Moiso C, Ferrari L, Thuegaz E, Buscemi M, Montanari U, Bertoli P, Pistore M, Kazhamiakin R, Bruni R, Gnesi S, Ter Beek M H, Petrocchi M, Mazzanti F, Fiadeiro J, Bocchi L
The main objective of the Telecommunication Case Study in SENSORIA is to test and verify the applicability of the insights, methodologies and tools developed in the SENSORIA Project WPs more focused on research activities, on the evolution of the Service Layer of a telecommunication infrastructure towards IT technologies. This document provides the description of the Telecommunication Case Study for the SENSORIA project, and it follows the Sensoria Deliverable D8.0: Case studies scenario description. Moreover, it reports the preliminary results of the application of methodologies and tools developed in SENSORIA to some of the issues identified in the Case Study.
@misc{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:160956, title = {Telecommunication case study: requirements modelling and analysis of selected scenarios. EU FP6-IP-IST-016004 project Sensoria (Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers). Deliverable D8.1.a, 2007.}, author = {Moiso C and Ferrari L and Thuegaz E and Buscemi M and Montanari U and Bertoli P and Pistore M and Kazhamiakin R and Bruni R and Gnesi S and Ter Beek M H and Petrocchi M and Mazzanti F and Fiadeiro J and Bocchi L}, year = {2007} }
Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers
Software Engineering for Service-Oriented Overlay Computers