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1993 Journal article Restricted
Reasoning about Perception
Musto D., Konolige K.
In this paper we investigate some of the uncounscious mechanisms underlying the process of acquisition of beliefs through perception. The paper outlines the basics of a formal theory of belief that is sensitive to the way in which beliefs are formed through perception. The process of belief acquisition involves a form of inference that is defeasible. We represent this kind of inference by means of well-known techniques of non-monotonic reasoning. In addition, we provide an account of perception that is consistent with the commonsense intuition for how perception functions, i.e., causality.Source: AI communications (Print) 3/4 (1993): 207–212. doi:10.3233/AIC-1993-63-404
DOI: 10.3233/aic-1993-63-404

See at: AI Communications Restricted | iospress.metapress.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

1994 Report Unknown
Carmel Vs. Flakey: a comparison of two robots
Congdon C., Huber M., Kortenkamp D., Bidlack C., Cohen C., Huffman S., Koss F., Raschke U., Weymouth T., Konolige K., Myers K., Saffiotti A., Ruspini E., Musto D.
The University of Michigan's CARMEL and SRI International's Flakey were the first- and second-place finishers respectively at the AAAI Robot Competition in July, 1992. The approaches used by the two top teams are markedly different, but there are also some highlevel similarities. This paper is intended to compare the two architectures, focusing on abilities exhibited in the robot competition and the underlying approaches used by the two teamsSource: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–52, 1994

See at: CNR ExploRA

1993 Other Unknown
Integrating perception and action in a cognitive agent
Musto D.
An abstract is not avaiable

See at: CNR ExploRA

1993 Other Unknown
Closing the gap between goals and sensor data
Musto D.
An abstract is not avaiable

See at: CNR ExploRA

1993 Other Unknown
Carmel versus Flakey: a comparison of two winners
Musto D.
The University of Michigan's CARMEL and SRI International's Flakey were the first- and second-place finishers respectively at the AAAI Robot Competition in July, 1992. The approaches used by the two top teams are markedly different, but there are also some highlevel similarities. This paper is intended to compare the two architectures, focusing on abilities exhibited in the robot competition and the underlying approaches used by the two teams.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1993 Other Unknown
Some notes on perception and actions in situated agents
Musto D., Saffiotti A.
An abstract is not avaiable

See at: CNR ExploRA

1993 Other Unknown
Reasoning about perception
Musto D., Konolige K.
In this paper we investigate some of the uncouscious mechanisms underlying the process of acquisition of beliefs through perception. The paper outlines the basics of a formal theory of belief that is sensitive to the way in which beliefs are formed through perception. The process of belief acquisition involves a form of inference that is defeasible. We represent this kind of inference by means of well-known techiques of non-monotonic reasoning. In addition, we provides an account of perception that is consistent with the commonsense intuition for how perception functions, i.e., causality.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1993 Other Unknown
Acquiring beleifs by explaining perceptions
Musto D., Konolige K.
An abstract is not avaiable

See at: CNR ExploRA

1993 Conference article Unknown
Acquisition of beliefs through perception
Musto D., Konolige K.
This paper outlines the basics of a formal theory of belief that is sensitive to the way in which beliefs are formed through perception. The process of formation of beliefs involves a form of inference that is defeasible. We represent this kind of inference by means of well-known techniques of non-monotonic reasoning. In addition, we provide an account of perception that is consistent with the commonsense intuition for how perception functions, i.e., causality.Source: 2nd Symposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning, pp. 157–161, Austin, Texas (USA), 11-13/01/1993

See at: CNR ExploRA

1988 Report Open Access OPEN
Evaluation of TODOS conceptual model and study of mapping techniques
Musto D.
The result of the evaluation of the TODOS Conceptual Model in order to cater for for incompatibilities with the Architecture Specification Model are showed, and a methodology for mapping the abstract specification of the office system by the requirements and the conceptual model into a set of alternative computer systems Architectures is presented.Source: Research report, ESPRIT, 813, 1988

See at: puma.isti.cnr.it Open Access | CNR ExploRA

1990 Contribution to book Restricted
Architecture Generation in TODOS
Musto Daniela
The Architecture Generation in TODOS consists in the derivation of a set of alternative computer system Architectures suitable for realizing an Office Information System (OIS) from a collection of requirements and a conceptual model specified for the office.Source: Automatic Tools for Designing Office Information Systems,, edited by PERNICI Barbara and ROLLAND Colette, pp. 149–170. Berlin Heidelberg New York London Paris Tokyo Hong Kong Barcelona: Springer-Verlag, 1990
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-84323-5_5
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-32062-8_21

See at: link.springer.com Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

1993 Contribution to conference Unknown
A fuzzy controller for Flakey, the robot
Helft N., Konolige K., Lowrance J., Musto D., Myers K., Ruspini E., Saffiotti A., Wesley L.
We present a fuzzy controller for Flakey, an autonomous mobile robot. This controller is based on the notion of ''behavior'': a specific conrtol regime aiming at the achievement of one specific goal. Behaviors are imlpemented by a set of fuzzy rules. Yhe controller includes behavior for reliable obstacle avoidance, as well as for purposeful motion, like following a wall, or reaching a given location. Many behavior can be simultaneously active: the fuzzy controller blends these behaviors using the mechanisms of fuzzy logic. By blending reactive and purposeful behaviors, the controller can lead Flakey to achieve a given goal while smoothly reacting to unexpected events. By blending many consecutive purposeful behaviors, the controller can execute a full plan. Context-dependent blending of different behaviors is the key to relaible operation in an unstructured, real world environment. The performance of our fuzzy controller was demonstrated at the First International Robots Competition of AAAI, held in July, 1992 at San Jose, California, where Flakey was commended for its smooth and reliable reactivity, and placed overall second.Source: Second IEEE International Conference of Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE'93) 1993 - IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks (ICNN'93), pp. 6–6, San Francisco, CA, March 28 -April 1

See at: CNR ExploRA

1991 Other Unknown
A knowledge representation approach to the design of architectures for office information systems
Musato D.
A framework for generating computer system Architectures that are suitable for realizing an Office Information System is presented. The Architecture generation process is seen as a mapping from a functional specification of the office expressed in terms of a conceptual scheme, and integrated with data concerning the existing office and users's needs, to a number of office Architectures, each saitsfying by construction the given set of functional and non-functional requirements. Among such Architectures, the most appropriate one with respect to a cost-benefit trade-off is then selected, on the basis of performance measurement obtained via simulation. A methodology for achieving the mapping underlying the Architecture generation process is proposed, and a model for describing office Architectures is provided. Such a model relies on a knowledge base where hardware and software products are organized along with the knowledge for combining them into Architectures. A computer tool exists which Supports an incremental construciion of Architectures according to this model. The tool embodies the knowledge about hardware and software products, and about the possible ways of combining them into Architectures, in the form of a procedural semantic network, and makes accessible this knowledge to the Architecture designer through an interactive environment supported by a graphical interface.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1990 Other Open Access OPEN
Introduzione al linguaggio di programmazione Pascal
Musto D.
Questa dispensa offre una presentazione introduttiva e schematica del linguaggio di programmazione Pascal, destinata a coloro che hanno già acquisito una certa familiarità con un linguaggio di programmazione imperativo (e.g., Basic, Fortan, Cobol, etc.) e che desiderano avvicinarsi al Pascal. La dispensa illustra le principali caratteristiche del linguaggio Pascal, ed introduce la sintassi di un programma Pascal attraverso semplici esempi. Sono presentate le classi di istruzioni disponibili per la creazione dei programmi, ed i relativi diagrammi di flusso (detti anche diagrammi a blocchi). Viene evidenziata, in particolare, la struttura modulare dei programmi Pascal ottenuta attraverso la definizione di procedure, che permettono la strutturazione del programma in unità logiche distinte che ne facilitano la stesura, la leggibilità e la modificabilità. Le funzioni e il ricco assortimento di strutture dati offerto dal linguaggio Pascal saranno oggetto di una sucessiva dispensa. La dispensa è costituita dai lucidi da me presentati durante il ciclo di seminari di introduzione al Pascal che ho tenuto nell'ambito del Corso di Perfezionamento in Applicazioni Informatiche dell'Università degli Studi di Pisa durante l'Anno Accademico 1989-90.

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

1992 Other Unknown
Aquisition of beliefs through perception
Musto D., Konolige K.
In this paper we present some current results of our ongoing project on the integration of perception and symbolic reasoning. The focus of the paper is on the formalization of perception and belief. We outline the basics of a formal theory of belief that is sensitive to the way in which beliefs are formed through perception. The process of formation of beliefs involves a form of inference that is defeasible. We represent this kind of inference by means of well-known techniques of non-monotonic reasol1ing. In addition, we provide an account of perception that is consistent with our intuition for how perception functions, i.e., causality.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1993 Journal article Unknown
Query optimization by using knowledge about data semantics
Bertino E., Musto D.
In this paper we address the problem of using semantic properties of data within the process of query optimization. The discussion is in terms of the relational data model. We present query transformation rules, called semantic transformation rules (or simply stemantic rules), that are based on the database properties expressed by the integrity constraints. The semantic rules presented in the paper allow join elimination, clustering index introduction and empty query test according to the content of the integrity constraints. We provide a formal proof of the correction of such transformation rules. We also investigate the problem of using semantic rules within transactions, where any arbitrary sequence of queries and modification operations may occur, and semantic integrity can be violated during intermediate steps of processing. Conditions are provided under which the semantic rules presented in the paper can be correctly applied to transform queries occurring within compiled transactions.Source: Data & knowledge engineering 9 (1993): 121–155.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1988 Other Unknown
Architecture specification language: design and implementation
Castelli D., Meghini C., Musto D.
The report presents the design and the implementation of ASL, a Language for specifying Office Information System Architectures. An Office Information System Architecture is seen as a set of interconnected hardware components, running software packages that perform typical office activities. The Language presented adopts the object oriented representation paradigm, and organizes the specification of an Architecture through four level of abstractions. The knowledge on commercial hardware and software components that are employed in architectures is collected in the ASL Catalogue. ASL is implemented on top of PSN, an extension of Lisp with knowledge structuring facilities. Data structures and programs that handle architectures are then embodied in a PSN knowledge base and manipulated by the PSN interpreter. The interface provided with the Language uses windows, menus and Sunwindow text editing capabilities to facilitate the specification of ASL operations and the visualization of their results.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1986 Other Unknown
Transforming queries into canonical forms
Bertino E., Musto D.
A canonical form is defined for the relational algebra (RA) queries, which is a selection followed by a projection. We show that each RA query not containing the difference operator can be equivalently expressed by some union of canonical forms queries. Two classes of canonical are also introduced (called respectively D - and DO_canonical form), both of them satidfying some restrictions on the form of predicate in the selection. The relationship among the canonical form, the D_canonical form and the DO_canonical form queries are studied. In particular, each canonical form query is shown to have an equivalent D canonical form query. And each D_canonical form query is shown to be equivalent to some union of DO_canonical form queries.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1986 Other Unknown
Query simplification by using knowledge about data semantics
Bertino E., Musto D.
In this paper the problem of query trasformation semantic properties of data is addressed. In particular a trasformation rules is defined, and then theorems stating correctness of the rules are given. The theorems ensure that the query obtained by applying the trasformations to a given query is equivalent to the original one, that is the two queries define the same set of tuples. Since join elimination clustering index introduction, empty query test are allowed by such trasformations, they become useful in the process of query optimization.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1988 Journal article Restricted
Correctness of semantic integrity checking in database management systems
Bertino E., Musto D.
Altough today's applications are very demanding with regard to semantic integrity, few real database systems provide capabilities of this type. in this paper, a definition of integrity constraint is given in terms of the Relational Algebra. Then certain aspects are discussed concerning transactions management in the presence of integrity constraints. In particular, the problem of when to enforce a set of Integrity constraints during the execution of a transaction is addressed. To this purpose the notion of Integrity Enforcement Schedule is introduced. An Integrity Enforcement Schedule represents the sequence of integrity checking actions performed during the execution of a transaction. A correctness criterion for the Integrilty Enforcement Schedules is established, and a condition is presented which is sufficient to ensure the correctness. Finally the notion of Minimal Integrity Enforcement Schedule is introduced. The Minimal Integrity Enforcement Schedules are those Integrity Enforcement Schedules in which every constraint is verified "as soon as possible". For this reason they are really desirable in the transaction management to avoid expensive rollbacking operations. Algorithms for their construction are presented, together with the associated correctness proofs.Source: Acta informatica 26 (1988): 25–57. doi:10.1007/BF02915445
DOI: 10.1007/bf02915445

See at: Acta Informatica Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA