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2012 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube GBIF SPD plugin
Lelii L
GBIF SPD plugin is a plugin of the Species Products Discovery service that interacts with GBIF data source. The data exchange format for publishing checklist data based on Darwin Core (DwC), a standard for biodiversity data.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2011 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Information System
Simi L, Lelii L
The gCube Information System (shortly, IS) plays a central role in a gCube Infrastructure: it delivers functionalities for publishing, discovering and monitoring the set of resources forming the infrastructure. It acts as the registry of the infrastructure, i.e. all the resources are registered in the IS and every service partaking in the infrastructure must refer to it to dynamically discover the other infrastructure constituents. Moreover, the approach provided by the IS is of great support for the dynamic deployment capabilities of gCube. In this context, a resource can be: - a gCube resource, supporting the deployment and operation of a gCube infrastructure; - an instance state, characterizing the operational state of an instance of a gCube service - a generic resource, any piece of well-formed information Because of its central role, key requirements in terms of quality of service for such a subsystem are performance, scalability, freshness and availability. Moreover, facilities supporting the interaction with such subsystem have been included in the gCore Framework. IS v3.0 released in 2011 features a full implementation of the Web Services Data Access and Integration - The XML Realization (WS-DAIX) Specification, Version 1.0 (http://www.ogf.org/documents/GFD.75.pdf).Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
VREModeler: a service for VRE creation in the gcube system
Lelii L
A service for dynamic Virtual Research Environment creation in the gcube systemProject(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
RConnector: a connector for R system in the gcube framework
Lelii L
A Rest service that permits to analyse the Timeseries generated using the Tabular Data Framework in the R envirnmentProject(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Software Metadata Only Access
ISProxy: a rest interface for the gcube information system
Lelii L
A REST service that let the user to submit specific queries to the IS via browserProject(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2008 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Enabling Layer [Release 1.0]
Simi M, Lelii L
The VRE Management subsystem is a set of gCube services and software components responsible for the definition and the dynamic deployment of VREs. A user-friendly user interface supports VREs definitions by guiding the user during the specification of the desired VRE features. Through the same interface the designer is informed on the optimal deployment plan identified by the system. In fact, the resulting plan is based on availability, QoS requirements, resource inter-dependencies, and VRE sharing policies, but also on monitoring of failures (resources are dynamically redeployed) and load (resources are dynamically replicated). The Resource Manager, by coordinating four distinguished services (Deployer, Software Repository, Resource Broker, gCube Hosting Node Manager), realizes the VRE dynamic deployment by, respectively, collecting service implementations, selecting target nodes for deployment within the infrastructure, and hosting resources implementations at selected nodes. The primary role assigned to this subsystem is to support the implementation of Virtual Research Environments ranging their definition/specification to their deployment and maintenance.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2009 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Time Series Environment
De Faveri F, Lelii L
The Time Series Environment is an application for Time Series management. The application let the user to import, curate and create a Time Series starting from a CSV document. The Time Series can be analyzed thought a set of functionality that range from simple filtering to chart generation and R Studio integration.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2010 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Information System
Simi M, Lelii L
The gCube Information System (shortly, IS) plays a central role in a gCube Infrastructure: it delivers functionalities for publishing, discovering and monitoring the set of resources forming the infrastructure. It acts as the registry of the infrastructure, i.e. all the resources are registered in the IS and every service partaking in the infrastructure must refer to it to dynamically discover the other infrastructure constituents. Moreover, the approach provided by the IS is of great support for the dynamic deployment capabilities of gCube. In this context, a resource can be: - a gCube resource, supporting the deployment and operation of a gCube infrastructure; - an instance state, characterizing the operational state of an instance of a gCube service - a generic resource, any piece of well-formed information Because of its central role, key requirements in terms of quality of service for such a subsystem are performance, scalability, freshness and availability. Moreover, facilities supporting the interaction with such subsystem have been included in the gCore Framework.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2010 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Content Management Framework
De Faveri F, Lelii L, Simeoni F
The Content Manager framework gives uniform access to content served by a variety of back-ends, both inside and outside the system.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2010 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Time Series Environment - Versione 2.5.0
