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2002 Contribution to book Unknown
Designing methods for quality
Locuratolo E.
A metamethod for designing methods that achieve quality requirements is provided and MetaASSO, a step-wise approach to the design of a conceptual database design methodology, named ASSO, is described. MetaASSO starts from the proposal of a method for meeting two conflicting quality requirements: flexibility in modifying a database schema and efficiency in accessing and storing information. More concrete proposals that increase the quality requirements are then given until a modular design is achieved. The provided approach makes it easy to describe ASSO and the modules, called methodological tools. Furthermore it favours the achievement of practical results. Features of ASSO can thus be reused to design an ASSO-toolkit that performs the proof process at a low cost.Source: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XIII, edited by Hannu Kangassalo, Hannu Jaakkola, Eiji Kawaguchi, Tatjana Welzer, pp. 279–295. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2002

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2006 Contribution to book Restricted
Database Design Based on B
Locuratolo E.
This chapter is devoted to the integration of the ASSO features in B. ASSO is a database design methodology defined for achieving conceptual schema consistency, logical schema correctness, flexibility in reflecting the real-life changes on the schema and efficiency in accessing and storing information. B is an industrial formal method for specifying, designing, and coding software systems. Starting from a B specification of the data structures and of the transactions allowed on a database, two model transformations are designed: The resulting model, called Structured Database Schema, integrates static and dynamics exploiting the novel concepts of Class-Machine and Specialized Class-Machine. Formal details which must be specified if the conceptual model of ASSO is directly constructed in B are avoided; the costs of the consistency obligations are minimized. Class-Machines supported by semantic data models can be correctly linked with Class-Machines supported by object Models.Source: Database Modeling for Industrial Data Management: Emerging Technologies and Applications, pp. 35–61. Hershley [PA]: Idea Group Publishing, 2006
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-684-6.ch002
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch028

See at: doi.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | www.igi-global.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2005 Contribution to book Restricted
Model Transformations in Designing the ASSO Methodology
Locuratolo E.
ASSO, an innovative conceptual methodology which combines features of database design with the formal method B, has been defined in order to ensure the flexibility of semantic data models, the efficiency of object models and the design correctness. Starting from a directed acyclic graph of classes supported by semantic data models, a formal mapping generates classes supported by object models. The classes supported by semantic data models are then extended with aspects of behavioural modelling; a relationship with the B model is established and the consistency proofs of the whole schema are reduced to small obligations of B. The Chapter evidences how ASSO is based on model transformations. These have been introduced with different purposes: to map semantic data models to object models, to integrate static and dynamic modelling, to link formal and informal notations and to relate the conceptual schema and the logical schema of the methodologySource: Transformation of knowledge, Information and Data: Theory and Applications, edited by Patrick van Bommel, pp. 283–302. Hershey: Information Science Reference, 2005
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-527-6.ch013

See at: doi.org Restricted | www.igi-global.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2008 Contribution to book Restricted
Extensional and intensional aspects of conceptual design
Locuratolo E., Palomaki J.
A partition method is designed to achieve the flexibility of semantic models in reflecting changes occurring in real life and the efficiency on object systems. The method of partition has been applied only to the extensional aspects of concepts, i.e. set. In this paper a partition method is applied to the intensional aspects of concepts as well. A particular problem concerning the intensional negation of a concept is solved by defining a restricted intensional negation of a concept, which is important in all practical conceptual design situations all of which are confined in specific restricted part of the universe of discourse. Some further development of partitioning is presented as well.Source: Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases XIX, edited by Hannu Jaakkola; Yasushi Kiyoki; Takahiro Tokuda, pp. 160–169. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2008

See at: www.booksonline.iospress.nl Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2009 Contribution to book Closed Access
Database design based on B
Locuratolo E.
This chapter is devoted to the integration of the ASSO features in B. ASSO is a database design methodology defined for achieving conceptual schema consistency, logical schema correctness, flexibility in reflecting the real life changes on the schema and efficiency in accessing and storing information. B is an industrial formal method for specifying, designing, and coding software systems. Starting from a B specification of the data structures and of the transactions allowed on a database, two model transformations are designed: the resulting model, called Structured Database Schema, integrates static and dynamics exploiting the novel concepts of Class-Machine and Specialized Class-Machine. Formal details which must be specified if the conceptual model of ASSO is directly constructed in B are avoided; the costs of the consistency obligations are minimized. Class Machines supported by semantic data models can be correctly linked with Class-Machines supported by object Models.Source: Database Technologies: concepts, methodologies, tools and applications, edited by John Erickson, pp. 440–456, 2009
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-058-5.ch028
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-684-6.ch002

See at: doi.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | www.igi-global.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2005 Report Unknown
Meta-modeling to design the structured database schema
Locuratolo E.
Abstract: ASSO is a formal methodology of database design which defines the Structured Database Schema model. This model permits large conceptual schemas to be specified in terms of classes and specialized classes and large consistency proofs to be reduced to small consistency proofs. In this chapter, a Meta-Modeling approach for the Structured Database Schema, which integrates features from methodologies of conceptual database design with the formal method B, is proposed. It starts from a conceptual model based on the notions of class and is-a relationship and proceeds with two gradual extensions of models: the former defines the basic operations, whereas the latter defines the Structured Database Schema. This Meta-Modeling approach guarantees the Structured Database Schema goodness by proposing extensions of models compatible with the previous models. Both a "qualitative measure" of the information implicitly specified within the Structured Database Schema and a qualitative evaluation of the consistency cost are providedSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2005

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2006 Report Unknown
From conceptual modeling to data mining
Locuratolo E.
A data mining problem, called knowledge incorporation, is proposed as an approach that inverts a method exploited within ASSO, a formal database design methodology. Starting from a graph of logical classes, where each object instance belongs to one and only one class, a formal transformation is determined. This transformation links the graph of logical classes with a graph of conceptual classes, where each object instance may belong to more classes. The knowledge incorporation approach is able to implicitly represent classes of objects explicitly represented at logical level.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2006

See at: CNR ExploRA

2006 Report Unknown
Meta-modeling to design the Structured Database Schema
Locuratolo E.
Abstract: ASSO is a formal methodology of database design which defines the Structured Database Schema model. This model permits large conceptual schemas to be specified in terms of classes and specialized classes and large consistency proofs to be reduced to small consistency proofs. In this chapter, a Meta-Modeling approach for the Structured Database Schema, which integrates features from methodologies of conceptual database design with the formal method B, is proposed. It starts from a conceptual model based on the notions of class and is-a relationship and proceeds with two gradual extensions of models: the former defines the basic operations, whereas the latter defines the Structured Database Schema. This Meta-Modeling approach guarantees the Structured Database Schema goodness by proposing extensions of models compatible with the previous models. Both a "qualitative measure" of the information implicitly specified within the Structured Database Schema and a qualitative evaluation of the consistency cost are provided.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2006

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Report Unknown
Asso : Designing model Transformations
Locuratolo E.
ASSO, an innovative conceptual methodology which combines features of database design with the formal method B, has been defined in order to ensure the flexibility of semantic data models, the efficiency of object models and the design correctness. Starting from a directed acyclic graph of classes supported by semantic data models, a formal mapping generates classes supported by object models. The classes supported by semantic data models are then extended with aspects of behavioural modelling; a relationship with the B model is established and the consistency proofs of the whole schema are reduced to small obligations of B. The Chapter evidences how ASSO is based on model transformations. These have been introduced with different purposes: to map semantic data models to object models, to integrate static and dynamic modelling, to link formal and informal notations and to relate the conceptual schema and the logical schema of the methodology.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2003

See at: CNR ExploRA

2001 Report Unknown
MetaASSO: an approach for quality
Locuratolo E.
MetaASSO is the approach employed to design ASSO, a formal methodology of conceptual database design for the achievement of conflicting quality requirements. The approach starts from the idea of combining flexibility in modifying a database schema with efficiency in applying object-oriented methodologies, two conflicting requirements. This idea is then refined with more concrete proposals increasing quality and resulting into a modular design of ASSO. The paper focuses on the motivations that support the modules, called methodological tools. This permits extending the methodological tools and studying the effects on the other components. The model supported by ASSO is thus extended with application constraints and operations involving general state variables. The extension is designed in order to reduce the consistency proofs of the model. The design of the methodological tools affects the design of support tools for ASSO. Practical results can be achieved designing an ASSO-toolkit, which reuses some of the B-toolkit functionalities and exploits the features of ASSO in order to reduce the proofs.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–18, 2001

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2002 Report Unknown
Modelling design methods for quality
Locuratolo E.
A metamethod for modelling design methods that meet quality requirements is proposed and an example is described. The chosen example is MetaASSO, the approach employed to define a modular design of a methodology of conceptual database design, named ASSO. MetaASSO consists of a sequence of method proposals. The motivations which supports the proposals are described and the following modules, called methodological tools, are introduced: Structured Database Schema, conceptual model designed to specify information with flexibility while guaranteeing consistency; Revisited Partitioning, method designed to refine the Structured Database Schema towards correct and efficient implementations; Relations between ASSO and B, approach of translation proposed to link a methodology designed at conceptual level with a formal method designed at a lower abstraction level. This approach makes it easy to deal with ASSO and the methodological tools. Features of ASSO can therefore be reused to design an ASSO-toolkit based on the B-toolkit that performs the proof process at a low cost.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2002

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2004 Report Unknown
Database design based on B
Locuratolo E.
This chapter is devoted to the integration of the ASSO features in B. ASSO is a database design methodology defined for achieving conceptual schema consistency, logical schema correctness, flexibility in reflecting the real life changes on the schema and efficiency in accessing and storing information. Starting from a B specification of the data structure and of the transactions allowed on a database, two model transformations are designed. The obtained model integrates statics and dynamics exploiting the concepts of Class-Machines and Specialized Class-Machines, two concepts enriching corresponding concepts supported by the database conceptual languages. Formal details which must be specified if the conceptual model of ASSO is directly constructed in B are avoided; large consistency obligations are reduced to small obligations. Class Machines supported by semantic data models can be correctly linked with Class-Machines supported by object Models.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–30, 2004

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
Transporting the Partitioning Method to the Intensional Aspects of Concepts
Locuratolo E., Palomäki J.
The Partitioning Method, a formal mapping between a directed acyclic graph of classes supported by semantic data models and classes supported by object systems, has been applied to the extensional aspects of concepts. This paper is concerned with the applicability of the method to the intensional aspects of concepts. Concepts are introduced through information contents and elementary cases of hierarchies are examined in order to go from the concept level to the set-theoretical level.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
Extensional and intensional aspects of conceptual design
Locuratolo E., Palomäki J.
A partition method is designed to achieve the flexibility of semantic model in reflecting changes occurring in real life and the efficiency on object systems. The method of partition has been applied only to the extensional aspects of concepts, i.e. sets. In this paper a partition method is applied to the intensional aspects of concepts as well. A particular problem concerning the intensional negation of a concept is solved by defining a restricted intensional negation of a concept, which is important in all practical conceptual design situations all of which are confined in specific restricted part of the universe of discourse. Some further development of partitioning is presented as well.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2007

See at: CNR ExploRA

2009 Report Unknown
An approach to the evolution of conceptual methods
Locuratolo E.
Two formal meta-mappings for the integration of vertical and horizontal mappings are proposed. The former characterizes the mappings from a conceptual/semantic data model to a corresponding logical/object model. The latter characterizes the mappings from an extension of the previous conceptual model to a corresponding logical/object model. The extension that represents a horizontal mapping is based on a notion of model compatibility. This allows determining a corresponding extension of the logical model and of the vertical mapping characterization. The approach supports the method evolution in order to define correct conceptual methodsSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2009

See at: CNR ExploRA

2009 Report Unknown
Mapping Integration for Designing the ASSO Methodology
Locuratolo E.
A formal conceptual approach to mapping integration which favours the definition of correct conceptual methods is proposed, and MetaASSO, the sequence of mappings resulting into a database design methodology for quality, is described. The conceptual formalization of this approach is based on a homogeneous framework of modelling which facilities the integration of horizontal and vertical mappings, while guaranteeing the approach "goodness". Specifically, an initial consistent conceptual model is correctly mapped to a corresponding consistent logical model. The initial conceptual model is then gradually extended exploiting model extensions compatible with the previous models. This allows to determine corresponding mapping extensions from conceptual models to logical models, which result to be correct without any need of proofs. The correctness and the other quality features which make this approach a "good approach" are discussedSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2009

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2010 Other Unknown
Construction of concepts and decomposition of objects
Locuratolo E., Palomaki J.
The seminar aims to present the research results achieved in transporting to the concept theory algorithms for mapping graphs of classes supported by semantic data models to graphs of classes supported by object systems. The concept theory comprises the distinction between the intensional and extensional aspects of concepts. The former is referred to the information contents of concepts, whereas the latter is referred to the sets of objects which fall under the concepts. These two aspects of concepts define two different levels of representation, called intensional/concept level and extensional/set-theoretical level, respectively. It is correct to go from the concept level to the set-theoretical level, but not vice versa. The partitioning algorithms employed in computer science and information engineering have been defined at the set-theoretical level. These algorithms cannot be applied to the concept level; however, they can be transported to this level. Really, our approach, which is based on the construction of concepts and on the decomposition of objects, allows: .Defining the process of concept construction. .Providing a network of concepts enclosing: .All and only the concepts related with a Universe of Discourse and basic concepts .All and only the intensional inclusion relations. .Recognizing the concepts that can be mapped to the extensional level. .Organizing the set of classes at the extensional level into a graph of object classes. .Transforming it into a graph of semantic classes. Differently from other approaches, which can be found in information modeling and knowledge bases, and in formal context analysis, our approach makes it possible to relate each extension with all and only the concepts which can be constructed starting from a Universe of Discourse and basic concepts. Possible application fields of our approach are outlined.

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2010 Contribution to book Closed Access
Meta-Modeling To Design The Structured Database Schema
Locuratolo E.
A formal meta-model, exploited to define the conceptual model of a database design method named "ASSO," is proposed. The approach integrates features from methodologies of conceptual database design with the formal method B. Starting from a conceptual model based on the notions of class and is-a relationship, two gradual model extensions are considered: the former defines the basic operations, whereas the latter defines the ASSO model, called "Structured Database Schema". The Structured Database Schema permits large conceptual schemas to be specified in terms of class and specialized class and large consistency proofs to be reduced to small consistency proofs. The Structured Database Schema "goodness" is guaranteed by proposing model extensions compatible with the previous models. Both a "qualitative measure" of information implicitly specified within the Structured Database Schema and a "qualitative evaluation" of the consistency costs are provided.Source: edited by Keng Siau; Roger H.L. Chiang; Bill C. Hardgrave, pp. 195–215, 2010

See at: mesharpe.metapress.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2011 Contribution to book Restricted
Meta-modeling to design the structured database schema
Locuratolo E. I.
A formal meta-model, exploited to define the conceptual model of a database design method named "ASSO," is proposed. The approach integrates features from methodologies of conceptual database design with the formal method B. Starting from a conceptual model based on the notions of class and is-a relationship, two gradual model extensions are considered: the former defines the basic operations, whereas the latter defines the ASSO model, called "Structured Database Schema." The Structured Database Schema permits large conceptual schemas to be specified in terms of class and specialized class and large consistency proofs to be reduced to small consistency proofs. The Structured Database Schema "goodness" is guaranteed by proposing model extensions compatible with the previous models. Both a "qualitative measure" of information implicitly specified within the Structured Database Schema and a "qualitative evaluation" of the consistency costs are provided.Source: Systems Analysis and Design: People, Processes, and Projects, edited by Keng Siau, Roger Chiang, Bill C. Hardgrave, pp. 195–215. Armonk NY: M.E. Sharpe Inc., 2011

See at: www.mesharpe.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Unknown
Construction of Concepts and Decomposition of Objects
Locuratolo E., Palomäki J.
This paper presents an approach that transports at the concept level mapping algorithms from classes of objects supported by semantic data models, called semantic classes, to classes of objects supported by object systems, called object classes. Both these models are defined as acyclic oriented graphs of classes. In semantic classes, each object instance can belong to many different classes, thus enhancing flexibility. In object classes, each object instance can belong to one and only one class, thus enhancing efficiency. The proposed approach can be useful when we are, for instance, designing an object, which does not yet exists, but about which we have plenty of conceptual information and of which we want to build a conceptual model.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

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