Vozna A, Galesi G, Leporini B
Inclusive cultural experience Thunkable Accessibility Inclusive tools Accessible tools
Nowadays mobile devices are essential tools for visiting cultural heritage sites. Thus, it is very important to provide an inclusive cultural mobile experience for anyone. In this study, we investigate how to create accessible apps to enhance the experience of the visually impaired people in outdoor cultural itineraries. In such a context, the integration of specific features for improving accessibility for blind people may require high skills. This study investigates how it is possible to exploit a simple-to-use developing environment, Thunkable framework, which does not require specific technical competencies, to easily develop an accessible app.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:486674, title = {Investigating the use of the Thunkable end-user framework to develop haptic-based assistive aids in the orientation of blind people}, author = {Vozna A and Galesi G and Leporini B}, doi = {10.5220/0012181900003584}, year = {2023} }
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Tactile InteGration for Humans and arTificial systems
Tactile InteGration for Humans and arTificial systems