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2004 Journal article Restricted
ECHO: a digital library for historical film archives
Savino P., Peters C.
Wide access to large information collections is of great importance in many aspects of everyday life. However, limitations in information and communication technologies have, so far, prevented the average person from taking much advantage of existing resources. Historical documentaries held by national archives constitute some of the most precious yet least accessible cultural information. The ECHO project has facilitated the accessibility to this type of precious information by developing a Digital library (DL) service for historical films belonging to large national audiovisual archives.Source: International journal on digital libraries (Print) 4 (2004): 3–7. doi:10.1007/s00799-003-0062-8
DOI: 10.1007/s00799-003-0062-8

See at: International Journal on Digital Libraries Restricted | www.springerlink.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2001 Contribution to conference Unknown
ECHO - A video digital library
Savino P.
The main goal of the ECHO project is to make it possible to access and search by content over the net, large and inter-operating audio visual archives containing historical documentaries.Source: Workshop Network of Excellence DELOS, pp. 1–12, Mosca, 2001

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2001 Contribution to conference Unknown
ECHO European Chronicle On-Line
Savino P.
Presentation of ECHO Project: Project Motivations, Main goal, System functionality, Key Project Issue, User needs assesment, Metadata model and editor, Project MilestonesSource: EU-DL, pp. 1–12, Lussemburgo, 2001

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2001 Contribution to conference Unknown
The archival of audio/video documentaries
Savino P.
The main goals of the ECHO Project are illustrated.Source: Workshop network of excellence DELOS, Ifrane, Marocco, 2001

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Other Unknown
European CHronicles On-line e Technology Implementation Plan
Savino P.
The ECHO (http://pc-erato2.iei.pi.cnr.it/echo/) Digital Library system supports the indexing and retrieval of A/V documentaries. The indexing is semi-automatic. Using a high-quality speech recogniser, the sound track of each video source is converted to a textual transcript, and then stored in a full-text information retrieval system. Likewise, video and image analysis techniques are used for extracting visual features and segmenting video sequences by automatically locating boundaries of shots, scenes, and conversations. Metadata (described according to the ECHO metadata model) are then manually associated with film documentaries in order to complete their classification. Search and retrieval on wide area networks is performed by expressing queries on the audio transcript, on metadata or by image similarity retrieval. Retrieved documentaries or their abstract, are then presented to the user.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2000 Journal article Unknown
Searching documentary films on line: the ECHO Project
Savino P.
Wide access to large information collections is of great potential importance in many aspects of everyday life. However, limitations in information and communication technologies have, so far, prevented the average person from taking much advantage of existing resources. Historical documentaries, held by national audiovisual archives, constitute some of the most precious and less accessible cultural information. The ECHO project intends to contribute to the improvement of the accessibility to this precious information, by developing a Digitai library (DL) service tor historical films belonging to large national audiovisual archives.Source: ERCIM news 43 (2000): 42–43.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2000 Journal article Unknown
Building an audio-visual digital library of historical documentaries: the ECHO Project
Savino P.
An abstract is not available.Source: D-Lib magazine 6 (2000): 3–5.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1999 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Database and network technology for open hypermedia interactive application development
Morreale E., Cecati F. P., Franzini M., Gambino F., Savino P.
The paper presents a methodology for an open Hypermedia Interactive Application System in the field of Historic Buildings. The methodology aims at enhancing the cultural value of historical buildings by offering students, visitors and experts an appealing and integrated overview, including some aspects which are often neglected. . Both the methodology and its technological support tools provide a wide choice of reference categories and related data [building materials, historical information, environmental setting and risks, building and restoration techniques, etc.]. In addition, the system can be extended with new instances of data on buildings, construction materials etc. It is also highly flexible in that it can be used for instance for didactic and specialistic purposes, for historical and artistic analyses, and as an aid for restoration projects. These results are obtained through the integration of database, hypermedia and network technologies which allow: (i) independence between data and presentation procedures; (ii) data "aggregation' around a wealth of categories and reference elements (eg buildings, monuments, building materials, environmental risk); (iii) system extendibility so that new instances of elements can be introduced; (iv) 3D displays for didactic purposes; (v) wide range of potential users and uses; (vi) data re-use, access to various network archives; all leading to a reduction in the costs of collecting, issuing and managing data.Source: IASTED International Conference on Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (CATE'99), pp. 112–117, Philadelphia, USA, May 6-8, 1999

See at: www.google.it Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2000 Conference article Unknown
An open and flexible development environment for hypermedia applications
Morreale E., Gambino F., Guidi M., Savino P.
This paper presents a development environment - consisting of a methodology and a set of tools supporting it - that allows one to acquire, manage and present (in a local as well as a network environment) information for use in museum and educational environments. In particular, we consider the development of hypermedia applications that use interactive 3D technologies. The methodology and the relative computer science tools have been proposed, developed, tested and validated through the analysis, the study, the planning and the development of some applications in the fields of the Architectural Heritage and the presentation of Naturalistic specimens. The development environment provides the tools for an effective development of the application components and interactive 3D graphical elements as well as a friendly and simple to use set of tools for developing the applications. Keywords: internet based educational systems, computer assisted learning and instruction, authoring tools and methodology, collaborative knowledge construction using networks and the WWWSource: Computers and Advanced Technology in Education (Cate 2000), pp. 155–160, Cancun, Mexico, May 24-27, 2000

See at: CNR ExploRA

2000 Conference article Unknown
Access methods supporting content-based similarity retrieval of audio/video
Savino P.
The paper provides an overview of the techniques used for similarity retrieval of multimedia objects. Particular emphasis is given to the problem of efficient retrieval and to the analysis of different access structures used.Source: 4th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2000, pp. 77–82, Orlando, Florida (USA), July 23-26, 2000

See at: CNR ExploRA

1997 Journal article Unknown
E il computer sbarcò in Italia
De Marco G., Mainetto G., Pisani S., Savino P.
An abstracts is not avaiableSource: Sapere (Bari) 992 (1997): 64–77.

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2000 Conference article Unknown
La grafica 3D interattiva in rete nello sviluppo aperto e flessibile di applicazioni ipermediali
Morreale E., Gambino F., Guidi M., Savino P.
Vengono presentate una metodologia ed un insieme di strumenti informatici di supporto che consentono l'acquisizione, gestione e presentazione (locale, remota via rete e differita) di materiali informativi rivolti all'ambito didattico e museale con particolare riferimento allo sviluppo di applicazioni ipermediali che utilizzano tecnologie di Grafica 3D Interattiva. La metodologia e i relativi strumenti informatici sono stati proposti, realizzati, sperimentati e convalidati attraverso la analisi. lo studio, la progettazione e la realizzazione di alcune specifiche applicazioni esemplificative nei settori dei Beni Culturali Architettonici e della presentazione di Esemplari Naturalistici. Insieme alle basi per una valida interazione tra le figure professionali pertinenti per una efficace produzione ed inserimento delle varie componenti e funzionalità di Grafica 3D interattiva, l'ambiente di sviluppo fornisce in forma amichevole i relativi strumenti operativi di facile impiego per la realizzazione.Source: Didamatica 2000. Informatica per la didattica, pp. 302–310, Cesena, Italy, 4-5-6- maggio 2000

See at: CNR ExploRA

1999 Other Unknown
Ninth Delos workshop on digital libraries for distance learning
Savino P., Zezula P.
An abstract is not available.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1998 Journal article Unknown
L' archivio digitale e l'applicazione multimediale del "Museo Virtuale della Storia dell'Informatica in Italia"
Garzotto F., Marinetto G., Pisani S., Savino P.
Il Progetto Strategico CNR "Museo Virtuale della Storia dell'Informatica in Italia" nasce sia dall'esigenza di raccogliere e conservare materiale documentale relativo alla genesi dell'informatica italiana sia dalla necessità di realizzare interviste a personaggi chiave dell'informatica italiana affinché la loro testimonianza non vada perduta. Uno degli obiettivi principali del Progetto è, inoltre, la divulgazione di questo patrimonio culturale. Per la conservazione della documentazione disponibile è stato realizzato un archivio digitale multimediale che conserva, in modo opportunamente organizzato, il materiale raccolto e prodotto durante tutta la durata del Progetto. Un'interfaccia Internet/WWW consente agli utenti abilitati l'inserimento, la cancellazione e l'aggiornamento di nuovi dati, mentre utenti generici possono ricercare l'informazione di loro interesse. Le informazioni recuperate possono essere anche utilizzate nello sviluppo di applicazioni relative alla storia dell'informatica in Italia o a più specifici aspetti di questa. In particolare, è stata sviluppata un'applicazione multimediale ed interattiva che propone percorsi guidati della storia dell'informatica italiana nel periodo che va dalla metà degli anni '50 alla fine degli anni '70, periodo sul quale si è focalizzata la nostra attenzione durante tutto il Progetto. La struttura di accesso alle informazioni è particolarmente semplice ed intuitiva per permettere la fruizione dell'applicazione non solo ad utenti esperti del settore, ma anche a coloro che, pur non avendo una specifica conoscenza dell'argomento, sono interessati ai vari aspetti della storia dell'informatica italiana. La semplicità dei metodi di accesso non limita la ricchezza dei percorsi che l'utente può seguire e la libertà di spaziare all'interno delle informazioni presentate. Come spiegheremo nella sezione L'applicazione multimediale, il tipo di utente cui si rivolgono i due sistemi la base di dati editoriale e l'applicazione multimediale è diverso, e di conseguenza i due sistemi hanno obiettivi e caratteristiche diverse. Per la base di dati, l'utente tipico è lo specialista di informatica o di storia della scienza; la base di dati è uno strumento per preservare un patrimonio culturale o, per usare un termine in voga, una "libreria digitale" su un frammento del nostro passato. Contemporaneamente, è una "riserva" di materiale da cui estrarre i contenuti per costruire (frammenti di) applicazioni multimediali relative alla storia della scienza o dell'informatica italiana. L'applicazione multimediale ha, invece, uno scopo divulgativo e si indirizza all'utente, professionista o no, attratto dalle radici dell'informatica italiana o incuriosito, ad esempio, del passato "informatico" del proprio ateneo o ente o sul ruolo di personaggi noti.Source: Ricerca & Futuro (Online) 10 (1998): 38–41.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1998 Journal article Unknown
Un viaggio virtuale alle origini dell'informatica in Italia
Savino P.
sommario non disponibile.Source: Ricerca e Futuro 10 (1998): 36–38.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1997 Journal article Unknown
Il museo virtuale della storia dell'informatica in Italia
Savino P.
An abstract is not avaiableSource: Ricerca & Futuro (Testo stamp.) 4 (1997): 70–71.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1988 Journal article Restricted
Implementing Ranking Strategies using Text Signatures
Croft W. B., Savino P.
Signature files provide an efficient access method for text in documents, but retrieval is usually limited to finding documents that contain a specified Boolean pattern of words. Effective retrieval requires that documents with similar meanings be found through a process of plausible inference. The simplest way of implementing this retrieval process is to rank documents in order of their probability of relevance. In this paper techniques are described for implementing probabilistic ranking strategies with sequential and bit-sliced signature tiles and the limitations of these implementations with regard to their effectiveness are pointed out. A detailed comparison is made between signature based ranking techniques and ranking using term-based document representatives and inverted files. The comparison shows that term-based representations are at least competitive (in terms of efficiency) with signature files and, in some situations, superior.Source: ACM transactions on office information systems 6 (1988): 42–62. doi:10.1145/42279.45947
DOI: 10.1145/42279.45947

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | ACM Transactions on Information Systems Restricted | CNR ExploRA

1993 Journal article Unknown
Image Analysis and Content-Based Retrieval for Semantic Image Databases
Savino P.
An abstract is not availableSource: ERCIM news (1993): 24–25.

See at: CNR ExploRA

1999 Journal article Restricted
Using and Re-using Archive Information for Multimedia Applications: the Virtual Museum of Computer Science History
Garzotto F., Paolini P., Savino P.
The quality of content is a key attribute for assessing the global quality of a museum application. Unfortunately, producing good content, especially in multimedia digital form, is expensive and time-consuming. One way to reduce the costs without sacrificing quality is to exploit the concept of information reuse. The idea is to use (portions of) the same multimedia material in different applications, possibly adapting it for different contexts, for different categories of users, and for different delivery channels (e.g., on-line and off-line). Information reuse does not come free. To be effective, it requires a well-organized environment in which information can be easily stored, inspected, retrieved, and adapted for different purposes. This paper describes the approach adopted in the project "The Virtual Museum of Italian Computer Science History", funded by the Italian National Council of Research (CNR). In this project, all the digital material (documents, images, video interviews, etc.) is stored in a digital archive based on a multimedia database with a WWWfront-end. The archive is designed for specialists only: members of the editorial board of the project; researchers in the history of science; application developers (who are looking for interesting content to include in their CD-ROMs or Web sites). Each research group involved in the project extracted and adapted from the digital archive the multimedia material needed to build a different hypermedia application in two "versions" - WWW and CD-ROM. These applications, both on-line and off-line, strongly reuse (portions of) the digital archive content, but organize and present it with a totally different style, to address the needs of non-specialists (e.g., people who have some interest, or curiosity, in the history of Italian computer science).Source: Archives & museum informatics 13 (1999): 95–111. doi:10.1023/A:1016663321262
DOI: 10.1023/a:1016663321262

See at: Archives and Museum Informatics Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

1986 Conference article Unknown
Office Document Retrieval in MULTOS
Constantopoulos P., Yeorgaroudakis Y., Theodoridou M., Konstantas D., Kreplin K., Eirund H., Fitas A., Savino P., Converti A., Martino L., Rabitti F., Bertino E., Thanos C.
An abstract is not availableSource: 3rd ESPRIT Conference 1986, Brussels, 29 September - 1 October 1986

See at: books.google.it | CNR ExploRA