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2007 Contribution to book Unknown
The M.O.D.E.M. online sequencer
Magrini M.
The Leonardo Da Vinci M.O.D.E.M. project offers a new dimension of web formation: the chance to produce and share remote music inside international virtual learning community. Through M.O.D.E.M. a European partnership of very high standards has been used to develop: 1) A virtual learning website for the achievement of creative web musical projects in open code and/or audio files 2) Basic and advanced formative courses for the production and exchange of musical creative projects inside the virtual learning area 3) A European web of young students able to experiment and use the working sphere they built. The idea of M.O.D.E.M. is to transfer in an educational and formative sphere usual work methods, applications, the whole of creative implements and technological instruments made and used from and for the international community of musicians and composers. The project intends to give ample disposition to the training system and to the professional European formation.Source: M.O.D.E.M . Music Open Distance Exchange Model, edited by Federico Ballanti, Gemma Fiocchetta, pp. 59–63. Roma: Anicia, 2007

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2014 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
SIDOREMI, Sistema di Rieducazione Espressiva del Movimento e dell'Interazione
Magrini M., Rossi E
The Silab, Laboratory Signals and Images ISTI-CNR of Pisa has extensive expertise in the field of signal and image processing and development of innovative human-machine interfaces. In recent years SILAB has used these technologies of interaction in the SIDOREMI project, an innovative system for the treatment of children affected by autism spectrum disorders. The approach is inspired by the technique of Floortime and model DIR (Developmental Individual Difference Relationship, Stanley Greenspan and Serena Wieder), declining it in a context in which the technology enhances and amplifies the effectiveness. The basic mechanism of the system is to correlate dynamics of the body to sensory stimuli. Among all the different sensory channels, hearing is one that requires a higher level of abstraction, which makes them difficult for stakeholders to DPS. Our system opens a bridge between this channel sensory and movement: the relationship that is created contextualizes precisely the perceived auditory stimuli, giving them concrete form and information content.Source: Autismi 2014. Novità dalla ricerca scientifica. Percorsi di formazione specialistica. Proposte operative per scuola e servizi, Palacongressi di Rimini, Italia, 14,15 Novembre 2014

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Unknown
Esperienze e valutazione di sistemi digitali per la correzione dell'acustica nelle sale d'ascolto
Bianchi S., Magrini M., Sarri P., Testa E.
Esperienze e valutazione di sistemi digitali per la correzione dell'acustica nelle sale d'ascolto. Riassunto) Nella prima parte si richiamano alcune metodologie di misura per l'analisi della risposta in frequenza di un ambiente d'ascolto prese da noi in considerazione, tra cui l'uso di rumore rosa e dell'analizzatore RTA, l'uso di un segnale variabile (sweep di sinusoidi) e dell'analisi FFT e si accenna anche all'algoritmo di Constant-Q Transform, che permette la realizzazione di analizzatori acustici digitali computazionalmente economici. Nella seconda parte si espongono le congruenze e le discrepanze connesse all'uso delle metodologie di analisi a partire da un esempio reale. Segue la descrizione della correzione della risposta rilevata utilizzando un equalizzatore parametrico DSP. Vengono poi discussi vantaggi e svantaggi connessi all'uso delle varie metodologie di analisi: regioni di risposta a fase non minima e interventi possibili; correzione elettronica e correzione con l'uso di trattamenti acustici, ecc. Infine si conclude con un approccio strutturato al problema della correzione della risposta nella sala d'ascolto.Source: 41° Convegno Nazionale Associazione Italiana di Acustica, Pisa, Italy, 17-19 giugno 2014

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1999 Other Unknown
Sistema multimediale per test di attenzione sostenuta
Magrini M., Ciampini R., Giordano E.
An abstract is not available.

