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2016 Doctoral thesis Unknown
Efficient M2M communications via random access satellite channels
Bacco F. M.
According to data traffic forecast reports, the volume of data transported by Internet in 2020 will exceed the threshold of 2.0 zettabytes per year, generated by more than trillion of devices. Only a minor portion of the traffic will be generated by PCs, as commonly observed in the recent past. On the contrary, a large quota of Internet traffic is expected to be generated by TVs, tablets, smartphones, and M2M devices. In particular, it has been highlighted that M2M traffic will experience a growth rate in the order of 60%. M2M refers to technologies that allow both wireless and wired systems to communicate with other devices of the same ability, sensors and actuators, without any human intervention. M2M applications are largely diffused in several deployments and have pushed the scientific community to thoroughly investigate the network design implications. The large amount of traffic contributed by these applications will have an important impact on the design of future network architecture and on dimensioning the capacity of the telecommunication infrastructures. From this standpoint, a special note has to be reserved to the case of M2M services distributed via satellite, whose related industry is continuously increasing in size, which is the main focus of this work. More generally, the research problem can be stated as follows: a large and dense population of M2M devices exchanges short data bursts over a shared satellite medium; support for sporadic and unpredictable access activity and/or support to delay-critical applications is required. Random Access (RA) schemes for handling uncoordinated multiple access can nowadays compete with the throughput offered by typical coordinated techniques, making the former ones strongly attractive to support large populations of M2M terminals, while contemporary providing immediate access to the channel, without any reservation delays that are typical of coordinated access schemes. Therefore, the focus of this Ph.D. Thesis is on analysing, analytically and empirically, the behaviour of the most common M2M protocol stacks on RA satellite links and on suggesting guidelines to improve the achievable performance level. The first part of this Thesis presents a load control algorithm to maximize the throughput achievable by RCSTs, focusing on the exploitation of linear code prior to transmission, in order to improve the transmission robustness at the cost of some capacity waste because of the redundancy. Furthermore, an innovative hybrid access protocol is designed, aiming at allowing the coexistence of M2M and non-M2M RCSTs in the same network. The second part of this Thesis studies the performance of M2M protocol stacks via RA satellite channels, when a reliable data delivery is needed in channels suffering of erasures due to collisions. Two metrics are taken into account: the completion time, in presence of short data bursts, and the throughput, in presence of a sustained load. A cross-layer study is proposed, in order to characterize the interactions among application, transport and M2M layers of a M2M protocol stack sending data via a RA satellite channel.

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2020 Bachelor thesis Unknown
Simulatore per trasmissioni multimediali Real-Time da drone a terra
Puddu M.
L'obiettivo di questo tirocinio è l'implementazione di un emulatore che riproduce la trasmissione di un video da un drone a terra. Il drone dispone di una videocamera. Al fine di rendere più robusta la comunicazione e avere maggiore disponibilità di banda, l'emulatore permette di creare un canale aggregato che sfrutta più canali fisici reali. A tale scopo un modulo di scheduling viene utilizzato per decidere quali e quanti canali utilizzare sulla base delle statistiche di ciascun canale fisico. Inoltre, per rendere la comunicazione anche più robusta, è prevista la possibilità di trasmettere il flusso multimediale su più canali contemporaneamente (in modo duplicato o non), così da aumentare la probabilità di una corretta ricezione a destinazione. Il modulo di scheduling dovrà utilizzare i canali in modo intelligente, ovvero sfruttare meno canali e meno repliche possibili, mantendo la migliore qualità video. A tale scopo un modulo definito di scheduling controller ha il compito di monitorare lo stato dei canali in termini di ritardo, jitter e tasso di perdita dei pacchetti, così da aggiornare attraverso una funzione di ottimizzazione i pesi dello scheduler. Il ricevitore si deve occupare di ordinare ed eventualmente scartare ricezioni multiple dovute alle repliche inviate sui canali.

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2020 Report Unknown
DESIRA - D1.4 First set of practice abstracts
Bacco F. M.
This document provides the first set of 50 practice abstracts (PAs). Those have been compiled building on the collected digital tools and projects in WP1 activities, task 1.2 "Taxonomy and Inventory of Digital Game Changers". Each PA describes a digital tool or project in both textual and tabular forms, and highlights the distinctive key elements. In the first page, a short summary is presented, i) providing a short description of a tool or of the experience in a project, ii) highlighting the main achievements, results, or outcomes, and iii) outlining the plausible positive or negative impacts. Such a description is provided in both textual and tabular form, the latter prepared according to the format defined in the report D1.3, section 5. The table presented therein summarizes the key elements useful to provide an overview of each digital tool from both technological and socio-economic aspects. Both aspects build upon the use of the toolkit proposed in D1.3, and comprising the identification of the function of the digital tool, the reference application scenario, the high-level description of the CPS layers conceptually in use, the core digital technologies exploited by the digital tool, and finally the qualitative evaluations of plausible areas of socio-economic impacts. The aim is in providing descriptions relevant for practitioners in a plain language, pointing out key elements that may attract their interest.Source: Project report, DESIRA, Deliverable D1.4, pp.1–127, 2020
Project(s): DESIRA via OpenAIRE

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2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
The digitalization of agriculture and rural areas: towards a taxonomy of the impacts
Rolandi S., Brunori G., Bacco M., Scotti I.
The literature about digitalization in agriculture and rural areas is vast and sectorial at the same time. Both international political institutions and practitioners are interested in promoting digital technology, indicating and describing potential benefits and risks. Meanwhile, academics analyse the actual and possible impacts of digital technologies using case studies. However, the extensive literature makes it challenging to derive a comprehensive synthesis of the possible impacts that digital technologies are and might generate in the rural domains. In the given context, the present work aims at contributing to the construction of a framework providing a first classification of the digital technologies impacts to use in both research and political agenda.Source: Sustainability (Basel) 13 (2021): 1–19. doi:10.3390/su13095172
DOI: 10.3390/su13095172
Project(s): DESIRA via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.mdpi.com Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2021 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Smart and sustainable food: what is ahead
Bacco M., Brunori G., Rolandi S., Scotti I.
Food systems are evolving to support sustainable food security. In this chapter, we aim at discussing the role that digital technologies play, especially those with the potential to provoke deep changes. The ongoing revolution in this field has given birth to the so-called Agrifood 4.0. Our interest lies also on the impact of digital technologies in the food chain, from production to consumption, especially the case of food loss and waste. In fact, the growing use of ICT in this field may generate game-changing effects, which can be positive or negative, affecting productivity, sustainability, and other aspects. We consider both present and future scenarios, looking at the potential of novel techniques - as for instance 3D printing of food, use of blockchain, and smart packaging - taking into account the sustainability criteria proposed by the Agenda 2030 of the UN to assess the changes on tasks and procedures all along the food chain.Source: Future Foods. Global Trends, Opportunities, and Sustainability Challenges, edited by Bhat R., pp. 39–48. New York: Elsevier, 2021
DOI: 10.1016/b978-0-323-91001-9.00015-3

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.elsevier.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Digital transformation of agriculture and rural areas: a Socio-Cyber-Physical System framework to support responsibilisation
Rijswijk K., Klerkx L., Bacco M., Bartolini F., Bulten E., Debruyne L., Dessein J., Scotti I., Brunori G.
Digital technologies are often seen as an opportunity to enable sustainable futures in agriculture and rural areas. However, this digital transformation process is not inherently good as it impacts on many aspects (e.g. economic, environmental, social, technological, institutional) and their relations. The Responsible Research and Innovation approach calls for a better understanding and anticipation of the often unknown impacts. To meet this aim we have developed a framework that allows to gain insight on the relations between the social, the cyber and the physical, i.e. a Socio-Cyber-Physical System and have described conditions for a successful digital transformation of such a system. These are design of, and creating access to digital technologies, and navigating system complexity. This framework allows for a better problematisation of digital transformation and has been illustrated through an example of digital dairy farming. It supports an enhanced understanding of moral responsibilities regarding digital transformation, fitting within the Responsible Research and Innovation approach, as well as the succinct step of understanding who is responsible or accountable for the identified (positive or negative) impacts, i.e. responsibilisation.Source: Journal of rural studies 85 (2021): 79–90. doi:10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.05.003
DOI: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2021.05.003
Project(s): DESIRA via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.sciencedirect.com Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2022 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Space-Air-Ground integrated 6G wireless communication networks: a review of antenna technologies and application scenarios
Candia F. A., Fonseca N. J. G., Bacco M., Mugnaini S., Genovesi S.
A review of technological solutions and advances in the framework of a Vertical Hetero-15 geneous Network (VHetNet) integrating satellite, airborne and terrestrial networks is presented. 16 The disruptive features and challenges offered by a fruitful cooperation among these segments 17 within a ubiquitous and seamless wireless connectivity are described. The available technologies 18 and the key research directions for achieving a global wireless coverage by considering all these 19 layers are thoroughly discussed. Emphasis is put on the available antenna systems in satellite, air-20 borne and ground layers by highlighting strengths and weakness as well as by providing some 21 interesting trends in research. A summary of the most suitable applicative scenarios for future 6G 22 wireless communications are finally illustrated.Source: Sensors (Basel) 22 (2022). doi:10.3390/s22093136
DOI: 10.3390/s22093136

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2022 Contribution to book Open Access OPEN
Technology, digitalisation, and AI for sustainability. An assessment of digitalisation for food system transitions
Brunori G., Bacco M., Rolandi S.
This chapter discusses one of the most urgent and significant challenges we must face-- the transition towards sustainable food systems. In this context, we discuss the role digital technologies may play, proposing the use of socio-cyber-physical systems as a paradigm, and extension of its Information and Communications Technology version, the cyber-physical system. Key digital technologies, with the potential of being game changers, are identified, as is their role in supporting a transition towards greater sustainability. Risks are identified and discussed related to the adoption of digital technologies in the food system, as well as policy conditions for digital technologies to operate in societies' interest. Recommendations are provided on the embodiment of socio-economic principles in the digitalisation process, in line with the socio-cyber-physical approach.Source: Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Diets, edited by Kevany K.M., Prosperi P., 2022
DOI: 10.4324/9781003174417
Project(s): DESIRA via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | www.taylorfrancis.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Report Open Access OPEN
DESIRA - D3.4 Showcase technologies
Toli E., Koltsida P., Marinos-Kouris C., Hardy C., Townsend L., Bacco F. M.
This report presents how to integrate critical values of the digitisation process and apply these values during the various phases of digital solutions development, testing, and adoption. It showcases this in a practical way, by presenting two proof-of-concept solutions delivered by DESIRA. The report presents thoroughly the DigiCroft virtual farm and the Chatbot technologies and displays their technical features, design perspectives and their wider social and economic impacts, perceived as system disruptors, aiming to juxtapose the technology design characteristics with integrated digitisation practices, as defined from DESIRA's standpoint.Source: ISTI Project Report, DESIRA, D3.4, 2023
Project(s): DESIRA via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Unknown
IoT/M2M elastic traffic via satellite random and dedicated access
Bacco M., Celandroni N., Gotta A., Luglio M., Roseti C.
Owing to the variety of traffic profiles that Machine to Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) applications may generate, this work studies the applicability of a DVB-RCS2 gateway when clusters of sensor nodes exchange data via satellite toward a central operational control station via TCP/IP connections. We propose a realistic architecture for the integration between wireless sensor and satellite networks, by covering technological issues from access layer up to transport and session layers. In this scenario, uncorrelated sensor sources generate measurements, which are multiplexed by a satellite gateway, before being encapsulated and delivered through TCP/IP flows. According to the traffic nature and the access methods in the DVB terminal, the suitability of a random access method in place of a dedicated one is an open issue, when throughput and delivery delay are the performance metrics at the transport layer. This work aims at investigating when the new random access methods, based on successive interference cancellation, are convenient with respect to dedicated access methods. The comparison is made in terms of access delay and employed resources, while the throughput is guaranteed comparable to the one obtained by using demand assignment multiple access systems. We outline that this is the first work that provides a queueing analysis for the comparison between random and dedicated satellite access techniques, when used by both short and long-lived TCP connections.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2014

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2014 Conference article Restricted
A study on TCP error recovery interaction with random access satellite schemes
Bacco F. M., Gotta A., Roseti C., Zampognaro F.
Random Access (RA) techniques have been included in the novel DVB-RCS2 standard due to an expected efficiency in addressing SCADA and M2M traffic. Such traffic relies on intermittent sources sending short messages on a periodic time scale. Efficiency is usually assessed in terms of layer-2 packet loss rate without taking into account indirect effects on upper layer protocols. In particular, TCP assumes packet losses as a congestion indication triggering actions aimed to reduce actual transmission rate. As a consequence, TCP over RA can be impaired by some cross-effects, which deteriorate the performance as experienced by the applications, in terms of Round Trip Time (RTT) and overall throughput. The scope of this paper is to analyze such dynamics, by applying a top-down approach, which includes TCP parameters tuning in the scenario configuration. To this aim, an NS2 module has been developed to simulate different flavors of random access techniques for GEO satellite channels integrated with sensor data sources, which produce intermittent messages and send them over TCP connections. Achieved results provide a first set of considerations on the best protocol stack configuration according to TCP traffic load.Source: ASMS/SPSC - 7th Advanced Satellite Multimedia Systems Conference and the 13th Signal Processing for Space Communications Workshop, 2014, Livorno, Italy, 8-10 settembre 2014
DOI: 10.1109/asms-spsc.2014.6934574