De Faveri F, Lelii L
The Time Series Environment is an application for Time Series management. The application let the user to import, curate and create a Time Series starting from a CSV document. The Time Series can be analyzed thought a set of functionality that range from simple filtering to chart generation and R Studio integration.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2010 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Enabling Layer - Versione 2.2.0
Simi M, Lelii L
The VRE Management subsystem is a set of gCube services and software components responsible for the definition and the dynamic deployment of VREs. A user-friendly user interface supports VREs definitions by guiding the user during the specification of the desired VRE features. Through the same interface the designer is informed on the optimal deployment plan identified by the system. In fact, the resulting plan is based on availability, QoS requirements, resource inter-dependencies, and VRE sharing policies, but also on monitoring of failures (resources are dynamically redeployed) and load (resources are dynamically replicated). The Resource Manager, by coordinating four distinguished services (Deployer, Software Repository, Resource Broker, gCube Hosting Node Manager), realizes the VRE dynamic deployment by, respectively, collecting service implementations, selecting target nodes for deployment within the infrastructure, and hosting resources implementations at selected nodes. The primary role assigned to this subsystem is to support the implementation of Virtual Research Environments ranging their definition/specification to their deployment and maintenance.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2012 Software Metadata Only Access
A parser for the SPQL language.
De Faveri F, Lelii L
The Species Discovery Service support species queries based on the SPQL language. This library offers a parser for the SPQL language.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2012 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Tabular data framework
De Faveri F, Lelii L
A framework for tabular data visualization and manipulation. The framework offers both a GWT widget and a Java library for application integration.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2012 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Content management framework
De Faveri F, Lelii L, Simeoni F
The Content Manager framework gives uniform access to content served by a variety of back-ends, both inside and outside the system.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2012 Software Metadata Only Access
Species products discovery service.
Lelii L, De Faveri F
The Species Products Discovery Service gives uniform access to biodiversity information served by a variety of back-ends outside the system.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2013 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube OAI tree manager plugin
Marioli V, Lelii L, Simeoni F
Tree Manager plugin is a plugin of the Tree Manager services that defines and maintains gDM views of data sources that expose an OAI interfaceProject(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2013 Other Open Access OPEN
IMarine - IMarine data infrastructure enabling software
Antoniadis A, Cirillo R, Formisano C, Fortunati L, Gerbesiotis J, Lelii L, Panagiotis L, Savini A, Simeoni F, Travaglino E
iMarine Data Infrastructure Enabling Software contains the description of software and pointers to the documentation and artifacts of the related components that comprise the e-Infrastructure Management suite delivered from M11 to M24Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: goo.gl Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2014 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube OAI tree manager plugin.
Marioli V, Lelii L, Simeoni F
Tree Manager plugin is a plugin of the Tree Manager services that defines and maintains gDM views of data sources that expose an OAI interface.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted

2014 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube registry publisher
Cirillo R, Lelii L
The gCube Registry Publisher is a java library that operates in the context of gCube framework. This library represents, in conjunction with the IC-Client library, the mediation layer gCube Services, it will rely on to interact with the Information Service as a whole in order to publish, update, delete any kind of shared resource in the gCube context.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2008 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Information System. [Release 1.0]
Simi M, Lelii L
The gCube Information System (shortly, IS) plays a central role in a gCube Infrastructure: it delivers functionalities for publishing, discovering and monitoring the set of resources forming the infrastructure. It acts as the registry of the infrastructure, i.e. all the resources are registered in the IS and every service partaking in the infrastructure must refer to it to dynamically discover the other infrastructure constituents. Moreover, the approach provided by the IS is of great support for the dynamic deployment capabilities of gCube. In this context, a resource can be: - a gCube resource, supporting the deployment and operation of a gCube infrastructure; - an instance state, characterizing the operational state of an instance of a gCube service - a generic resource, any piece of well-formed information Because of its central role, key requirements in terms of quality of service for such a subsystem are performance, scalability, freshness and availability. Moreover, facilities supporting the interaction with such subsystem have been included in the gCore Framework.Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.gcube-system.org Restricted