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2022 Bachelor thesis Open Access OPEN
Orto Botanico Accessibile 2.0 le tecnologie assistive incontrano la realtà aumentata per un'esperienza museale inclusiva
Poggianti C., Magrini M., Pelagatti S.
Dati OMS rivelano che nel mondo una persona su dieci sperimenta una disabilità. Anche se in misure differenti, tutta la popolazione può esserne interessata, dal momento in cui la disabilità fa parte della condizione umana. Quasi tutti a un certo punto della vita saranno, temporaneamente o permanentemente, disabili. Ciò è testimoniato anche dall'evoluzione del concetto di accessibilità nel corso degli anni. Inizialmente il riferimento era relegato all'esclusivo abbattimento delle barriere fisiche, mentre oggi la sua definizione ricopre l'ampio spettro dell'integrazione umana a sostegno del fatto che tutti possono sperimentare limitazioni, dal momento in cui le capacità cambiano con l'età. Ogni epoca ha affrontato il problema morale e politico di come includere e sostenere al meglio persone con disabilità, sebbene siano diverse le difficoltà che ancora oggi accompagnano la vita delle persone disabili, come la discriminazione, minori possibilità formative e professionali, livello di istruzione inferiorie ecc. Riconosciute le diverse tipologie di disabilità, è importante ricordare che storicamente le persone con necessità di supporto siano state assistite nella maggior parte dei casi attraverso soluzioni che le segregavano. Oggi, invece, l'inclusione è divenuta una priorità, specialmente nell'ambito educativo. La fruizione del patrimonio culturale è un'esperienza di ascendenza e studi confermano come sia in grado di apportare numerosi benefici, tra i quali rafforzare l'identità personale. Visitare un museo è un'attività piacevole ed educativa, anche per questo motivo l'articolo 30 della Convenzione ONU sui diritti delle persone con disabilità riconosce il diritto di tutti a partecipare alla vita culturale con gli altri. Non a caso, negli ultimi decenni, i musei hanno subito importanti cambiamenti, enfatizzando una comunicazione con diversi tipi di pubblico e in modi diversi. Queste istituzioni sono passate dall' "essere su qualcosa" all' "essere per qualcuno". In questo modo, nella società odierna, la maggior parte delle attività nel campo dell'istruzione e dell'intrattenimento sono state influenzate dalle tecnologie dell'informazione. Negli ultimi anni, nel panorama dei processi e delle metodologie utilizzate a supporto della riabilitazione, della didattica e dell'educazione, le nuove tecnologie hanno rappresentato una preziosa fonte per persone con disabilità. Se resa accessibile, la tecnologia rende più semplice il superamento delle barriere, impattando positivamente sugli ostacoli che caratterizzano la quotidianità di una persona con disabilità. I musei hanno così iniziato a sperimentare diverse strategie e pratiche, esplorando l'uso degli ausili tecnologici. In particolare, gli smartphone sembrano avere il potenziale per diventare una piattaforma futura per la guida museale personale. Consentono, infatti, prestazioni multimediali complete e riducono i costi di acquisizione e manutenzione da parte dell'istituzione culturale. L'evoluzione tecnologica, inoltre, ha introdotto la realtà aumentata. Questa soluzione occupa sempre di più un posto importante nel campo della comunicazione e interazione sociale. Un valido supporto, dunque, nei confronti dell'integrazione promossa dalla partecipazione alla vita culturale.

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Bachelor thesis Unknown
Sviluppo di exergame per l'esercizio delle funzioni esecutive delle capacità visuo-spaziali, basato dispositivo di rilevamento gestuale Leap Motion
Tassotti S., Turchi T., Magrini M.
Il progetto di tirocinio approfondisce l'applicazione della realtà virtuale come strumento di supporto alla riabilitazione, con interesse nell'implementazione di un Exergame finalizzato a potenziare la riabilitazione degli arti superiori in pazienti affetti da patologie come il Parkinson e la demenza, inclusi coloro con mielolesioni o che necessitano di esercizi per il controllo motorio, anche in pazienti privi di tali condizioni.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2005 Conference article Unknown
Uso di tools per 'Rapid Prototyping' nello sviluppo di algoritmi DSP complessi.
Bertini G, Magrini M., Gonzales D., Grassi L., Fontana F.
Rapid prototyping is becoming a new approach in advanced Digital Signal Processing development. It allows fast tuning of complex algorithms without spending many work-days coding in typical DSP oriented languages, assembler or C/C++ dialects. With the advent of Mathworks MATLAB's Real Time Workshop (RTW) is now possible to compile, load and execute graphically designed Mathworks Simulink models into a real DSP platform. RTW supports many Developer Starter Kit DSP boards, including the pretty powerful Texas Instruments C6000 series. As described in this document, we developed an HW system based on the TMS320C6711 DSK (then replaced by a TMS320C6713 DSK), enclosing it in a chassis together with additional analog circuitry. This system has been used for testing a Virtual Dubbing algorithm, currently under development at Musical & Architectural Acoustic Lab. (FSSG-CNR, Venice, Italy) proving the advantages of rapid aided prototyping approach. Some evaluation on preliminary results is given.Source: 5th DSP Application Day, Milano, 19 settembre 2005

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2005 Conference article Unknown
Voice transformation algorithms with real time DSP rapid prototyping tools
Bertini G., Fontana F., Gonzalez D., Grassi L., Magrini M.
The main goal of the work here described is the DSP implementation of innovative algorithms for real-time voice transformation. This work represents part of the procedure (developed in the framework of the RACINE-S European Project) conceived for reconstructing voice and dialogue in audio tracks of old and highly damaged film movies. Besides the implementation of a set of methods, as LPC/ VC (Linear Prediction Coding/ Voice Conversion),innovative methods of improving of the quality of synthesized voice have been considered. This whole set of operations represents a particular implementation of the so-called 'Virtual Dubbing' procedure. The basic steps of the complete project include: designing a method for high-quality voice transformation, a suitable algorithm in Matlab/Simulink and,finally, translating it into Digital Signal Processor target code by means of a rapid prototyping approach. The original code was developed in Matlab and so we used the Mathworks MATLAB's Real Time Workshop (RTW)DSP platform for rapid prototyping.Source: 13th EUSIPCO European Signal Processing Conference, Antalya, 4-8 September 2005

See at: CNR ExploRA

2009 Contribution to conference Restricted
Audio DSP software to compensate for artifacts in digital audio reproduction
Bianchi S., Giunti T., Magrini M.
This work reports on our studies of acoustic distortion (non-linear frequency response) caused by the listening room in a typical audio-reproduction chain. We used spectral analysis to estimate the environmental response of typical listening rooms to pink noise. As part of the collaboration between ISTICNR and TangerineTech Engineering, an environmental equalization procedure using digital highresolution parametric IIR filters was developed. This research led to audio-DSP software that can compensate the filtering artifacts of most listening rooms. The application was developed for the Apple Macintosh platform.Source: DSP Application Day 2009 e-Conference & Webinar, Milano, 21 settembre 2009

See at: dsprts.dico.unimi.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2010 Contribution to conference Unknown
Signal conditioning and acquisition: general principles and application in the audio field
Bertini G., Bianchi S., Magrini M.
In order to perceive, store and analyze physical events they must be transduced into electrical signals and, eventually, converted into digital form for processing on computers. This is a standard procedure in every civil and industrial applications: biomedicine, audio, astrophysics, automotive, telecommunications, etc. Methods for acquiring signals and data from the physical world have benefited greatly from technological progress. The latest electronic components greatly improve performance in terms of speed, power consumption, and physical size requirements. Although there are some general guidelines, this process of data acquisition often requires special characteristics specific to the field of application: sensor types, signal conditioning, interfacing, and so forth. Our seminar first describes the general principles of signals and data acquisition. It then focuses on discussion of the analog and digital methods and circuits for audio field. Regarding this field of application, we will also remark on some psychoacoustic paradigm, some issues regarding audio recording/reproduction and other factors that often address specific solutions adopted for the target systems (telecoms, high-end audio, consumer electronics, etc.).Source: DSP Application Day 2010 e-Conference & Webinar, Milano, 13 December 2010

See at: CNR ExploRA

2008 Contribution to book Unknown
A DSP system for audio-signal dynamic-range enhancement
Magrini M., Giunti T., Bertini G., Rauber A., Lidy T.
The audio treatment methods commonly used in many FM radios and in mastering processes for today's popular music tend to increase perceived loudness of the final audio product, producing loud but 'flat' sound. This is satisfactory for most commercial purposes, ut ultimately introduces unwanted effects such as reduced dynamic range, poor transients, and loss of fidelity. We have proposed a method for time-domain transient restoration of recorded music that restores clarity similar to that of a live performance. The algorithm can easily be implemented with low-cost digital signal processors, i.e. in stand-alone devices or included in (iPod-like) hardware or (Winamp-like) software audio-player applications. A method for using on-the-fly feature extraction from the songs played to automatically tune the effect is currently under study. This goal is being jointly pursued with a research group from the Technische Universität Wien working on music classification and retrieval, within the framework of the EU MUSCLE-NoE projectSource: DSP Application Day 2007, edited by Mario Malcangi, pp. 79–90, 2008

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Contribution to book Unknown
MODEM, Music Open Distance Exchange Model - Progetto Leonardo
Tarabella L., Magrini M.
No abstract avaibleSource: M.O.D.E.M. music open distance exchange model - progetto Leonardo da Vinci, edited by Federico Ballanti; Gemma Fiocchetta, pp. 153–156. Roma: Anicia, 2007

See at: CNR ExploRA

2004 Report Unknown
Sistema di sviluppo con DSP floating-point per il Rapid Prototyping
Bertini G., Di Giovannantonio L., Gonzales D., Grassi L., Magrini M., Dedola M.
Rapid prototyping is becoming a new approach in advanced Digital Signal Processing development. It allows fast tuning of complex algorithms without spending many work-days coding in typical DSP oriented languages, typically assembler or C/C++ dialects. With the advent of Mathworks MATLAB's Real Time Workshop (RTW) is now possible to compile, load and execute graphically designed Mathworks Simulink models into a real DSP platform. RTW supports many Developer Starter Kit DSP boards, including the pretty powerful Texas Instruments C6000 series. As described in this document, we developed an HW system based on the TMS320C6711 DSK, enclosing it in a chassis together with additional analog circuitry. This system has been used for testing a Virtual Dubbing algorithm currently under development at Musical & Architectural Acoustic Lab. (FSSG-CNR, Venice Italy) proving the advantages of rapid aided prototyping approachSource: ISTI Technical reports, 2004

See at: CNR ExploRA

2004 Report Open Access OPEN
Voice transformation algorithms with real time DSP Rapid Prototyping tools
Bertini G., Fontana F., Gonzalez D., Grassi L., Magrini M.
The main goal of the work here described is the DSP implementation of innovative algorithms for voice transformation in real time. This work represents part of the procedure conceived for the reconstruction of voice and dialogue in audio tracks of old and highly damaged film movies that has been developed within the framework of the RACINE-S European Project. In addition to the implementation of a set of methods, as LPC/ VC (Linear Prediction Coding/ Voice Conversion) techniques, innovative non-linear algorithms for improving the quality of synthesized speech have been proposed. This entire set of operations represents a particular implementation of the so-called "Virtual Dubbing" procedure. The main steps of the complete project include: a method for high-quality voice transformation, designing a suitable algorithm in Matlab/Simulink and, finally, translating it into Digital Signal Processor target code by means of a rapid prototyping approach. The original code was developed on Matlab and so we have used the Mathworks MATLAB's Real Time Workshop (RTW) DSP platform for rapid prototyping. In fact, with the advent of the Real Time Workshop, is now possible to compile, load and execute graphically designed Mathworks Simulink models into a real DSP platform. RTW supports many Developer Starter Kit DSP boards, including the pretty fairly Texas Instruments C6000 series that has been used for the present work.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–24, 2004

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Contribution to book Unknown
Condizionamento e acquisizione di segnali: principi generali e applicazioni in campo audio
Bertini Graziano, Magrini Massimo, Bianchi Simone
In order to perceive, store and analyze physical events they must be transduced into electrical signals and, eventually, converted into digital form for processing on computers. This is a standard procedure in every civil and industrial applications: biomedicine, audio, astrophysics, automotive, telecommunications, etc. Methods for acquiring signals and data from the physical world have benefited greatly from technological progress. The latest electronic components greatly improve performance in terms of speed, power consumption, and physical size requirements. Although there are some general guidelines, this process of data acquisition often requires special characteristics specific to the field of application: sensor types, signal conditioning, interfacing, and so forth. Our seminar first describes the general principles of signals and data acquisition. It then focuses on discussion of the analog and digital methods and circuits for audio field. Regarding this field of application, we will also remark on some psychoacoustic paradigm, some issues regarding audio recording/reproduction and other factors that often address specific solutions adopted for the target systems (telecoms, high-end audio, consumer electronics, etc.).Source: Selected papers from DSP application day 2010, edited by Malcangi, Mario Natalino, pp. 37–66. Milano: CLUP, 2011

See at: CNR ExploRA

2011 Conference article Restricted
Pietro Grossi e gli inizi della musica in rete: L'esperienze di Pisa e Firenze
Bertini G., Magrini M.
Introduction. This presentation is a revised version of that presented at the Venice meeting, regarding the arrangement and the adding of slides related to the MODEM.(Music Open Distance Exchange Model.) system, a recent European Project (ISTI part developed by Massimo Magrini): this platform is designed for collaborative musical composition in real time and multi-access from multiple locations via remote network. The first part of this presentation reports a survey about the development and the state of the art of electronic technology and computers, with regard to their use for the treatment of musical signals, until the time of carrying out these activities (mid 70s). Then follows the description of main topic details related to the original experiences of the computer music remote fruition, proposed by Pietro Grossi, performed by CNR (National Research Council) IEI and CNUCE institutes, in Pisa and by Conservatorio di Musica of Florence. In the last part we report some evaluations of such experiments and a mention to the activities prosecution in Pisa and Florence, in particular to the already cited MODEM project.Source: Audio su IP e in streaming: musicisti e tecnologie. Incontri dell'Istituto per la Musica della Fondazione Giorgio Cini, Isola di S. Giorgio Maggiore, Venezia,, Venezia, 20 aprile 2011

See at: www.aesitalia.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2013 Contribution to conference Unknown
ERP components elicited by a syntactically minimal musical cadence
Virgillito A., Barcaro U., Bonfiglio L., Magrini M., Piarulli A., Salvetti O., Rossi B., Carboncini M. C.
The components of ERP elicited by musically significant signals are described and accounted for in the light of the literature.Source: 21st National Congress of the Italian Society of Psychophysiology, Lecce, Ottobre 2013

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Conference article Restricted
Real time system for gesture tracking in psycho-motorial rehabilitation
Magrini M., Pieri G.
In the context of the research activities of the Signal and Images Lab of ISTI-CNR, a system is under development for real-time gesture tracking, to be used in active well-being self-assessment activities and in particular applied to medical coaching and music-therapy. The system uses a video camera, a FireWire digitalization board, and a computer running own developed software. During the test sessions a person freely moves his body inside a specifically designed room. The developed algorithms can extrapolate features from the human figure, such us spatial position, arms and legs angles etc. Through the developed system the operator can link these features to sounds synthesized in real time, following a predefined schema. The system latency is very low thanks to the use of Mac OS X native libraries (CoreImage, CoreAudio). The resulting augmented interaction with the environment could help to improve the contact with reality in young subjects affected by autism spectrum disorders (ASD).Source: HEALTHINF 2014 - 7th International Conference on Health Informatics - Special session on Signals and Signs Understanding for Personalized Guidance to Promote Healthy Lifestyles, pp. 563–568, Eseo, Angers, Loire Valley, France, 3-6 March 2014
DOI: 10.5220/0004937205630568

See at: doi.org Restricted | www.scitepress.org Restricted | www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Open Access OPEN
A system for the automatic analysis of brain responses evoked by musical stimuli
Magrini M., Barcaro U.
The system described in this technical note was implemented for two purposes: (a) to produce stimuli, significant from the musical viewpoint, according to an appropriate protocol, (b) to acquire and process the Evoked Responses Potentials (ERPs) that are elicited as responses to these stimuli. This system was built within the scope of a research focused on the study of brain responses to musical stimuli. Recent literature about this topic has reported a number of significant results, which from the one hand have contributed to a better knowledge of the cognitive mechanisms of the human mind and, from the other, appear to suggest useful and important applications in the field of neurological clinics. Our research was carried out as a collaboration activity between researchers of the Signals and Images Laboratory of the ISTI and physicians of the Neuroscience Department of Pisa Hospital (Magrini et al., 2012; Carboncini et al., 2012; Virgillito et al, 2013a; Virgillito et al., 2013b). The system here described was devised as an integration of the BQ132S EEG amplifier (BrainQuick System, Micromed), which was used for recording electroencephalographic (EEG) signals.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2014

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2015 Report Open Access OPEN
Real time system for gesture tracking in psycho-motorial rehabilitation
Magrini M., Pieri G.
In the last years sensor based interactive systems for helping the treatment of learning difficulties and disabilities in children appeared on the specialized literature (Ould Mohamed and Courbulay, 2006) and (Kozima et al. 2005). Our system is based on real-time video processing techniques. The use of video-processing techniques adds more parameters which can be used for the exact localization and details about the human gestures to be detected and recognized. By using the implemented software interface, the operator can link these extracted video features to sounds synthesized in real time, following a predefined schema. The proposed system has been experimented as case study, in a real-patients test campaign over a set of patient affected by autism spectrum disorder (ASD), in order to provide them an increased interaction towards external environment and trying to reduce their pathological isolation (Riva et al., 2013).Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2015

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA