentation performed during the third reporting period of iMarine project.Source: Project report, iMarine, Deliverable D7.4, 2014
Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: goo.gl Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2015 Software Unknown
gCube Social Networking Cloud: News Feed [Release 1.11.0 , 12 October 2015]
Assante M.
The gCube social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin Web browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific prod- ucts, data sets, theories and tools. The News Feed lists users' and applications' updates and make these available to every user according to his/her preferences. Additionally, it enables users to comment, subscribe or reshare these updates, and - in case of application posts - to make users access the subject of the post directly in the application that created it, e.g., to see a data set or an application. Moreover it allows to trigger topic search when clicking on a post containing hashtags (topics)Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2015 Software Unknown
gCube Social Networking Cloud: share-updates
Assante M.
The D4Science social networking facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a thin client Web Browser are conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific products, data sets, theories and tools. The Share Updates enables (a) users to post updates or interesting links to others (this could be done with any social network) and (b) applications to post updates such as the avail- ability of a new product or facility. Moreover it allows to mention other users and to define topics in a post by using the hashtag character.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2015 Software Unknown
gCube Social Networking Cloud: social-networking-library
Assante M.
The gCube Social Networking Cloud facilities manifest in a number of applications made available through a Web Browser conceptually close to the common facilities promoted by social networks - e.g., posting news, commenting on posted news - yet adapted to deal with large scale collaboration and cooperation on comprehensive scientific products, data sets, theories and tools. The Social Networking Library is a "bridge" between the gCube social networking applications and the NoSQL Datastore supporting the applications back-end. By abstracting over the Datastore provides with all the required logic to support publication of posts, post replies and/or likes, as well as the "smart retrieval" of these posts per user or VRE, i.e., timelines. Moreover, it supports selective notifications on the activities performed by users over these Posts. Note: If an index report an NotificationID which does not exist the other User Notifications are returned #840. Added support for invitation and invites to VREs. Added support for hashtags.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2008 Software Unknown
gCube Virtual Research Environments Designer [Release 1.0]
Assante M.
The gCube VRE Designer supports the creation and management of VREs by offering mechanisms for VRE definition, deployment and operation. A wizard-based user interface guides the VRE definition process. The whole process consists in steps allowing the designer to provide the system with information on the VRE under creation. The VRE designer isolate and organise the VRE constituents, i.e. (i) the set of logical components that can be used when designing a VRE, (ii) the set of physical components that by implementing the logical components contribute to implement the VRE and (iii) the search strategy exploited to accomplish the generation task.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2015 Doctoral thesis Open Access OPEN
Science 2.0 Repositories
Assante M.
Information and communication technology (ICT) advances in research infrastructures are continuously changing the way research and scientific communication are performed. Scientists, funders, and organisations are moving the paradigm of Research Publishing well beyond traditional articles. The aim is to pursue an holistic approach where publishing includes any product (e.g. publications, datasets, experiments, software, web sites, blogs) resulting from a research activity and relevant to the interpretation, evaluation, and reuse of the activity or part of it. We show that the implementation of this vision is today mainly inspired by literature scientific communication workflows, which separate the "where" research is conducted from the "where" research is published and shared. We claim that this model cannot fit well with scientific communication practice envisaged in Science 2.0 settings and propose a new class of scientific data repositories, denominated "Science 2.0 Repositories" (SciRepos), as a possible solution. SciRepos address the data pub lishing issues by blurring the distinction between research life-cycle and research publishing. They enable effective scientific communication workflows by making research products creation and publishing occur "within" the research infrastructure and "during" the research activities. We present the benefits resulting from Publishing in SciRepos and define a Reference Model and a Reference Architecture for a SciRepo platform, a general purpose platform facilitating the realisation of a SciRepo over any ICT-based research infrastructure environment with limited costs and efforts if compared with from-scratch approaches.

See at: etd.adm.unipi.it Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Open Access OPEN
MOVING D1.4 - DECO Activity Report
Casares B., Garrido L., GarcĂ­a M., Vilcu R., Assante M.
