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2022 Software Unknown
IMAGO Annotation Tool
Pratelli N., Bartalesi V., Lenzi E.
To populate the ontology developed within the Index Medii Aevi Geographiae Operum (IMAGO) -- Italian National Research Project (2020-23), we developed a semi-automatic Web tool, called IMAGO Annotation Tool, to allow scholars to insert knowledge about Medieval and Reinassance works through a user-friendly interface. The tool was created to reduce the time to insert knowledge and to avoid the insertion of mistakes thanks to the use of predefined lists of works, authors, libraries, places, geographic coordinates, and literary genres. Each field of the interface maps a class of the IMAGO ontology. The frontend interface is built using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and the Bootstrap library, using a Python backend, e.i., a Django framework and a PostgreSQL DB. Once the data about a work is inserted through the tool interface, this is encoded as an OWL knowledge base and stored in a triple store. The data is first exported to a JSON object. Indeed our software uses a JSON schema to represent the data, structured according to the IMAGO ontology classes. The JSON object is processed by Java software, which transforms it into an OWL graph encoded in RDF/XML and Turtle formats. This software carries out its task by relying on the Apache Jena library. The graph is finally stored in a Fuseki triple store, and it can be queried through a SPARQL endpoint.

See at: imagoarchive.it | CNR ExploRA

2022 Conference article Open Access OPEN
A knowledge base of medieval and renaissance geographic Latin works
Bartalesi V., Pratelli N., Lenzi E.
The geography of the world created during the Middle Ages and Renaissance (VI-XV centuries) was crucial to the development of Western thought in the European history. Until now, to the best of our knowledge, Medieval and Renaissance geographic Latin literature has not been studied using digital methods. The Italian National research project IMAGO - Index Medii Aevi Geographiae Operum - (2020-2023) aims at providing a systematic overview of this literature using Semantic Web technologies and the Linked Open Data paradigm. As the first step to develop tools to support scholars in creating, evolving and consulting a knowledge base (KB) of the geographic works, we created an OWL 2 DL ontology. To maximize its interoperability, we developed the ontology as an extension of two reference vocabularies: the CIDOC CRM and FRBRoo (including its in-progress reformulation LRMoo). In this paper, we briefly present the project, the ontology, and the automatic and semi-automatic tools we developed to populate it. The final aim of the project is the creation of a Web application allowing scholars to freely access and visualise the data collected in the IMAGO knowledge base.Source: IRCDL 2022 - 18th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, Padua, Italy, 24-25/02/2022

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Linking different scientific digital libraries in Digital Humanities: the IMAGO case study
Bartalesi V., Pratelli N., Lenzi E.
In the last years, several scientific digital libraries (DLs) in digital humanities (DH) field have been developed following the Open Science principles. These DLs aim at sharing the research outcomes, in several cases as FAIR data, and at creating linked information spaces. In several cases, to reach these aims the Semantic Web technologies and Linked Data have been used. This paper presents how the current scientific DLs in the DH field can provide the creation of linked information spaces and navigational services that allow users to navigate them, using Semantic Web technologies to formally represent, search and browsing knowledge. To support the argument, we present our experience in developing a scientific DL supporting scholars in creating, evolving and consulting a knowledge base related to Medieval and Renaissance geographical works within the three years (2020-2023) Italian National research project IMAGO--Index Medii Aevi Geographiae Operum. In the presented case study, a linked information space was created to allow users to discover and navigate knowledge across multiple repositories, thanks to the extensive use of ontologies. In particular, the linked information spaces created within the IMAGO project make use of five different datasets, i.e. Wikidata, the MIRABILE digital archive, the Nuovo Soggettario thesaurus, Mapping Manuscript Migration knowledge base and the Pleiades gazetteer. The linking among different datasets allows to considerably enrich the knowledge collected in the IMAGO KB.Source: International journal on digital libraries (Internet) (2022). doi:10.1007/s00799-022-00331-4
DOI: 10.1007/s00799-022-00331-4

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Using Semantic Web to create and explore an index of toponyms cited in Medieval geographical works
Bartalesi V., Pratelli N., Lenzi E., Pontari P.
Western thought in European history was mainly affected by the image of the world created during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. The most popular reason to travel during the Middle Ages was taking a pilgrimage. Jerusalem, Rome, and Santiago de Compostela were the most popular destinations. It is not surprising that a lot of works written by travellers as guides for pilgrims exist. By the beginning of the Renaissance, a more precise image of the world was defined thanks to the discovery of ancient geographical models, especially the work of Ptolemy. The three years (2020-2023) Italian National research project IMAGO - Index Medii Aevi Geographiae Operum - aims to provide a systematic overview of the medieval and renaissance Latin geographical literature using the Semantic Web technologies and the LOD paradigm. Indeed, until now, this literature has not been studied using digital methods. In particular, this paper presents how we formally represented the knowledge about the toponyms, or place names, in the IMAGO ontology. To maximise the interoperability, we developed the IMAGO ontology as an extension of two reference vocabularies: the CIDOC CRM and its extension FRBRoo, including its in-progress reformulation, LRMoo. Furthermore, we used Wikidata as reference knowledge base. As case study, we chose to represent the knowledge related to the toponyms cited by the Italian poet Dante Alighieri in his Latin works. We carried out a first experiment for visualising the knowledge about these toponyms on a map and in the form of tables and CSV files.Source: Journal on computing and cultural heritage (Online) (2023). doi:10.1145/3582263
DOI: 10.1145/3582263

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Conference article Open Access OPEN
A web tool to create and visualise semantic story maps
Bartalesi V., Lenzi E., Pratelli N.
This paper presents the Story Map Building and Visualizing Tool (SMBVT), a sofware that allows users to create and visualise semantic story maps using a user-friendly web interface. The tool uses Wikidata as external reference knowledge base and exploits Semantic Web technologies in the back-end system to represent stories modelled on the Narrative ontology, a CRM-based vocabulary for representing narratives. SMBVT is entirely open-source and accessible afer free registration.Source: Text2Story 2023 - Sixth Workshop on Narrative Extraction From Texts, pp. 163–169, Dublin, Ireland, 02/04/2023

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Software Unknown
Story Map Building and Visualising Tool (SMBVT)
Lenzi E., Bartalesi V., Pratelli N., Coro G., Pagano P.
In the context of the MOVING (MOuntain Valorisation through INterconnectedness and Green growth) project, we released an open-source software - the MOVING Story Map Building and Visualization Tool (SMBVT) - that allows users to create and visualise story maps within a collaborative environment and using a user-friendly Web interface. The tool uses Semantic Web technologies and the Narrative Ontology to represent the stories of the MOVING mountain Value Chains. The MOVING community access SMBVT through The MOVING story map Virtual Research Environment and creates the events of the story. For each event, the user can add: a title, a textual description, start and end dates, the geographic coordinates, a media object (i.e. a video or image), notes, and digital objects. The tool takes Wikidata as reference KB and assigns Wikidata Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs) to the story components (i.e. the entities that take part in an event). All the knowledge collected by SMBVT is stored in a JSON Postgres DB. When a story is completed, the tool automatically creates the corresponding visualisation using StoryMapJS library and makes available a corresponding URL that can be freely shared. Finally, SMBVT saves the collected knowledge as a Web Ontology Language (OWL) graph and publishes it as a Linked Open Data.Project(s): "CMG Collaborative Research": A Systematic Approach to Large Amplitude Internal Wave Dynamics: An Integrated Mathematical, Observational, and Remote Sensing Model, Blue Cloud via OpenAIRE, MOVING via OpenAIRE

See at: github.com | CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Unknown
MOVING D3.3 - Tools for science-society-policy interfaces. Using semantic story maps to describe a territory beyond its map
Bartalesi V., Coro G., Lenzi E., Pratelli N., Pagano P.
Maps have always stimulated people's imagination and spatiotemporally supported storytelling; however, they cannot alone represent the life and emotions associated with the territories they describe. Story maps are an IT solution to enrich maps with such information. They are online applications enriched with multimedia and textual information that tell map-based stories. Current software for story map building is either commercial or requires advanced IT skills that make it hardly used by environmental experts. This deliverable describes the Story Map Building and Visualizing Tool (SBVMT), an open-source and free-to-use tool to build and publish story maps, which overcomes common drawbacks of other software by operating within the open-science e-Infrastructure (D4Science) used in the MOVING Project. SBVMT includes new features such as an ontology to represent story maps, Semantic Web technologies for data representation, automatic connection to Wikidata, secure multi-user collaboration in story building, and visualisation of the narrative either as a story map or a timeline. This deliverable shows how SBVMT can overcome the perceptual gap between territory and map. We evaluated its usability and effectiveness from both the point of view of experts building the story map and users interacting with it. Using SMBVT we created the story maps related to the MOVING selected regions. Furthermore, exploiting the semantic web technologies, we implemented several SPARQL queries that allow linking different stories and discovering new knowledge.Source: ISTI Research Report, MOVING, D3.3, 2022
Project(s): MOVING via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
From unstructured texts to semantic story maps
Bartalesi V., Coro G., Lenzi E., Pagano P., Pratelli N.
Digital maps greatly support storytelling about territories, especially when enriched with data describing cultural, societal, and ecological aspects, conveying emotional messages that describe the territory as a whole. Story maps are interactive online digital narratives that can describe a territory beyond its map by enriching the map with text, pictures, videos, and other multimedia information. This paper presents a semi-automatic workflow to produce story maps from textual documents containing territory data. An expert first assembles one territory-contextual document containing text and images. Then, automatic processes use natural language processing and Wikidata services to (i) extract key concepts (entities) and geospatial coordinates associated with the territory, (ii) assemble a logically-ordered sequence of enriched story-map events, and (iii) openly publish online story maps and an interoperable Linked Open Data semantic knowledge base for event exploration and inter-story correlation analyses. Our workflow uses an Open Science-oriented methodology to publish all processes and data. Through our workflow, we produced story maps for the value chains and territories of 23 rural European areas of 16 countries. Through numerical evaluation, we demonstrated that territory experts considered the story maps effective in describing their territories, and appropriate for communicating with citizens and stakeholders.Source: International journal of digital earth (Online) 16 (2023): 234–250. doi:10.1080/17538947.2023.2168774
DOI: 10.1080/17538947.2023.2168774
Project(s): MOVING via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.tandfonline.com Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Towards digital twins of territories through semantic story maps
Bartalesi V., Coro G., Lenzi E., Pratelli N., Pagano P.
Digital maps greatly support storytelling about territories, especially when enriched with data describing cultural, societal, and ecological aspects, conveying emotional messages that describe the territory as a whole. Story maps are interactive online digital narratives that can describe a territory beyond its map by enriching the map with text, pictures, videos, and other multimedia information. This paper outlines how online story maps can fill the gap between a map and a territory in narratives to create a digital twin of different territories as inter-connected semantic storiesSource: BUILD-IT 2023, pp. 41–45, Rome, Italy, 19/10/2023-20/10/2023

See at: inm.cnr.it Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Using semantic story maps to describe a territory beyond its map
Bartalesi V., Coro G., Lenzi E., Pratelli N., Pagano P., Felici F., Moretti M., Brunori G.
The paper presents the Story Map Building and Visualizing Tool (SMBVT) that allows users to create story maps within a collaborative environment and a usable Web interface. It is entirely open-source and published as a free-to-use solution. It uses Semantic Web technologies in the back-end system to represent stories through a reference ontology for representing narratives. It builds up a user-shared semantic knowledge base that automatically interconnects all stories and seamlessly enables collaborative story building. Finally, it operates within an Open-Science oriented e-Infrastructure, which enables data and information sharing within communities of narrators, and adds multi-tenancy, multi-user, security, and access-control facilities. SMBVT represents narratives as a network of spatiotemporal events related by semantic relations and standardizes the event descriptions by assigning internationalized resource identifiers (IRIs) to the event components, i.e., the entities that take part in the event (e.g., persons, objects, places, concepts). The tool automatically saves the collected knowledge as a Web Ontology Language (OWL) graph and openly publishes it as Linked Open Data. This feature allows connecting the story events to other knowledge bases. To evaluate and demonstrate our tool, we used it to describe the Apuan Alps territory in Tuscany (Italy). Based on a user-test evaluation, we assessed the tool's effectiveness at building story maps and the ability of the produced story to describe the territory beyond the map.Source: Semantic web (Online) 14 (2023): 1255–1272. doi:10.3233/SW-233485
DOI: 10.3233/sw-233485

See at: content.iospress.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Open Access OPEN
AIMH research activities 2022
Aloia N., Amato G., Bartalesi V., Benedetti F., Bolettieri P., Cafarelli D., Carrara F., Casarosa V., Ciampi L., Coccomini D. A., Concordia C., Corbara S., Di Benedetto M., Esuli A., Falchi F., Gennaro C., Lagani G., Lenzi E., Meghini C., Messina N., Metilli D., Molinari A., Moreo A., Nardi A., Pedrotti A., Pratelli N., Rabitti F., Savino P., Sebastiani F., Sperduti G., Thanos C., Trupiano L., Vadicamo L., Vairo C.
The Artificial Intelligence for Media and Humanities laboratory (AIMH) has the mission to investigate and advance the state of the art in the Artificial Intelligence field, specifically addressing applications to digital media and digital humanities, and taking also into account issues related to scalability. This report summarize the 2022 activities of the research group.Source: ISTI Annual reports, 2022
DOI: 10.32079/isti-ar-2022/002

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Report Open Access OPEN
AIMH Research Activities 2023
Aloia N., Amato G., Bartalesi V., Bianchi L., Bolettieri P., Bosio C., Carraglia M., Carrara F., Casarosa V., Ciampi L., Coccomini D. A., Concordia C., Corbara S., De Martino C., Di Benedetto M., Esuli A., Falchi F., Fazzari E., Gennaro C., Lagani G., Lenzi E., Meghini C., Messina N., Molinari A., Moreo A., Nardi A., Pedrotti A., Pratelli N., Puccetti G., Rabitti F., Savino P., Sebastiani F., Sperduti G., Thanos C., Trupiano L., Vadicamo L., Vairo C., Versienti L.
The AIMH (Artificial Intelligence for Media and Humanities) laboratory is dedicated to exploring and pushing the boundaries in the field of Artificial Intelligence, with a particular focus on its application in digital media and humanities. This lab's objective is to enhance the current state of AI technology particularly on deep learning, text analysis, computer vision, multimedia information retrieval, multimedia content analysis, recognition, and retrieval. This report encapsulates the laboratory's progress and activities throughout the year 2023.Source: ISTI Annual Reports, 2023
DOI: 10.32079/isti-ar-2023/001

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA