Report  Open Access

RUBICON - Integration of Communication Layer and Robotic Components

Gennaro C., Dragone M., Saffiotti A., Lozano H., Di Rocco M., Vairo C.

Rubicon  Wireless sensor networks  Robot ecologies  Network architecture and design 

This deliverable (D1.2) describes the work carried out in the Task 1.2 Integration of Robotic Components and WSAN. In particular, T1.2 concerns the integration of previously existing robotic devices and software components to satisfy the requirements posed by Task 1.1, which involves the generic integration of pre-existing robotic com- munication tools (Part of the PEIS-ROS bridge) and the integration of specific PEIS Ecology functionalities to non-PEIS side of Communication Layer. This latter task includes the routing between islands and the access to non-WSN sensors inside WSN network.

Source: Project report, RUBICON, Deliverable D1.2, 2013

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BibTeX entry
	title = {RUBICON - Integration of Communication Layer and Robotic Components},
	author = {Gennaro C. and Dragone M. and Saffiotti A. and Lozano H. and Di Rocco M. and Vairo C.},
	institution = {Project report, RUBICON, Deliverable D1.2, 2013},
	year = {2013}

Robotics UBIquitous COgnitive Network