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2023 Conference article Open Access OPEN
SE-PEF: a resource for personalized expert finding
Kasela P, Pasi G, Perego R
The problem of personalization in Information Retrieval has been under study for a long time. A well-known issue related to this task is the lack of publicly available datasets to support a comparative evaluation of personalized search systems. To contribute in this respect, this paper introduces SE-PEF (StackExchange - Personalized Expert Finding), a resource useful for designing and evaluating personalized models related to the Expert Finding (EF) task. The contributed dataset includes more than 250k queries and 565k answers from 3 306 experts, which are annotated with a rich set of features modeling the social interactions among the users of a popular cQA platform. The results of the preliminary experiments conducted show the appropriateness of SE-PEF to evaluate and to train effective EF models.

See at: dl.acm.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2024 Conference article Open Access OPEN
DESIRE-ME: Domain-Enhanced Supervised Information Retrieval Using Mixture-of-Experts
Kasela P., Pasi G., Perego R., Tonellotto N.
Open-domain question answering requires retrieval systems able to cope with the diverse and varied nature of questions, providing accurate answers across a broad spectrum of query types and topics. To deal with such topic heterogeneity through a unique model, we propose DESIRE-ME, a neural information retrieval model that leverages the Mixture-of-Experts framework to combine multiple specialized neural models. We rely on Wikipedia data to train an effective neural gating mechanism that classifies the incoming query and that weighs the predictions of the different domain-specific experts correspondingly. This allows DESIRE-ME to specialize adaptively in multiple domains. Through extensive experiments on publicly available datasets, we show that our proposal can effectively generalize domain-enhanced neural models. DESIRE-ME excels in handling open-domain questions adaptively, boosting by up to 12% in NDCG@10 and 22% in P@1, the underlying state-of-the-art dense retrieval modelSource: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE, vol. 14609, pp. 111-125. Glasgow, UK, 24–28/03/2024
Project(s): EFRA via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted