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2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Strumenti per la valutazione software di Sistemi di Biglietterie Automatizzate di tipo client-server per la gestione di eventi (spettacoli e intrattenimenti) con posti non numerati
Coco A., Trentanni G.
L'ispezione e la valutazione dei Sistemi Informatici di Emissione Biglietti (o Biglietterie Elettroniche) per eventi e spettacoli è parte integrante del processo di certificazione degli apparecchi misuratori fiscali. In questo documento viene presentato uno strumento sviluppato in ambiente MS Excel per le verifiche funzionali di una biglietteria automatizzata di tipo client-server idonea all'emissione e gestione di titoli di accesso per intrattenimenti e attività spettacolistiche con posti non numerati.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Strumenti per la valutazione software di Sistemi di Biglietterie Automatizzate di tipo client-server per la gestione di eventi (spettacoli e intrattenimenti) con posti numerati e abbonamenti
Coco A., Trentanni G.
L'ispezione e la valutazione dei Sistemi Informatici di Emissione Biglietti (o Biglietterie Elettroniche) per eventi e spettacoli è parte integrante del processo di certificazione degli apparecchi misuratori fiscali. In questo documento viene presentato uno strumento sviluppato in ambiente MS Excel per le verifiche funzionali di una biglietteria automatizzata di tipo client-server idonea all'emissione e gestione di titoli di accesso (per singolo ingresso e abbonamenti a turno fisso e a turno libero) per intrattenimenti e attività spettacolistiche con posti numerati e controllo degli accessi abilitati.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Strumenti per la valutazione software di Sistemi di Biglietterie Automatizzate di tipo client-server per la gestione di eventi (spettacoli e intrattenimenti) con posti numerati, abbonamenti e controllo accessi
Coco A., Trentanni G.
L'ispezione e la valutazione dei Sistemi Informatici di Emissione Biglietti (o Biglietterie Elettroniche) per eventi e spettacoli è parte integrante del processo di certificazione degli apparecchi misuratori fiscali. In questo documento viene presentato uno strumento sviluppato in ambiente MS Excel per le verifiche funzionali di una biglietteria automatizzata di tipo client-server idonea all'emissione e gestione di titoli di accesso (per singolo ingresso e abbonamenti a turno fisso e a turno libero) per intrattenimenti e attività spettacolistiche con posti numerati e controllo degli accessi abilitati.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Strumenti per la valutazione software di Sistemi di Biglietterie Automatizzate di tipo client-server per la gestione di eventi (spettacoli e intrattenimenti) per il controllo accessi
Coco A., Trentanni G.
L'ispezione e la valutazione dei Sistemi Informatici di Emissione Biglietti (o Biglietterie Elettroniche) per eventi e spettacoli è parte integrante del processo di certificazione degli apparecchi misuratori fiscali. In questo documento viene presentato uno strumento sviluppato in ambiente MS Excel per le verifiche funzionali del componente di controllo accessi di una biglietteria automatizzata di tipo client-server idonea all'emissione e gestione di titoli di accesso (per singolo ingresso e abbonamenti a turno fisso e a turno libero).Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Strumenti per la valutazione software di Sistemi di Biglietterie Automatizzate di tipo client-server per la gestione di eventi calcistici
Coco A., Trentanni G.
L'ispezione e la valutazione dei Sistemi Informatici di Emissione Biglietti (o Biglietterie Elettroniche) per eventi e spettacoli è parte integrante del processo di certificazione degli apparecchi misuratori fiscali. In questo documento viene presentato uno strumento sviluppato in ambiente MS Excel per le verifiche funzionali di una biglietteria automatizzata di tipo client-server idonea all'emissione e gestione di titoli di accesso (per singolo ingresso e abbonamenti a turno fisso e a turno libero) per eventi calcistici.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Progetto di uno strumento a supporto dell'attività di "Process Assessment"
Coco Alessandro, Biscoglio Isabella
Definition and development of an instrument for preliminary data collection supporting the software process assessmentSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Definizione di una procedura per l'esecuzione di Process Assessment conforme allo Standard ISO/IEC 15504
Biscoglio Isabella, Coco Alessandro
Definition of objectives, methods and procedures supporting the activities of software process assessmentSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Certificazione di Apparecchi Misuratori Fiscali: passato, presente e futuro
Coco A., Trentanni G.
A survey of the technological evolution of Fiscal Meters (Electronic Cash Register and Automatic Ticketing Systems) and of the issues relating to the validation of compliance with the current legislature.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2002 Journal article Unknown
Un contributo informatico alla gestione della sicurezza negli ambienti sanitari
Asirelli P., Braccini G., Caramella D., Coco A., Fabbrini F.
The security of electronic medical informations is very important for health care organisations, which have to enforce confidentiality, integrity and availability. In this paper the legal measures undertaken by European Community, Italy and US to regulate medical records use and disclosure, will be briefly introduced. Then, we shall highlight the ways information technology can contribute to face these problematics and, in particular, to the management of organisation policies. To this purpose, we will show a security policy modelling example for a radiological department.Source: La Radiologia medica (Online) 104 (2002): 203–212.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Contribution to conference Unknown
Concepts and practice of software certification
Coco A., Fabbrini F., Fusani M., Lami G.
Certification is one of those concepts many speak about and few know of all the messy situations in which it is invoked. The meaning that has been given to this word is varying over a broad span and depends on culture, interest and experience. Nice and bad things have been said and written about certification, and sometimes with good reasons for either kind of judgment. And, when it comes to software processes and products, things go really confusing and discomforting. Excepting when it is associated to quality management systems (typically the case of ISO 9000 certification) the word, with all its derivatives, has even been banished from commercial advertisements and technical literature for years, the main reason being a big concern that its use would be tied with such monsters as 'guarantee' and 'liability'. Yet many of such things as certification, certificate, certification scheme for products and processes are coming back, even in the software domain, and there is business growing around them. This paper aims, if not at clarifying all doubts, at least at identifying the main issues related to the use of software certification, in the hope the readers will look at it in somewhat more friendly fashion. We will not discuss certification of quality management systems, only mention some of its relationship with other aspectsSource: Anais do SIMPROS 2003. V Simpòsio Internacional de Melhori de Processo de Software, Recife, 3-5 November 2003

See at: CNR ExploRA

2002 Conference article Unknown
Handling security policies: the example of an italian hospital
Asirelli P., Braccini G., Caramella D., Coco A., Fabbrini F.
An abstract is not availableSource: EuroPACS2002. 20th International Conference, Oulu, Finland, 5-7 September 2002

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2007 Other Unknown
Software Process Assessment and Improvement in Automotive
Fabbrini F., Fusani M., Lami G., Coco A., Edoardo Sivera
Determinazione e miglioramento del livello di capacità dei fornitori software (questa attività include il monitoraggio di progetti software tramite Software Process Assessment e valutazione di workproduct intermedi).

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2010 Conference article Unknown
Solving automotive SPICE open issues: an Italian initiative
Lami G., Fabbrini F., Fusani M., Coco A., Bella F., Buglione L., Coletta A., Falcini F., Panaroni P., Ricci L.
This paper presents the results of the ASAI (Automotive SPICE Assessors and Improvers) working group. The aim of the ASAI is to address open issues in the real application of the standard Automotive SPICE in the automotive industry. The outcomes of the ASAI activities are a set of guidelines on how some relevant open issues (expressed by means of questions) can be addressed and solved. These guidelines have been achieved by consensus after joint analysis and discussions. The purpose of this paper is to provide developers, assessors, improvers and, in general, the whole automotive software community, with a reference when specific decisions have to be taken for solving defined open issues in applying Automotive SPICE. Moreover, we hope this paper could be able to trigger a larger discussion for enhancing the uniformity and validity of Automotive SPICE assessments.Source: Tenth International SPICE Conference, pp. 95–104, Pisa, Italy, 18-20 May 2010

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2001 Report Unknown
Role-based security policies management: a health care example
Asirelli P., Braccini G., Coco A., Fabbrini F.
In this paper, an approach is presented to modelling the security policy of a health care department by means of a deductive database tool. The goal of a security policy is to provide a reliable mechanism for information sharing, at the same time ensuring its confidentiality, integrity and availability. Once a policy has been defined, it is essential to be able to verify that it really meets the security requirements and prevents any undesired situations. The aim here is to build a tool to help the security administrator of a health care organisation to handle (define, verify, modify) its security policy. After investigating a number of available security policy models, a role-based approach has been considered and specified in a logical form handled by a logic database management system. Thus, the role-based model specification becomes executable and various properties of the policy can be verified together with its adequacy with respect to the expected behaviour. The approach has been inspired by the security policy for the Radiological Department of the "Lotti" Hospital in Pontedera, Pisa.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2001

See at: CNR ExploRA

2010 Report Open Access OPEN
E-COMWEB: a quality Model for e-commerce Web sites
Biscoglio I., Coco A., Trentanni G., Fusani M.
This paper introduces a statistical approach to the construction of a new Quality Model for Web Sites (E-COMWEB). A brief overview on Web Sites Quality Models and used top-down and bottom- up approaches are introduced. The approach to the construction of E-COMWEB is different from most of the current ones: exploiting the considerable number of available Web Sites, it uses statistical analysis for validating the relations between variables in a traditional Quality Model and finding new ones. The process for constructing such a newly conceived model and its composition are presented and discussed, and examples of its application are shown.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2010

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Cartelle sanitarie e di rischio: un'esperienza di certificazione
Biscoglio I., Coco A., Trentanni G.
An experience of conformity assessment and certification in the computerization of medical records and risk compared to current standards.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
TCPS specifica business process e log.
Spagnolo G. O., Coco A., Marchetti E.
Present the business process model of the TPCS system. Modelling the export and import processes of the Port of Livorno. Describe the structure of the logs that the system must have in order to apply the techniques of processes mining.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2014

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2016 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Modelling and Validating an Import/Export Shipping Process
Spagnolo G. O., Marchetti E., Coco A., Gnesi S.
In recent years, business process management has become increasingly popular in many industrial contexts and application domains. This is mainly because it facilitates the modelling of process specifications and the development of an executable framework, while providing concise definitions and taxonomies. The data acquired during the business process execution phase can be used for quality analysis and to demonstrate compliance to specifications. We describe an experience in the real world context of the Livorno Port Authority.Source: ERCIM news (2016).

See at: ercim-news.ercim.eu Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2010 Conference article Restricted
An approach to ambiguity analysis in safety-related standards
Biscoglio I., Coco A., Fusani M., Gnesi S., Trentanni G.
Standards for systems and software lifecycle processes have become rather popular in the last decade. Being expressed in natural language, their requirements, or clauses, are exposed to the risk of ambiguity, vagueness and subjectivity, even when safety of people and environment is the Standard's main concern. The paper addresses some issues of this problem and presents an experimental approach to the determination and evaluation of a set of properties of the clauses, which capture the notion of the quality of their expressions. The approach adopts a rather intuitive quality model for the English language and includes the use of a tool for sentence processing. Results of a descriptive analysis of some well-known, safety-related Standards for different software application domains are shown and discussed.Source: 7th International Conference on the Quality of Information and Communications Technology, pp. 461–466, Oporto, Portugal, 29 September - 2 October 2010
DOI: 10.1109/quatic.2010.83

See at: doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Conference article Restricted
An experience on applying process mining techniques to the tuscan port community system
Spagnolo G. O., Marchetti E., Coco A., Scarpellini P., Querci A., Fabbrini F., Gnesi S.
[Context & Motivation] The Business Process Management is an important and widespread adopted proposal for modelling process specifications and developing an executable framework for the management of the process itself. In particular the monitoring facilities associated to the on-line process execution provide an important means to the control of process evolution and quality. In this context, this paper provides an experience on the application of business process modelling techniques and process mining techniques to the TPCS, Tuscan Port Community System. This is a web-services based platform with multilevel access control and data recovery facilities, developed for supporting and strengthening the Motorways of the Sea and Italian regulations. The paper describes a storytelling approach applied to derive the TPCS business process model and the conformance checking techniques used to validate it and improve the overall TPCS software quality.Source: Software Quality. The Future of Systems and Software Development. 8th International Conference, pp. 49–60, Vienna, Austria, 18-21/01/2016
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-27033-3_4

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA