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2006 Report Open Access OPEN
BELIEF - WP3D9 - Technical & Evaluation Report of 1st BELIEF Brainstorming Workshop
Pantazaras S., Zoppi F., Toli E., Benians S., Delis A.
The main objective of 1st Brainstorming BELIEF Workshop was to bring together experts in the areas of eInfrastructures, Grid computing, Digital Libraries, and Management of Data, along with selected IT professionals, researchers, and project managers to consider and debate the development of Scientific Repositories and Content Management in terms of technical, managerial, legal, financial, and user issues. The combination of Content Management and Scientific Repositories jointly termed as Knowledge Infrastructures (KIs) are expected to play a critical role in the continuity of European leadership in the area of e-Infrastructures. The workshop was organized as a forum for experts to put forward key questions for the development of KIs and debate them in a collegiate manner. As such, the meeting proved to be very successful as it was very well attended and its informal setting provided the required environment for a critical and exciting exchange of diverse views.Source: Project report, BELIEF, 2006

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
BELIEF-II D3.7.1 DL - Demo for promotion
Zoppi F.
The BELIEF Digital Library (DL) Demo for promotion is an animated demo, basically designed to be run at events, illustrating the most appealing features of the BELIEF project's DL. To let this Demo being accessible also by online users, it is provided via a link from the BELIEF Portal home page at http://www.beliefproject.org/ and it is directly accessible also via a link on the right side of the toolbar of the BELIEF Digital Library interface. The DL itself is accessible from the BELIEF Portal by clicking on the Digital Library menu; or directly at http://belief-dl.research-infrastructures.eu/ The Demo - implemented by a Power Point file with audio - represents the real deliverable; this document has simply the role to document it.Source: Project report, BELIEF II, Deliverable D3.7.1, 2008
Project(s): BELIEF-II via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
BELIEF-II D5.2 project quality plan
Zoppi F.
The Project Quality Plan (PQP) is a handbook designed to guide the BELIEF-II project participants through all aspects of the project's management and to state, track and monitor the quality of the work produced by the project. It is to serve as a reference tool as it brings together all of the procedures and policies that have been agreed upon since the beginning of the project by the Project Coordinator, the Partner Managers and the Work Package Leaders. A Quality Manager (QM) - nominated among project's members - is in charge of the proper design, update and application of the PQP. The QM establishes guidelines, rules, procedures and metrics for quality assurance and is supported by a Project Quality Board (PQB). The PQB will meet at least in conjunction with the PMB meetings. The PQP covers both the process and the products, as well qualitative and quantitative quality characteristics, and includes a Risk Management section with the identification of contingency ad recovery plans. It also defines the internal review process to be applied to the different types of achievements and deliverable results (i.e. reports, specifications, evaluation of results etc.). Standard structure and formats for the various classes of documents that will be produced in the context of the project are also defined in this QP.Source: Project report, BELIEF II, Deliverable D5.2, 2008
Project(s): BELIEF-II via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Open Access OPEN
EAGLE portal and services requirements and specifications
Mambrini F., Evangelisti S., Martineau P., Prandoni C., Zoppi F.
The document provides the list of the functional requirements for the user-dedicated services of the EAGLE project. The sections of the Introduction provide a general description of the whole EAGLE architecture and of the three services that the users will be able to interact with. Sec. 1.3 is dedicated to outline the content that will be made available and introduces the terminology that will be used to refer to the contents of the EAGLE collection. Sec. 1.4 presents the rationale of the EAGLE Portal, Flagship Mobile Application and Flagship Storytelling Application. In sec. 1.5 we discuss the methodology that was followed in eliciting the requests for functions, and how we selected the requirements that were chosen to be included, at some point in time, in the EAGLE system. Sec. 2 introduces the main components that form the backbone of the EAGLE user-dedicated system, and discuss the model of interactions between them. This section must not be read as a set of finalized guidelines for the implementation of the architecture. Rather at this stage, the section aims to represent the model according to which the EAGLE system will function as a whole, and to provide the reader with the information she needs to understand requirements and use-cases. While sec. 2 attempts a preliminary description of the EAGLE system in terms of its components, in sec. 3 we shift the perspective to that of the user: this will be the dominant point of view in the rest of the deliverable. In this section, we will provide a description of the target users of the EAGLE services and proceed to define the user groups for the different functions. Finally, sec. 4 contains a list and a discussion of the functional requirements, organized according to the three EAGLE services (query and search the EAGLE data base, mobile application and storytelling application) and by the target user. Conclusions and future work are briefly mentioned in sec. 5Source: Project report, EAGLE, Deliverable D5.1, pp.1–61, 2014
Project(s): EAGLE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2010 Conference article Unknown
Open knowledge on e-Infrastructures: the BELIEF project digital library
Zoppi F., Castelli D., Tylor S.
The BELIEF Project is a Coordination Action funded by the European Commission in the context of the FP6 and FP7 Programmes. It aims to create a platform where e-Infrastructures providers and users can collaborate and exchange knowledge, ensuring that e-Infrastructures are developed and effectively used worldwide, filling the gap separating the e-Infrastructures providers from the users, and thus contribute to the emergence of a competitive knowledge-based economy. To create this synergy among multi-disciplinary communities, BELIEF created a one-stop-shop providing a Portal and a Digital Library with a huge number of e-Infrastructures open access publications. The Digital Library offers uniform access to multimedia documentation providing continuously updated information on e-Infrastructures-related projects, initiatives and events. The contents are harvested from different sources, such as projects web sites, repositories and databases. The DL - implemented on top of the OpenDLib Digital Library Management System - provides services to support the submission, description, searching, browsing, retrieval, access, preservation and visualization of multimedia documents. Although designed to meet the needs of the e-Infrastructures community, the technology adopted by BELIEF can be easily adapted to meet the information and collaborative needs of other scientific communities.Source: IST-Africa 2010 Conference, 19-21 May 2010, Durban, South Africa, Durban, South Africa, 19-21 may 2010
Project(s): BELIEF-II via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - D4.4.b - The BELIEF DL User Guide - Release 4.0 - Ver. 1.0
Zoppi F., Baldacci M. B.
The BELIEF Digital Library is accessible at: http://belief-dl.isti.cnr.it/. The Digital Library Interface is organized in work environments (HOME, COMMUNITY, INFORMATION SPACE, SEARCH, BROWSE) which in their turn are organized according to different menus. This User Guide is presented under the following three Sections: o User Functionality o Author Functionality o Administrator & Reviewer Functionality The BELIEF Digital Library provides access to different document collections, public or private, which are distributed through the web. Any user can select collections which interest her/him using the INFORMATION SPACE options and access the SEARCH and BROWSE functionality.Source: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D4.4.b, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - D4.4.c - The BELIEF DL User Guide 'At a Glance'
Zoppi F., Baldacci M. B.
The BELIEF Digital Library is accessible from the BELIEF Portal clicking on the Digital Library menu or directly at http://belief-dl.isti.cnr.it/. The Digital Library Interface is organised in work environments (HOME, COMMUNITY, INFORMATION SPACE, SEARCH, BROWSE) which in their turn are organised according to different menus. This User Guide is presented under the following three Sections, according with the roles a community member can play: o User Functionality o Author Functionality o Reviewer & Administrator Functionality This User Guide "At a Glance" is derived from the complete User Guide in [D4.2.b].Source: WP1D4.2.c, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - WP1D4.2.c The BELIEF DL User Guide
Zoppi F., Baldacci M. B.
The BELIEF Digital Library is accessible from the BELIEF Portal clicking on the Digital Library>Expert Interface menu or directly at http://belief02.isti.cnr.it/. The Digital Library Interface is organised in work environments (HOME, COMMUNITY, INFORMATION SPACE, SEARCH, BROWSE) which in their turn are organised according to different menus. This User Guide is presented under the following three Sections, according with the roles a community member can play: o User Functionality o Author Functionality o Reviewer & Administrator Functionality This User GuideSource: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D4.2.c, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - WP1D4.1.b - The BELIEF DL User Guide - Ver. 1.0
Zoppi F., Baldacci M. B.
The BELIEF Digital Library is accessible at: http://belief02.isti.cnr.it/. The Digital Library Interface is organized in work environments (HOME, COMMUNITY, INFORMATION SPACE, SEARCH, BROWSE) which in their turn are organized according to different menus. This User Guide is presented under the following three Sections: o User Functionality o Author Functionality o Administrator & Reviewer Functionality The BELIEF Digital Library provides access to different document collections, public or private, which are distributed through the web. Any user can select collections which interest her/him using the INFORMATION SPACE options and access the SEARCH and BROWSE functionality.Source: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D4.1.b, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Report Unknown
BELIEF - WP1D4.2.b - The BELIEF DL User Guide - Ver. 1.0
Zoppi F., Baldacci M. B.
The BELIEF Digital Library is accessible from the BELIEF Portal by clicking on the Digital Library>Expert Interface menu or directly at http://belief02.isti.cnr.it/. The Digital Library Interface is organised in work environments (HOME, COMMUNITY, INFORMATION SPACE, SEARCH, BROWSE) which in their turn are organised according to different menus. This User Guide is presented under the following three Sections, according with the roles a community member can play: o User Functionality o Author Functionality o Reviewer & Administrator Functionality The BELIEF Digital Library provides access to different document collections, public or private, which are distributed through the web. Any user can select collections that interest him/her by using the INFORMATION SPACE options and access the SEARCH and BROWSE functionality. From this document a User GuideSource: Project report, BELIEF, Deliverable D4.2.b, 2007
Project(s): BELIEF

See at: CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
BELIEF-II D3.4.1 DL - Release Notes
Zoppi F., Biagini F.
This document describes the implementation of the BELIEF Digital Library (hereafter DL) in terms of: DL Functionalities DL Content The BELIEF DL is a customisation of OpenDLib, a Digital Library Management System (hereafter DLMS) comprising of a federation of services that can be customised to meet the requirements for a target user community. This federation can be expanded at any time by adding other community specific services. The entire set of services can be managed and hosted either by a single or by a multitude of organisations collaborating on the maintenance of the shared digital library, each according to their own computational and human resources.Source: Project report, BELIEF II, Deliverable D3.4.1, 2008
Project(s): BELIEF-II via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2009 Report Open Access OPEN
Open knowledge on e-infrastructures: the BELIEF project digital library
Zoppi F., Biagini F.
To create this synergy among multi-disciplinary Research Infrastructure communities, BELIEF created a one-stop-shop for e-Infrastructures communities providing a Community Portal and a Digital Library (DL) with a huge number of e-Infrastructures open access publications. The BELIEF DL - implemented on top of the OpenDLib Software System - offers uniform access to multimedia documentation (e.g. presentations, videos, technical reports, manuals, on-line tutorials, etc.) providing continuously updated information on eInfrastructure-related projects, initiatives and events. Although designed to meet the needs of a specific community, the technology adopted by BELIEF can be easily adapted to meet the information and collaborative needs of other scientific communities.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2009

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2012 Report Unknown
HOPE - HOPE aggregator infrastructure release 2.0
Bardi A., Zoppi F.
This document describes the implementation of the HOPE Aggregator Infrastructure in terms of: . Core Functionalities . Software Tools for Quality Control and Metadata Enrichment . HW & SW requirements After an introduction to the general characteristics of the HOPE implementation, the functionalities offered by this Release 2.0 are presented. Then, the characteristics of the software tools available for Aggregator Administration and Data Curation are introduced. A further section reports the hardware and software configuration of the underlying system.Source: Project report, HOPE, Deliverable D4.3, 2012
Project(s): HOPE

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2012 Report Unknown
OPENAIRE - OpenAIRE sustainability model
Schmidt B., Manghi P., Manola N., Zoppi F.
This report outlines first steps for the development and implementation of a sustainability plan for OpenAIRE, with the aim to outline how OpenAIRE could be moved from a pilot to a permanent infrastructure. OpenAIRE, a project co-funded by the European Commission's Seventh Framework Program (2009-2012), needs to define a Sustainability Roadmap for its human network of open access experts (National Open Access Desks) and coordinators as well as its technical infrastructure and services. This report will discuss best practices in the landscape of e-Infrastructure initiatives and will describe a scenario on how the activities and services under development by the OpenAIRE project could be sustained into the mid-term future. Moreover, it summarizes open issues and questions which have to be addressed and outlines some possible solutions. Further measures to support the sustainability of OpenAIRE will have to be addressed within its extension project OpenAIREplus (2011-2013). OpenAIREplus enlarges the realm of OpenAIRE to the linking of publications with data from various sources (data archives, authority services, CRIS etc.). It will deliver a study on sustainability and business models for open access infrastructures and a feasibility/business plan for the technical operation of the infrastructure and services as developed by OpenAIRE/OpenAIREplus (deliverables D3.5, D3.7 and D3.8). Therefore, this report will be limited to a discussion of options for the governance, legal framework and funding models. Moreover, it might serve as a pre-study in the context of the OpenAIREplus studies.Source: Project report, OpenAIRE, Deliverable D3.2, 2012
Project(s): OPENAIRE via OpenAIRE

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2010 Report Open Access OPEN
D4SCIENCE-II - Report on inter-projects coordination and collaboration
Castelli D., Zoppi F.
This deliverable reports on the collaborations with other FP7 projects and R&D programmes established by D4Science-II from the beginning of the project until July 2010. The collaborations described are of different nature, as they range from purely technical exchanges involving mutual exploitation of technologies to the sharing of e- Infrastructure resources and to the joint organization of networking and dissemination events. The deliverable presents these collaborations clustered into: (i) Technological projects, which either develop technologies that can be exploited by D4Science-II or that use the D4Science-II developed ones (e.g. EMI, VENUS-C); (ii) Ecosystem components, which comprise projects and initiatives that are part of the ecosystem initiated by D4Science or that may become part of it in the near future (e.g. 4D4Life, AquaMaps, GENESI-DR/DEC, OpenAIRE); (iii) Coordination actions and networking initiatives, which include EU projects addressing aspects complementary to the technological ones, like exploitation, outreach and sustainability (e.g. OGF-Europe, GridTalk, DL.org); and iv) Other projects and initiatives, which refer to envisaged collaborations with projects and organisations which have been recently contacted by - or have contacted - D4Science-II for establishing different types of co-operations (e.g. BioFresh, Data Conservancy, LifeWatch). For each collaboration we present concrete activities performed and plans for the future, if any.Source: Project report, D4SCIENCE-II, Deliverable DNA2.2, 2010
Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

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2013 Report Unknown
HOPE - Data supply to Europeana completed
Bardi A., Zoppi F.
This document summarizes the final implementation status of data supply from the HOPE Aggregator Infrastructure to Europeana describing: the transformation from the HOPE Common Metadata Model to the Europeana Data Model; the delivering mode implemented to supply EDM records to Europeana; the overall status of Europeana ingestion. This document is strictly related to "D3.4 - HOPE Implementation report" and "D5.4 - Content ingestion completed".Source: Project report, HOPE, Deliverable D4.4, 2013
Project(s): HOPE

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2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Guidelines for the iMARINE project quality plan
Bosio C., Zoppi F.
The objective of this report to define the guidelines for the Quality Plan established for the iMarine project. This report focuses on several activities of the project, trying to ensure the achievement of concrete and efficient results. The different activities of the project are governed by a number of procedures and guidelines described in different project documents: Annex I to the Grant Agreement (Description of Work), Consortium Agreement, individual work package work plans, etc. This deliverable gathers in a single document all this disperse information which together will foster the achievement of the project objectives.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–14, 2011
Project(s): IMARINE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2011 Report Open Access OPEN
Guidelines for the EUBrazilOpenBio project quality plan
Bosio C., Zoppi F.
The EUBrazilOpenBio Quality Plan will define the guidelines and procedures of the project in order to ensure efficient project execution as well as high quality project results. The purpose of the present Technical Report is to facilitate the co-operation within the EU-BR consortium providing its members with a point of reference and a common understanding of project methods and procedures, with particular emphasis on the fulfillment of the contractual obligations towards the European Commission and the CNPq. This report will guide all beneficiaries in order to reduce project overhead and increase the efficiency and quality of the work to be performed. The rules, templates, suggestions, and means of communication specified in this document aim to guide the EUBrazilOpenBio beneficiaries providing a framework for operation in different managerial aspects. The ultimate objective of the Quality Plan is to serve as tool, or handbook, for consistent use by project participants to ensure concrete and quality results in line with the work plan the EUBrazilOpenBio project is committed to achieve.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–10, 2011

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2009 Report Open Access OPEN
Guidelines for the D4Science-II project quality plan
Bosio C., Zoppi F.
The objective of this Technical Report is to report the Quality Plan established for the D4Science-II project. This plan focuses on several activities of the project, trying to ensure the achievement of concrete and efficient results. The different activities of the project are governed by a number of procedures and guidelines described in different project documents: Annex I to the Grant Agreement (Description of Work), Consortium Agreement, individual work package work plans, etc. This deliverable gathers in a single document all this disperse information which together will foster the achievement of the project objectives.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–17, 2009
Project(s): D4SCIENCE-II via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2008 Report Open Access OPEN
Guidelines for the BELIEF-II project quality plan
Bosio C., Zoppi F.
The Project Quality Plan (PQP) is a handbook designed to guide the BELIEF-II project participants through all aspects of the project's management and to state, track and monitor the quality of the work produced by the project. It is to serve as a reference tool as it brings together all of the procedures and policies that have been agreed upon since the beginning of the project by the Project Coordinator, the Partner Managers and the Work Package Leaders.Source: ISTI Technical reports, pp.1–27, 2008
Project(s): BELIEF-II via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA