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2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Quality models for Websites: theories and criteria of evaluation
Biscoglio I.
Many approaches to Quality Models for Websites have individualized different characteristics which often make reference to few concepts, as Usability, Content, Navigability, Management and Relationality; these concepts in fact assemble characteristics which probably are not totally independent, and which, though presented with different labels, have similar meanings or recall the same concept. In this work a short survey is introduced about Websites Quality Models: for every Websites Quality Models, the characteristics and their meanings are considered. From the observation of these approaches, it is possible to define an "ideal" Quality Model, to be used as an operative reference, with defined goals and independent, comprehensible, adoptable, and measurable criteriaSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
Approccio multidimensionale alla valutazione di qualità per siti WEB
Biscoglio I.
This Report is a part of a broader research that intends to reflect on a multidimensional approach to the websites quality evaluation, adopting techniques of statistical analysis. The broader research is in progress, and it is conducted on a sample of 331 B2c (business to consumer) e-commerce websites; the content of the report introduces the results of the statistical analysis which is conducted on a least sub sample (15 units); the purpose is that to make light on the multidimensional character of websites quality evaluation; with a so small sample and the adoption of a factorial analysis technique on 69 variables, the results should not be considered statistically significant for the conclusions that could solicit, but they want to entirely constitute the presentation of a broader experiment.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2008

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2010 Conference article Unknown
Analyzing quality aspects in safety-related standards
Biscoglio I., Fusani M.
Source: 7th International Topical Meeting on Nuclear Plant Instrumentation, Control, and Human-Machine Interface Technologies, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 2010

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Conciliating TOP-DOWN and BOTTOM-UP approaches in Websites quality evaluation
Biscoglio I., Trentanni G.
Websites are the most important media of our times. Consequently a method which allows us to better evaluate websites quality is priceless. In this paper two websites evaluation opposite approaches, namely "bottom-up" and "top-down", are compared and an hypothesis of their meeting in the middle is shown.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Progetto di uno strumento a supporto dell'attività di "Process Assessment"
Coco Alessandro, Biscoglio Isabella
Definition and development of an instrument for preliminary data collection supporting the software process assessmentSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Definizione di una procedura per l'esecuzione di Process Assessment conforme allo Standard ISO/IEC 15504
Biscoglio Isabella, Coco Alessandro
Definition of objectives, methods and procedures supporting the activities of software process assessmentSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Restricted
A case of adoption of 25000 standards family: Establishing evaluation requirements in the audio-visual preservation context
Biscoglio I., Marchetti E.
The digital preservation want to guarantee accessible and usable over time digital audio-visual media content, regardless of the challenges of media failure and technological change. For this aim, the current technologies for digital audio-visual media preservation deal with complex technological, organizational, economic and rights-related issues. Ensuring the development and use of high-quality software could be a key factor for their success. The paper reports an experience matured inside the Presto4U project, with the contribution of the TATE Gallery. Aim of the experiment was the identification of preservation needs and corresponding preservation requirements in order to set up a quality evaluation process for used software tools making easy the technology transfer of research results into digital preservation environment. Using the framework of the international standards on software products quality, the evaluation requirements were mapped on the characteristics and sub-characteristics of a quality model and a specification of high-level software product quality evaluation plan has been obtained and presented.Source: ICSOFT-EA 2014 - 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, pp. 222–233, Vienna, Austria, 29-31 Agosto 2014
DOI: 10.5220/0004994502220233

See at: doi.org Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Restricted
An experiment of software quality evaluation in the audio-visual media preservation context
Biscoglio I., Marchetti E.
In the context of digital audio-visual media preservation, the current technologies deal with complex technological, economic and rights-related issues. Among them, the development and the use of high-quality software are considered success factors. In this paper a software quality model customizable for the audio-visual context has been performed. With the contribution of the partners involved in the Presto4U project, an experiment of requirements elicitation has been developed for the identification of some functional and non-functional requirements. Their mapping on some characteristics and sub-characteristics of the quality model has been performed and customized software measurement plans have been implemented.Source: QUATIC 2014 - 9th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, pp. 118–123, Guimaraes, Portugal, 23 - 26 September 2014
DOI: 10.1109/quatic.2014.21

See at: doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2013 Journal article Unknown
Reducing textual ambiguity risk in high-impact standards.
Biscoglio I., Fusani M.
Safety-related standards indirectly impact into people's safety and environment integrity. The quality of these standards plays an important role in their correct and productive adoption. The paper is concerned with the analysis of the way standards are written, and in particular with the results of an automated textual inspection of five safety-related standards, aimed to discover possible inherent ambiguity of textual expressions. The analysis suggested that useful advice could be given to standard-making committees. Results of the analysis are shown and discussed.Source: Radìoelektronnì ì komp'ûternì sistemi 5 (2013): 198–203.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Restricted
PRESTO4U - Research Outputs Assessments v2
Bailer W., Biscoglio I., Boch L., Borgotallo R., Chakravarthy A., Falchi F., Gallo F., Ligios L., Laurenson P., Melas P., Pellegrino J.
Project Deliverable 3. 3 Presto4U Research Output Assessments v 2 4 Scope The long -term preservat ion of digital audio- visual media presents a range of complex technological, organisational, economic and rights -related issues, which have been the subject of intensive research over the past fifteen years at national, European and international levels. A lthough good solutions are emerging, and there is a large body of expertise at a few specialist centres, it is very difficult for the great majority of media owners to gain access to advanced audio- visual preservation technologies. This deliverable 'Resear ch Outputs Assessment v 2' will describe the research outputs identified in year 2 of Presto4U, and which have the potential to address CoP needs and requirements. This document will also describe in detail, results of the assessment exercise carried out on identified ROs. The methodology for assessing these tools has been established as part of WP3 task T3.1 'Research Outcomes Assessment Methodology' documented in deliverable D3.1 'Specification of Assessment Criteria, Metrics, Processes, Datasets and Facil ities'. The deliverable is a direct outcome of Task 3.2 'Preservation Research Technology and Assessment'. The purpose of which is to identify and assess research outputs to establish their readiness for take -up. This deliverable is an update on D3.2 -- the lessons learnt in terms of assessment of tools from Year 1 are presented here. This is through updated test templates and improved tests in terms of their functional testing. Some of the tools needed to be re- tested in year 2 because of the updated tes t assessme nt templates. We also introduce two new categories of tools technical metadata extractors and vocabulary mapping. Further, the final Presto4U dataset is also described as part of this deliverable. A combination of open source free to download dat asets and in- house produced files turned out to be the ideal dataset for the testing of these ROs. Finally we present the results of the tool testing performed after collaboration with commercial vendors to test two hardware storage mechanisms (LTO6 and Optical Drives)Source: Project report, PRESTO4U, Deliverable D3.3, pp.1–139, 2014
Project(s): PRESTO4U via OpenAIRE

See at: www.prestocentre.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Contribution to book Restricted
Definition of software quality evaluation and measurement plans: A reported experience inside the audio-visual preservation context
Biscoglio I., Marchetti E.
The digital preservation want to guarantee accessible and usable over time digital audio-visual media content, regardless of the challenges of media failure and technological change. For this aim, the current technologies for digital audio-visual media preservation deal with complex technological, organiza- tional, economic and rights-related issues: ensuring the development and use of high-quality software could be a key factor for their success. The paper reports an experience matured inside the Presto4U project concerning the requirements elicitation corresponding of some functional and non-functional requirements. These have been mapped on some characteristics and sub-characteristics of a quality model and a customized software measurement plans has been imple- mented. An example of the quality evaluation plans application is also reported.Source: Software Technologies, pp. 63–80, 2015
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-25579-8_4

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Report Unknown
Certificazione del software fiscale. Un'esperienza italiana di certificazione conforme alla legislazione fiscale.
Biscoglio I., Trentanni G.
This paper presents the Italian scenario of cash register software certification. The basic concepts of certification are introduced together with involved actors, requirements and possible objects to be certified. Subsequently, the specific kind of fiscal device running fiscal software, that is the cash register, is outlined, and its certification process is described. The current technological adjustments of the cash register software according to the Italian legislation modifications are introduced and discussed.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2016

See at: CNR ExploRA

2018 Report Open Access OPEN
Certificazione di misuratori fiscali: dalla digitalizzazione della normativa alla costruzione di schede di riferimento
Biscoglio I., Lami G.
L'articolo presenta il contesto di certificazione del software fiscale dei registratori di cassa, la digitalizzazione della normativa attualmente vigente in Italia in materia e la costruzione di schede di riferimento quale strumento di lavoro da utilizzare durante il processo di certificazione.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2018

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Conference article Unknown
Establishing a quality model-based evaluation process for Websites
Biscoglio I., Fusani M., Lami G., Trentanni G.
This paper presents the main aspects of an ongoing project, aimed at defining a website independent evaluation process as a part of the mission of a service-providing organization. The process uses as reference a quality model that is defined starting from existing proposals and general requirements for quality models. The problem of integrating human judgment and automation in the evaluation process is also introduced, and technical solutions, involving the use of experimental work, are discussed.Source: Workshop on Web Quality, Verification and Validation. Held with International Conference on Web Engineering. ICWE'07, pp. 344–351, Como, Italy, July 16-20

See at: CNR ExploRA

2010 Report Open Access OPEN
E-COMWEB: a quality Model for e-commerce Web sites
Biscoglio I., Coco A., Trentanni G., Fusani M.
This paper introduces a statistical approach to the construction of a new Quality Model for Web Sites (E-COMWEB). A brief overview on Web Sites Quality Models and used top-down and bottom- up approaches are introduced. The approach to the construction of E-COMWEB is different from most of the current ones: exploiting the considerable number of available Web Sites, it uses statistical analysis for validating the relations between variables in a traditional Quality Model and finding new ones. The process for constructing such a newly conceived model and its composition are presented and discussed, and examples of its application are shown.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2010

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Cartelle sanitarie e di rischio: un'esperienza di certificazione
Biscoglio I., Coco A., Trentanni G.
An experience of conformity assessment and certification in the computerization of medical records and risk compared to current standards.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2012 Conference article Unknown
Can safety be obtained through good practices for requirement writing?
Biscoglio I., Fusani M., Gnesi S.
Software Requirements analysis of quality characteristics as completeness, consistency and unambiguity assume an important role in the safety-critical software. We consider then the contributions to Natural Lan-guage (NL) Software Requirements Analysis as good practices or recommendations for producing high level quality NL requirements. From a survey of different approaches and solutions, it is possible to draw an incremental list of Good Practices (GP) for writing NL software requirements, making them understandable to their users, typically from the linguistic point of view, thus reducing the efforts for the analysis. The industrial experiences of two research/service laboratories about requirements analysis are compared with the suggestions of the literature and the technology, and the results are shown.Source: International Scientific Technical Conference on Dependable System, Services and Technologies, pp. 252–257, Sevastopol, Ukraine, 25-28 May 2012

See at: CNR ExploRA

2015 Conference article Restricted
Investigation on common software process weaknesses in automotive
Biscoglio I., Falcini F., Lami G.
This paper presents the results of an empirical study aimed at pointing out common weaknesses in software development in automotive industry. In automotive software development is mainly demanded to specialized software suppliers that are required by car makers to improve and measure the process quality of their projects by applying process models such as Automotive SPICETM. The authors, as Automotive SPICE assessors, have directly observed and analyzed specific software process improvement opportunities during a significant number of assessments performed at several organizations. This paper, that focuses specifically on the project management and quality assurance processes, is an initial step of a wider study that the authors are carrying out. Such a study aims at identifying, using data from automotive software development projects, common software development weaknesses having negative impact according Automotive SPICETM, in order to give a reference for improvement initiatives aimed at solving those weaknessesSource: ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, pp. 110–117, Beijing, China, 22-23/10/2015
DOI: 10.1109/esem.2015.7321206

See at: doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Conference article Restricted
Certification and legislation. An Italian experience of fiscal software certification
Biscoglio I., Lami G., Marchetti E., Trentanni G.
The paper introduces the Italian Fiscal Software Certification scenario. Some concepts about certification are illustrated. The cash registers, as specific kind of Fiscal Meter, are described and their adopted certification process based on Italian legislation requirements is presented as well. Finally, the new related technological challenges are discussed.Source: ICSOFT - EA 2015 - 10th International Conference on Software Engineering and Applications, pp. 174–179, Colmar, Alsace, France, 20 - 22 July 2015

See at: www.scitepress.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2013 Report Restricted
PRESTO4U - Research Outputs Assessments v1
Bailer W., Biscoglio I., Boch L., Borgotallo R., Chakravarthy A., Foster S., Falchi F., Gallo F., Ligios L., Laurenson P., Marchetti E., Melas P., Rendina M., Walland P.
The long - term preservation of digital audio - visu al media presents a range of complex technological, organisational, economic and rights - related issues, which have been the subject of intensive research over the past fifteen years at national, European and international levels. Although good solutions ar e emerging, and there is a large body of expertise at a few specialist centres, it is very difficult for the great majority of media owners to gain access to advanced audio - visual preservation technologies. This deliverable 'Research Outputs Assessment v1' will describe the research outputs identified in year 1 of Presto4U, and which have the potential to address CoP needs and requirements. This document will also describe in detail, results of the assessment exercise carried out on identified ROs. The meth odology for assessing these tools has been established as part of WP3 task T3.1 'Research Outcomes Assessment Methodology' documented in deliverable D3.1 'Specification of Assessment Criteria, Metrics, Processes, Datasets and Facilities'. The deliverable is a direct outcome of Task 3.2 'Preservation Research Technology and Assessment'. The purpose of which is to identify and assess research outputs to establish their readiness for take - up. Part of the task also involves creating an initial dataset for Pre sto4U which initially can be used by the ROs being assessed, and it is envisaged to be released as a public dataset at the end of the project in year 2. The details of the year 1 dataset are provided in this deliverable. Further, we report on technology tr acking and mapping exercise conducted during year 1 and the tools which have been developed to enable this task. We would like to note that this kind of activity has not been performed before and for this reason why the deliverable is released in two itera tions (year 1 and end of year 2). Any shortcomings of the work done in year 1 will be addressed in the next iteration. The assessment methodology will also need to be changed as more needs are gathered from the Communities of Practice during the course of year 2. This deliverable is a first attempt at formalising a methodology for assessment of research outputs in the AV preservation domains and map them to the needs from the CoPs.Source: Project report, PRESTO4U, Deliverable D3.2, pp.1–134, 2013
Project(s): PRESTO4U via OpenAIRE

See at: www.prestocentre.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA