Anselmo L, Bassan M, Lucchesi D, Magnafico C, Pardini C, Peron R, Pucacco G, Stanga R, Visco M
LARASE General relativity Satellite laser ranging
LARASE is an experiment devoted to test General Relativity in its weak-field linearized approximation using the geodetic satellites LAGEOS and LARES. One main target is the measurements of the Lense-Thirring effect with an accuracy higher than in the past. We present the LARASE activitities and a preliminary measurement of the effect.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:442715, title = {LARASE: Testing general relativity with satellite laser ranging}, author = {Anselmo L and Bassan M and Lucchesi D and Magnafico C and Pardini C and Peron R and Pucacco G and Stanga R and Visco M}, year = {2017} }