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2006 Journal article Restricted
Combinatorial relations for digital pictures
Brimkov V. E., Moroni D., Barneva R.
In this paper we define the notion of gap in an arbitrary digital picture S in a digital space of arbitrary dimension. As a main result, we obtain an explicit formula for the number of gaps in S of maximal dimension. We also derive a combinatorial relation for a digital curve.Source: Lecture notes in computer science 4245 (2006): 189–198.

See at: www.springerlink.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2012 Report Unknown
The genus invariant for Artin groups
Moroni D., Salvetti M., Villa A.
Let (W; S) be a Coxeter system, S finite, and let G_W be the associated Artin group. One has conguration spaces Y; Y_W; where G_W = PI_1(Y_W); and a natural W-covering f_W : Y --> Y_W. We consider the Schwarz genus g(f_W) of this covering, which is a natural topological in- variant of the Artin group. Let K = K(W; S) be the simplicial scheme of all subsets J subset of S such that the parabolic group W_J is finite. We introduce the class of Artin groups, which includes affine-type Artin groups, for which dim(K) equals the homological dimension of K; and we show that g(f_W) is always the maximum possible for this class of groups. Such maximum is given by dim(X_W) + 1; where X_W (subset of Y_W) is a CW-complex which has the same homotopy type. This result extends a previous result in [Deconcini Salvetti 2000] obtained for all finite-type Artin groups, with the exception of case A_n (for which see [Deconcini Procesi Salvetti 2004]).Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2012

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2012 Contribution to book Restricted
Some topological problems on the configuration spaces of Artin and Coxeter groups.
Moroni D., Salvetti M., Villa A.
In the first part we review some topological and algebraic aspects in the theory of Artin and Coxeter groups, both in the finite and infinite case (but still finitely generated). In the following parts, among other things, we compute the Schwartz genus of the covering associated to the orbit space for all affine Artin groups.Source: Configuration Spaces, edited by Björner A., Cohen F., De Concini C., Procesi C., Salvetti M., pp. 403–431. London: Springer, 2012

See at: www.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Journal article Open Access OPEN
International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding
Moroni D., Trocan M., Prochazka A.
Over 80 researchers from academia and industry attended a workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding organized by the ERCIM MUSCLE Working Group in Prague, 29-30 October 2015.Source: ERCIM news (2016): 4–4.

See at: ercim-news.ercim.eu Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2018 Journal article Open Access OPEN
International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding
Moroni D., Toreyin B. U., Cetin A. E.
Around twenty researchers attended the International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM) organized annually by the working group Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning (MUSCLE) of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM), which took place as a satellite workshop to EUSIPCO-2017 held in Kos, Greece, September 2, 2017, with eleven original research papers. The IWCIM 2017 website is hosted by Istanbul Technical University and full-text papers may be accessed via MDPI Proceedings.Source: ERCIM news (2018): 57–57.

See at: ercim-news.ercim.eu Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
IWCIM: International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding
Moroni D., Trocan M., Toreyin B. U.
The International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding (IWCIM) is the annual workshop organized by the working group Multimedia Understanding through Semantics, Computation and Learning (MUSCLE) of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM). In this edition, IWCIM took place as a satellite workshop to SITIS 2019 held in Sorrento, Italy on November 26-29, 2019. Multimedia understanding is an essential part of many intelligent applications in our social life, be it in our households, or in commercial, industrial, service, and scientific environments. Analyzing raw data to provide them with semantics is essential to exploit their full potential and help us manage our everyday tasks. Nowadays, raw data usually come from a host of different sensors and other sources, and are different in nature, format, reliability and information content. Multimodal and cross-modal analysis are the only ways to use them at their best. Besides data analysis, this problem is also relevant to data description intended to help storage and mining. Interoperability and exchangeability of heterogeneous and distributed data is a need for any practical application. Semantics is information at the highest level, and inferring it from raw data (that is, from information at the lowest level) entails exploiting both data and prior information to extract structure and meaning.Computation, machine learning, statistical and Bayesian methods are tools to achieve this goal at various levels The scope of IWCIM 2019 includes, but is not limited to the following topics: oMultisensor systems oMultimodal analysis oCrossmodal data analysis and clustering oMixed-reality applications oActivity and object detection and recognition oText and speech recognition oMultimedia labeling, semantic annotation, and metadata oMultimodal indexing and searching in very large data-bases oBig and Linked Data oSearch and mining Big Data oLarge-scale recommendation systems oMultimedia and Multi-structured data oSemantic web and Linked Data oCase studies In this edition, 6 papers were submitted of which 4 have been accepted for oral presentation (acceptance ratio 66%).DOI: 10.1109/sitis.2019.00007

See at: ieeexplore.ieee.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2023 Contribution to journal Open Access OPEN
11th International Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Multimedia Understanding
Töreyin B., Trocan M., Moroni D.
Source: ERCIM news 134 (2023): 5–5.

See at: ercim-news.ercim.eu Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Intelligent system and augmented reality for Industry 4.0
Moroni D.
From the conference website (https://www.secpho.org/noticias/ai-for-industry-international-congress/): "Davide made an overview of extended reality across the smart factories in his presentation. And has described the 6th sense that humans can get: «Intution + Awarenes» wich is the result of the combination of Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Intelligent Systems."Source: AI for Industry International Congress, Secpholand (a virtual platform developed by secpho), 28-29/04/2021

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.secpho.org Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2007 Contribution to book Restricted
A general approach to shape characterization for biomedical problems
Moroni D., Perner P., Salvetti O.
In this paper, we present a general approach to shape characterization and deformation analysis of 2D/3D deformable visual objects. In particular, we define a reference dynamic model, encoding morphological and functional properties of an objects class, capable to analyze different scenarios in heart left ventricle analysis. The proposed approach is suitable for generalization to the analysis of periodically deforming anatomical structures, where it could provide useful support in medical diagnosis. Preliminary results in heart left ventricle analysis are discussed.Source: Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Signals and Images in Medicine, Biotechnology and Chemistry, edited by Petra Perner & Ovidio Salvetti, pp. 136–145, 2007
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-76300-0

See at: doi.org Restricted | www.springerlink.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2008 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Active video surveillance based on stereo and infrared imaging
Pieri G., Moroni D.
Video surveillance is a very actual and critical issue at the present time. Within this topics, we address the problem of firstly identifying moving people in a scene through motion detection techniques, and subsequently categorising them in order to identify humans for tracking their movements. The use of stereo cameras, coupled with infrared vision, allows to apply this technique to images acquired through different and variable conditions, and allows an a priori filtering based on the characteristics of such images to give evidence to objects emitting a higher radiance (i.e., higher temperature).Source: EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing (Online) Article ID 380210 (2008). doi:10.1155/2008/380210
DOI: 10.1155/2008/380210

See at: EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Open Access | asp.eurasipjournals.com Open Access | EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Open Access | EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2008 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Cohomology of affine artin groups and applications
Callegaro F., Moroni D., Salvetti M.
The result of this paper is the determination of the cohomology of Artin groups of type A_n, B_n and A. _n with non-trivial local coefficients. The main result is an explicit computation of the cohomology of the Artin group of type B_n with coefficients over the module Q[q±1, t±1]. Here the first n - 1 standard generators of the group act by (-q)-multiplication, while the last one acts by (-t)-multiplication. The proof uses some technical results from previous papers plus computations over a suitable spectral sequence. The remaining cases follow from an application of Shapiro's lemma, by considering some well-known inclusions: we obtain the rational cohomology of the Artin group of affine type A. _n as well as the cohomology of the classical braid group Br_n with coefficients in the n-dimensional representation presented in Tong, Yang, and Ma (1996). The topological counterpart is the explicit construction of finite CW-complexes endowed with a free action of the Artin groups, which are known to be K(p, 1) spaces in some cases (including finite type groups). Particularly simple formulas for the Euler-characteristic of these orbit spaces are derived.Source: Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 360 (2008): 4169–4188. doi:10.1090/S0002-9947-08-04488-7
DOI: 10.1090/s0002-9947-08-04488-7
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.0705.2823

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Open Access | Transactions of the American Mathematical Society Restricted | doi.org Restricted | www.ams.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2010 Journal article Restricted
The K(pi, 1) problem for the affine Artin group of type (B)over-tilde(n) and its cohomology
Callegaro F., Moroni D., Salvetti M.
We prove that the complement to the affine complex arrangement of type (B) over tilde (n) is a K(pi, 1) space. We also compute the cohomology of the affine Artin group G (B) over tilde (n) ( of type (B) over tilde (n)) with coefficients in interesting local systems. In particular, we consider the module Q [q+/-1; t+/-1]; where the first n standard generators of G (B) over tilde (n) act by (-q)-multiplication while the last generator acts by (-t)-multiplication. Such a representation generalizes the analogous 1-parameter representation related to the bundle structure over the complement to the discriminant hypersurface, endowed with the monodromy action of the associated Milnor fibre. The cohomology of G (B) over tilde (n) with trivial coefficients is derived from the previous one.Source: Journal of the European Mathematical Society (Print) 12 (2010): 1–22. doi:10.471/JEMS/187
DOI: 10.471/jems/187

See at: www.ems-ph.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2009 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Object tracking in video-surveillance
Moroni D., Pieri G.
This paper faces the automatic object tracking problem in a video-surveillance task. A previously selected and then identified target has to be retrieved in the scene under investigation because it is lost due to masking, occlusions, or quick and unexpected movements. A two-step procedure is used, firstly motion detection is used to determine a candidate target in the scene, secondly using a semantic categorization and Content Based Image Retrieval techniques, the candidate target is identified whether it is the one that was lost or not. The use of Content Based Image Retrieval serves as support to the search problem and is performed using a reference data base which was populated a priori.Source: Pattern recognition and image analysis 19 (2009): 271–276. doi:10.1134/S1054661809020096
DOI: 10.1134/s1054661809020096

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2006 Conference article Restricted
A general approach to shape characterization for biomedical problems
Moroni D., Perner P., Salvetti O.
In this paper, we present a general approach to shape characterization and deformation analysis of 2D/3D deformable visual objects. In particular, we define a reference dynamic model, encoding morphological and functional properties of an objects class, capable to analyze different scenarios in heart left ventricle analysis. The proposed approach is suitable for generalization to the analysis of periodically deforming anatomical structures, where it could provide useful support in medical diagnosis. Preliminary results in heart left ventricle analysis are discussed.Source: Industrial Conference on Data Mining ICDM --- Workshop on Mass-Data Analysis of Images and Signals, MDA 2006, pp. 56–65, Leipzig, Germany, 13/07/2006

See at: www.data-mining-forum.de Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2008 Conference article Unknown
Automatic target retrieval in a video-surveillance task
Pieri G., Moroni D.
In this paper we face the automatic target search problem. While performing an object tracking task, we address the problem of identifying a previously selected target when it is lost due to masking, occlusions, or quick and unexpected movements. Firstly a candidate target is identified in the scene through motion detection techniques, subsequently using a semantic categorization and content based image retrieval techniques, the candidate target is identified whether it is the correct one (i.e. the previous lost target), or not. Content Based Image Retrieval serves as support to the search problem and is performed using a reference data base which was populated a priori.Source: First International Workshop on Image Mining. Theory and Applications, pp. 113–121, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 22-23 January 2008

See at: CNR ExploRA

2005 Report Open Access OPEN
Image registration: models and methods
Moroni D., Salvetti O.
This work has been carried on within the project SIMCAR ``A methodology based on multi-source signals and images for the identification of a model oriented toward cardiac surgical simulation.'' The project aims at the identification, development and test of a methodology for the assessment of morpho-functional cardiac parameters, evaluated by means of various diagnostic resources and embedded in a mathematical model oriented toward cardiac surgical simulation. In particular, current medical imaging techniques (such as magnetic resonance imaging and helical CT) provide temporal sequences of morphological data and, thus, information about heart kinematical behavior. At the same time, imaging modalities supply punctual data about tissues characteristic. Other techniques (such as ECG and Pressure/Volume loops) provide a natural temporal reference system as well as global constraints on morpho-functional parameters. Since comparison of the available heterogeneous data is required, the project plan considers a first step focused on analysis and implementation of spatio-temporal registration techniques. This report offers a review, as far as possible exhaustive, of registration methods and models, giving particular prominence to topics, such as non-rigid registration and analysis of images sequences, whose importance is unquestionable in many applications (including cardiac imaging area). Methods are introduced from a general viewpoint that, as we hope, clarifies, a part from limits and values, the basic assumptions of each one. Of course, the set of proposed techniques is finally applied in cardiac image analysis, although some, particulary promising, methods, due to very recent introduction, still lack cardiac applications.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2005

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Contribution to conference Unknown
AITA 2011. Abstract Book
Moroni D., Ronchi L., Salvetti O.
This volume collect the abstracts of the papers accepted for presentation at the 11th International Workshop on Advanced Infrared Technology and Application, held in L'Aquila at the Faculty of Science of the University of L'Aquila, in September 7th -9th 2011. The contributions were collected at the Institute of Information Science and Technologies of the National Research Council of Italy (ISTI-CNR), in Pisa, and organized in this volume which also contains the conference program.Project(s): DIRAC via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Unknown
Some topological problems on the configuration spaces of Artin and Coxeter groups
Moroni D., Salvetti M., Villa A.
This paper contains some results regarding some particular topological aspects in the theory of Artin and Coxeter groups. Among other things, we compute the Schwartz genus of the covering associated to the orbit space for all affine Artin groups. Our paper contains also a brief review of some results, concerning the topol- ogy of Artin and Coxeter groups, both in the finite and infinite case (but still, finitely generated) which are essential to our computations. Other reviews, even if considering some interesting aspects of the theory, are not very satisfying about the topological underlying structure. Our review will still be very partial: the more than thirty years old literature on the subject would require a much longer paper. We concentrate essentially on a single line of research, which (in our opinion) gives the possibility to produce a clear and neat picture of some basic topological situation underlying all in very few pages. The new results that we present here concern some computations of: - the cohomology of the braid groups with non-abelian coefficients, coming from geometric representations of the braid groups into the homology of an orientable surfaces; -the computation of the Schwartz genus of the covering associated to the orbit space of an affine Artin group. We skip the details of the computations of the first application, while we give details for the second one. We introduce here a particularly interesting class of "sheaves over posets", which we call "weighted sheaves over posets". We use them for some explicit computations for the top cohomology of the affine group An tilde. A natural spectral sequence is associated to such sheaves. We are going to exploit this general construction in future works.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2011

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Topology - The genus of the configuration spaces for Artin groups of affine type
Moroni D., Salvetti M., Villa A.
Let (W,S) be a Coxeter system, S finite, and let GW be the associated Artin group. One has {it configuration spaces} Y, YW, where GW=?1(YW), and a natural W-covering fW: Y->YW. The {it Schwarz genus} g(fW) is a natural topological invariant to consider. In cite{salvdec2} it was computed for all finite-type Artin groups, with the exception of case An (for which see cite{vassiliev},cite{salvdecproc3}). In this paper we generalize this result by computing the Schwarz genus for a class of Artin groups, which includes the affine-type Artin groups. Let K=K(W,S) be the simplicial scheme of all subsets J?S such that the parabolic group WJ is finite. We introduce the class of groups for which dim(K) equals the homological dimension of K, and we show that g(fW) is always the maximum possible for such class of groups. For affine Artin groups, such maximum reduces to the rank of the group. In general, it is given by dim(XW)+1, where XW?YW is a well-known CW-complex which has the same homotopy type as $mathbf Y_{mathbf W}.Source: Atti della Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Rendiconti Lincei. Matematica e applicazioni (Testo stamp.) 25 (2014): 233–248. doi:10.4171/RLM/676
DOI: 10.4171/rlm/676
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.1404.2392

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e Applicazioni Open Access | Rendiconti Lincei - Matematica e Applicazioni Restricted | doi.org Restricted | www.ems-ph.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Contribution to journal Open Access OPEN
Advanced infrared technology and applications 2015
Moroni D., Raimondi V, Sakagami T.
Source: Measurement science & technology (Print) 28 (2017). doi:10.1088/1361-6501/aa59be
DOI: 10.1088/1361-6501/aa59be

See at: iopscience.iop.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Measurement Science and Technology Restricted | CNR ExploRA