Metadata Only Access
Digital Object Repository with Types
Bardi A, Manghi P, La Bruzzo S, Artini M, Mikulicic M, Atzori CDORoTy is a Digital Library Management System with a typed data model providing a Digital Library-oriented language for types and compound objects management.
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Metadata Only Access
D-NET Service Package: Enabling Services
Mikulicic M, Manghi P, Artini M, Atzori C, Bardi A, La Bruzzo SThe Enabling Services package includes the services supporting the D-NET infrastructure's run-time. These provide functionalities such as service registration, discovery, orchestration, authentication and authorization, subscription and notification.
See at:
CNR IRIS | www.d-net.research-infrastructures.eu
Metadata Only Access
See at:
Metadata Only Access
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Open Access
OpenAIRE2020 - OpenAIRE specification and release plan
Manghi P, Bardi A, Atzori C, Iatropoulou K, Shirrwagen J, Summann F, Jahn N, Kobos M, Nielsen L, Lange CThis deliverable presents the plan of design and development of the OpenAIRE infrastructure services for the next 12 months. At month 12 and 24 an update of this deliverable will be produced. Its intended use is mainly for technical partners to locate their software release duties in the wider context of the project software release, but also for the generic reader to get an overall picture and insight view of the technical activities.Project(s): OpenAIRE2020
See at:
CNR IRIS | issue.openaire.research-infrastructures.eu | ISTI Repository | CNR IRIS
Conference article
Open Access
De-duplicating the OpenAIRE scholarly communication big graph
Atzori C, Manghi P, Bardi AThe OpenAIRE infrastructure populates a scholarly communication big graph interlinking metadata objects of publications, datasets, software, organizations, funders, and projects. In order to de-duplicate this graph, OpenAIRE has developed GDup, an integrated, scalable, general-purpose system for entity deduplication over big information graphs. GDup offers functionalities to realize a hilly-fledged entity deduplication workflow over a generic input graph, inclusive of Ground Truth support, end-user feedback, and strategies for identifying and merging duplicates to obtain an output disambiguated graph.Project(s): OpenAIRE2020 ,
See at:
CNR IRIS | ieeexplore.ieee.org | ISTI Repository | CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS
Contribution to book
The heritage of the People's Europe Project: an aggregative data infrastructure for cultural heritage
Artini M, Atzori C, Bardi A, La Bruzzo S, Manghi P, Mikulicic M, Zoppi FHOPE (Heritage of the People's Europe) is a "Best Practice Network" for archives, libraries, museums and institutions operating in the fields of social and union history. The project provides unified access to materials about the European social and labour history from the 18th to 21st centuries. HOPE proposes guidelines and tools for the management, aggregation, harmonisation, curation and provision of digital Cultural Heritage (CH) metadata and digital objects. Moreover, it offers to institutions joining the HOPE network an operational Aggregative Data Infrastructure (ADI) for the collection, aggregation and access of metadata records from CH content providers. The HOPE ADI is realized using and extending the D-NET Software Toolkit, an enabling framework for data infrastructures.Project(s): HOPE - Heritage of the People's Europe
See at:
CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS | link.springer.com
Open Access
OpenAIRE2020 - OpenAIRE Data Model - D8.1
Manghi P, Bardi A, Atzori CThe aim of this deliverable is to describe the structure and semantics of the OpenAIRE Information Space, i.e., the OpenAIRE data model, by providing an abstract definition of its main entities and the relationships between them. Requirements have been collected over the years from all "consumers" of the OpenAIRE infrastructure, including data sources (providing content to OpenAIRE), portal end-users of various roles (researchers, project coordinators, general public, research communities), OpenAIRE data curators (responsible of the workflows for collecting, harmonizing, de-duplicating, inferring content), and third-party services (accessing content via APIs). The data model will be subject to changes in the future, depending on the evolution of of the requirements of the OpenAIRE infrastructure, and this document will be updated accordingly.Project(s): OpenAIRE2020
See at:
CNR IRIS | issue.openaire.research-infrastructures.eu | ISTI Repository | CNR IRIS
Open Access
OpenAIRE APIs for data access to third party services
Artini M, Atzori C, Dell'Amico A, Labruzzo SThe OpenAIRE infrastructure services populate and provide access to a graph of objects relative to publications, datasets, people, organizations, projects, and funders aggregated from a variety of data sources. Not only, objects in the graph are harmonized to achieve semantic homogeneity, de-duplicated and merged, and enriched by inference with missing properties and/or relationships. The aim of this technical report is to describe to third-party service managers (developers in the need of accessing data) how the OpenAIRE information space can be accessed and according to which combination of protocol and format. The document is organized according to a data centric view, where managers should first identify the typology of data they would like to access, and then verify which protocols and formats are available.Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS
See at: