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JACK3 - Just Another Concurrency Kit [Release 3.0]
Trentanni GJACK3 stands for /Just Another Concurrency Kit/. It is an environment integrating a set of verification tools, supported by a graphical interface offering facilities to use these tools separately or in combination.
The environment proposes several functionalities for the design, analysis and verification of concurrent systems specified using process algebra. In particular, the concurrent systems that are suitable to be studied by means of the latest release JACK3-Lite are that ones described by process algebrae as Esterel, Meije, CCS and Basic Lotos. The basic idea of JACK3-Lite is simple: to put together tools for drawing, minimising and partitioning automata, for transforming algebraic processes into automata and to perform model checking on them, under an unified environment with a graphical user interface with the aim of automatizing the various ways by which these tools exchange data each other and giving to the user a general system to build up the preferred specification/verification development cycle in an expandable environment.
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Metadata Only Access
JACK3 - Just Another Concurrency Kit [Release 1.0]
Trentanni GJACK is an environment based on the use of process algebras, automata and temporal logic formalisms, which supports many phases of the system development process. The idea behind the JACK environment is to integrate different specication and verication tools, independently developed at different research institutes (I.E.I.- C.N.R. and the University of Rome La Sapienza in Italy, and INRIA in France), to provide an environment in which a user can choose from several verication tools by means of auser-friendly graphic interface. This last feature is quite an important one since it is nowadays widely recognized that there is no single specication and verication technique which can cover all aspects of system design in a satisfactory way; rather, different techniques and tools match different stages of design. JACK includes also a model-checker for ACTL, a branching time temporal logic suitable to express proper ties of reactive systems whose behaviour is characterized by the actions they perform and whose semantics is dened by means of Labelled Transition Systems.
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Conference article
Verification on the web of mobile systems
Ferrari G, Gnesi S, Montanari U, Raggi R, Trentanni G, Tuosto EThe vast majority of current available verification environments have been built by sticking to traditional architectural style centralized and without dealing with interoperability and dynamic recongurability. In this paper we present a verification toolkit whose design and implementation exploit the Web service architectural paradigm.DOI: 10.5220/0002660300720074Metrics:
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| www.scitepress.org
Metadata Only Access
HAL (History dependant Automata Laboratory) - online version [Release 1.2]
Gnesi S, Pistore M, Trentanni GThe HD-Automata Laboratory (HAL) is an integrated tool set for the specification, verification and analysis of concurrent and distributed systems. The core of HAL are the HD-automata: they are used as a common format for the various history-dependant languages. The HAL environment includes modules which implement decision procedures to calculate behavioral equivalences, and modules which support verification of behavioral properties expressed as formulae of suitable temporal logics. At this moment HAL works only with concurrent and distributed systems expressed by pi-calculus formalism. The HAL environment allows pi-calculus agents to be translated into ordinary automata, so that existing equivalence checkers can be used to calculate whether the pi-calculus are bisimilar. The environment also supports verification of logical formulae expressing desired properties of the behavior of pi-calculus agents.
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