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International Software Product Lines Young Researcher Workshop (SPLYR)

Geppert B., John I., Lami G.

D.2.11 Software Architectures  Software product lines 

In the past years product-line engineering has emerged as the standard practice in industry for large-scale software reuse. Different to many other techniques, product-line engineering arose from practical experience in industry. But as with every successful technique product line-engineering can also be consid-ered only a real standard approach when it is not only applied in practice but also widely researched and especially taught in academia. Practice and acade-mia are the two sides of the same coin. While industry sets the requirements, academia prepares the practitioners of tomorrow. The peculiarity of the SPLYR workshop is that it is specifically addressed to young researchers, in particular Ph.D. students, having original ideas and initiatives in the product line field.

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BibTeX entry
	title = {International Software Product Lines Young Researcher Workshop (SPLYR)},
	author = {Geppert B. and John I. and Lami G.},
	year = {2004}