The deliverable D1.4 DECO Activity Report is conceived as a self-assessment exercise that has the ultimate purpose of identifying improvements in the activities and tasks, making them the most appropriate to the needs of the project, based on the experiences of the activities implemented so far. Focused on the development of the dissemination, exploitation, communication and outreach (DECO) strategy (hereinafter the "Strategy") (D1.1), the D1.4 has two specific objectives: o Analyse the performance of communication, dissemination and exploitation activities implemented by the project in years 1 and 2 towards achieving MOVING's objectives. o Draw lessons, identify areas of improvements, and design actions and follow-up steps to be taken by the project so as to improve the communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. D1.4 may lead to an Activity Report of the Strategy by assessing and reporting on all different channels, activities and products to maximise MOVING's impact. This deliverable has been produced using a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods project's partners, especially the Communication Task Force, was performed A total of 23 responses from 21 partners have been received. The survey results have been used to collect information to better understand: a) how partners are using the communication channels and products of the project; b) in which areas they would need further support; c) what challenges they find to communicate about the project; etc. To complement both the quantitative analysis and the survey, a workshop was held to provide a space for the MOVING Communication Task Force to discuss and collect ideas on how to improve communication and dissemination performance and impact. The main results of the workshop have been used to produce the content in sections 4.5.3 Key Exploitable Results (KER), 4.6 Lessons learned and recommendations and 4.7 Review of the contingency plan within the DECO Strategy. Section 4 of the deliverable on main communication activities and results, includes an overview of the status of the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) outlined in the DECO Strategy. For some of them, a new and more ambitious target in M48 has been set, given the good progress achieved so far of the initial targets. Further in section 4, the deliverable analyses MOVING's communication channels, in particular the website, the Virtual Research Environment, the MOVING Community of Practice, the different social media accounts and the newsletter. Regarding MOVING's communication products, the following have been evaluated: the visual identity of the project, news and blogs, policy briefs, videos and other products (press releases, infographics, brochures, etc.). External channels for outreach have also been monitored. In particular, the focus has been on: (i) partners' communication and dissemination activities; (ii) link to other networks and projects; (iii) participation in third-party events; (iv) relation with press and media; and (v) publications and scientific journals. The deliverable has considered the communication training and guideline provided so far and how partners value them, and has identified further training needs of the partners to improve their participation in dissemination, exploitation, communication and outreach activities. In section 4.5, the Exploitation Plan is developed as follows: introduction to this plan, objectives and Key Exploitable Results (KERs). It includes a table linking KER with lead partner from each work package (owner of KER); the description of the KER (including type of result) and the exploitation route(s) or potential use (commercial/industrial, academic, societal, policy). Section 4.6 presents the lessons learned and recommendations drawn throughout the process of elaboration of this deliverable. Finally, section 4.7 reviews the contingency plan within the DECO Strategy. The deliverable includes three annexes: (i) detailed analysis of the survey results; (ii) categories used to classify MOVING's social media posts; and (iii) resources on communication evaluation used to inform this deliverable.Source: ISTI Project report, MOVING, D1.4, 2022
Project(s): MOVING via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Report Open Access OPEN
Blue-Cloud2026 D4.2 - VLabs implementation guidelines
Cabrera P, Assante M
Blue-Cloud 2026 builds upon the pilot Blue-Cloud project that established a pilot cyber platform, providing researchers access to multi-disciplinary datasets from observations, analytical services, and computing facilities essential for blue science. The Blue-Cloud Open Science Platform developed a collaborative environment where different services are available. A Data Discovery and Access Service (DD&AS) was developed as an overarching service to facilitate federated queries & retrieval, and smart sharing of multi- disciplinary datasets with human and machine users. The Blue-Cloud Virtual Research Environment (VRE) orchestrates the computing and analytical services in specific integrated and managed applications exploiting federated Blue-Cloud data resources as well as external data resources. The Blue-Cloud innovation potential was explored and unlocked by five dedicated demonstrators as Virtual Labs (VLabs) co-designed with top-level marine researchers to demonstrate the power of the Blue-Cloud Open Science platform. In Blue-Cloud 2026, three of these VLabs are expanded and two new ones are created. The objective is to deploy a wide range of custom methods and technologies, such as software and algorithms, using cloud- based services in the Blue-Cloud VRE. This deliverable provides guidelines on how to implement the VLabs in the VRE. The VLabs technical requirements are assessed by CNR-ISTI, partner responsible for the Blue-Cloud VRE (WP5), to ensure they meet the platform requirements and further develop the services provided by Blue-Cloud. This deliverable is the outcome of discussions held during the VRE Hands-on workshop that took place in Heraklion, Greece in June 2023. First a summary of the activities of WP4 is presented, followed by an overview of the VRE services, as presented during the workshop. VRE services offer a comprehensive array of features, fostering collaboration, facilitating data analytics, enabling result dissemination, and ensuring seamless integration with external systems. In fact, the VRE caters to the entirety of the research lifecycle. The document is structured as follows: Section 1 briefly introduces the role of this deliverable for the development and delivery of the VLab implementations. Section 2 summarises the WP4 objectives and composition. Section 3 describes the VRE services by giving a detailed overview and focuses on the solution and technical requirements for each of the 5 VLabs. The last section concludes the report summarising the guidelines and the solutions provided.Source: ISTI Project Report, Blue-Cloud2026, D4.2, 2023

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA