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2015 Software Unknown
gCube Tabular data manager portlet - Geospatial and Geometries support
Panichi G.
Tabular Data Manager [TDM] - Implementation of functionality for creating geospatial data (C-Square and Ocean Area) and geometries. Added Codelist extraction from Tabular Resources and its automatic connection. Interaction with R-Studio improved. Column formats for tabular Resources updated.Enhancements on creating expressions. Reinforcements on the behavior of the interface.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2015 Software Unknown
gCube Tabular data manager portlet - Management of rules on tabular resources
Panichi G.
Tabular Data Manager portlet - Implementation of functionality to create, manage and verify rules. The rules are defined through expressions on columns. These expressions have been extended to support functions: Soundex, Levenshtein, Similarity, MD5, Upper and Lower. It also improved the management of geospatial data, and have expanded the operations on tabular resource.Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2016 Software Unknown
gCube Accounting manager portlet - A solution to retrieve and display infrastructure's accounting information [Release 1.0 , 01 July 2016]
Panichi G.
A portlet representing a gCube-based solution to retrieve and display infrastructure's accounting information. It provides data-visulization tools for timewise-aggregated and key-filtered information, and it also allows for data export in different formats, i.e. json, csv, pdf, jpg and svg. gCube is a software system enabling the realization and operation of hybrid data infrastructures capable of supporting the concept of Virtual Research Environments (VREs).Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2012 Other Unknown
PandAE Guida per l'Ufficio Personale
Diciotti R., Panichi G.
The system PandAE is a web application integrated with the detection time found in areas or in institutions. Allows the office staff of the Institute to obtain data on absences and presences of employees in a timely and accurate to perform their management functions.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Software Unknown
gCube Tabular Data Manager portlet
Panichi G., Mangiacrapa F.
A portlet for tabular data visualization and manipulationProject(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.gcube-system.org

2015 Software Unknown
PandA Service - Web service rest per la condivisione di dati del personale CNR
Diciotti R., Panichi G.
PandA Service - Web Service Rest for sharing data on staff employed at CNR

See at: panda.isti.cnr.it | CNR ExploRA

2015 Software Unknown
PandAE - Presenze and assenze - Gestione assenze parentali
Diciotti R., Panichi G.
PandAE - Implementazione delle funzionalità per la gestione delle assenze riguardanti le esigenze di cura di vita e di lavoro. Aggiornamenti secondo le novità legislative del D.Lgs.80/2015.

See at: CNR ExploRA | ut8.isti.cnr.it

2015 Software Unknown
PandAE - Presenze and assenze - Supporto lavoro fuori sede
Diciotti R., Panichi G.
PandAE - Implementazione delle funzionalità per la gestione delle assenze riguardanti le esigenze di cura di vita e di lavoro. Aggiornamenti secondo le novità legislative del D.Lgs.80/2015.

See at: CNR ExploRA | ut8.isti.cnr.it

2014 Software Unknown
PandAE - Presenze and assenze - Gestione assenze per visita medica
Diciotti R., Panichi G.
PandAE - Implementation of absences for medical examination management. Extension of PandAE application with the tools for the automated management of absences for medical examination according to CNR rules currently in force to support staff office activities and employees.

See at: CNR ExploRA | ut8.isti.cnr.it

2014 Software Unknown
PandAE - Presenze and assenze - Gestione Buoni Pasto
Diciotti R., Panichi G.
PandA - Implementation of the functionality to calculate meal vouchers for staff according to CNR rules on working time and manage pads of meal vouchers delivered by the office staff. Extension of the application with the tools for the automated management of: - meal vouchers for employees; - blocks of meal vouchers delivered and returned; - stock of meal vouchers control to give indications on the reorganization.

See at: CNR ExploRA | ut8.isti.cnr.it

2013 Software Unknown
PandAE - Presenze and assenze - Gestione Diritto allo Studio
Diciotti R., Panichi G.
PandAE - Implementation of paid leave for the right to study. Extension of PandAE application with tools for the automated management of absences for study according to CNR rules currently in force to support staff office activities and employees.

See at: CNR ExploRA | ut8.isti.cnr.it

2013 Software Unknown
PandAE - Presenze and assenze - Gestione orari part-time
Diciotti R., Panichi G.
PandAE - Implementation of part-time work schedule management. Extension of PandAE application with tools for the automated management of employees with horizontal and vertical part-time work schedule according to CNR rules currently in force to support staff office activities and employees.

See at: CNR ExploRA | ut8.isti.cnr.it

2016 Report Open Access OPEN
How-to implement algorithms for DataMiner
Coro G., Panichi G.
In this document we describe how to implement an algorithm that should run on the D4Science DataMiner service. DataMiner is a cross-usage service that provides users and services with tools for performing data mining operations. Specifically, it offers a unique access to perform data mining and statistical operations on heterogeneous data, which may reside either at client side, in the form of comma-separated values files, or be remotely hosted, possibly in a database. The DataMiner service is able to take inputs and execute the operation requested by a client or a user, by invoking the most suited computational facility from a set of available computational resources. Executions can run either on multi-core machines or on different computational platforms, such as D4Science and other different private and commercial Cloud providers.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2016
Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2016 Report Open Access OPEN
The DataMiner manager web interface
Panichi G., Coro G.
In this document we describe the DataMiner Manager Web interface that allows interacting with the gCube DataMiner service. DataMiner is a cross-usage service that provides users and services with tools for performing data mining operations. Specifically, it offers a unique access to perform data mining and statistical operations on heterogeneous data, which may reside either at client side, in the form of comma-separated values files, or be remotely hosted, possibly in a database. The DataMiner service is able to take inputs and execute the operation requested by a client or a user, by invoking the most suited computational facility from a set of available computational resources. Executions can run either on multi-core machines or on different computational platforms, such as D4Science and other different private and commercial Cloud providers.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2016
Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2016 Report Open Access OPEN
The statistical algorithms importer
Panichi G., Coro G.
In this document we describe the Statistical Algorithms Importer Web interface. The Statistical Algorithms Importer (SAI) is a tool to import algorithms in the D4Science e-Infrastructure. Currently, it supports R scripts integration. SAI separates R scripts development from its deployment in the infrastructure in a very flexible way. After the first deployment, made in collaboration with the e-Infrastructure team, script developers can modify and update their scripts by themselves, without the intervention of the e-Infrastructure team.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2016

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Software Unknown
ePASMed - Servizio di mediazione dati tra ePAS e Sistema Informativo ISTI
Panichi G., Diciotti R.
ePASMed è un software che permette la sincronizzazione e la mediazione delle informazioni tra il Sistema Informativo dell'Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione(ISTI-CNR) e l'istanza del sistema di rilevamento delle presenze ePAS dell'istituto stesso. ePASMed comunica in maniera bidirezionale con ePAS utilizzando le sue API Rest e con il Sistema Informativo ISTI tramite accesso al suo Database PostgreSQL. La sincronizzazione dei dati avviene sia in maniera schedulata (giornaliera) che su richiesta dell'ufficio del personale ISTI. ePASMed è un software sviluppato in Java EE, basato su framework Spring Boot con frontend Angular + NG-Bootstrap. Usa la tecnologia a container Docker ed è deployato sulla piattaforma Docker Swarm di D4Science tramite scripts Ansible rispettando le attuali best practice di DevOps. Inoltre, l'istanza di ePASMed è collegata ai sistemi Prometheus e Grafana che permettono, ai responsabili di sistema, il monitoraggio dell'applicazione e del suo stato.

See at: gitea-s2i2s.isti.cnr.it | CNR ExploRA

2018 Software Unknown
Accounting dashboard
Panichi G., Candela L.
The Accounting Dashboard is a web portlet conceived to provide its users with data and graphs about D4Science Infrastructure usage indicators. Each graph can be also download as an image as well as via a CSV containing the data. It allows users to select the period of interest and displays a set of graphs organised per gateways and virtual research environment. The graphs depends from the services actually deployed in each gateway or VRE. Moreover, the graphs are organised in thematic areas (e.g. accesses, analytics, social, users) collecting the specific indicators.Project(s): AGINFRA PLUS via OpenAIRE, BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE, ENVRI PLUS via OpenAIRE, EOSCpilot via OpenAIRE

See at: code-repo.d4science.org | CNR ExploRA

2012 Software Unknown
PandAE - Presenze and assenze evolution.
Diciotti R., Panichi G., Paterni M.
Web Application for managing attendance and absences for the Institutes of the National Research Council (CNR). Features: -integrates with detection systems organization present in areas or in institutions; -allows the office staff of the Institute to obtain data on absences and presences of employees in a timely and accurate to perform their management tasks; -integrates with a part of the procedure "Attestati" of the CNR for sending data to the central database; -lets, with different roles and access profiles, send and consult own data simply and securely.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2016 Journal article Open Access OPEN
A Web application to publish R scripts as-a-Service on a Cloud computing platform
Coro G., Panichi G., Pagano P.
Prototype scripting is the base of most models in computational biology and environmental sciences. Scientists making prototype scripts (e.g. using R and Matlab) often need to share results and make their models used also by other scientists on new data. To this aim, one way is to publish scripts as-a-Service, possibly under a recognized standard (e.g. the Web Processing Service of the Open Geospatial Consortium). Unfortunately, prototype scripts are not generally meant to be transformed into Web services, which require managing multi-tenancy, concurrency etc. Often, porting prototype scripts to more efficient programming languages is not affordable, because this operation demands for time, competencies and money. For this reason, Web services are becoming smart enough to integrate prototype scripts directly and possibly make them run efficiently (e.g. WPS4R ). In this paper, we present an interface (Statistical Algorithms Importer, SAI) that allows scientists to easily and quickly import R scripts onto a distributed e-Infrastructure, which publishes the scripts as-a-Service and manages multi-tenancy and concurrency. Additionally, it allows scientists to update their scripts without following long software re-deploying procedures each time. SAI relies on the D4Science e-Infrastructure , a distributed computer system supporting large-scale resource sharing and Cloud computing, via the definition of Virtual Research Environments (VREs).Source: Bollettino di geofisica teorica ed applicata (Testo stamp.) 52 (2016): 51–53.
Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2017 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Cloud computing in a distributed e-infrastructure using the Web processing service standard
Coro G., Panichi G., Scarponi P., Pagano P.
New Science paradigms have recently evolved to promote open publication of scientific findings as well as multi-disciplinary collaborative approaches to scientific experimentation. These approaches can face modern scientific challenges but must deal with large quantities of data produced by industrial and scientific experiments. These data, so-called "Big Data", require to introduce new Computer Science systems to help scientists cooperate, extract information, and possibly produce new knowledge out of the data. E-Infrastructures are distributed computer systems that foster collaboration between users and can embed distributed and parallel processing systems to manage Big Data. However, in order to meet modern Science requirements, e-Infrastructures impose several requirements to computational systems in turn, e.g. being economically sustainable, managing community-provided processes, using standard representations for processes and data, managing Big Data size and heterogeneous representations, supporting reproducible Science, collaborative experimentation, and cooperative online environments, managing security and privacy for data and services. In this paper, we present a Cloud computing system (gCube DataMiner) that meets these requirements and operates in an e-Infrastructure, while sharing characteristics with state-of-the-art Cloud computing systems. To this aim, DataMiner uses the Web Processing Service standard of the Open Geospatial Consortium and introduces features like collaborative experimental spaces, automatic installation of processes and services on top of a flexible and sustainable Cloud computing architecture. We compare DataMiner with another mature Cloud computing system and highlight the benefits our system brings, the new paradigms requirements it satisfies, and the applications that can be developed based on this system.Source: Concurrency and computation (Online) 29 (2017). doi:10.1002/cpe.4219
DOI: 10.1002/cpe.4219
Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience Restricted | onlinelibrary.wiley.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA