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2015 Other Restricted
Improving test coverage measurement for reused software
Miranda B, Bertolino A
Test coverage adequacy measures provide a widely used stopping criterion. Engineering of modern software-intensive systems emphasizes reuse. In the case that a program including reused code or third-party components uses them in a context that is different from the original one, some of their entities (e.g. branches) might never be exercised, thus producing a code coverage level far from full and not meaningful anymore as a stopping rule for the program at hand. We introduce a new coverage criterion that in each testing context in which a code is reused calculates coverage measures over the set of relevant entities for that context. We provide an approach for identifying relevant entities using dynamic symbolic execution. The introduced coverage adequacy criterion is assessed in an exploratory study against traditional coverage in terms of test suite size reduction factor, cost-effectiveness ratio and rate of fault detection.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Journal article Restricted
Preventing untestedness in data-flow based testing
Forgacs I, Bertolino A
A large number of path-oriented testing criteria have been proposed in the last twenty years. Surprisingly, almost all of them suffer from a serious weakness, which is called the untestedness syndrome: even though a criterion is satisfied, some statements of the program under test may remain 'untested', i.e., the observed test output does not depend on them. A new data-flow based testing criterion is introduced which does not suffer from untestedness, called the All Program Function (APF) criterion. Intuitively, it requires that each possible computation to every output statement in a program be covered by some test; but for lots of programs APF would require an infinite number of tests. A second, applicable criterion is thus introduced, derived fromAPF and called the Basic Program Function (BPF) criterion. BPF leaves no statement untested and yields finite test suites. Some examples show the application of BPF and investigate the failure-detection capability of the proposed criterion.Source: SOFTWARE TESTING VERIFICATION & RELIABILITY, vol. 12 (issue 1), pp. 29-58
DOI: 10.1002/stvr.234

See at: Software Testing Verification and Reliability Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Journal article Restricted
Using spanning sets for coverage testing
Bertolino A, Marrè M
A test coverage criterion defines a set Ec of entities of the program flowgraph and requires that every entity in this set is covered under some test case. Coverage criteria are also used to measure the adequacy of the executed test cases. In this paper, we introduce the notion of spanning sets of entities for coverage testing. A spanning set is a minimum subset of Ec, such that a test suite covering the entities in this subset is guaranteed to cover every entity in Ec. When the coverage of an entity always guarantees the coverage of another entity, the former is said to subsume the latter. Based on the subsumption relation between entities, we provide a generic algorithm to find spanning sets for control flow and data flow-based test coverage criteria. We suggest several useful applications of spanning sets: They help reduce and estimate the number of test cases needed to satisfy coverage criteria. We also empirically investigate how the use of spanning sets affects the fault detection effectiveness.Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, vol. 29, pp. 974-984

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2004 Journal article Restricted
CB-SPE tool: putting component-based performance engineering into practice
Bertolino A, Mirandola R
A crucial issue in the design of Component-Based (CB) applications is the ability to early guarantee that the system under development will satisfy its Quality of Service requirements. In particular, we need rigorous and easy-to-use techniques for predicting and analyzing the performance of the assembly based on the properties of the constituent components. To this purpose, we propose the CB-SPE framework: a compositional methodology for CB Software Performance Engineering (SPE) and its supporting tool. CB-SPE is based on, and adapts to a CB paradigm, the concepts and steps of the well-known SPE technology, using for input modeling the standard RT-UML PA profile. The methodology is compositional: it is first applied by the component developer at the component layer, achieving a parametric performance evaluation of the components in isolation; then, at the application layer, the system assembler is provided with a step-wise procedure for predicting the performance of the as-sembled components on the actual platform. We have developed the CB-SPE tool reusing as much as possible existing free tools. In this paper we present the realized framework, together with a simple application example.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2004 Journal article Restricted
Using software architecture for code testing
Muccini H, Bertolino A, Inverardi P
Our research deals with the use of Software Architecture (SA) as a reference model for testing the conformance of an implemented system with respect to its architectural specification. We exploit the specification of SA dynamics to identify useful schemes of interactions between system components and to select test classes corresponding to relevant architectural behaviors. The SA dynamics is modeled by Labeled Transition Systems (LTSs). The approach consists of deriving suitable LTS abstractions called ALTSs. ALTSs o®er specific views of SA dynamics by concentrating on relevant features and abstracting away from uninteresting ones. Intuitively, deriving an adequate set of test classes entails deriving a set of paths that appropriately cover the ALTS. Next, a relation between these abstract SA tests and more concrete, executable tests needs to be established, so that the architectural tests derived can be refined into code-level tests. In the paper, we use the TRMCS case study to illustrate our hands-on experience. We discuss the insights gained and highlight some issues, problems, and solutions of general interest in architecture-based testing.Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, vol. 30 (issue 3), pp. 160-171
DOI: 10.1109/tse.2004.1271170

See at: IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Conference article Restricted
Sotware Testing Research and Practice
Bertolino A
The paper attempts to provide a comprehensive view of the field of software testing. The objective is to put all the relevant issues into a unified context, although admittedly the overview is biased towards my own research and expertise. In view of the vastness of the field, for each topic problems and approaches are only brie tackled, with appropriate references provided to dive into them. I do not mean to give here a complete survey of software testing. Rather I intend to show how an unwieldy mix of theoretical and technical problems challenge software testers, and that a large gap exists between the state of the art and of the practice.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | www.iei.pi.cnr.it Restricted

2003 Conference article Restricted
Formal methods in testing software architectures
Bertolino A, Inverardi P, Muccini H
SAs provide a high-level model of large, complex systems using suitable abstractions of the system components and their interactions. SA dynamic descriptions can be usefully employed in testing and analysis. We describe here an approach for SA-based conformance testing: architectural tests are selected from a Labelled Transition System (LTS) representing the SA behavior and are then refined into concrete tests to be executed on the implemented system. To identify the test sequences, we derive abstract views of the LTS, called the ALTSs, to focus on relevant classes of architectural behaviors and hide away uninteresting interactions. The SA description of a Collaborative Writing system is used as an example of application. We also briefly discuss the relation of our approach with some recent research in exploiting the standard UML notation as an Architectural Description Language, and in conformance testing of reactive systems.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-39800-4_7

See at: doi.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted

2008 Contribution to conference Restricted
Software testing forever: old and new processes and techniques for validating today's applications
Bertolino A.
Software testing is a very complex activity deserving a first-class role in software development. Testing related activities encompass the entire development process and may consume a large part of the effort required for producing software. In this talk, I will first organize into a coherent framework the many topics and tasks forming the software testing discipline, pointing at relevant open issues. Then, among the outlined challenges, I will focus on some hot ones posed by the testing of modern complex and highly dynamic systems. What is assured is that software testers do not risk to remain without their job, and testing researchers are not at short of puzzles. Software testing is and will forever be a fundamental activity of software engineering: notwithstanding the revolutionary advances in the way it is built and employed (or perhaps exactly because of), the software will always need to be eventually tried and monitored. In the years, software testing has evolved from an "art" to a discipline, but test practice largely remains a trial-and-error methodology. We will never find a test approach that is guaranteed to deliver a "perfect" product, whichever is the effort we employ. However, what we can and must pursue is to transform testing from "trial-and-error" to a systematic, cost-effective and predictable engineering practice.Source: PROFES 2008 - 9th International Conference on Product Focused Software Process Improvement, Monte Porzio Catone, Italy, 23-25 June 2008
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-69566-0_1

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2010 Conference article Open Access OPEN
On-the-fly interoperability through automated mediator synthesis and monitoring
Bertolino A, Inverardi P, Issarny V, Sabetta A, Spalazzese R
Interoperability is a key and challenging requirement in today's and future systems, which are often characterized by an extreme level of heterogeneity. To build an interoperability solution between the networked systems populating the environment, both their functional and non-functional requirements have to be met. Because of the continuous evolution of such systems, mechanisms that are fixed a-priori are inadequate to achieve interoperability. In such challenging settings, on-the-fly approaches are best suited. This paper presents, as an interoperability solution, an approach that integrates an automated technique for the synthesis of mediator protocols with a monitoring mechanism. The former aims to provide interoperability taking care of functional characteristics of the networked systems, whereas the latter makes it possible to assess the non-functional characteristics of the connected systemDOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-16561-0_26
Project(s): CONNECT via OpenAIRE

See at: hal.inria.fr Open Access | doi.org Restricted | HAL Descartes Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted

2003 Conference article Restricted
Modeling and analysis of non-functional properties in component-based systems
Bertolino A, Mirandola R
This paper discusses methodologies for the specification and analysis of performance related properties of components and assemblies of components, and outlines an original approach, called the CB-SPE. The proposed approach relies on, and adapts to a CB framework, the concepts and steps of the SPE technology and uses for modeling the standard RT-UML profile, reshaped according to the CB principles.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | www.iei.pi.cnr.it Restricted

2003 Conference article Restricted
Toward component based software performance engineering
Bertolino A, Mirandola R
Early and rigorous performance analysis of component-based systems is a crucial issue in software engineering to guarantee that the developed components and their assemblies will satisfy their quality requirements. We propose an original approach, called the CB-SPE, for component-based software performance engineering. CB-SPE relies on, and adapts to a CB framework, the concepts and steps of the SPE technology and uses for modeling the standard RT-UML profile, reshaped according to the CB principles. The approach is compositional in that it is applied first at the component layer for achieving parametric performance evaluation of the component in isolation, and then at the application layer for predicting the performance of the assembled components on the actual platform. We also outline the architecture of a tool supporting the automation of the proposed approach, and overview related work.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | www1.isti.cnr.it Restricted

2004 Conference article Restricted
Software performance engineering of component-based systems
Bertolino A, Mirandola R
We propose an automated compositional approach for component-based performance engineering, called the CB-SPE. Its adapts to a CB framework the concepts and steps of the wellknown SPE technology, and uses for input modeling the standard RT-UML PA profile. The approach is two-layered: it is first applied by the component developer to achieve a parametric evaluation of the components in isolation; then by the system assembler, to predict the performance of the components assembly on the actual platform. We also present the CB-SPE tool architecture and its current status.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Conference article Restricted
A framework for component deployment testing
Bertolino A, Polini A
Component-based development is the emerging paradigm in software production, though several challenges still slow down its full taking up. In particular, the 'component trust problem' refers to how adequate guarantees and documentation about a component's behaviour can be transferred from the component developer to its potential users. The capability to test a component when deployed within the target application environment can help establish the compliance of a candidate component to the customer's expectations and certainly contributes to 'increase trust'. To this purpose, we propose the CDT framework for Component Deployment Testing. CDT provides the customer with both a technique to early specify a deployment test suite and an environment for running and reusing the specified tests on any component implementation. The framework can also be used to deliver the component developer's test suite and to later re-execute it. The central feature of CDT is the complete decoupling between the specification of the tests and the component implementation.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | www.iei.pi.cnr.it Restricted

2006 Conference article Restricted
Softure: adaptable, reliable and performing software for the future
Bertolino A, Emmerich W, Inverardi P, Issarny V
This paper discusses the approach that will be taken by the PLASTIC project (http://www.ist-plastic.org) in order to assist the development of adaptable, reliable and performing software services for Beyond 3rd Generation networks.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2001 Conference article Restricted
An explorative journey from architectural tests definition downto code tests execution
Bertolino A, Inverardi P, Muccini H
Our research deals with the use of the Sofware Architecture (SA) as a reference model for the conformance testing of the implemented system with respect to its architectural specification, at the integration test level. Having formerly identijied an approach to derive architectural test plans, we investigate here the practical meaning of a high level test case defined in terms of architectural processes and messages, such as the ones derived by our approach. Indeed, establishing a relation between SA tests (here formulated as paths derived over Labeled Transition Systems expressing the SA dynamics) and concrete, executable tests is not obvious at all. In this paper we describe the steps to be followed to refine architectural tests into code level tests, and we do so in an empirical context by illustrating our hands-on experience in running some of the derived architectural tests on the TRMCS case study. We present interesting insights and some preliminary attempts to generalize problems and solutions.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Conference article Restricted
ISSTA 2002 Panel: is ISSTA research relevant to industrial users?
Bertolino A
An abstract is not available

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2007 Conference article Restricted
Software testing research: achievements, challenges, dreams
Bertolino A
Software engineering comprehends several disciplines devoted to prevent and remedy malfunctions and to warrant adequate behaviour. Testing, the subject of this paper, is a widespread validation approach in industry, but it is still largely ad hoc, expensive, and unpredictably effective. Indeed, software testing is a broad term encompassing a variety of activities along the development cycle and beyond, aimed at different goals. Hence, software testing research faces a collection of challenges. A consistent roadmap of the most relevant challenges to be addressed is here proposed. In it, the starting point is constituted by some important past achievements, while the destination consists of four identified goals to which research ultimately tends, but which remain as unreachable as dreams. The routes from the achievements to the dreams are paved by the outstanding research challenges, which are discussed in the paper along with interesting ongoing work.Source: PROCEEDINGS - INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, pp. 85-103. Minneapolis, MN, 23-25 May 2007
DOI: 10.1109/fose.2007.25

See at: doi.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2008 Conference article Open Access OPEN
PLASTIC: Providing Lightweight & Adaptable Service Technology for Pervasive Information & Communication
Bertolino A, Emmerich W, Inverardi P, Issarny V, Liotopoulos F, Plaza P
The PLASTIC project adopts and revisits serviceoriented computing for Beyond 3rd Generation (B3G) networks, in particular aiming at assisting the development of services targeted at mobile devices. Specifically, PLASTIC introduces the PLASTIC platform to enable robust distributed lightweight services in B3G networking environments through: . A development environment for the thorough development of SLA- and resource-aware services, which may be deployed on the various networked nodes, including handheld devices; . A service-oriented middleware leveraging multiradio devices and multi-network environments for applications and services deployed on mobile devices, further enabling context-aware and secure discovery and access to such services; . A validation framework enabling off-line and online validation of networked services regarding functional and non-functional properties.DOI: 10.1109/asew.2008.4686295

See at: hal.inria.fr Open Access | doi.org Restricted | Hyper Article en Ligne Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2009 Conference article Restricted
Approaches to testing service-oriented software systems
Bertolino A
The attractiveness and popularity of Service-Oriented Soft- ware Systems (SOSSs) stem from the growing availability of independent services that can be cost-eectively composed with other services to dynamically provide richer function- ality. Service-orientation however poses new and dicult challenges to testers, especially when it comes to testing the interactions between heterogeneous, loosely coupled and in- dependently developed services. Service integration testing requires discipline, standardized processes, and agreed poli- cies to be put in place, which we referred to as SOA (Service Oriented Architecture) Test Governance (STG). Discovered services usually provide just a syntactical interface, enabling some general black-box tests, but insucient to develop an adequate understanding of the integration quality between the interacting services. Besides, testing for the functional and extra-functional properties of a composite SOSS can- not generally rely on the ready or full availability, for test- ing purposes, of all invoked services (e.g., their usage might bring unwanted side eects). In this talk we will survey some of our recent results on SOSSs testing that span over the above needs. We will rst discuss how the STG concept is implicit behind any approach to testing composite SOSSs and then give an overview of three dierent, complemen- tary SOSS test approaches realizing dierent grades of STG, namely: the state-of-practice prototype tool WS-TAXI, for fully automatic generation of black-box test inputs; the novel SOCT approach allowing for test coverage measurement of independent services without loosing their implementation neutrality; the PUPPET tool for model-based generation of a testbed simulating the functional and extra-functional behavior of invoked external services.DOI: 10.1145/1596473.1596475

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2009 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Automatic synthesis of behavior protocols for composable Web-services
Bertolino A, Inverardi P, Pelliccione P, Tivoli M
Web-services are broadly considered as an effective means to achieve interoperability between heterogeneous parties of a business process and offer an open platform for developing new composite web-services out of existing ones. In the literature many approaches have been proposed with the aim to automatically compose web-services. All of them assume that, along with the web-service signature, some information is provided about how clients interacting with the web-service should behave when invoking it. We call this piece of information the web-service behavior protocol. Unfortunately, in the practice this assumption turns out to be unfounded. To address this need, in this paper we propose a method to automatically derive from the web-service signature an automaton modeling its behavior protocol. The method, called StrawBerry, combines synthesis and testing techniques. In particular, synthesis is based on data type analysis. The conformance between the synthesized automaton and the implementation of the corresponding web-service is checked by means of testing. The application of StrawBerry to the Amazon E-Commerce Service shows that it is practical and realistic.DOI: 10.1145/1595696.1595719
Project(s): CONNECT via OpenAIRE

See at: hal.inria.fr Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | ACM Digital Library Restricted | doi.org Restricted | HAL Descartes Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted