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2025 Other Metadata Only Access
Spano D., Carcangiu A., Mereu J., Manca M., Santoro C., Simeoli L.
EUD4XR aims to empower end-user developers, EUDs, with an intuitive and practical tool for customizing XR experiences by setting the behavior of the involved virtual and real objects. Our proposed system supports the customization of the interactions through a rule-based language based on an event-condition-action (ECA) scheme. It is integrated with an intelligent conversational agent (ICA) tasked with supporting and guiding the user when help is needed. In this document, we describe a proof-of-concept implementation of our approach that includes the following components:  Rule Engine: this module monitors the extended environment, detects events occurring in the system, accesses the APIs of virtual and physical objects that make up the scene, and commands the execution of the actions at runtime.  Intelligent Conversational Agent or ICA: is a chatbot implemented through a large language model, LLM, and refined using prompt engineering. The ICA must support the user on: o Providing information about the environment and its objects. o Customizing the environment by adding a virtual object. o Creating or editing a rule.  Rule Authoring UI: to support users in configuring the environment, EUD4XR provides an immersive interface that allows both direct editing of ECA rules in situ without requiring coding skills, and interaction with an intelligent chatbot. Through this interface, the user can create, edit and manage ECA rules, but also request and receive assistance from the chatbot to define or correct rules according to their needs. Section 2 provides an overview of the framework supporting the components that are the subject of the deliverable D2.1. Section 3 lists and explains the rule engine's requirements, while Section 4 describes its implementation. Sections 5 and 6 define the requirements and the implementation of rule authoring UI. Next, Section 7 illustrates the intelligent conversational agent: it first reviews the current state of the art, then reports on the result of a pilot test, and finally details its requirements and design.Project(s): EUD4XR: End-User Development for eXtended Reality

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | prin.unica.it Restricted

2024 Other Open Access OPEN
EUD4XR: WP 1 - End-user development methodology
Spano D., Carcangiu A., Mereu J., Manca M., Santoro C., Simeoli L.
Recent advancements in technology, particularly in miniaturization, have contributed to the increasing prevalence of connected smart devices performing various functions across different domains, like home automation, healthcare, wellness, transportation and public safety. These devices are not only able to interact with each other by exchanging information but also to react autonomously to events in the physical world and influence it by performing processes or actions. In parallel, this surge in technology, in conjunction with investments by large companies, has renewed interest in XR applications and devices, e.g. Microsoft HoloLens, Oculus Rift or Meta Quest, from both consumers and researchers. Initially seen as tools for entertainment, these devices have matured, finding applications in various sectors, such as healthcare, aerospace, automotive, retail, and manufacturing. While these technologies have opened up new perspectives, such applications need to effectively address the needs of each potential end-user, or class of end-users, in order to be further confirmed and developed. Depending on the context, managing the needs of users at the design level could be inefficient, and lead to overtime and cost. One possible solution, as happened for example in the publication of web content, is to actively involve end users, intended as domain experts without a programming background, in the development and editing process. By providing easy-to-use and usable tools, we can empower them to customize mixed-reality environments creating interactions that involve real and virtual objects.Project(s): EUD4XR: End-User Development for eXtended Reality

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | prin.unica.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2024 Conference article Open Access OPEN
End-user development for eXtended reality using a multimodal intelligent conversational agent
Artizzu V., Carcangiu A., Manca M., Mattioli A., Mereu J., Paternò F., Santoro C., Simeoli L., Spano L. D.
In the past years, both the research community and commercial products have proposed various solutions aiming to support end-user developers (EUDevs), namely users without extensive programming skills, to build and customize XR experiences. However, current tools may not fully eliminate the potential for user errors or misunderstandings. In this paper, we present EUD4XR, a methodology consisting of an intelligent conversational agent to provide contextual help, to EUDevs, during the authoring process. The key characteristics of this agent are its multimodality, comprehending the user’s voice, gaze, and pointing, combined with the environment status. Moreover, the agent could also demonstrate concepts, suggest components, and help explain errors further to reduce misunderstandings for end-user developers of VR/XR.Source: CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, vol. 3704. Arenzano, Italy, 4/06/2024
Project(s): EUD4XR: End-User Development for eXtended Reality

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted