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2002 Other Open Access OPEN
Il sistema informativo INFEA: Progettazione della base di dati.
Aloia N
An abstract is not available

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1998 Other Metadata Only Access
Una banca dati particolare
Aloia N
An abstract is not available.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Other Open Access OPEN
Distribuzione dei dati, ottimizzazione e monitoraggio delle prestazioni in Microsoft SQL Server 2000
Aloia N
An abstract is not available

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1986 Other Open Access OPEN
Sistemi di gestione di basi di dati distribuite: generalita' e disponibilita' di mercato
Aloia N, Bertino E, Gagliardi R
Il presente documento intende illustrare le problematiche principali dei sistemi di gestione di basi di dati distribuite (DDBMS), nonchè fornire le caratteristiche di alcuni DDBMS attualmente in commercio. Nei cap. 1,2 e 3 viene presentato un "glossario" delle problematiche che caratterizzano l'architettura di un DDBMS. I cap. 4 e 5 presentano alcuni aspetti dei più noti sistemi realizzati, alcuni dei quali sono disponibili come prodotti commerciali, altri invece sono significativi come esperienze di ricerca.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1986 Other Open Access OPEN
La gestione dei dati di un reparto di ematologia
Aloia N, Aloia P
No abstract available

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1982 Other Open Access OPEN
Un sistema informativo per dati clinici: proposta di organizzazione e gestione di dati ecocardiografici
Aloia N, Cini G, Di Bello V, Romano Fp
No abstract available.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1980 Other Open Access OPEN
Il Query By Example - Guida per l'utente finale
Aloia N, Argentieri G
No abstract available.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1980 Other Open Access OPEN
Il Query By Example - Guida per l'utente D.B.A
Aloia N
No abstract available.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1992 Conference article Restricted
Sistema di memorizzazione per basi di dati ad oggetti
Aloia N, Barneva S, Rabitti F
Nei sistemi di gestione di basi di dati ad oggetti finora proposti o realizzati, l'organizzazione degli oggetti nella memoria persistente è fissa e determinata a priori dal sistema stesso. Scarse possibilità vengono offerte agli utilizzatori di tali sistemi per scegliere strategie di memorizzazione adeguate alle particolarità di ogni specifica applicazione. Nel presente articolo viene presentato un linguaggio per la specifica dell'organizzazione fisica di basi di dati ad oggetti. Viene proposto un modello canonico dei dati ed un modello di memorizzazione e sono discussi i meccanismi di traduzione da un livello all'altro dell'organizzazione.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2004 Conference article Restricted
Using EAI to build public access web-based information System
Aloia N, Concordia C, Tardelli S
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) techniques are today widely adopted to build Enterprise Information Systems. Moreover the increasing reliability of tools and techniques stemming from the 'Internet revolution' is rendering ever more convenient to base the development of new applications on Web technology, especially because of the great advantages it affords in terms of scalability and distribution. These two approaches can be used together to develop highly integrated and flexible computer systems for powerful Web-based Information Systems (WIS). In the paper we'll discuss the fundamental architectures in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and present issues that need to be tackled in using EAI technologies for building Public Access WIS.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Conference article Open Access OPEN
EAI: concepts and trends
Aloia N, Concordia C, Weinbach G G
An abstract is not available

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2002 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Un sistema informativo basato sul Web
Aloia N, Tardelli S, Versienti L
An abstract is not available

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Other Open Access OPEN
A public access Web information system for the italian ministry of the environment
Aloia N, Concordia C
The paper briefly describes a public access web information system designed and implemented by the ISTI WIS research unit currently used by the "Servizio Sostenibile", a division of the Italian Ministry of Environment. The system goal is to promote and coordinate nation-wide programmes and initiatives for the public on environmental awareness, education and training. The implemented "computer component" provides tools for management, research, and information dissemination. The users of the information system are distributed over the Italian territory and connected via Internet, they play different roles based on their skill and responsibility.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2003 Other Open Access OPEN
EAI: concepts and trends
Aloia N, Concordia C, Weinbach G
The ever-increasing growth and penetration of Application Integration technologies and market is bringing about significant changes in how Enterprise Information Systems are organized and managed. Moreover, the increasing reliability of tools and techniques stemming from the "Internet revolution" is rendering it ever more convenient to base the development of new applications on this technology, especially because of the great advantages it affords in terms of scalability and distribution. These two principles lead to development of computer systems highly scalable and whose different components should be integrated allowing information exchanges between them. The main technique adopted to achieve this aim is the so-called Enterprise Application Integration (EAI). The present paper deals with the fundamental characteristics and current trends of Application Integration and related technologies and illustrates the problems that need to be tackled in development and management of an integrated and flexible enterprise information system.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2004 Conference article Restricted
Using EAI to build public access web-based information System
Aloia N, Concordia C, Tardelli S
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) techniques are today widely adopted to build Enterprise Information Systems. Moreover the increasing reliability of tools and techniques stemming from the 'Internet revolution' is rendering ever more convenient to base the development of new applications on Web technology, especially because of the great advantages it affords in terms of scalability and distribution. These two approaches can be used together to develop highly integrated and flexible computer systems for powerful Web-based Information Systems (WIS). In the paper we'll discuss the fundamental architectures in Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) and present issues that need to be tackled in using EAI technologies for building Public Access WIS.Source: IADIS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON WWW/INTERNET, pp. 1162-1165. Madrid, Spain, 6-9 october 2004

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

1998 Other Metadata Only Access
Un sistema informativo sulla formazione ambientale fruibile via Web
Aloia N, Miori V
An abstract is not available.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

1984 Conference article Restricted
DOI : una interfaccia orientata ai documenti per l'immissione dati nei sistemi di gestione di basi di dati
Aloia N, Apuzzo D, Rabitti F, Tamaro R
A system for user friendly data entry to Database Management Systems is here presented. It consists of a Document Oriented Interface (DOI) which allows the user to enter data as it is organized in his paper documents. Complex data fields (composed, repeating, automatic, etc.) are supported. On-line semantic integrity constraint enforcement on data fields allows to detect most of user mistakes in data entry. Document fields are then mapped to the database schema and then loaded into the database management system. Software engineering techniques used in the implementation are also discussed.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2017 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Mapping the ARIADNE catalogue data model to CIDOC CRM: Bridging resource discovery and item-level access
Aloia N, Debole F, Felicetti A, Galluccio I, Theodoridou M
ARIADNE is a European project aiming to integrate existing archaeological research infrastructures, services and distributed datasets, and to develop new technologies and tools to improve archaeological research methodology. The ARIADNE registry contains information about resources available among the various partners of the project and the metadata repository, which contains item level information of these resources. In order to provide an advanced discovery mechanism combining both item level and registry level information we propose a mapping from the ARIADNE Catalog Data Model, the model of the ARIADNE registry, to the CIDOC CRM, the underlying model of the metadata repository. The paper will present the requirements that led to the choice of different models for the registry and the metadata repository, will elaborate on the mapping, and will propose an integrated interface for information discovery and presentation.Source: SCIRES-IT, vol. 7 (issue 1), pp. 1-8
DOI: 10.2423/i22394303v7n1p1

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciresit.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1998 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Accesso a basi di dati via Web
Aloia N, Concordia C
Nel presente lavoro sono analizzate le problematiche relative alla realizzazione di Sistemi Informativi basati sull'uso di di sistemi di gestione di Basi di Dati tramite Internet.

See at: dblp.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

1996 Other Open Access OPEN
HPS: Un sistema di presentazione ipertestuale
Aloia N, Giuliano S, Romano Ga
Questo lavoro si propone due obiettivi principali: 1)Fornire uno strumento, per l'utente finale, che agevoli la navigazione in tutte le sorgenti che non supportano un modello ipertestuale; 2)Fornire uno strumento per gli amministratori di server http che consenta di definire in maniera più semplice e flessibile, le modalità di acquisizione e di presentazione di documenti sorgenti differenti.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted