Journal article
Grid programming: some indications where we are headed
Laforenza DGrid computing enables the development of large scientific applications on an unprecedented scale. Grid-aware applications, also called meta-applications or multi-disciplinary applications, make use of coupled computational resources that are not available at a single site. In this light, the Grids let scientists solve larger or new problems by pooling together resources that could not be coupled easily before. It is well known that the programmer's productivity in designing and implementing efficient distributed/parallel applications on high-performance computers is still usually a very time-consuming task. Grid computing makes the situation worse. Consequently, the development of Grid programming environments that would enable programmers to efficiently exploit this technology is an important and hot research issue.After an introduction on the main Grid programming issues, this paper will review the most important approaches/projects conducted in this field worldwide.Source: PARALLEL COMPUTING, vol. 28 (issue 12), pp. 1733-1752
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Journal article
An advanced environment supporting structured parallel programming in Java
Aldinucci M., Danelutto M., Teti P.In this work we present Lithium, a pure Java structured parallel programming environment based on skeletons (common, reusable and efficient parallelism exploitation patterns). Lithium is implemented as a Java package and represents both the first skeleton based programming environment in Java and the first complete skeleton based Java environment exploiting macro data flow implementation techniques. Lithium supports a set of user code optimizations which are based on skeleton rewriting techniques. These optimizations improve both absolute performance and resource usage with respect to original user code. Parallel programs developed using the library run on any network of workstations provided the workstations support plain JRE. The paper describes the library implementation, outlines the optimization techniques used and eventually presents the performance results obtained on both synthetic and real applications.Source: Future generation computer systems 19 (2003): 611–626.
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Journal article
Grids and Grid technologies for wide-area distributed computing
Baker M, Buyya R, Laforenza DThe last decade has seen a substantial increase in commodity computer and network performance, mainly as a result of faster hardware and more sophisticated software. Nevertheless, there are still problems, in the fields of science, engineering, and business, which cannot be effectively dealt with using the current generation of supercomputers. In fact, due to their size and complexity, these problems are often very numerically and/or data intensive and consequently require a variety of heterogeneous resources that are not available on a single machine. A number of teams have conducted experimental studies on the cooperative use of geographically distributed resources unified to act as a single powerful computer. This new approach is known by several names, such as metacomputing, scalable computing, global computing, Internet computing, and more recently peer-to-peer or Grid computing. The early efforts in Grid computing started as a project to link supercomputing sites, but have now grown far beyond their original intent. In fact, many applications can benefit from the Grid infrastructure, including collaborative engineering, data exploration, high-throughput computing, and of course distributed supercomputing. Moreover, due to the rapid growth of the Internet and Web, there has been a rising interest in Web-based distributed computing, andmany projects have been started and aim to exploit theWeb as an infrastructure for running coarse-grained distributed and parallel applications. In this context, theWeb has the capability to be a platform for parallel and collaborative work as well as a key technology to create a pervasive and ubiquitous Grid-based infrastructure. This paper aims to present the state-of-the-art of Grid computing and attempts to survey the major international efforts in developing this emerging technology.Source: SOFTWARE-PRACTICE & EXPERIENCE, vol. 32 (issue 15), pp. 1437-1466
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Conference article
Metadata Only Access
Scheduling and load balancing
Luque E, Castaños Jg, Markatos Ep, Perego RScheduling and Load Balancing techniques are key issues for the performance of applications executed in parallel and distributed environments, and for the efficient utilization of these computational resources. Research in this field has a long history and is well consolidated. Nevertheless, the evolution of parallel and distributed systems toward clusters, computational grids, and global computing environments, introduces new challenging problems that require a new generation of scheduling and load balancing algorithms. Topic 3 in Euro-Par 2004 covers all aspects related to scheduling and load balancing from application and system levels, to theoretical foundations and practical tools. All these aspects are addressed by contributed papers.
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Conference article
Targeting heterogeneous architectures in ASSIST: experimental results
Aldinucci M, Campa S, Coppola M, Magini S, Pesciullesi P, Potiti L, Ravazzolo R, Torquati M, Zoccolo CWe describe how the ASSIST parallel programming environment can be used to run parallel programs on collections of heterogeneous workstations and evaluate the scalability of one task-farm real application and a data-parallel benchmark, comparing the actual performance figures measured when using homogeneous and heterogeneous workstation clusters. We describe also the ASSIST approach to heterogeneous distributed shared memory and provide preliminary performance figures of the current implementation.
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Journal article
A grid information service based on peer-to-peer
Puppin D, Moncelli S, Baraglia R, Tonellotto N, Silvestri FInformation Services are fundamental blocks of the Grid infrastructure. They are responsible for collecting and distributing information about resource availability and status to users: the quality of these data may have a strong impact on scheduling algorithms and overall performance. Many popular information services have a centralized structure. This clearly introduces problems related to information updating and fault tolerance. Also, in very large configurations, scalability may be an issue. In this work, we present a Grid Information Service based on the peer-to-peer technology. Our system offers a fast propagation of information and has high scalability and reliability. We implemented our system complying to the OGSA standard using the Globus Toolkit 3. Our system can run on Linux and Windows systems, with different network configurations, so to trade off between redundancy (reliability) and cost
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CNR IRIS | hpc.isti.cnr.it | CNR IRIS
Journal article
HMM: a static mapping algorithm to map parallel applications on grids
Baraglia R, Ferrini R, Ritrovato PIn this paper we present a static mapping heuristic, called Heterogeneous Multi-phase Mapping (HMM), which allows a suboptimal mapping of a parallel program onto a metacomputer to minimize the program execution time. HMM allocates parallel tasks by exploiting the information embedded in the parallelism forms used to implement an application. Moreover, it uses a local search technique together with the tabu search meta-heuristic. The experimental results show that the proposed approach performs well promising a significant potential to develop efficient mapping solutions for metacomputers.
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Journal article
Joint structured/non structured parallelism exploitation through data flow
Dazzi P, Danelutto MStructured parallel programming promises to raise the level of abstraction p erceived by programmers when implementing parallel applications. In the meanwhile, however, it restricts the freedom of programmers to implement arbitrary parallelism exploitation patterns. In this work we discuss a data flow implementation methodology for skeleton based structured parallel programming environments that easily integrates arbitrary, user-defined parallelism exploitation patterns while preserving most of the b enefits typical of structured parallel programming models.
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Conference article
Spatio-temporal aggregations in trajectory data warehouses
Orlando S, Orsini R, Raffaetà A, Roncato A, Silvestri CIn this paper we investigate some issues related to the design of a simple Data Warehouse (DW), storing several aggregate measures about trajectories of moving objects. First we discuss the loading phase of our DW which has to deal with overwhelming streams of trajectory observations, possibly produced at different rates, and arriving in an unpredictable and unbounded way. Then, we focus on the measure presence, the most complex measure stored in our DW. Such a measure returns the number of trajectories that lie in a spatial region during a given temporal interval. We devise a novel way to compute an approximate, but very accurate, presence aggregate function, which algebraically combines a bounded amount of measures stored in the base cells of the data cube.
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CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS | www.springerlink.com
Journal article
Peer-to-peer systems for discovering resources in a dynamic grid
Marzolla M, Mordacchini M, Orlando SThe convergence of the Grid and Peer-to-Peer (P2P) worlds has led to many solutions that try to efficiently solve the problem of resource discovery on Grids. Some of these solutions are extensions of P2P DHT-based networks. We believe that these systems are not flexible enough when the indexed data are very dynamic, i.e., the values of the resource attributes change very frequently over time. This is a common case for Grid metadata, like CPU loads, queue occupation, etc. Moreover, since common requests for Grid resources may be expressed as multi-attribute range queries, we think that the DHT-based P2P solutions are poorly flexible and efficient in handling them. In this paper we present two P2P systems. Both are based on Routing Indexes, which are used to efficiently route queries and update messages in the presence of highly variable data. The first system uses a tree-shaped overlay network. The second one is an evolution of the first, and is based on a two-level hierarchical network topology, where tree topologies must only be maintained at the lower level of the hierarchy, i.e., within the various node groups making up the network. The main goal of the second organization is to achieve a simpler maintenance of the overall P2P graph topology, by preserving the good properties of the tree-shaped topology. We discuss the results of extensive simulation studies aimed at assessing the performance and scalability of the proposed approaches. We also analyze how the network topologies affect the propagation of query and update messages.Source: PARALLEL COMPUTING, vol. 33 (issue 4-5), pp. 339-358
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CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS | www.sciencedirect.com
Conference article
ASSIST demo: an high level, high performance, portable, structured parallel programming environment at work
Aldinucci M, Campa S, Ciullo P, Coppola M, Danelutto M, Pesciullesi P, Ravazzolo R, Torquati M, Vanneschi M, Zoccolo CThis work summarizes the possibilities offered by parallel programming environment ASSIST by outlining some of the features that will be demonstrated at the conference demo session. We'll substantially show how this environment can be deployed on a Linux workstation network/cluster, how applications can be compiled and run using ASSIST and eventually, we'll discuss some ASSIST scalability and performance features. We'll also outline how the ASSIST environment can be used to target GRID architectures.
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CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS | link.springer.com
Conference article
The Implementation of ASSIST, an Environment for Parallel and Distributed Programming
Aldinucci M, Campa S, Ciullo P, Coppola M, Magini S, Pesciullesi P, Potiti L, Ravazzolo R, Torquati M, Vanneschi M, Zoccolo CWe describe the implementation of ASSIST, a programming environment for parallel and distributed programs. Its coordination language is based of the parallel skeleton model, extended with new features to enhance expressiveness, parallel software reuse, software component integration and interfacing to external resources. The compilation process and the structure of the run-time support of ASSIST are discussed with respect to the issues introduced by the new characteristics, presenting an analysis of the first test results.
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Contribution to book
Hierarchical models and software tools for parallel programming
Coppola M, Schmollinger MHierarchically structured architectures are becoming more and more pervasive in the field of parallel and high performance computing. While memory hierarchies have been recognized for a long-time, only in the last years hierarchical parallel structures have gained importance, mainly as a result of the trend towards cluster architectures and high-performance application of computational grids.
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CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS | link.springer.com
Conference article
Adapting convergent scheduling using machine-learning
Puppin D, Stephenson M, Amarasinghe S, Martin M, Òreilly UConvergent scheduling is a general framework for instruction scheduling and cluster assignment for parallel, clustered architectures. A convergent scheduler is composed of many independent passes, each of which implements a specific compiler heuristic. Each of the passes shares a common interface, which allows them to be run multiple times, and in any order. Because of this, a convergent scheduler is presented with a vast number of legal pass orderings. In this work, we use machine-learning techniques to automatically search for good orderings. We do so by evolving, through genetic programming, s-expressions that describe a particular pass sequence. Our system has the flexibility to create dynamic sequences where the ordering of the passes is predicated upon characteristics of the program being compiled. In particular, we implemented a few tests on the present state of the code being compiled. We are able to find improved sequences for a range of clustered architectures. These sequences were tested with cross-validation, and generally outperform Desoli's PCC and UAS.
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CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS | link.springer.com
Conference article
A parallel knowledge discovery system for customer profiling
Coppola M, Pesciullesi P, Ravazzolo R, Zoccolo CWe describe a parallel KDD architecture we are developing as part of an open-source based customer relationship management system, in the framework of the SAIB industrial research pro ject. The design of the prototype, leveraging on the features of the ASSIST programming environment, results in a high-performance parallel data mining core, tightly integrated with parallel data management and interfaced to business standard technologies and systems.
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CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS | www.springerlink.com
Conference article
Multi-set DHT for range queries on dynamic data for grid information service
Da Costa G, Orlando S, Dikaiakos M DScalability is a fundamental problem for information systems when the amount of managed data increases. Peer to Peer systems are usually used to solve scalability problems as centralized approaches do not scale without large dedicated infrastructure. But most current Peer to Peer systems do not take into account that indexed data can be dynamic. Thus, we propose the Multi-set approach, which aims to find the best trade-off between DHT-based network and total replication. This approach is built over classical DHT Peer to Peer system. It can improve most of pure DHT Peer to Peer system by taking into account the dynamism of indexed data. Evaluation is done by modeling, simulation and experimentation on PlanetLab. The use case is an information service for Grid, where resource attributes are indexed.
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CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS | link.springer.com
Journal article
Virtual organization support within a grid-wide operating system
Coppola M., Jegou Y., Matthews B., Morin C., Prieto L. P., Sánchez Ó. D., Yang E. Y., Yu H.Despite grids' popularity, virtual organizations (VOs) have yet to become a commodity technology in modern computing environments due to the complexity of managing them and difficulty of assuring user and VO isolation. Here, the authors describe the VO management approach taken by XtreemOS, a new grid operating system with native support for VOs that supports a wide range of computing resources, from clusters to mobiles. They also discuss the requirements for the VO model and management within XtreemOS and intro duce an expandable VO model and a system architecture that supports it.Source: IEEE internet computing 12 (2008): 20–28. doi:10.1109/MIC.2008.47
DOI: 10.1109/mic.2008.47Metrics:
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IEEE Internet Computing | HAL-Rennes 1 | ieeexplore.ieee.org | CNR ExploRA