Journal article  Open Access

Ambient vibration recording on the Maddalena Bridge in Borgo a Mozzano (Italy): data analysis

Azzara R M, De Falco A, Girardi M, Pellegrini D

seismic monitoring  structural dynamic response  Operational Modal Analysis  Geophysics  Structural dynamic response  Ambient vibrations  Seismic monitoring 

This paper reports on a vibration measurements campaign performed on the medieval Maddalena Bridge, also known as the "Devil's Bridge", in Borgo a Mozzano (Italy), one of the most fascinating in Italy. This 11th century masonry bridge, supported by four circular arcades, crosses the Serchio River for about one hundred meters. Information on the dynamic response of the structure have been obtained through a wholly nondestructive technique, by measuring the environmental vibrations affecting the structures. A monitoring system has been fitted on the external surface of the bridge in order to evaluate its dynamic response to vibrations originating in the adjacent railway and two nearby roads. The natural frequencies and mode shapes of the structure and the corresponding damping ratios have been obtained by analyzing the recorded data using different techniques of Operational Modal Analysis. Lastly, a finite-element model of the bridge has been calibrated to fit the experimental data.

Source: ANNALS OF GEOPHYSICS (ONLINE), vol. 60 (issue 4)

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BibTeX entry
	title = {Ambient vibration recording on the Maddalena Bridge in Borgo a Mozzano (Italy): data analysis},
	author = {Azzara R M and De Falco A and Girardi M and Pellegrini D},
	doi = {10.4401/ag-7159},
	year = {2017}