Report  Open Access

RUBICON - Core Learning Services API and Documentation V.2.0

Bacciu D., Gallicchio C., Micheli A., Vairo C., Chessa S., Dragone M.

Rubicon  Wireless sensor networks  Robot ecologies  Robotic UBiquitous COgnitive Network (RUBICON) 

This report describes the release 2.0 of the "Core Learning Service API" software, presented as deliverable D2.3. We focus here on a description of the design and implementation of this software, and we provide an experimental evaluation of its performance on real-world data from the RUBICON application scenarios in WP5.

Source: Project report, RUBICON, Deliverable D2.3, 2013

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BibTeX entry
	title = {RUBICON - Core Learning Services API and Documentation V.2.0},
	author = {Bacciu D. and Gallicchio C. and Micheli A. and Vairo C. and Chessa S. and Dragone M.},
	institution = {Project report, RUBICON, Deliverable D2.3, 2013},
	year = {2013}

Robotics UBIquitous COgnitive Network