Zabulis X., Partarakis N., Meghini C., Dubois A., Manitsaris S., Hauser H., Thalmann N. M., Ringas C., Panesse L., Cadi N., Baka E., Beisswenger C., Makrygiannis D., Glushkova A., Padilla B. E. O., Kaplanidi D., Tasiopoulou E., Cuenca C., Carre A. -L., Nitti V., Adami I., Zidianakis E., Doulgeraki P., Karouzaki E., Bartalesi Lenzi V., Metilli D.
Materials Science (miscellaneous) Archeology craft preservation Formal narrative digitization documentation Conservation digital curation Protocol Heritage craft cultural heritage
A protocol for the representation of traditional crafts and the tools to implement this are proposed. The proposed protocol is a method for the systematic collection and organization of digital assets and knowledge, their representation into a formal model, and their utilization for research, education, and preservation. A set of digital tools accompanies this protocol that enables the online curation of craft representations. The proposed approach was elaborated and evaluated with craft practitioners in three case studies. Lessons learned are shared and an outlook for future work is provided.
Source: HERITAGE, vol. 5, pp. 716-741
@article{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:468621, title = {A representation protocol for traditional crafts}, author = {Zabulis X. and Partarakis N. and Meghini C. and Dubois A. and Manitsaris S. and Hauser H. and Thalmann N. M. and Ringas C. and Panesse L. and Cadi N. and Baka E. and Beisswenger C. and Makrygiannis D. and Glushkova A. and Padilla B. E. O. and Kaplanidi D. and Tasiopoulou E. and Cuenca C. and Carre A. -L. and Nitti V. and Adami I. and Zidianakis E. and Doulgeraki P. and Karouzaki E. and Bartalesi Lenzi V. and Metilli D.}, doi = {10.3390/heritage5020040}, year = {2022} }