Journal article
A comparison between handwritten and automatic generation of C code from SDL using static analysis
Becucci M, Fantechi A, Giromini M, Spinicci EThe experience reported in this paper relates to an evaluation of the automatic generation of C code from the Specification and Description Language (SDL) specification of embedded applications. The evaluation has been carried out by comparing the automatically generated code with the manually implemented code, both compliant to the same SDL specification: this comparison is based on a selection of metrics measured on both codes by means of commercial static analysis tools. Notwithstanding the different structure of the two codes, we appropriately selected and aggregated the obtained results in order to use them as indicators of code size, control flow complexity and integration flow complexity. For a better comparison of the two codes, we have also introduced a novel complexity metric, which compares the control flow complexity with the integration flow of the two different software architectures. The aim of the paper is not merely to evaluate the code generator used, but rather to propose a set of techniques that can be used to conduct similar evaluations.Source: SOFTWARE, PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE, vol. 35 (issue 14), pp. 1317-1347
DOI: 10.1002/spe.673Metrics:
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Software Practice and Experience
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Journal article
A story about formal methods adoption by a railway signaling Manufacturer
Bacherini S, Fantechi A, Tempestini M, Zingoni NThis paper reports the story of the introduction of formal methods in the development process of a railway signaling manufacturer. The first difficulty for a company is due to the many different formal methods proposals around; we show how this difficulty has been addressed and how the choice of a reference formal specification notation and of the related tools has been driven by many external factors related to the specific application domain, to the company policies, to european regulations. Cooperation with University has been fundamental in this process, which is now at the stage in which internal acceptance of the chosen formalisms and tools is established
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Journal article
Assembling components with behavioural contracts = Assemblage de composants selon des contrats comportementaux
Carrez C, Fantechi A, Najm EComponent based design is a new paradigm to build distributed systems and applications. The problem of compositional verification of such systems is however still open. We investigate methods and concepts for the provision of 'sound' assemblies. We define a behavioural interface type language endowed with a (decidable) set of interface compatibilty and subtyping rules. We define an abstract, dynamic, multi-threaded, component model, encompassing both client/server and peer to peer communication patterns. Based on the notion of compliance of components to their interfaces, we define the concepts of 'contract' and 'contract satisfaction'. This leads to sound assemblies of components, which possess interesting properties, such as 'external deadlockfreeness' and 'message consumption'.Source: ANNALES DES TÉLÉCOMMUNICATIONS, vol. 60 (issue 7-8), pp. 989-1022
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Conference article
Geographical vs. Functional modelling by statecharts of interlocking systems
Banci M, Fantechi AThe development of computer controlled Railway Interlocking Systems (RIS) has seen an increasing interest in the use of Formal Methods, due to their ability to precisely specify the logical rules that guarantee the safe establishment of routes for trains through a railway yard. Recently, a trend has emerged about the use of statecharts as a standard formalism to produce precise specifications of RIS. This paper describes an experience in modelling a railway interlocking system using statecharts. Our study has addressed the problem from a 'geographical', distributed, point of view: that is, our model is composed by models of single physical entities (points, signals, etc..) that collectively implement the interlocking rules, without any centralized database of rules, which is on the other hand a typical way of implementing such a system (what we call 'functional' approach). One of the main aims of our approach, is to verify its ability to reduce revalidation efforts in the case of physical modifications to the yard; we show how the geographical approach may reduce this effort by requiring only the revalidation of those software modules that are actually affected by the changes.
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Conference article
Instantiating generic charts for railway interlocking systems
Banci M, Fantechi AThe development of computer controlled Railway Interlocking Systems has seen an increasing interest in the use of Formal Methods, due to their ability to precisely specify the logical rules that guarantee the safe establishment of routes for trains through a railway yard. Recently, a trend has emerged about the use of statecharts as a standard formalism to produce precise specifications of these systems. A problem that arises in the practical application of such formalization is that each produced interlocking system is dependent on the physical layout of the controlled yard. This has strong effects on development costs and especially on validation, which has to be repeated for each product. Validating formalized interlocking principles first, and then instantiating them to a specification which is tailored to the considered layout is a solution that we investigate in this paper.
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Metadata Only Access
Informatica industriale
Fantechi AEmbedded systems are becoming more and more pervasive in daily life. Standard hardware/software design techniques can be a sufficient background for the realization of such systems, but the actual design of embedded systems displays multiple critical aspects that deserve to be addressed. Together with the specific techniques for the design of such systems (processors characteristics, real time aspects, etc.), this book introduces concepts such as reliability, availability, safety, and describes the techniques adopted to associate these attributes to a system, with constant reference to the current norms and regulations belonging to various application domains. This book comes from the more than ten years research/teaching experience of the author on these topics, not only in academia, but also in several industrial settings. It is therefore a book for University courses in Computer Science and Computer Engineering, but the tight proximity of the topics with the industrial practice makes it suitable also as a reference text for designers and engineers of embedded systems industries.
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Conference article
Model checking interlocking control tables
Ferrari A, Magnani G, Grasso D, Fantechi AA challenging problem for model checking is represented by railway interlocking systems. It is a well known fact that interlocking systems, due to their inherent complexity related to the high number of variables involved, are not amenable to automatic verifi cation, typically incurring in state space explosion problems. The literature is however quite scarce on data concerning the size of interlocking systems that have been successfully proved with model checking techniques. In this paper we attempt a systematic study of the applicability bounds for general purpose model checkers on this class of systems, by studying the typical characteristics of control tables and their size parameters. The results con firm that, although small scale interlocking systems can be addressed by model checking, interlockings that control medium or large railway yards cannot, asking for specialized verifi cation techniques.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-14261-1_11Metrics:
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Journal article
Using Temporal Logic and Model Checking in Automated Recognition of Human Activities for Ambient-Assisted Living
Magherini T, Fantechi A, Nugent C, Vicario EAutomated monitoring and the recognition of activities of daily living (ADLs) is a key challenge in ambient-assisted living (AAL) for the assistance of the elderly. Within this context, a formal approach may provide a means to fill the gap between the low-level observations acquired by sensing devices and the high-level concepts that are required for the recognition of human activities. We describe a system named ARA (Automated Recognizer of ADLs) that exploits propositional temporal logic and model checking to support automated real-time recognition of ADLs within a smart environment. The logic is shown to be expressive enough for the specification of realistic patterns of ADLs in terms of basic actions detected by a sensorized environment. The online model checking engine is shown to be capable of processing a stream of detected actions in real time. The effectiveness and viability of the approach are evaluated within the context of a smart kitchen, where different types of ADLs are repeatedly performed.Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS, vol. 43 (issue 6), pp. 509-521
DOI: 10.1109/tsmc.2013.2283661Metrics:
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IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems
| ieeexplore.ieee.org
Journal article
Open Access
Session types for safe Web service orchestration
Michaux J, Najm E, Fantechi AWe address the general problem of interaction safety in Web service orchestrations. By considering an essential subset of the BPEL orchestration language, we define SeB, a session based style of this subset. We discuss the formal semantics of SeB and present its main properties. We take a new approach to address the formal semantics which is based on a translation into so-called control graphs. Our semantics accounts for BPEL control links and addresses the static semantics that prescribes the valid usage of variables. We also provide the semantics of service configurations. During a session, a client and a service can engage in a complex series of interactions. By means of the provided semantics, we define precisely what is meant by interaction safety. We then introduce session types in order to prescribe the correct orderings of these interactions. Service providers must declare their provided and required session types. We define a typing algorithm that checks if a service orchestration behaves according to its declared provided and required types. Using a subtyping relation defined on session types, we show that any configuration of well-typed service partners with compatible session types are interaction safe, i.e., involved partners never receive unexpected messages.Source: JOURNAL OF LOGIC AND ALGEBRAIC PROGRAMMING, vol. 82 (issue 8), pp. 282-310
DOI: 10.1016/j.jlap.2013.05.004Metrics:
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The Journal of Logic and Algebraic Programming
| www.sciencedirect.com
Journal article
GUARDS: a generic upgradable architecture for real-time dependable systems
Powell D, Arlat J, Beusdukic L, Bondavalli A, Coppola P, Fantechi A, Jenn E, Rabejac C, Wellings AThe development and validation of fault-tolerant computers for critical real-time applications are currently both costly and time consuming. Often, the underlying technology is out-of-date by the time the computers are ready for deployment. Obsolescence can become a chronic problem when the systems in which they are embedded have lifetimes of several decades. This paper gives an overview of the work carried out in a project that is tackling the issues of cost and rapid obsolescence by defining a generic fault-tolerant computer architecture based essentially on commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) components (both processor hardware boards and real-time operating systems). The architecture uses a limited number of specific, but generic, hardware and software components to implement an architecture that can be configured along three dimensions: redundant channels, redundant lanes, and integrity levels. The two dimensions of physical redundancy allow the definition of a wide variety of instances with different fault tolerance strategies. The integrity level dimension allows application components of different levels of criticality to coexist in the same instance. The paper describes the main concepts of the architecture, the supporting environments for development and validation, and the prototypes currently being implemented.Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (PRINT), vol. 10 (issue 6), pp. 580-599
DOI: 10.1109/71.774908Metrics:
See at:
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems
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