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2015 Software Metadata Only Access
SIDEMAN: Service Discovery Algorithm for Mobile Social Networks
Girolami M
SIDEMAN is a service discovery algorithm that exploits human mobility patterns for the advertisement and discovery of services. SIDEMAN takes advantage of two aspects of daily human behaviour, namely that users visit periodically a restricted number of communities, and that users in the same community share interests for similar services.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Octave fractals
Potortì F.
These are functions for Octave, a high-level language which uses a language very similar to that of Matlab. hurstIDC.m is a function for estimating the Hurst parameter of Hurst noise, commonly known as fractional Brownian noise, or fBn. Network traffic generated as an aggregate of many sources has been shown to behave like fBn. A brief introduction to this topic, with references, can be found in Section 3 of Modeling Ka band scintillation as a fractal process. hurstVTP.m is another function with the same purpose, which uses a different algorithm. In fact, estimating the Hurst parameter is not an easy task, and requires some knowledge of the possible pitfalls. A related function, RMDtraffic.m, is conversely used to generate Gaussian Hurst noise, also called fractional Gaussian noise (fGn for short). fGn can be used to produce synthetic traces representing the traffic generated by the aggregation of multiplicity of traffic sources. The product of this third function is only an approximation of real fGn, for performance reasons, and it only contains nonnegative samples, making the results immediately usable as synthetic traffic traces for simulation purposes.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Paganelli L., Paternò F.
An abstract is not available

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Ciavarella C., Paternò F.
PortableCicero is a context-dependent, location-aware, handheld, interactive guide. PortableCicero provides the users with information about the Artworks located in the Marble Museum using the multimedia capabilities of the devices. Audio and video file are provided with extra textual information to completely support the users in their visit. To localize the user in the Museum we use Infrared stand alone device, installed at the entrance of each room: the application uses the location information to offer the information taking into account the users' position.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Software Metadata Only Access
Direct Count & Intersect
Orlando S, Perego R, Palmerini P, Silvestri S
DCI is a hybrid, multi-strategy algorithm for solving the Frequent Set Counting problem. Similarly to Apriori, DCI employs a level-wise technique to identify frequent sets. At iteration k, candidate k-itemsets are determined, and their support discovered by counting itemset occurrences within the transaction database. DCI uses an innovative method for storing candidate itemsets and counting their support, and by exploiting effective pruning techniques which reduce the size of the dataset as execution progresses. Moreover, as soon as the pruned dataset becomes small enough to fit into the main memory, DCI builds on the fly a vertical transaction database, and starts using an efficient intersection-based technique to determine the support of larger itemsets. The most important innovation in DCI resides on a novel counting inference strategy, based on a previously known result by Basted et al. which introduced the concept of key-pattern.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2001 Software Metadata Only Access
Ciampalini A, Cignoni P, Montani C, Scopigno R
Jade (Just Another Decimator) is a prototypal system for the simplification of triangular meshes. Given an input model and a user-specified error tolerance, the algorithm generates an output model that attempts to reduce considerably the number of polygons while staying within the specified error tolerance. Jade's main features are : (a) approximation error (an accurate estimation of the approximation error introduced in the simplification process); (b) compression factor (a reduction factor comparable or better than other approaches, under the same level of approximation); (c) multiresolution management (once the simplification process has been run, it is possible to interactively extract any LOD representation); (d) working domain (wide generality, the algorithm manages self intersecting, not manifold, not orientable mesh); (e) space/time efficency (short simplification time and low memory consumption, to allow the management of large meshes).

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Software Metadata Only Access
Cignoni P, Rocchini C, Scopigno R
Metro is a tool designed to evaluate the difference between two triangular meshes. Metro adopts an approximated approach based on surface sampling and point-to-surface distance computation. Metro v3.1 returns only numerical results (maximum and mean error, volume difference, surface difference, etc.). Three different surface sampling methods are implemented (a)Montecarlo sampling (pick k random samples in the interior of each face), (b) Subdivision sampling (recursively subdivide each face along the longest edge and choose the sample in the center of each cell), (c) Similar Triangles sampling (subdivide each face F in k polygons similar to F and sample the face in correspondence with the vertices of these polygons, internal to F).

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | vcg.isti.cnr.it Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Pasquinelli G, Padovani C, Pagni A
NOSA (NOn-Linear Structural Analysis) is a finite element code for non-linear structural analysis. The development of NOSA began in 1980 and has continued over the ensuing years along the research lines of the MMS Lab. The first version of the code included plane, three-dimensional and axisymmetric isoparametric elements and allowed for elastic-plastic analyses in the presence of infinitesimal strains. The code has subsequently been extended to include cases of finite strains and contact problems, based on studies performed on both the constitutive equations and the methods for numerical integration of the equations of motion, in the presence of follower forces. At the same time, an eight-node thin-shell element was added to the element library. Subsequently, the constitutive equation for masonry-like materials has been added to the code with the purpose of studying the static of masonry solids and modelling restoration and strengthening operations on constructions of particular architectural interest. The code was then enhanced to be able to perform non-linear heat-conduction analysis on solids even in the non-stationary case, with boundary conditions concerning temperature and thermal fluxes. Today, the code allows for thermo-mechanical analysis of no-tension solids whose mechanical characteristics depend on temperature, in the presence of thermal loads.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2001 Software Metadata Only Access
Montani C, Rocchini C
Surfactor is an interactive prototypal system for the extraction of isosurfaces from regular volume datasets. Surfactor's main characteristics can be summarized as follows: [a] the use of a min-max pyramid data structure to speedup the localization of the active cells in the dataset (i.e. the cells which are crossed by the isosurface(s) at the user-selected threshold); [b] the availability of three different working modalities: Marching Cubes (high resolution of the output, high number of vertices and triangles produced), Discrete Marching Cubes (low ouput resolution, reduction factor between 40% and 85% in the number of vertices and triangles produced); Precise Discrete Marching Cubes (same reduction factor as DiscMC but high output resolution); [c] the possibility to interactively choose the desired threshold by iteratively extract, in very short times, low resolution, approximated isosurfaces; [d] the interactive visualization of up to three orthogonal slices of the volume.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Software Metadata Only Access
Cignoni P, Montani C, Scopigno R
TAn is a complete system for: volume dataset multiresolution representation (based on Delaunay tessellation), isosurface fitting and visualization (Marching Tetrahedra), direct volume rendering, through tetrahedra projection, hybrid isosurface/tetrahedra visualization, and progressive and multiresolution visualization.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | vcg.isti.cnr.it Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
VCG Tools
Callieri M, Cignoni P, Ganovelli F, Impoco G, Montani C, Pingi P, Ponchio F, Scopigno R, Tarini M
A suite of software tools that manages all of the above phases (excluding the acquisition planning phase, onto which we are now working): [1] MeshAlign v.2: the module allows the registration of multiple range maps; it adopts a classical approach based on a pairwise local and global alignment, implemented with a number of innovations to reduce the user contribution, to improve efficiency and easy of use, and finally to support the management of a large number of range maps (we processed up to six hundreds range maps). [2] MeshMerge: the module allows the reconstruction of a single 3D mesh out of a set of registered range maps. Two different approaches were implemented: a classical volumetric reconstruction approaches based on distance field and a new approach characterized by a lower space complexity, higher efficiency and improved accuracy with respect to the previous, but more sensible to the alignment residual error. [3] MeshEdit: the module allows to perform simple editing actions on the mesh(e.g. to fill small holes, to remove non-manifold components of dangling edges/faces, to apply smoothing filters, etc). [4 and 5] MeshSimplify and Weaver complete the suite.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Software Metadata Only Access
CTTE: ConcurTaskTrees Environment
Mori G, Paternò F, Santoro C
CTTE provides developers with ways to represent task -related information, including attributes, objects manipulated and temporal relationships, to easily create, analyse and modify the activities that users should perform through an interactive system. CTTE is particularly oriented to support the design phase since it allows users to specify how the different activities should be structured and dynamically evolve, providing a large number of possibilities for supporting easy development and analysis of task models, the richest currently available. The tool leverages ConcurTaskTrees, a notation allowing users to represent task models in a hierarchical way, also providing a rich set of temporal operators able to describe flexible behaviours of both individual and multi-user activities. The task model's structure can be easily modified with the support of an interactive simulator that allows designers to explore and better understand the dynamic evolution of the model specified. Moreover, different views of the task model (complete view, summary view, view by levels, folding and unfolding of subtrees, etc.) are made available in the tool, which supports model-specification at various refinement levels. Additional features are also provided. Among these we mention the possibility to check the completeness of the specification, to have the task information saved in different formats, to compare models and to automatically expand task patterns.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
VBP: Virtual Baptistery of Pisa
Palamidese P, Carreras F, Coltelli P
VBP, the Virtual Baptistery of Pisa, is a virtual reality prototype for cultural heritage presentation and communication. It combines education and entertainment methods to create a playful even though correct way to deliver artistic and cultural information. The virtual reality provides added values to the public with respect to the traditional media, as it lets group multimedia contents from various sources in a unique virtual environment. The visitor can see situations that he cannot see in a real visit - a reference to another monument, a cross section, architectural details that are too high up- and also situations that attract his attention and curiosity -lighting and acoustic effects, meet remotely connected visitors, ask questions to synthetic guides-. VBP presents a scenographic representation of the Baptistery of Pisa for interactive and distributed exploration. VBP contains the concepts of non linear intersecting storylines based on storytelling methods and techniques that can fits various levels of users. In addition it is a general framework for developing new stories, and for changing and adapting the ones already created. VBP requires an immersive stereo visualization system equipped with adequate audio and interaction devices. When the proper VR hardware is not available, it can run on the PC screen as well, though one looses immersion characteristics. The beta version has been released in 2003 while the final version has been planned at half 2005.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Paganelli L., Paternò F.
WebRemUSINE is an environment designed and developed in order to perform intelligent analysis of Web browser logs using the information contained in the task model of the application. WebRemUSINE performs an automatic evaluation of a Web site providing the evaluator with a set of measures, concerning also group of users, useful to identify usability problems derived from a lack of correspondence between how users perform tasks and the system task model.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
XML/RDF Digital Libraries
Signore O, Andreini M, Lucchesi C, Martelli S
A query interface towards XML document collections. The interface is automatically tailored to the document structure, as described by its XML Schema. External schema annotation in RDF contains information used to dynamically build the interface adapted to user’s characteristics and support her/him in formulating semantically correct queries. The architecture is fully compliant with web standards and design principles. The user can navigate the structure and prepare the query. Queries are prepared in an intermediate format that can be translated into different search engines. In preparing the query, the user can have access to ontologies or linguistic resources via web services.The user interface is dynamically created on the basis of information managed by the Administrator, and is capable of helping the user in expressing all the queries (s)he is interested in, assuring their correctness and supplying almost all the features supported by the search engine in the background. For each element, the system is well aware of its semantics and constraints, which can be shown to the user. The interface has been developed in Open Source Software environment. Additional information and demo starting from: http://www.weblab.isti.cnr.it/projects/QH/docs/.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Mazzanti F
no avaible

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Mazzanti F

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
HAL (History dependant Automata Laboratory) - online version [Release 1.2]
Gnesi S, Pistore M, Trentanni G
The HD-Automata Laboratory (HAL) is an integrated tool set for the specification, verification and analysis of concurrent and distributed systems. The core of HAL are the HD-automata: they are used as a common format for the various history-dependant languages. The HAL environment includes modules which implement decision procedures to calculate behavioral equivalences, and modules which support verification of behavioral properties expressed as formulae of suitable temporal logics. At this moment HAL works only with concurrent and distributed systems expressed by pi-calculus formalism. The HAL environment allows pi-calculus agents to be translated into ordinary automata, so that existing equivalence checkers can be used to calculate whether the pi-calculus are bisimilar. The environment also supports verification of logical formulae expressing desired properties of the behavior of pi-calculus agents.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
JACK3 - Just Another Concurrency Kit [Release 3.0]
Trentanni G
JACK3 stands for /Just Another Concurrency Kit/. It is an environment integrating a set of verification tools, supported by a graphical interface offering facilities to use these tools separately or in combination. The environment proposes several functionalities for the design, analysis and verification of concurrent systems specified using process algebra. In particular, the concurrent systems that are suitable to be studied by means of the latest release JACK3-Lite are that ones described by process algebrae as Esterel, Meije, CCS and Basic Lotos. The basic idea of JACK3-Lite is simple: to put together tools for drawing, minimising and partitioning automata, for transforming algebraic processes into automata and to perform model checking on them, under an unified environment with a graphical user interface with the aim of automatizing the various ways by which these tools exchange data each other and giving to the user a general system to build up the preferred specification/verification development cycle in an expandable environment.

See at: fmt.isti.cnr.it Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Software Metadata Only Access
Regia: a metadata editor for Audio/Video Document developed within the EU ECHO project
Gennaro C
Regia is a metadata editor for Audio/Video Document developed within the EU ECHO project. Regia generally works connected to the ECHO Digital Library System, which unfortunately is not available anymore. However, the program is also able to work in standalone modality. The metadata model of ECHO is based on the IFLA model, a general conceptual framework used to describe heterogeneous digital media resources. This metadata model is composed of four levels describing different aspects of intellectual or artistic endeavour: AVDocument, Expression, Media, and Storage. The entities of the model are organized in a structure that reflects the hierarchical order of the entities from the top level (work) to the bottom (item). Figure 1 shows a schematic representation of the ECHO Metadata Model. As it is possible to see, the metadata which belong to different classes comprised in the model, are logically divided in two sets Bibliographic Metadata and Time/Space related Metadata. This classification is also reflected in the Metadata Editor interface.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted