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2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Measuring success for a future vision: Defining impact in science gateways/virtual research environments
Calyam P, Wilkinsdiehr N, Miller M, Brookes Eh, Arora R, Chourasia A, Jennewein Dm, Nandigam V, Lamar Md, Cleveland Sb, Newman G, Wang S, Zaslavsky I, Cianfrocco Ma, Ellett K, Tarboton D, Jeffery Kg, Zhao Z, Gonzálezaranda J, Perri Mj, Tucker G, Candela L, Kiss T, Gesing S
Scholars worldwide leverage science gateways/virtual research environments (VREs) for a wide variety of research and education endeavors spanning diverse scientific fields. Evaluating the value of a given science gateway/VRE to its constituent community is critical in obtaining the financial and human resources necessary to sustain operations and increase adoption in the user community. In this article, we feature a variety of exemplar science gateways/VREs and detail how they define impact in terms of, for example, their purpose, operation principles, and size of user base. Further, the exemplars recognize that their science gateways/VREs will continuously evolve with technological advancements and standards in cloud computing platforms, web service architectures, data management tools and cybersecurity. Correspondingly, we present a number of technology advances that could be incorporated in next-generation science gateways/VREs to enhance their scope and scale of their operations for greater success/impact. The exemplars are selected from owners of science gateways in the Science Gateways Community Institute (SGCI) clientele in the United States, and from the owners of VREs in the International Virtual Research Environment Interest Group (VRE-IG) of the Research Data Alliance. Thus, community-driven best practices and technology advances are compiled from diverse expert groups with an international perspective to envisage futuristic science gateway/VRE innovations.Source: CONCURRENCY AND COMPUTATION, vol. 33 (issue 19)
DOI: 10.1002/cpe.6099
Project(s): ASCLEPIOS via OpenAIRE

See at: NARCIS Open Access | Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | onlinelibrary.wiley.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Self-assess momentary mood in mobile devices: a case study with mature female participants
Senette C, Buzzi Mc, Paratore Mt
Starting from the assumption that mood has a central role in domain-specific persuasion systems for well-being, the main goal of this study was to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of single-input methods to assess momentary mood as a medium for further interventions in health-related mobile apps destined for mature women. To this aim, we designed a very simple android App providing four user interfaces, each one showing one interactive widget to self-assess mood. Two widgets report a hint about the momentary mood they represent; the last two do not have the hints but were previously refined through questionnaires administered to 63 women (age 45-65) in order to reduce their expressive ambiguity. Next, fifteen women (age 45-65 years) were recruited to use the app for 15 days. Participants were polled about their mood four times a day and data were saved in a remote database. Moreover, users were asked to fill out a preliminary questionnaire, at the first access to the app, and a feedback questionnaire at the end of the testing period. Results appear to prove the feasibility and acceptability of this approach to self-assess momentary mood in the target population and provides some potential input methods to be used in this context.DOI: 10.1109/icct56969.2023.10075891
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2211.01015

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | IRIS Cnr Open Access | ieeexplore.ieee.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
BIP! DB: a dataset of impact measures for scientific publications
Vergoulis T, Kanellos I, Atzori C, Mannocci A, Chatzopoulos S, La Bruzzo S, Manola N, Manghi P
The growth rate of the number of scientific publications is constantly increasing, creating important challenges in the identification of valuable research and in various scholarly data management applications, in general. In this context, measures which can effectively quantify the scientific impact could be invaluable. In this work, we present BIP! DB, an open dataset that contains a variety of impact measures calculated for a large collection of more than 100 million scientific publications from various disciplines.DOI: 10.1145/3442442.3451369
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2101.12001
Project(s): OpenAIRE-Advance via OpenAIRE, OpenAIRE Nexus via OpenAIRE

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | arxiv.org Open Access | dl.acm.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
An intelligent and cost-effective remote underwater video device for fish size monitoring
Coro G, Bjerregaard Walsh M
Monitoring the size of key indicator species of fish is important to understand ecosystem functions, anthropogenic stress, and population dynamics. Standard methodologies gather data using underwater cameras, but are biased due to the use of baits, limited deployment time, and short field of view. Furthermore, they require experts to analyse long videos to search for species of interest, which is time consuming and expensive. This paper describes the Underwater Detector of Moving Object Size (UDMOS), a cost-effective computer vision system that records events of large fishes passing in front of a camera, using minimalistic hardware and power consumption. UDMOS can be deployed underwater, as an unbaited system, and is also offered as a free-to-use Web Service for batch video-processing. It embeds three different alternative large-object detection algorithms based on deep learning, unsupervised modelling, and motion detection, and can work both in shallow and deep waters with infrared or visible light.Source: ECOLOGICAL INFORMATICS, vol. 63
DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoinf.2021.101311

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Data poor approach for the assessment of the main target species of rapido trawl fishery in Adriatic Sea
Armelloni En, Scanu M, Masnadi F, Coro G, Angelini S, Scarcella G
Information on stock status is available only for a few of the species forming the catch assemblage of rapido fishery of the North-central Adriatic Sea (Mediterranean Sea). Species that are caught almost exclusively by this gear, either as target (such as Pectinidae) or accessory catches (such as flatfishes apart from the common sole), remain unassessed mainly due to the lack of data and biological information. Based on cluster analysis, the catch assemblage of this fishery was identified and assessed using CMSY model. The results of this data-poor methodology showed that, among the species analyzed, no one is sustainably exploited. The single-species CMSY results were used as input to an extension of the same model, to test the effect of four different harvest control rule (HCR) scenarios on the entire catch assemblage, through 15-years forecasts. The analysis showed that the percentage of the stocks that will reach Bmsy at the end of the projections will depend on the HCR applied. Forecasts showed that a reduction of 20% of fishing effort may permit to most of the target and accessory species of the rapido trawl fishery in the Adriatic Sea to recover to Bmsy levels within 15 years, also providing a slight increase in the expected catches.Source: FRONTIERS IN MARINE SCIENCE
DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2021.552076

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.frontiersin.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Exploring the status of the Indonesian deep demersal fishery using length-based stock assessments
Dimarchopoulou D, Mous Pj, Firmana E, Wibisono E, Coro G, Humphries At
The deep demersal snapper-grouper fishery in Indonesia is a data-poor fisheries resource that provides food security and a source of income to millions globally. Owing to an ongoing crew-operated data recording system implemented in Indonesia since 2015, the stocks of this fishery can now be assessed using length-frequency data and updated life-history parameters. Here, we use two length-based methods, one that is fishery-specific and another that is more generalized, to assess the status of Indonesian stocks. Specifically, we develop a literature-based assessment method based on a patchwork of conventional approaches but tailored to the studied stocks, and compare it with a newly established and broadly applicable length-based Bayesian biomass estimation method (LBB). The methods were applied to 16 stocks from 4 Indonesian Fisheries Management Areas and were compared based on simulations, as well as the convergence of the resulting stock status classification and uncertainty of the results. Analyzing the effect of using the literature-based species/family-specific life-history parameter values for asymptotic length (Linf) and relative natural mortality (M/K) in LBB showed that different values do affect the estimated biomass indicator. Nevertheless, in more than half the cases, the stock status classification did not differ between the two methods, while LBB results became more reliable with narrower confidence limits. Simulations, as well as similar status indicators between the two models support the value of the literature-based approach as an assessment methodology for the Indonesian deep demersal fisheries. Narrower confidence ranges highlight the importance of using fishery-specific information when applying generalized stock assessment methods. While most catches had few immature fish, half of the assessed stocks were consistently shown to have low biomass, indicating that important Indonesian stocks are at high risk of overfishing.Source: FISHERIES RESEARCH, vol. 243
DOI: 10.1016/j.fishres.2021.106089

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Information and research science connecting to digital andlLibrary science: report on the 17th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, IRCDL2021
Dosso D, Ferilli S, Manghi P, Poggi A, Serra G, Silvello G
Source: SIGMOD RECORD (ONLINE), vol. 50 (issue 2), pp. 44-47
DOI: 10.1145/3484622.3484635
Project(s): OpenAIRE-Connect via OpenAIRE

See at: dl.acm.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ACM SIGMOD Record Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Book Open Access OPEN
17th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries: Information and Research Science connecting to Digital and Library Science - Foreword to the IRCDL 2021 Proceedings
Ferilli S, Manghi P, Poggi A, Serra G, Silvello G
Since 2005 the Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries (IRCDL) is a yearly date for researchers on Digital Libraries (DL) and related topics, orga- nized by the Italian Research Community. Over the years IRCDL has become an important national forum focused on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues.Source: CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS
Project(s): OpenAIRE-Connect via OpenAIRE

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Fuzzy OWL-Boost: learning fuzzy concept inclusions via real-valued boosting
Cardillo Fa, Straccia U
OWL ontologies are nowadays a quite popular way to describe structured knowledge in terms of classes, relations among classes and class instances. In this paper, given an OWL ontology and a target class T, we address the problem of learning fuzzy concept inclusion axioms that describe sufficient conditions for being an individual instance of T (and to which degree). To do so, we present FUZZY OWL-BOOST that relies on the Real AdaBoost boosting algorithm adapted to the (fuzzy) OWL case. We illustrate its effectiveness by means of an experimentation with several ontologies.Source: FUZZY SETS AND SYSTEMS, vol. 438 (issue 2022), pp. 164-186
DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2021.07.002
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2008.05297
Project(s): TAILOR via OpenAIRE

See at: arXiv.org e-Print Archive Open Access | Fuzzy Sets and Systems Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Open Access | Fuzzy Sets and Systems Restricted | doi.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | ZENODO Restricted

2021 Other Open Access OPEN
EOSC-Pillar - Roadmap for consolidating national initiatives
Gaido L, Beckhmann V, Bodlos A, Candela L, Di Giorgio S, Hermans E, Honegger L, Quinteros J, Rouchon O, Van Wezel J, Verlato M
The document sketches the status of the major National Initiatives and Mandated Organisations in the countries involved in EOSC-Pillar, i.e. Austria, Belgium, France, Germany and Italy, with the aim of identifying characteristics and peculiarities of each country, highlighting the points of strength and proposing a series of actions to consolidate them.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5654929
Project(s): EOSC-Pillar via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Contextual conditional reasoning
Casini G, Meyer T, Varzinczak I
We extend the expressivity of classical conditional reasoning by introducing context as a new parameter. The enriched conditional logic generalises the defeasible conditional setting in the style of Kraus, Lehmann, and Magidor, and allows for a refined semantics that is able to distinguish, for example, between expectations and counterfactuals. In this paper we introduce the language for the enriched logic and define an appropriate semantic framework for it. We analyse which properties generally associated with conditional reasoning are still satisfied by the new semantic framework, provide a suitable representation result, and define an entailment relation based on Lehmann and Magidor's generally-accepted notion of Rational Closure.Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE ... AAAI CONFERENCE ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE, pp. 6254-6261. Online Conference, 2-9/2/2021

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ojs.aaai.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Other Open Access OPEN
Situated conditional reasoning
Casini G, Meyer T, Varzinczak I
Conditionals are useful for modelling, but aren't always sufficiently expressive for capturing information accurately. In this paper we make the case for a form of conditional that is situation-based. These conditionals are more expressive than classical conditionals, are general enough to be used in several application domains, and are able to distinguish, for example, between expectations and counterfactuals. Formally, they are shown to generalise the conditional setting in the style of Kraus, Lehmann, and Magidor. We show that situation-based conditionals can be described in terms of a set of rationality postulates. We then propose an intuitive semantics for these conditionals, and present a representation result which shows that our semantic construction corresponds exactly to the description in terms of postulates. With the semantics in place, we proceed to define a form of entailment for situated conditional knowledge bases, which we refer to as minimal closure. It is reminiscent of and, indeed, inspired by, the version of entailment for propositional conditional knowledge bases known as rational closure. Finally, we proceed to show that it is possible to reduce the computation of minimal closure to a series of propositional entailment and satisfiability checks. While this is also the case for rational closure, it is somewhat surprising that the result carries over to minimal closure.DOI: 10.32079/isti-tr-2021/009

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
KLM-style defeasibility for restricted first-order logic
Casini G, Meyer T, Patersonjones G
We extend the KLM approach to defeasible reasoning to be applicable to a restricted version of first-order logic. We describe defeasibility for this logic using a set of rationality postulates, provide an appropriate semantics for it, and present a representation result that characterises the semantic description of defeasibility in terms of the rationality postulates. Based on this theoretical core, we then propose a version of defeasible entailment that is inspired by Rational Closure as it is defined for defeasible propositional logic and defeasible description logics. We show that this form of defeasible entailment is rational in the sense that it adheres to our rationality postulates. The work in this paper is the first step towards our ultimate goal of introducing KLM-style defeasible reasoning into the family of Datalog+/- ontology languages.

See at: drive.google.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Other Open Access OPEN
EOSC-Pillar Second Annual Report
Macdonald K, Drago F, Di Giorgio S, Tanlongo F, Candela L, Gaido L, Lazzeri E, Van Nieuwerburgh I, Hönegger L, Bodlos A, Czuray M, Savini G
The EOSC-Pillar Annual Report is a publication of the EOSC-Pillar project, which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 857650 and is produced to showcase the major results and achievements of the project, collaborations ongoing with other initiatives and updates for the wider community.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5726912
Project(s): EOSC-Pillar via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
The role of technology and digital innovation in sustainability and decarbonization of the Blue Economy
Campana Ef, Ciappi E, Coro G
The development of a sustainable technology for the Blue Economy (a new Blue Technology) sets out three core research objectives, reflecting key challenges to be tackled by the sea industries and scientific and technological communities: The fast development of doable decarbonization processes through development and demonstrati on of deployable, competitive, and sustainable technological solutions for energy transition (climate neutral blue economy), a sustainable exploitation and exploration of oceans, seas and coastal areas to provide new resources, from raw materials to products, including food (sustainable use and management of marine resources), and the development and exploitation of digital-based knowledge while accumulating data from new observation networks (persistent monitoring and digitalization of seas and oceans). To meet these operational objectives, different topics and related technologies need to be further developed. A possible list of disciplinary objecti ves is the following.Source: BOLLETTINO DI GEOFISICA TEORICA ED APPLICATA, vol. 62 (issue 3), pp. 123-130

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www3.inogs.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Book Open Access OPEN
Guest editorial Special Issue: Mining and Reasoning with Legal Texts
Robaldo L, Van Der Torre L, Casini G, Villata S
Journal of Applied Logics - IfCoLog Journal, vol. 8 (4). Special Issue: Mining and Reasoning with Legal Texts

See at: collegepublications.co.uk Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Software Metadata Only Access
Geoportal data entry app [Release 2.0.0]
Mangiacrapa F
The system "geoportal-data-entry-app", allows the actors who use it, the data-entry of the spatio-temporal products (in the first instance they are "concessioni di scavo"), so it allows: (i) access and search for products published in the system, (ii) view the status of publication (SUCCESS, WARNING, ERROR, (iii) access to "view on map" facility, (iv) manage their content (via update/unpublish/delete). The system in general will allow the data-entry of "generic product" with space-time characteristics or not, where the metadata are defined by one or more "Metadata Profile". A Metadata Profile is an XML-based document for defining a "generic item" (e.g. a spatio-temporal dataset) and its attributes, consisting of (metadata)fields that can be of a kind descriptive, spatial, temporal, resource (es. image file), and so on.Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE

See at: code-repo.d4science.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Software Metadata Only Access
Geoportal data viewer app [Release 2.0.1]
Mangiacrapa F
The system "geoportal-data-entry-app", allows the actors who use it, to access and search spatio-temporal products (in the first instance they are "concessioni di scavo") by a web-map GIS which allows: search for products published in the system through a geographic map, (ii) view the metadata and the resources (images, layers and so on) of products by the "Open Details" facility, (iii) export a view of the map with the layer of interest, (iv) manage ordering and overlapping among layers, (v) perform spatial queries on layers and view the result.Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE

See at: code-repo.d4science.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube D4Science Data Catalog [Release 2.1.0]
Mangiacrapa F
The gCube Data Catalogue is a software component that provides facilities for: a) (meta)data publishing; b) vres' products publishing; c) making data products publicly available; d) enriching products of metadata to maximise their potential reuse and making them searchable (via title, tags etc) are based on the CKAN technology. The gcube-ckan-datacatalog Web Application allows to (a) show all the metadata available in the CKAN instance, as well as publish a new product, retrieve the list of organizations (i.e. Virtual Research Environments) to which the user belongs and his/her already published products.Project(s): Blue Cloud via OpenAIRE

See at: code-repo.d4science.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Software Metadata Only Access
gCube Workspace environment [Release 6.28.0]
Mangiacrapa F
The gCube Workspace environment represents a collaborative area in which users can save, exchange, share, create public links and organize information objects (files) according to their specific needs. Because of this, every user of any Virtual Research Environment in the D4Science Infrastructure is provided with this area.Project(s): Blue Cloud via OpenAIRE

See at: code-repo.d4science.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted