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2003 Contribution to book Closed Access
Hierarchical models and software tools for parallel programming
Coppola M., Schmollinger M.
Hierarchically structured architectures are becoming more and more pervasive in the field of parallel and high performance computing. While memory hierarchies have been recognized for a long-time, only in the last years hierarchical parallel structures have gained importance, mainly as a result of the trend towards cluster architectures and high-performance application of computational grids.Source: , pp. 320–354, 2003
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-36574-5_15

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2008 Journal article Restricted
Virtual organization support within a grid-wide operating system
Coppola M., Jegou Y., Matthews B., Morin C., Prieto L. P., Sánchez Ó. D., Yang E. Y., Yu H.
Despite grids' popularity, virtual organizations (VOs) have yet to become a commodity technology in modern computing environments due to the complexity of managing them and difficulty of assuring user and VO isolation. Here, the authors describe the VO management approach taken by XtreemOS, a new grid operating system with native support for VOs that supports a wide range of computing resources, from clusters to mobiles. They also discuss the requirements for the VO model and management within XtreemOS and intro duce an expandable VO model and a system architecture that supports it.Source: IEEE internet computing 12 (2008): 20–28. doi:10.1109/MIC.2008.47
DOI: 10.1109/mic.2008.47

See at: IEEE Internet Computing Restricted | HAL-Rennes 1 Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2006 Conference article Unknown
A parallel data management layer for data mining
Coppola M., Pesciullesi P., Presti L., Ravazzolo R., Vanneschi M.
We propose the design of a data management abstraction level to implement a full set of parallel KDD applications with minimal performance overhead and greater scalability than conventional DBMS, providing a high-level parallel API to be exploited by parallel and out-of-core data mining algorithms. We describe an existing prototype and report examples and first test results with mining algorithms.Source: Parco 2005, pp. 531–538, Malaga, Spain, 13-16/09/2005

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Conference article Restricted
The co-replication methodology and its application to structured parallel programs
Coppola M., Bertolli C., Zoccolo C.
We introduce Co-Replication, a technique exploiting abstract properties of a computation to allow parallel replicas of a software module to cooperate, enhancing both the reliability and availability of the resulting component, and providing a flexible trade-off among the two properties. In Co-Replication a complete partial ordering is defined on the computation state. The formal expression of the state combination operation among replicas allows them to compute independently as a co-algorithm, and to exploit low-overhead, opportunistic strategies for spreading results and surviving to faults. Co-Replication suits structured parallel and component based programming, as it needs a high level description of the computation properties, and thus can ease exploitation of non fault-free, parallel platforms like large clusters and Grids. We describe the theoretical foundations of Co-Replication, and investigate the use of random gossiping strategies for the state combination. To show the applicability of the technique, we discuss the modelization of Master- Slave and task farm computations, and report test results over two applications.Source: HPC-GECO/CompFrame 2007, pp. 39–48, Montreal, Canada, 21-22/10 2007

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2007 Conference article Unknown
Virtual organization management in XtreemOS: an overview
Coppola M., Yang E. Y., Matthews B., Lakhani A., Jegou Y., Morin C., Sanchez O. D., Franke C., Robinson P., Hohl A., Scheuermann B., Vladusic D., Yu H., Qin A., Lee R., Focht E.
XtreemOS aims to build and promote a Linux based operating system to provide native Virtual Organization (VO) support in the next generation Grids. XtreemOS takes a different approach from many existing Grid middleware by: first, recognizing the fundamental role of VO in Grid computing and hence taking VO support into account from the very beginning of our design; and, second, getting around the overheads brought by layers of existing Grid middleware by enabling native VO support in the Linux operating system. This paper presents our vision of VOs in a Grid operating system and describes various aspects of VO management in our system architecture, ranging from lifecycle management, application execution management, security, to node-level enforcement mechanisms in operating system.Source: Towards Next Generation Grids. CoreGRID Symposium 2007, pp. 73–82, Rennes, France, 27-28/08 2007

See at: CNR ExploRA

2006 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
ASSIST as a research framework for high-performance grid programming environments
Marco Aldinucci, Massimo Coppola, Marco Vanneschi, Corrado Zoccolo, Marco Danelutto
The research activity of our group at the Department of Computer Science, University of Pisa, is focused on programming models and environments for the development of high-performance multidisciplinary applications. The enabling computing platforms we are considering are complex distributed architectures, whose nodes are parallel machines of any kind, including PC/workstation clusters.Source: GRID COMPUTING: SOFTWARE ENVIRONMENTS AND TOOLS, edited by José C. Cunha and Omer F. Rana, pp. 230–256. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2006
DOI: 10.1007/1-84628-339-6

See at: CERN Document Server Open Access | doi.org Restricted | www.springerlink.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2006 Contribution to book Unknown
Structured implementation of component based grid programming environments
Coppola M., Aldinucci M., Campa S., Danelutto M., Vanneschi M., Zoccolo C.
The design, implementation and deployment of efficient high performance applications on Grids is usually a quite hard task, even in the case that modern and efficient grid middleware systems are used. We claim that most of the difficulties involved in such process can be moved away from programmer responsibility by following a structured programming model approach. The proposed approach relies on the development of a layered, component based execution environment. Each layer deals with distinct features and problems related to the implementation of GRID applications, exploiting the more appropriate techniques. Static optimizations are introduced in the compile layer, dynamic optimization are introduced in the run time layer, whereas modern grid middleware features are simply exploited using standard middleware systems as the final target architecture. We first discuss the general idea, then we discuss the peculiarities of the approach and eventually we discuss the preliminary results achieved in the GRID.it project, where a prototype high performance, component based, GRID programming environment is being developed using this approach.Source: FGG: Future Generation Grid, pp. 1. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2006

See at: CNR ExploRA

2009 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Highly available and scalable Grid services
Pierre G., Schütt T., Domaschka J., Coppola M.
Researchers who build Grid computing infrastructures constantly face scalability issues, both at the system-level of the Grid's internals and at the user-level to support complex end-user applications. XtreemOS is an E.U. research project that aims at "Building and Promoting a Linux-based Operating System to Support Virtual Organizations for Next Generation Grids". One of the explicit goals of the project is to address scalability issues by abstracting these issues as much as possible from the internal implementation of the system. This is an ambitious goal, since in the most general case scalability issues must be addressed within each component of a distributed system. To a certain extent, it is possible to build scalable abstractions that allow other programmers to build system-level and application-level functionalities while giving less thought to scalability issues. This paper discusses a number of highly available and scalable Grid services that are being built to support this idea. They can be classified in three separate categories: (i) services to store/query structured data in a scalable fashion; (ii) services to communicate in a scalable fashion; (iii) services to (partially) hide the effects of scale.Source: Third Workshop on Dependable Distributed Data Management, pp. 18–20, Nuremberg, Germany, 31 march 2009
DOI: 10.1145/1518691.1518697

See at: dl.acm.org Open Access | www.globule.org Open Access | doi.org Restricted | NARCIS Restricted | NARCIS Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2010 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Information processing at work: on energy-aware algorithm design
Cisternino A., Ferragina P., Morelli D., Coppola M.
It is common experience to upgrade firmware of mobile devices and obtain longer battery life, living proof of how software affects power consumption of a device. Despite this empirical observation, there is a lack for models and methodologies correlating computations with power consumption. In this paper we propose a methodology for conducting measures which result independent of the underlying system running the algorithm/software to be tested. Early experimental results are presented and discussed, showing that this methodology is robust and can be used in many settings. We thus adopt it to study the impact of computation and pattern of memory accesses onto the energy-profile of an algorithm when executed on different processors and architectures, thus achieving some surprising insights on green algorithm design.Source: Green Computing Conference, 2010 International, pp. 407–415, Chicago, IL, 15-18 August 2010
DOI: 10.1109/greencomp.2010.5598288

See at: www.di.unipi.it Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2009 Conference article Restricted
A high level development, modeling and simulation methodology for complex multicore Network Processors
Antichi G., Callegari C., Di Pietro A., Ficara D., Giordano S., Vitucci F., Meneghin M., Torquati M., Vanneschi M., Coppola M.
Network processors (NPs) are attracting and powerful platforms for the fast development of high performance network applications. However, despite their greater flexibility and limited cost with respect to specialized hardware design, NP still face developers with significant difficulties. As they target complex and high performance applications, programmers are often forced to write assembly code in order to better exploit the hardware. In this paper we propose an approach to NP programming which is based on a three phase development methodology, and we apply it to Intel NPs of the IXP2XXX family. By exploiting a composition of software tools, a high level definition of the application is turned first into a distributed program, then into an NP prototype, and finally into an efficient NP executable. The methodology we describe takes advantage of the Assist technology, which allows for the porting, testing, modeling and profiling of parallel applications on a cluster of standard PCs. We developed a C library that acts as a communication layer, hiding the hardware details of NP programming and allowing for high performance code development. The ultimate goal of this approach is to let programmers write C code, exploiting Assist provided hints to perform functional debugging and performance analysis and to experiment with different parallel structures. The resulting code can be then directly compiled for the NP without modifications, largely reducing the overall coding effort.Source: Performance Evaluation of Computer & Telecommunication Systems, 2009., pp. 5, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-16 July 2009

See at: ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2013 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Contrail: distributed application deployment under SLA in federated heterogeneous clouds
Cascella R. G., Blasi L., Jegou Y., Coppola M., Morin C.
Cloud computing market is in rapid expansion due to the opportunities to dynamically allocate a large amount of resources when needed and to pay only for their effective usage. However, many chal- lenges, in terms of interoperability, performance guarantee, and depend- ability, should still be addressed to make cloud computing the right solution for companies. In this chapter we first discuss these challenges and then we present three components developed in the framework of the Contrail project: Contrail federation; SLA manager; and Virtual Execu- tion Platform (VEP). These components provide solutions to guarantee interoperability in a cloud federation and to deploy distributed appli- cations over a federation of heterogeneous cloud providers. The key to success of our solutions is the possibility to negotiate performance and security guarantees for an application and then map them on the physical resources.Source: The Future Internet, edited by Alex Galis, Anastasius Gavras, pp. 91–103, 2013
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-38082-2_8
Project(s): CONTRAIL via OpenAIRE

See at: link.springer.com Open Access | doi.org Restricted | HAL Descartes Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2011 Conference article Restricted
Integration of P2P and Clouds to Support Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments
Carlini E., Coppola M., Ricci L.
Massively Multiuser Virtual Environments (MMVEs) are attracting millions of players from all over the world. Currently used Client/Server infrastructures and technologies are reaching their limits of flexibility and scalability. In this paper we propose an approach that combines the paradigms of P2P networks and of Cloud computing, in order to exploit the respective technological advantages. Our proposal is based on combining several P2P techniques to allow key-value distributed stores to meet the MMVE needs of elasticity and scalability. We propose adopting Virtual Nodes, providing separate overlays for interest and object management, and defining a specific role in the overlays for Cloud-based, trusted resources, as a set of techniques to provide run-time resizing and load balancing features of the MMVE platform, and to enable distributing the MMVE simulation load among user and cloud resources.Source: NetGames - 9th Annual Workshop on Network and Systems Support for Games, Taipei, 16-17 Novembre 2010

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
Component measurable values and services: a technology for the conclusion of resource transactions
Currle-Linde N., Pérez C., Resch M., Coppola M.
The absence of dynamic parameters in the description of software components does not allow the realization of traditional market relations for the Grid, based on transparency in the mechanisms of the allocation of Grid resources for customers and providers. This paper deals with the introduction into the technology of resource distribution of an apparatus of dynamic time and success estimation for the execution of concrete tasks. We discuss extensions to the GCM component model to include dynamically measured properties, the services needed to gather and convey the information, and their implementation using the distributed directory service from the XtreemOS project. With such a strategy it will be possible to realize a full set of traditional market relations and provide a flexible, efficient and transparent resource allocationSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2008

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Closed Access
Driving AI-IoT design towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
Tulone D., Samuel G., Tibuzzi A., Coppola M., Charter M., Gemma P., Henz P., Gonzales R., Chessa S., Catarci T.
Final technical report from the ITU-T Focus Group on Environmental Efficiency for Artificial Intelligence and other Emerging Technologies (FG-AI4EE), discussing the need for integrating and harmonizing environmental, social models and sustainability needs when designing AI-IoT based solutions. The report highlights (I) current barriers hampering the adoption of a comprehensive path that addresses all three needs, (II) the risks stemming from single-path sustainability approaches, and (III) provides suggestions for future work that can foster and promote the adoption of a more comprehensive process of designing sustainable AI-IoT systems.Source: pp.1–20, 2022
Project(s): TEACHING via OpenAIRE, ACCORDION via OpenAIRE

See at: www.itu.int Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Conference article Open Access OPEN
TEACHING: A Computing Toolkit for Building Efficient Autonomous appliCations Leveraging Humanistic INtelliGence
Bacciu D., Tserpes K., Coppola M., Macher G., Gallicchio C., Veledar O., Anaxagorou A. M., Dazzi P.
TEACHING proposes a distributed, trustworthy AI integrating continuous human feedback, supporting CPSoS application design and deployment. TEACHING envisions an intelligent environment, empowering humans through cybernetic assistance. It advances autonomous safety-critical systems, improving safety, reliability and acceptability through human-centred design and formal validation crossing paradigms. TEACHING brings humans and AI together, enabling participatory development, optimisation and oversight.Source: FRAME '23: 3rd Workshop on Flexible Resource and Application Management on the Edge, pp. 37–39, Orlando, USA, 20/06/2023
DOI: 10.1145/3589010.3594886
Project(s): TEACHING via OpenAIRE

See at: dl.acm.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2004 Conference article Unknown
Targeting heterogeneous architectures in ASSIST: experimental results
Aldinucci M., Campa S., Coppola M., Magini S., Pesciullesi P., Potiti L., Ravazzolo R., Torquati M., Zoccolo C.
We describe how the ASSIST parallel programming environment can be used to run parallel programs on collections of heterogeneous workstations and evaluate the scalability of one task-farm real application and a data-parallel benchmark, comparing the actual performance figures measured when using homogeneous and heterogeneous workstation clusters. We describe also the ASSIST approach to heterogeneous distributed shared memory and provide preliminary performance figures of the current implementation.Source: EuroPar2004: Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 638–643, Pisa, Italy, September 2004

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Conference article Unknown
The Implementation of ASSIST, an Environment for Parallel and Distributed Programming
Aldinucci M., Campa S., Ciullo P., Coppola M., Magini S., Pesciullesi P., Potiti L., Ravazzolo R., Torquati M., Vanneschi M., Zoccolo C.
We describe the implementation of ASSIST, a programming environment for parallel and distributed programs. Its coordination language is based of the parallel skeleton model, extended with new features to enhance expressiveness, parallel software reuse, software component integration and interfacing to external resources. The compilation process and the structure of the run-time support of ASSIST are discussed with respect to the issues introduced by the new characteristics, presenting an analysis of the first test results.Source: EuroPar2003: Parallel and Distributed Computing, pp. 712–721, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 2003

See at: CNR ExploRA

2004 Conference article Open Access OPEN
A parallel knowledge discovery system for customer profiling
Coppola M., Pesciullesi P., Ravazzolo R., Zoccolo C.
We describe a parallel KDD architecture we are developing as part of an open-source based customer relationship management system, in the framework of the SAIB industrial research pro ject. The design of the prototype, leveraging on the features of the ASSIST programming environment, results in a high-performance parallel data mining core, tightly integrated with parallel data management and interfaced to business standard technologies and systems.Source: Euro-Par 2004 Parallel Processing 10th International Euro-Par Conference, pp. 381–390, Pisa, Italy, 31 August -03 September 2004
DOI: 10.1007/b99409

See at: eprints.soton.ac.uk Open Access | doi.org Restricted | www.springerlink.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2004 Conference article Restricted
A framework for experimenting with structured parallel programming environment design
Aldinucci M., Campa S., Ciullo P., Coppola M., Danelutto M., Pesciullesi P., Ravazzolo R., Torquati M., Vanneschi M., Zoccolo C.
ASSIST is a parallel programming environment aimed at providing programmers of complex parallel application with a suitable and effective programming tool. Being based on algoritmical skeletons and coordination languages technologies, the programming environment relieves the programmer from a number of cumbersome, error prone activities that are required when using traditional parallel programming environments. ASSIST has been specically designed to be easily customizable in order to experiment different implementation techniques, solutions, algorithms or back-ends any time new features are required or new technologies become available. In this work we discuss how this goal has been achieved and how the current ASSIST programming environment has been already used to experiment solutions not implemented in the first version of the tool.Source: ParCo2003 - Parallel Computing: Software Technology, Algorithms, Architectures and Applications, Dresden, Germany, September 2003

See at: www.di.unipi.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2006 Conference article Unknown
Parallel program/component adaptivity management
Coppola M., Aldinucci M., André F., Buisson J., Campa S., Danelutto M., Zoccolo C.
Grid computing platforms require to handle dynamic behaviour of computing resources within complex parallel applications. We introduce a formalization of adaptive behaviour that separates the abstract model of the application from the implementation design. We exemplify the abstract adaptation schema on two applications, and we show how two quite different approaches to adaptivity, the ASSIST environment and the AFPAC framework, easily map to this common schema.Source: Parco 2005, Malaga, Spain, 13-16/09/2005

See at: CNR ExploRA