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2002 Conference article Unknown
Architettura WAP-GIS per la realizzazione del servizio medico Wap-Aid
Fortunati L., Piazza Bonati L.
No abstract avaibleSource: Quarta Conferenza di MondoGIS " in rete con la comunicazione geografica, Roma, Italy, 22-24 maggio 2002

See at: CNR ExploRA

2002 Conference article Unknown
Explorer interattivo di dati di monitoraggio ambientale marino
Fortunati L., Baldini F.
An abstract is not availableSource: 6a Conferenza ASITA, pp. 1163–1168, 6-8 November 2002

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Contribution to conference Unknown
Applicazione gis per i dati del monitoraggio marino costiero
Fortunati L., De Maio L., Magnelli G., Magri M., Gori L., Baldini F.
An abstract is not availableSource: XXXIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, Sousse, Tunisia, 1-1 2003

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Contribution to conference Unknown
Potenzialità di un applicativo GIS nell'elaborazione di dati di monitoraggio marino costiero
Fortunati L., De Maio L., Bucci M., Magnelli G., Melley A., Baldini F.
An abstract is not availableSource: XXXIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Biologia Marina, Sousse, Tunisia, 1-1 2003

See at: CNR ExploRA

2001 Report Unknown
Architettura WAP-GIS per la realizzazione di location based services
Fortunati L., Piazza Bonati L.
Viene fatta una panoramica dei sistemi di localizzazione e analizzati i componenti che costituiscono l'architettura WAP-GIS per la realizzazione di un servizio basato sulla localizzazione.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2001

See at: CNR ExploRA

2001 Report Unknown
Wap aid: un servizio basato sulla localizzazione operante con tecnologia WAP-GIS
Fortunati L., Piazza Bonati L.
WAP aid è un sistema dimostratore avente lo scopo di evidenziare le potenzialità della tecnologia attuale applicata alla realizzazioine di una nuova tipologia di servizi basata sulla localizzazione geografica dell'utente.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–39, 2001

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
Stato dell'arte della tecnologia hw/sw e dei prodotti nel settore della navigazione satellitare
Fortunati L.
This document describes the state-of-the-art of hw/sw technology and products in the field of satellite navigation.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Other Open Access OPEN
Accesso da dispositivi mobili via rete wireless a banche eterogenee di dati geografici per la navigazione satellitare
Fortunati L.

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2006 Other Open Access OPEN
Una infrastruttura server per applicazioni WebGIS su dati geografici eterogenei e distribuiti
Massei G., Fortunati L.
The proposed infrastructure let us to access and integrate heterogeneous geographical data distribuited on the internet, in particular those obtained from WFS and WMS OpenGIS services. On the integrated data, the infrastructure provides a set of geographical operations, publicly accessible by means the Web Service Architecture, to build functionalities oriented to the multi-disciplinary geographical analysis.

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2012 Software Unknown
gCube SDMX Statistical Data Dissemination System
Fortunati L.
gCube SDMX Statistical Data Dissemination System is a distributed system operating in the gCube environment which allows the publication of gCube Timeseries data accordingly to the SDMX-ML document format, SDMX process specification and information model. Timeseries data available through specific gCube services and formats can be made available to a broader audience by following Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) dissemination process. Data and Metadata available through the system can be supplied to the end-user following any of the SDMX-ML document versions: v1.0, v2.0, v2.1. The system includes several software components: - Client library for the registration of SDMX Structural Metadata on a SDMX Registry, exploiting Registry REST service interface. - An implementation of a SDMX Datasource capable of accessing gCube Timeseries services, retrieve statistical data and transform it into SDMX-ML documents. - A Client Library which allows the publication of Timeseries data available through gCube Timeseries services on a SDMX Datasource. - An SDMX Publisher Client Library that wraps Registry and Datasource Client Libraries allowing the publication of Timeseries data.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2014 Other Unknown
Sensor Weaver documentation
Fortunati L.
SensorWeaver is a suite of applications that enables application development in distributed sensor networks scenarios. It comprises: A Middleware Platform for secure communications between applications and sensor network gateway nodes Applications that leverage Middleware functionalities The software project is licensed with Apache V2 licensing. This page collects developers and administrators documentation on SensorWeaver components.Project(s): DOREMI via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | wnlab.isti.cnr.it

2000 Conference article Unknown
Dinamica della flotta peschereccia a strascico di Viareggio descritta mediante l'uso di un sistema geografico (GIS)
Fortunati L., Abella A., Serena F.
The spatial components of the Viareggio fisheries have been studied by means of a Geographic Information System. Data proceeds from a Catch Assessment Program started in 1990 and performed by direct interviews during the landings. The analysis of data allowed to describe the structural characteristics of the fleet, the distribution of fishing effort by fishing strategy and their seasonal changes. It also allowed to map the catch rates by gear for a group or for single species.Source: SIBM - Biologia Marina Mediterranea, pp. 565–570, Vibo Valentia, 2000

See at: CNR ExploRA

1999 Contribution to conference Unknown
Studio della dinamica delle risorse e della flotta peschereccia di Viareggio mediante l'uso di un Sistema d'Informazione Informativo Geografico
Abella A., Fortunati L., Serena F.
An abstract is not available.Source: Convegno SIBM, Vibo Valentia, 1999

See at: CNR ExploRA

1989 Other Unknown
DESTRING di immagini landsat MSS e TM
Fortunati L.
No abstract available.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1985 Other Unknown
Interfaccia a microcomputer tra IBM3081 e VDS701
Fortunati L.
No abstract available

See at: CNR ExploRA

1983 Other Unknown
Programmi per l'utilizzo dell'unità VERSATEC 2160A in collegamento ad un HOST mediante interfaccia microcomputer
Fortunati L.
nessun sommario disponibile

See at: CNR ExploRA

1977 Other Unknown
Struttura del sistema IBM 3750 criteri di pianificazione per l'installazione volume 1: struttura hardware e physical planning
Cervo G., Fortunati L.
No abstract available

See at: CNR ExploRA

1976 Other Unknown
Struttura del sistema IBM 370 e criteri di pianificazione per l'installazione
Cervo G., Fortunati L.
nessun sommario disponibile

See at: CNR ExploRA

1992 Other Unknown
Integrazione di dati raster e vector su plotter elettrostatico
Fortunati L.
Abstract non disponibile

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Conference article Unknown
SVG explorer of GML data
Piazza Bonati L., Fortunati L., Fresta G.
The OpenGIS Consortium has been developing, through time, the GML (Geography Markup Language) , a non-proprietary language (public domain) specifically defined to codify, archive and transfer (via Internet too) spatial data. Based on the XML standard, the GML handles both the geometry and the properties of the geographical elements; this allows the various data providers to share heterogeneous data sets and the users to access the data in a completely transparent way. From the application point of view, it simplifies and standardizes the operations in many sectors, from map building to data format transformation, from spatial query to geographical analysis, including the emerging applications in mobile systems. Since the GML data structure is XML-compliant, it can be transformed in a SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics) document format and then easily displayed on standard web browser. Because this technology is continuously evolving, this work presents an overview on some aspects of the state-of- the-art, an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages, and a demo application of the use of this technology in the field of building and querying thematic maps. The SVG Explorer application is running on a web browser (Microsoft Explorer) and all the functionalities are working at the client side on local and/or remote (WWW Internet) data. The application's main goal is the processing of GML documents and their visualization in a graphical way, with the interaction of the user. A set of basic functionalities handling both the graphical (zoom, pan, symbols, styles, ...), the geographical and the thematic aspects (multilayer organization, elements classification and aggregation by attributes, ...) have been developed. SVG is mainly oriented to vector data but can define also raster data as JPEG, PNG files containing georeferenced images; with this approach the overlay of vector data on a raster data background is allowed. All the functionalities are operating in an ECMA Script environment, making use of libraries implementing base primitives working on GML and SVG data structures (as recommended by W3C). The aim of this work is not only building a specific application, but is for three-fold: to validate the XML (GML and SVG in particular) technology in order to verify its capabilities to solve some GIS problems; to migrate the GIS operations from Server to Client side in order to discover which kind of operation can be allowed; to create a basic environment on which develop customized applications integrating a set of specific functions. The SVG Explorer can also be seen as an evolved application using the Web Feature Service (defined by the OpenGIS project) for the features (GML coded) presentation and manipulation at client side.Source: SVG Open 2003 Conference and Exhibition, Vancouver, July 13-18 2003

See at: CNR ExploRA