See at: doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Conference article Restricted
A new RA-DA hybrid MAC approach for DVB-RCS2
Bacco Felice M., Gotta A., Luglio M., Roseti C., Zampognaro F.
This paper proposes a new MAC scheme for DVB-RCS2 aimed to efficiently address M2M/SCADA traffic. The proposed scheme relies on the idea to complement Random Access (RA) schemes with Dedicated Access (DA) schemes, when traffic spikes feed the network. The rationale is to control the offered load on the RA slots pool to keep the packet loss, due to collisions, under a pre-defined threshold. New MAC algorithms are based on the interaction between NCC and STs and add a number of new features and dynamics, such as selective switching on a full DA configuration for greedy STs. A prototype implementation has been developed on the Network Simulator NS-2 to verify the effectiveness of the proposed approach in a preliminary study case. Achieved results are promising and allow highlighting the main MAC scheme dynamics, leading to practical considerations and open issues to be addressed in future activities.Source: 2015 International Black Sea Conferenze on Communications and Networking, pp. 215–219, Constanta, Romania, 18-21/05/2015
DOI: 10.1109/blackseacom.2015.7185118

See at: doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2015 Conference article Restricted
Advances on elastic traffic via M2M satellite user terminals
Bacco F. M., De Cola T., Giambene G., Gotta A.
Owing to the variety of traffic profiles that Machine to Machine and Internet of Things applications may generate, this work studies the applicability of the Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted ALOHA (CRDSA) random access scheme, as in the DVB-RCS2 standard, when clusters of sensor nodes exchange data via satellite toward a sink via short-lived TCP/IP con- nections. In this scenario, uncorrelated sensor sources generate measurements, which are multiplexed by a satellite terminal, before being encapsulated and delivered through TCP/IP flows. This work aims at investigating the scalability in terms of number of concurrent satellite terminals, which can successfully transfer their own data with a small delivery delay in order to avoid congestion phenomena at MAC layers, which may induce collision storms. This work assesses the best practice for M2M elastic traffic wia random access satellite, investigating on cross- layer interactions between access layer and transport/application layers.Source: The Twelfth International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems 2015, Bruxelles, Belgio, 25-28/08/2015
DOI: 10.1109/iswcs.2015.7454334

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2015 Conference article Restricted
TCP New Reno over DVB-RCS2 random access links: performance analysis and throughput estimation
Bacco F. M., De Cola T., Gotta A.
Application of random access schemes in the return link of satellite systems shows appealing advantages over demand assignment multiple access (DAMA) especially in case of bursty traffic (e.g., M2M). The interactions of TCP with random access has been however only marginally explored by the scientific community, thus limiting the appeal of random access. This paper attempts to bridge this gap, by providing insights into the performance of TCP-based services running on top of DVB-S2/RCS2 satellite networks implementing Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted Aloha (CRDSA) as random access scheme. A special attention has been also dedicated to TCP modeling, since classical TCP throughput formulations fail in the proposed scenario, whereby a simple but effective enhancement is proposed in this paper.Source: GLOBECOM 2015 - IEEE Global Communications Conference, San Diego, CA, USA, 06-12/12/2015
DOI: 10.1109/glocom.2015.7417700
DOI: 10.1109/glocom.2014.7417700

See at: doi.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2017 Journal article Open Access OPEN
RLNC in satellite networks: a cooperative scenario for delivering M2M traffic
Bacco M., Gotta A.
The fraction of machine-to-machine traffic carried by satellite networks is increasing, and an efficient delivery is required in order to enable a large set of applications that can benefit from the advantages provided by the use of satellites. This work analyses the use of random linear network coding techniques in land mobile satellite channels to reliably deliver machine-to-machine traffic to mobile nodes in urban areas. The considered scenario takes into account a cooperative coverage extension in land mobile satellite vehicular networks, where the use of random linear network coding techniques can remove the need for any fixed equipment on the ground at least in urban environments, where the density of mobile nodes is typically high.Source: International journal of satellite communications and networking (Print) 35 (2017): 605–620. doi:10.1002/sat.1220
DOI: 10.1002/sat.1220

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | International Journal of Satellite Communications and Networking Restricted | onlinelibrary.wiley.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2019 Journal article Open Access OPEN
TCP-based M2M traffic via random-access satellite links: throughput estimation
Bacco M., De Cola T., Giambene G., Gotta A.
Provisioning of IoT/M2M services over satellite has been experiencing a continuous growth in the last years, which is expected to further increase in the near future so as to meet the demands of users and enterprises. The design of a suitable network architecture is, hence, of paramount importance to properly take into account the requirements imposed by the technology available nowadays and to properly consider the interaction of the so-defined physical layer with transport and application layers. In this light, this paper analyses the use-case of TCP-based M2M services operating over DVB-RCS2 satellite links, where a Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted Aloha access scheme is applied. The main goal of the paper is to provide a thorough understanding of the interactions of TCP and random access schemes, recognised as key elements to enable efficient M2M services over satellite. In this regard, this paper also develops a novel TCP throughput model, which has been validated through extensive simulation campaigns, proving the value of the proposed theoretical framework and its applicability to study the performance of M2M services in more general satellite scenarios.Source: IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems 55 (2019): 846–863. doi:10.1109/TAES.2018.2865150
DOI: 10.1109/taes.2018.2865150

See at: IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2019 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Networking challenges for non-terrestrial networks exploitation in 5G
Bacco M., Davoli F., Giambene G., Gotta A., Luglio M., Marchese M., Patrone F., Roseti C.
The standardization process of the fifth generation of mobile communications (5G) is still ongoing, with planned end in 2020. A lot of changes have been made from the previous generations involving different technologies, concepts, and paradigms, which will deeply affect the telecommunication infrastructure and its management. Besides, a higher number of use cases and application scenarios are envisioned in the near future. This will contribute in generating higher and higher traffic volumes from a higher number of connected devices/users with different performance requirements. Additional network resources are required to fulfill users' requirements in order to guarantee the expected Quality of Experience (QoE). The integration of Non-Terrestrial Networks (NTNs) within the 5G framework is under standardization and can lead to manifold advantages, such as coverage extension and additional communication link, among many others. However, NTN integration is also leading to challenges related to the employment and adaptation to aerospace networks of technologies originally designed for terrestrial networks. This paper provides an overview of the role of NTNs in the 5G ecosystem, of the application scenarios that can benefit from the integration among terrestrial and non-terrestrial networks, and of some identified challenges from the networking viewpoint, which still require further analysis towards possible solutions.Source: IEEE 5G World Forum (5GWF), pp. 1–6, Dresden, Germany, 30/09-02/10/2019
DOI: 10.1109/5gwf.2019.8911669

See at: ieeexplore.ieee.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2020 Conference article Open Access OPEN
IoT as a digital game changer in rural areas: the DESIRA conceptual approach
Bacco M., Brunori G., Ferrari A., Koltsida P., Toli E.
Digital transformation is a process encompassing significant changes in both social and economical domains because of the adoption of digital technologies. The EU H2020 DESIRA (Digitisation: Economic and Social Impacts in Rural Areas) project is working on defining a methodology and creating a knowledge base to characterize digital transformation. The goal is to support those in charge of responding to digitization-related challenges in rural areas, especially considering agriculture and forestry. This work presents preliminary activities in the project aiming to identify (i) Digital Game Changers, like Internet of Things (IoT), facilitating the digital transformation; and (ii) a robust set of exemplary Application Scenarios (ASs). This task will support forthcoming activities aiming to assess the socio-economic impact of digital transformation in rural areas.Source: 2020 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS), Dublin (virtual), 3-5/06/2020
DOI: 10.1109/giots49054.2020.9119674
Project(s): DESIRA via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2016 Report Unknown
SatNEx IV, final report (Call of Order 1 Part 2, WI1)
Davoli F., Marchese M., Patrone F., Bacco M., Colucci M., Alberto Gotta A., Panagopoulos A. D., Kourogiorgas C.
This report contains a description of the proposed network composed of a Nanosatellite swarm portion and a Flying Ad-hoc Networks (FANETs) UAV portion. Section 1 contains a description of the state of the art about Nanosatellites, in particular about Nanosatellite missions and hardware components, followed by a brief explanation about satellite constellation design. After that, a description of the routing and security challenges and the possible solutions in literature is reported. Finally, the proposed Nanosatellite-DTN Network, the simulation platform, and the obtained results are illustrated in details. Section 2 regards Flying Ad Hoc Networks (FANETs). FANETs are a rising topic in literature, attracting both scientific and commercial interest. In this WI, the communication issues among FANETs and a Ground Control Station (GCS) are investigated, when both user and Command and Control ( ) data are sent via a random access satellite channel. The focus is put on the mobility model, on the intra-swarm and extra-swarm communications needs, as well as on lightweight and flexible protocol stacks enabling a fast data delivery and an easy tuning of the available parameters in the use-case under consideration. A NS3-based simulator has been built and numerical results are presented, assessing the achievable performance level. Section 3 briefly presents channel modelling due to local environment effects that may be applied for both Nanosatellite/Ground Station and GEO satellite/UAV links taking into account the different attenuations at the different considered frequency bands.Source: Project report, SatNEx IV, pp.1–150, 2016

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2020 Bachelor thesis Unknown
Analisi e Visualizzazione di Categorie Wikipedia Tramite Grafi
Fenu G. M.
Contesto Negli ultimi anni, le tecniche di sviluppo del software si sono evolute di pari passo con la crescita delle dimensioni e della complessità dei programmi. L'aumentare della complessità dei programmi ha reso necessario la definizione di modelli di sviluppo per il software, dalla sua concezione iniziale, fino alla sua completa realizzazione. Un generico modello di sviluppo software include le nozioni di specifica delle funzionalità del software, di design e di architettura software. La specifica delle funzionalità del software si concentra sulla definizione di requisiti del sistema, cioè bisogni e obiettivi che il sistema deve soddisfare. La necessità di definire bisogni e obiettivi, che rappresentino al meglio un sistema software, ha fatto nascere nuove aree di studio come l'Ingegneria dei Requisiti, e nuove figure professionali come l'analista di requisiti (noto anche come analista funzionale), che si occupa di identificare, raccogliere, documentare e analizzare i requisiti. Problema Durante il processo di raccolta dei requisiti vengono coinvolti anche domini diversi allo stesso momento, e gli analisti devono interagire con gli esperti del dominio per ottenere le conoscenze del dominio necessarie per sviluppare il sistema. A tal fine, vengono organizzati incontri con i soggetti interessati sotto forma di interviste, focus group o workshop. Durante queste riunioni, gli analisti dei requisiti e gli esperti di dominio potrebbero usare i loro gerghi specializzati e potrebbero sorgere ambiguità tra analisti ed esperti di dominio, nonché tra parti interessate appartenenti a domini diversi. L'ambiguità nella comunicazione è considerata un grave ostacolo per il trasferimento di conoscenze, dal momento che bisogni o aspetti del dominio comunicati in modo non corretto potrebbero portare alla definizione di requisiti scadenti, che possono causare problemi nelle fasi successive dello sviluppo. Soluzione Questa tesi propone di aiutare gli analisti dei requisiti e gli esperti di dominio nel creare uno spazio comune di conoscenza per facilitare la comunicazione durante le fasi di raccolta dei requisiti. Questo obiettivo viene raggiunto tramite la definizione di una tassonomia interattiva di termini tecnici, navigabile e collegata a Wikipedia. La tassonomia può essere visualizzata da esperti di dominio e analisti dei requisiti per esplorare i rispettivi ambiti terminologici. A tal fine, nel contesto di questa tesi è stato sviluppato il tool \textbf{WikiScan}, che permette di scaricare automaticamente categorie e pagine Wikipedia specifiche di uno o più domini, e di rappresentare le relazioni tra le pagine tramite un grafo visuale navigabile. Contributo WikiScan può aiutare gli utenti a esplorare attivamente i nuovi domini, partendo da termini noti ed espandendo le proprie conoscenze. Data una categoria di interesse, WikiScan permette di esplorare tutte le sotto-categorie e pagine Wikipedia, al fine di creare un indice navigabile ed evidenziare elementi comuni fra domini di partenza diversi, nonché di accedere a Wikipedia stessa per approfondimenti. Lo sviluppo del tool WikiScan fa parte del lavoro di tirocinio svolto all'interno dell'Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione (ISTI) del CNR, sede di Pisa.

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