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2005 Journal article Unknown
Automatic XML-schema generation UML application profile
Marchetti E.
Several authors have recently proposed to represent XML metadata by means of the widely used UML, which provides a more intuitive and expressive description, which can then be automatically mapped to XML Schema. Following this trend, and considering the e-learning context a prototyped tool developed for this purpose is presented.Source: Forschungsberichte des Fachbereichs Elektrotechnik & Informationstechnik 12 (2005): 485–487.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Conference article Restricted
An industrial experience in comparing manual vs. automatic test cases generation
Basanieri F., Iani P., Lombardi G., Marchetti E.
We present our experience in automatically deriving a detailed test case plan exclusively using the UML diagrams developed during the analysis and design phases. We consider in particular the Integration Testing of some new functionalities to be added to an Ericsson Lab Italy (ERI) existing system. In particular we compare the obtained test plan with the 'official' one, which was manually derived in an independent manner by the ERI personnel, highlighting their respective characteristics and weaknesses.Source: 4th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed, pp. 18–25, Lubeck, 16-18 October 2003

See at: www1.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2005 Report Open Access OPEN
Automatic XML schema generation UML application
Marchetti E.
Several authors have recently proposed to represent XML metadata by means of the widely used UML, which provides a more intuitive and expressive description, which can then be automatically mapped to XML Schema. Following this trend, and considering the e-learning context a prototyped tool developed for this purpose is presented.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2005

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Open Access OPEN
ART DECO: preliminary report on devised methodologies and tools for verification, testing and QoS evaluation. ART DECO adaptive infrastructures for decentralised organizations. Deliverable FIRB-2005-RBNE05C3AH R.A.10.1, 2007.
Marchetti E.
Methodologies and tools for verification, testing and Quality Assurance assessment are nowadays important activities in the process development, which start as soon as a software product is decided to be built. The purpose of the Verification and Validation (VV) techniques is to ensure that the final product satisfies the original requirements and design and that it fits the intended usage. Due to the peculiarity of the ART DECO infrastructure, in this deliverable we classify the VV techniques into two different groups: Off-line and On-line Verification and Validation. For each selected methodology the required background knowledge and the technical details are provided as well as a brief description of the related work. Finally in specific sections we described the possible application of the VV techniques inside the ART DECO projectSource: Project report, ART DECO, Deliverable R.A.10.1, 2007

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2006 Other Open Access OPEN
Una Strategia di test per la derivazione selettiva di istanze a partire da XML schema
Paradisi R. Santoni F. Marchetti E.
Il lavoro che sarà presentato è stato svolto presso il Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche di Pisa e si inserisce all'interno di un progetto a livello europeo basato su e-learning chiamato TELCERT (Technology Enhanced Learning Conformance - European Requirements and Testing) [49]. Il compito di TELCERT è quello di sviluppare test di conformità su applicazioni in ambito e-learning mediante l'uso di nuove tecnologie di sviluppo come Java, UML e XML, mentre tra i suoi obiettivi vi è la ricerca di metodologie volte a garantire l'interoperabilità tra sistemi diversi che si scambiano dati conformi a specifici XML Schema, al fine di facilitarne la comunicazione e l'interazione [1]. XML Schema è diventato uno dei mezzi più efficienti per esprimere la struttura di base dei dati e dei parametri che i sistemi devono adottare. Una delle idee emergenti di TELCERT è stata, in particolare, l'utilizzo di istanze XML, formattate secondo le regole dello schema XML, per convalidare e testare il corretto funzionamento delle applicazioni. Il tool TAXI (Testing by Automatically generated XML Instances) è il tool che è in via di sviluppo e che tenta di coprire questo obiettivo di TELCERT. In letteratura esistono molti strumenti software per la manipolazione di schemi XML, tra i quali XSV (XML Schema Validator) [9], XMLSpy [10], per la manipolazione di Schemi XML, che spesso hanno la sola funzione di parser per il controllo della sintassi e della struttura di un documento XML. Altri tool invece [50], [51] forniscono la possibilità di generare istanze a partire da XML Schema in altre notazioni, come Java o C++, sono tuttavia molto rari quelli che consentono anche la derivazione automatica di istanze. Infatti, di solito, questi generatori non producono in output istanze secondo un criterio rigoroso, ma ricorrono a tecniche random. Lo scopo dello stage svolto è stato quello di proseguire lo sviluppo del tool TAXI, progettandone l'interfaccia grafica e fornendo l'implementazione di una strategia per la derivazione selettiva di istanze a partire da XML Schema, per il testing balck-box di applicazioni. La possibilità di generare istanze automaticamente secondo un criterio, in modo coerente e completo, anziché in maniera casuale, renderà questo tool per il testing sistematico di tutti gli aspetti descritti nello Schema, innovativo rispetto a quelli già esistenti.

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2006 Bachelor thesis Unknown
Progetto E.S.A.P.T. (Ericsson Statistical Analysis & Planning Tool)Un tool basato su tecniche di analisi statistica per la pianificazione della fase di test
Parchi M., Marchetti E.
A tool based on the statistical analysis for managing and planning the test phase

See at: CNR ExploRA

2011 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Exploiting software architecture to support requirements satisfaction testing
Clements P., Escalona M. J., Inverardi P., Malavolta I., Marchetti E.
Currently, software testing is mainly carried on independently from software architecture-related information. Some approaches propose to perform integration and regression testing with respect to software architecture descriptions, but less attention has been paid to analysing software architecture in order to develop a less costly and time-consuming test plan that covers the requirements of the system of interest. If on one side, it is well known that providing an effective test plan is crucial to software quality, on the other side software testing is extremely difficult because it stems from the complexity of current software systems. In this paper we (i) elaborate on how a new architectural analysis can help in producing better test plans and (ii) identify a set of corresponding research challenges. We believe that considering and analysing architectural information for requirements satisfaction testing purposes will provide substantial benefits in terms of test plan specification process, test plan effectiveness, and test cases understandability.Source: 19th ACM SIGSOFT symposium and the 13th European conference on Foundations of software engineering, ESEC/FSE '11, pp. 484–487, Szeged, Hungary, 5-9 Settembre 2011
DOI: 10.1145/2025113.2025198
Project(s): CHOREOS via OpenAIRE

See at: Recolector de Ciencia Abierta, RECOLECTA Open Access | www.ivanomalavolta.com Open Access | delivery.acm.org Restricted | ACM Digital Library Restricted | doi.org Restricted | NARCIS Restricted | NARCIS Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2011 Conference article Restricted
Scenario-based testing applied in two real contexts: healthcare and employability
Marchetti E., Schilders L., Winfield S.
In this paper we focus on the automatic application of UML scenario-based testing to two real case studies developed in the Integrated Project TAS3: one focuses on issues from healthcare, the other on those from an employability context. The aim was the derivation of integration test plans. We report on our experience, and the results obtained from the two test plan executions, which resulted in the discovery of some critical bugs in both integration trials, thereby opening up the possibility of discussing and applying immediate corrective actions.Source: 2011 IEEE Fourth International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and Validation Workshops, ICSTW '11, pp. 89–98, 21-25 March 2011
DOI: 10.1109/icstw.2011.64
Project(s): TAS3 via OpenAIRE, TAS3 via OpenAIRE

See at: doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2003 Doctoral thesis Unknown
Software testing in the XXI century: methods, tools and new approaches to manage, control and evaluate this critical phase
Marchetti, E.
Software Testing is a critical part of the whole process of development, on which the quality of the products delivered strictly depends. In this Thesis we present our journey through the world of Software Testing, ranging over many fields from definition to organization, from its applicability to analysis of its effectiveness, because testing activity is not limited to the detection of "bugs". The general aims are proposing both a global view of the testing phase, which exploits and unifies the knowledge from the industrial reality and the research context and putting research in practice. For this, starting from test planning we analyze the different testing stages pointing out their characteristic problems and presenting our original proposals (methods, tools or new approaches based on UML specifications) for solving them. In particular we also define procedural strategies, which support suitable testing choices since the first phases of development, and provide the reader with practical and quantitative guidance all along the testing phase. All the proposals presented are the result of a strict collaboration with software developers looking for solutions for their problems and improvements in the different activities of the testing process. This collaboration imposes us two important constraints: usability, i.e. the methodologies as far as possible must adapt themselves to the modelling notations and procedures commonly used by industries and real environments and not vice versa; and automation, i.e., increasing as much as possible the mechanization in test cases derivation, execution and validation, consequently reducing the manual labour. We adopt therefore the leading principle of providing readers with some easy-to-apply and low-cost methodologies, which maximize the automation and minimize as much as possible the required additional formalism or ad-hoc effort specifically for testing purposes.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Restricted
Bridging trust in runtime open evaluation scenarios
Cioroaica E., Buhnova B., Marchetti E., Schneider D., Kuhn T.
Solutions to specific challenges within software engineering activities can greatly benefit from human creativity. For example, evidence of trust derived from creative virtual evaluation scenarios can support the trust assurance of fast-paced runtime adaptation of intelligent behavior. Following this vision, in this paper, we introduce a methodological and architectural concept that interplays creative and social aspects of gaming into software engineering activities, more precisely into a virtual evaluation of system behavior. A particular trait of the introduced concept is that it reinforces cooperation between technological and social intelligence.Source: MEDI 2021 International Workshops: DETECT, SIAS, CSMML, BIOC, HEDA, pp. 112–120, Tallinn, Estonia, June 21-23, 2021
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-87657-9_9
Project(s): BIECO via OpenAIRE

See at: Communications in Computer and Information Science Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Conference article Embargo
Collaborative network 5.0: by design human values and human-centred based extended collaborative networks
Marchetti E., Nikghadam-Hojjati S., Barata J.
Collaborative Networks (CNs) as a new discipline play an important part in the continuing digital transformation of business and services, taking advantage of Information and Communication Technology's growing sociability and usability qualities to enable and improve partnership that results in competitive solutions. While CNs could get benefit from technological development, it could inherit its disadvantages, through violation of human-centeredness and human values. Recently proposed Collaborative Networks 4.0 addressed some of these issues in three-dimensional CNs. However, while the 4th generation of CNs putting ethics and intelligent autonomous systems into account, it does not assume "by design" approach in implementation of these characteristics as an obligation. It also overlooks the generation of communication technologies such as Extended Reality. The current article by introducing the four-dimensional, human-centred, human-value based, 5th generation of CNs aimed to cover the previous generations of CNs' constraints in dealing with society 5.0's challenges.Source: PRO-VE 2023 - 24th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, pp. 415–430, Valencia, Spain, 27-29/09/2023
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-42622-3_29
Project(s): BIECO via OpenAIRE

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2005 Journal article Unknown
Introducing a reasonably complete and coherent approach for model-based testing
Bertolino A., Marchetti E., Muccini H.
Both in the component- and object-based contexts it is extremely important to derive as early as possible suitable test cases based on the UML specifications available during development. In this paper we focus on the integrated use of Sequence and State Diagrams for deriving a 'reasonably' complete reference model, which will then be used for automatically deriving the test cases. The approach is meant to overcome some of the limitations of previously proposed model-based testing solutions, and is specifically conceived for industrial contexts, in which methodologies for producing effeective test results soon, and even when the software is only partially modelled, are required.Source: Electronic notes in theoretical computer science 116 (2005): 85–97.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2010 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Damages and benefits of certification: a perspective from an indipendent assessment body
Fusani M., Marchetti E.
The paper investigates on the nature of software certification and its reasons of being. The numerous factors that impact on the achievement of its purposes are discussed, and also compared in the cases of Proprietary Software and Open Source Software. Some relevant features of a certification process for Open Source Software are finally proposedSource: Electronic communications of the EASST 33 (2010): 2–12.

See at: journal.ub.tu-berlin.de Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2001 Conference article Unknown
CoWTest: a cost weighted test strategy
Basanieri F., Bertolino A., Marchetti E.
In this paper we present CoWTeSt (COst Weighted TEst STrategy), an original strategy for selecting and prioritarising test cases. Cowtest supports managers to schedule and make cost estimates of the testing stages since the early phases of development. The derivation of test cases is based on the software analysis and design documentation, and uses the UML-based methodology UIT, Use Interaction Test. We report about the application of the proposed strategy to a real case study with some preliminary resultsSource: European Software Control and Metrics - ESCOM 2001, pp. 387–396, London, England, 2-4 April 2001

See at: CNR ExploRA

2002 Conference article Unknown
Automating the management of teams and tasks in software multiprojects using UML and queueing networks
Basanieri F., Bertolino A., Marchetti E., Mirandola R.
An abstract is not availableSource: 3rd ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing., pp. 217–224, Madrid, Spain, 26-27 June 2002

See at: CNR ExploRA

2002 Conference article Unknown
Real-time UML-based performance engineering to aid manager's decisions in multi-project planning
Bertolino A., Marchetti E., Mirandola R.
We investigate the usage of software performance engineering to aid the project manager in making sound, reliable predictions in software development, and in optimizing the utilization of resources (typically the people). We assimilate the project teams to the processing elements of a performance model, and their activities to the tasks to be accomplished within established time intervals. The proposed methodology uses as the manager's interface a subset of Real-Time UML, the recently adopted OMG standard specialized profile for addressing schedulability, performance and timeliness. To illustrate the approach, we model the case of a manager that must decide a release date for a product undergoing the testing phase. We show how, by means of basic performance analyses, different workflow assumptions can be explored and their consequent outcomes automatically derived: by looking at the analysis results, the manager can thus take an informed, more responsible decision.Source: WOSP2002 - Third International Workshop on Software and Performance, pp. 251–261, Rome, Italy, 2-26 July 2002

See at: CNR ExploRA

2002 Conference article Unknown
Software performance measures to assist decision makers within the rational unified process
Bertolino A., Lombardi G., Marchetti E., Mirandola R.
An abstract is not availableSource: 12th International Workshop on Software Measurement. IWSM 2002, pp. 228–245, Magdeburg, Germany, 7-9 October 2002

See at: CNR ExploRA

2002 Conference article Unknown
The cow_suite approach to planning and deriving test suites in UML projects
Basanieri F., Bertolino A., Marchetti E.
Cow_Suite provides an integrated and practical approach to the strategic generation and planning of UML-based test suites, since the early stages of system analysis and modeling. It consists of two original components working in combination: the Cowtest strategy,which organizes the testing process and helps the manager to select among the many potential test cases, and the UIT method, which performs the automated generation of test cases from the UML diagrams. The approach can be used in incremental way, starting from the preliminary (even incomplete) UML diagrams, and is applied to integration subsystems, as interactively selected by the tester. The emphasis is on usability, in that we use exactly the same UML diagrams developed for analysis and design, without requiring any additional formalism or ad-hoc effort specifically for testing purposes. Cow_Suite has been implemented in a prototype tool, and is currently being validated in an industrial development environment.Source: The Unified Modeling Language. 5th International Conference. UML 2002, pp. 383–397, Dresden, Germany, 0 September - 4 October 2002

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Conference article Restricted
Profiling and testing within domains to facilitate document exchangeability
Marchetti E., Bertolino A.
Increasingly today the trend emerges within several specific application domains of adopting standard metadata formats for codifying the documents and the files exchanged across applications and stakeholders of that domain. Given a stan- dard format and some additional constraints that may ap- ply to a specific community of user (localization of standard specifications), we then need ways for: i) deriving complying documents, and ii) testing the behaviour of services that process such documents. We have been investigating such issues in the e-learning and health domains. In this paper we mainly focus on the exchangeability of clinical documents and present an environment called Euclide currently under development, which is based on XML Schema specifications. Euclide will include the TAXI tool for the automated gener- ation from the specified XML Schema of XML instances, to be used for black-box testing of the applications that process the clinical documents codified by the generated instances.Source: DoSTA 2007, pp. 34–40, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4 settembre 2007

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2008 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Weighting influence of user behavior in software validation
Bertolino A., Cartaxo E., Machado P., Marchetti E.
Validation is an essential part of software development, and testing is a practical and widely used approach. The emerging methodology is model-based testing, in which test cases are derived from a model of software behaviour. In this paper we claim that also user behaviour should be taken into account for test planning purposes. We introduce a pragmatic approach called WSA, which derives the test cases from a state-based model, while also accounting for weights that consider relevance wrt user behaviour.Source: 1st International Workshop on Computer Users' Behaviour in conjunction with the 19th International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications - DEXA'08,, pp. 495–500, Torino, Italy, 1-5 settembre 2008
DOI: 10.1109/dexa.2008.152
Project(s): TAS3 via OpenAIRE

See at: hal.archives-ouvertes.fr Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA