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2013 Other Open Access OPEN
Recommendations for the representation of hierarchical objects in Europeana
Bardi A, Kupietzky A, Isaac A, Matei D, Weber D, Arnold K, Martinez Conde Ml, Fingerhut M, Clayphan R, Bailly R, Ruhle S, Charles V, Agenjo X
The issue of handling hierarchical objects has been always an important topic for Europeana{\textquoteright}s network of projects and Data Providers. The implementation of solutions in the Europeana portal has been delayed for a long time mainly due to the fact that complex objects required the development of new functionalities that could not be supported by the Europeana Semantic Elements (ESE) model. Indeed the simplicity and the flatness of this model prevented Data Providers from supplying complex objects.Project(s): HOPE - Heritage of the People's Europe

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | pro.europeana.eu Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2017 Other Open Access OPEN
Open Science Publishing: OpenAIRE services for research communities
Bardi A
The effective implementation of Open Science calls for a scientific communication ecosystem capable of enabling the "Open Science publishing principles" of transparency and reproducibility. Such ecosystem should provide tools, policies, and trust needed by scientists for sharing/interlinking (for "discovery" and "transparent evaluation") and re-using (for "reproducibility") all research products produced during the scientific process, e.g. literature, research data, methods, software, workflows, protocols, etc.. OpenAIRE fosters Open Science by advocating its publishing principles across Europe and research communities and by offering technical services in support of OA monitoring, research impact monitoring, and Open Science publishing. Its aim is to provide Research Infrastructures (RIs) with the services required to bridge the research life-cycle they support - where scientists produce research products - with the scholarly communication infrastructure - where scientists publish research products - in such a way science is reusable, reproducible, and transparently assessable. OpenAIRE is fostering the establishment of reliable, trusted, and long lasting RIs by (i) compensating the lack of OS publishing solutions and (ii) providing the support required by RIs to upgrade existing solutions to meet Open Science publishing needs (e.g. technical guidelines, best practices, OA mandates). To this aim, OpenAIRE is working closely with existing RIs to extend its service portfolio by introducing two services implementing the concept of "Open Science as a Service" (OSaaS): (1) The Research Community Dashboard. Thanks to its functionality, scientists of RIs can (i) find tools for publishing all their research products, such as literature, datasets, software, research packages, etc. (provide metadata, get DOIs, and ensure preservation of files), (ii) interlink such products manually or by exploiting advanced mining techniques, and (iii) integrate their services to automatically publish metadata and/or payload of objects into OpenAIRE. As a consequence, scientists populate and access an information space of interlinked objects dedicated to their RI, through which they can share any kind of products in their community, maximise re-use and reproducibility of science, and outreach the scholarly communication at large. (2) The Catch-All Broker Service. Thanks to its functionality, data sources such as institutional repositories, data repositories, software repositories can be notified of metadata records relative to products (datasets, articles, software, research packages) that are "of interest to them", i.e. metadata records that should be in the data source, or "linked to them", i.e. a scholarly link exists between one of the data source product and the identified product. Notifications are sent only to subscribed data sources, following a subscription and notification pattern, and can be delivered by mail, OAI-PMH end-user interfaces, or, currently under investigation, via push APIs (e.g. SWORD protocol), FTP and ResourceSync. The idea behind the service is to disseminate and advocate the principle that scholarly communication data sources are not a passive component of the scholarly communication ecosystem, but rather active and interactive part of it. They should not consider themselves as thematic silos of products, but rather as hubs of products semantically interlinked with any kinds of research products and, more broadly, up-to-date with the evolving research ecosystem.Project(s): OpenAIRE-Connect via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.opentox.net Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2017 Other Open Access OPEN
PARTHENOS - Report on services and tools
Bardi A, Bruseker G, Durco M, Kempssnijders M, Lorenzini M, Theodoridou M
The objectives of WP6 are: 1. To set up a set of tools and services enabling cross-discipline interoperability; 2. To share tools and services across different communities. This document reports on the status of actions carried out towards achieving those two objectives in the context of three tasks: Task 6.2 - Tools and services enabling interoperability This task addresses the provision of interoperability tools/services to the PARTHENOS research communities and contributes to the first objective of WP6. The provision status of tools and services for interoperability is summarised in Table 1 (page 12). Task 6.3 - Sharing specialized tools This task addresses the provision of tools/services for manipulating, presenting and publishing similar data within the disciplinary domains (or possibly outside) and contributes to the second objective of the WP. A selection of specialised services that will be considered for integration in the PARTHENOS infrastructure are provided in Table 3 (page 30) and the options to perform the integration are discussed. Task 6.5 - Resource discovery tools This task will deliver a number of tools for the discovery of resources available in the PARTHENOS ecosystem, thus contributing to the second objective of the WP with an API and GUI for the cross-communities and cross-discipline discovery of PARTHENOS resources. An overview of resource discovery tools is given in Section 5.3. This deliverable is an interim report. The final version of the report will be delivered in M45 as D6.4 report/deliverable. Outline of the report The document is organised into five main sections. Section 2 describes the methodology adopted by T6.2 and T6.3 for the selection and the delivery of relevant tools and services to the PARTHENOS community. Section 3 describes the integration status of services and tools for interoperability into the PARTHENOS infrastructure (T6.2). Section 4 discusses 9 the available options for integrating specialised tools into the PARTHENOS infrastructure and presents a selection of tools that that will be considered for integration (T6.3). Section 5 describes requirements and desiderata for setting up advanced resource discovery tools (T6.5). Section 6 concludes the deliverable with the description of the NERLIX use case, which will be used to test, and prototypically synthesize the various technical aspects of the PARTHENOS endeavour - resource aggregation & discovery, metadata mapping, integration of processing and visualisation services.Project(s): PARTHENOS via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.parthenos-project.eu Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2019 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Open Science as-a-service for research communities and content providers
Bardi A
Open Science is a set of practices of science according to which research activities and the research products they generate should be openly available, under terms that enable their findability, accessibility, re-use and re-distribution. The main effects of the implementation of Open Science principles is to enable responsible, reproducible and transparently assessable research. For an effective implementation of Open Science principles, a behavioral change in interested stakeholders and new tools for publishing in the scholarly communication ecosystem are required. Open Science publishing calls for the publishing of all types of research artefacts, beyond scientific literature. Today, the scholarly communication ecosystem lacks of tools and research community practices on Open Science publishing. To fill this gap and support a smooth transition towards Open Science, the OpenAIRE initiative is offering two novel services for research communities and content providers (e.g., institutional repositories, data repositories). The final goal is to support the cultural and technological shift towards the Open Science paradigm, from which all the different stakeholders in the research domain and of the society at large can benefit.DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-13342-9_1
Project(s): OpenAIRE-Connect via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | link.springer.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | Lecture Notes in Computer Science Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2014 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Supporting modern scholarly communication with enhanced publication management systems
Bardi A
This poster presents the notion of Enhanced Publication Management System.Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.rd-alliance.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2015 Contribution to conference Metadata Only Access
Enhanced Publication Management System
Bardi A
Enhanced publications (EPs) are a novel way to represent scientific research results by enriching the traditional digital publications with (links to) other research outcomes such as data, processing workflows, software. Literature shows that there are several examples of information systems devised for the management of EPs in specific application domain and use-cases: Enhanced Publication Information Systems. The majority of those systems are realised ``from scratch'' so that functionalities that are shared across disciplines and user communities are re-implemented every time. In fact, EP-oriented software is realised by integrating technologies that are general-purpose (e.g. databases, file stores) and Digital Library-oriented (e.g. repository software, cataloguing systems). The resulting products are often not flexible enough to be adapted to the evolving requirements of the community they target and hardly re-usable and configurable to be re-used in different application domains with similar requirements. Such a ``from scratch'' approach entails non-negligible realisation and maintenance costs that could be decreased by adopting a more systemic approach, as it had been done in the past with Database Management Systems (DBMSs). The approach we propose is the adoption of an Enhanced Publication Management System (EPMS), which is a software framework that plays the role of DBMSs in the world of EPs. The framework supports developers of EPISs with tools that (i) hide the complexity of the implementation of domain-independent requirements, (ii) allow the definition of personalised EP data models, (iii) support the realisation and configuration of functionalities based on the defined EP data model.Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | www.force11.org Restricted

2016 Other Open Access OPEN
Enhanced Publication Management System: a systemic approach towards modern scientific communication
Bardi A
The impact of the digital revolution and the mass adoption of ICT affected only partially the scientific communication workflow. Scientists are today acquainted to scientific workflows, electronic data, software, e-science infrastructures for carrying out their daily research activities, but the dissemination of research results still relies on the bare scientific article, which simply shifted from being printed to digital. The scientific article alone, however, cannot support an effective assessment of research results or enable science reproducibility: to achieve this goal all products related to a research activity should be shared and disseminated.
In the last decades, on the wave of Open Science, the scientific community has approached the problem of publishing research products different from the scientific article. One of the solutions is the paradigm of enhanced publications (EPs). EPs are digital objects that aggregate a digital scientific article and the other research products that have been used and produced during the research investigation described by the article and are useful to: (i) better interpret the article, (ii) enable more effective peer re- view, and (iii) facilitate or support reproducibility of science. Theory and practice of EPs is still not advanced and most Enhanced Publication Information Systems (EPISs) are custom implementations serving community specific needs. EPIS designers and developers have little or no technological support oriented to EPs. In fact, they realize EP-oriented software with a "from scratch" approach, addressing the peculiarities of the community to serve.
Approach The aim of this thesis is to propose a systemic approach to the realisation of EPISs inspired by the lessons learned from the database domain. The state of the art of information systems and data models for EPs has been analyzed to identify the common features across different domains. Those common features have served as building blocks for the definition of a data model and functionalities for the representation and manipulation of EPs. The notion of Enhanced Publication Management System (EPMS) is introduced to denote information systems that provide EPIS designers and developers with EP-oriented tools for the setup, operation and maintenance of EPISs. The requirements of EPMSs have been identified and a reference software architecture that satisfies them is presented. Contributions: The main contributions of this thesis relate to the fields of information science and scientific communication. The analysis of the state of the art about EPIS results in a terminology and a classification that can be useful as reference for the com- parison and discussion of such systems. A systemic approach, based on the novel notion of Enhanced Publication Management System (EPMS), is proposed as a more cost effective solution to the realization of EPIS, compared to the current "from scratch" strategy. A reference architecture for EPMSs and a general-purpose data model for EPs are pro- posed with the intent of contributing at building structured foundations of what is today becoming an area of research on its own.

See at: etd.adm.unipi.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2020 Other Open Access OPEN
Open Publishing Fest - Overcoming discoverbaility crisis: The OpenAIRE COVID-19 Gateway
Bardi A
The OpenAIRE COVID-19 Gateway presented at the session "Overcoming the discoverability crisis" of the Open Publishing Fest 2020 hosted by Open Knowledge Maps and ReFigure.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3860218
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3860219
Project(s): OpenAIRE-Advance via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
What are researchers' needs in data discovery? Analysis and ranking of a large-scale collection of crowdsourced use cases
Mathiak B, Juty N, Bardi A, Colomb J, Kraker P
Data discovery is important to facilitate data re-use. In order to help frame the development and improvement of data discovery tools, we collected a list of requirements and users' wishes. This paper presents the analysis of these 101 use cases to examine data discovery requirements; these cases were collected between 2019 and 2020. We categorized the information across 12 'topics' and eight types of users. While the availability of metadata was an expected topic of importance, users were also keen on receiving more information on data citation and a better overview of their field. We conducted and analysed a survey among data infrastructure specialists in a first attempt at ranking the requirements. Between these data professionals, these rankings were very different, excepting the availability of metadata and data quality assessment.Source: DATA SCIENCE JOURNAL, vol. 22 (issue 1)
DOI: 10.5334/dsj-2023-003
Project(s): OpenAIRE-Advance via OpenAIRE

See at: datascience.codata.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Book Open Access OPEN
Foreword to the IRCDL 2023 proceedings
Bardi A, Ferilli S, Marchesin S, Redavid D
Foreword to the IRCDL 2023 - 19th IRCDL: The Conference on Information and Research science Connecting to Digital and Library science 2023Proceedings (Bari, Italy, 23-24 February 2023).Source: CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS

See at: ceur-ws.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Other Open Access OPEN
Webinar OAWeek: Aurora and OpenAIRE: CONNECTing research and SDG Aurora and OpenAIRE: CONNECTing research and SDG
Bardi A, Vanderfeesten M
As per tradition, OpenAIRE will actively contribute to the International Open Access Week 2022 initiatives with interactive sessions and thought-provoking panel discussions connected to the theme of this year "Open for Climate Justice". OpenAIRE have prepared a series of webinars that will showcase the different ways in which we can all work together and make Open Science a means to tackle the challenges ahead of us. This session was dedicated to - Aurora and OpenAIRE: CONNECTing research and SDG Aurora and OpenAIRE: CONNECTing research and SDG, with a use case from AURORA - consortium of research-intensive universities new gateway using OpenAIRE CONNECT Service Speakers: - Alessia Bardi, CNR-ISTI - Maurice Vanderfeesten, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Recordings also in Youtube - https://youtu.be/5NqLAFwxnUkDOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7249431
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7249430
Project(s): OpenAIRE Nexus via OpenAIRE

See at: ZENODO Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Dataset Open Access OPEN
ARIADNEplus questionnaire responses for metadata aggregation
Bardi A
Anonymized responses to the ARIADNEplus questionnaire to gather information for the aggregation of metadata about archaelogical resources to be included in the ARIADNEplus Knowledge Base and portal (https://portal.ariadne-infrastructure.eu/). The csv includes only the plain responses as provided by 31 archaelogical content providers until 18 October 2021. The excel file includes also two additional sheets where the responses about the formats and the aggregation update schedule have been normalised. The responses are discussed in deliverable D12.4 "Final report on data integration".DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7221186
Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Other Open Access OPEN
AriadnePlus - D12.2: Mid-term report on data integration
Bardi A, Marberg Jf, Theodoridou M
This deliverable describes the activities carried out and the results achieved during the first two years of the ARIADNEplus project within four tasks of Work Package 12 (WP12). The objectives are to develop, deliver and maintain the components of the ARIADNEplus infrastructure that support the integration and interoperability of the data provided by the members of the consortium. The catalogue data integrated by the ADI (the Aggregative Data Infrastructure developed in T12.2) are made available as RDF records compliant to the AO-Cat model to the ARIADNEplus portal (T12.3) and the pilots developed in WP16 via two services: (1) the ARIADNEplus AC (the data and knowledge cloud developed in T12.1) , which exposes a SPARQL API, and (2) an Elasticsearch server, which provides a full-text index of the content of the AC. The deeper integration of item level data (item-level integration) is investigated in task 12.4, in order to develop support for research questions that require information that is richer than what is available in AO-Cat. The design, development and deployment activities have been guided by the requirements of all the members of the consortium, especially those involved in WP4 and WP5. For the development of the new features of the portal, a Portal Working Group has been formed including technical and nontechnical members from SND, PIN, USW, CNR, ADS, and SRFG. By December 2020, WP12 delivered all the components and implemented the aggregation workflow devised in collaboration with WP5. The ADI includes services and tools required to perform data collection, transformation, and harmonisation: the 3M Editor (definition of the mappings from local metadata format to AO-Cat) developed and maintained by FORTH; the Vocabulary Matching Tool (definition of mappings from local subject terms to terms of Getty AAT) developed and maintained by USW; and the ARIADNEplus aggregator developed and maintained by CNR (the data aggregator is based on the D-Net software toolkit: it collects the providers' XML records and integrates the X3ML toolkit for the execution of 3M mappings, and implements the aggregation workflows defined in collaboration with WP5). The AC includes a knowledge graph implemented with GraphDB (free edition) and one Springboot application that acts as mediator for the interactions among the aggregator, GraphDB, and Elasticsearch. Elasticsearch is used to provide a full-text index of the content available in the AC, to be used by the ARIADNEplus portal. The ARIADNEplus portal is developed using PHP, Vue.js, Javascript, Vuex, Tailwind, and Font Awesome. The portal provides standard free-text and faceted search options, but also advanced features based on the concepts of temporal, spatial, and topical coverage. In order to enable data curators to check the quality of data before it is made available on the public portal, WP12 set up a staging environment where the collected data is aggregated, added to a staging AC and indexed on a staging portal. Upon confirmation of data experts, data is then pushed to the production environment. The production environment makes the ARIADNEplus portal available to the public, while the staging environment is only available to the consortium members to check data quality and test new functionality of the portal.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4922902
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4922901
Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE

See at: ZENODO Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Other Open Access OPEN
AriadnePlus - D12.4: Final report on data integration
Bardi A, Marberg J F, Theodoridou M
This deliverable describes the final results of Tasks 12.1, 12.2, 12.3 and 12.4 of the ARIADNEplus project. The tasks developed, delivered, and maintained the components of the ARIADNEplus infrastructure that support the integration and interoperability of the data provided by the members of the consortium and associate partners. The catalogue data integrated by the ADI (the Aggregative Data Infrastructure developed in T12.2) are transformed into RDF records compliant with the CRM-based ARIADNEplus Ontology (AO-Cat) and are made publicly available in the ARIADNEplus Knowledge Base (T12.1), where they are enriched and linked to the Getty AAT thesaurus and the PeriodO gazetteer of time periods. The knowledge base exposes a SPARQL endpoint and its content is indexed on an OpenSearch index that serves the ARIADNEplus portal (T12.3). The domains of mortuary archaeology, numismatics and epigraphies were chosen for deeper integration of item level data (T12.4) compliant with specific Application Profiles developed in WP4. A searching interface, built on the ResearchSpace platform provides support for research questions that require information richer than what is available in AO-Cat. The design, development and deployment activities have been guided by the requirements of all the members of the consortium, especially those involved in WP4, WP5 and the working group on portal requirements. The ARIADNEplus ADI features the following main components for data collection, transformation, and harmonisation: (i) the 3M Editor developed and maintained by FORTH, operated by CNR; (ii) the Vocabulary Matching Tool developed and maintained by USW, operated by CNR; and (iii) the ARIADNEplus aggregator developed, maintained, and operated by CNR. The knowledge base is implemented with GraphDB (free edition) and one Springboot application that acts as mediator for the interactions among the aggregator, GraphDB, and OpenSearch. As of October 2022, the KB contains 175M RDF triples describing 3M resources from 60K collections and 25 providers. Numbers are expected to increase by December 2022 with the aggregation of additional resources as planned in WP5. OpenSearch provides a full-text index of the content available in the knowledge base, to be used by the ARIADNEplus portal. The ARIADNEplus portal is developed using PHP, Vue.js, Javascript, Vuex, Tailwind, and Font Awesome. The portal provides standard free-text and faceted search options, but also advanced features based on the concepts of temporal, spatial, and topical coverage. In order to test the new functionality of the portal and enable data curators to check the quality of data before it is made available on the public portal, WP12 set up a staging environment accessible only to members of the consortium, where the collected data is aggregated, added to a staging knowledge base and indexed on a staging portal. Upon confirmation of data experts, data is then pushed to the production environment.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7506766
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7506765
Project(s): ARIADNEplus via OpenAIRE

See at: ZENODO Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Other Open Access OPEN
Vocabularies in the OpenAIRE Graph
Bardi A
nvited presentation at the TRIPLE training session, organized by DARIAH ERIC, on the usage of topical vocabularies in the Social Science and Humanities and the European Open Science Cloud. This presentation focuses on the adoption of vocabularies in the OpenAIRE Graph.Project(s): OpenAIRE Nexus via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Other Open Access OPEN
The ecosystem for data discovery
Bardi A
Invited presentation at the KonsortSWD Data Findability Workshop 2023 - Fostering Data Findability in a Changing Ecosystem . The slides present the study of the GOFAIR Discovery Implementation Network on the open ecosystem of e-infrastructures for data discovery and the gaps to be addressed to offer innovative and more effective research data discovery services. The second part of the presentation gives an overview of the support OpenAIRE offers for research data discovery in EXPLORE and CONNECT.Project(s): OpenAIRE Nexus via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Other Open Access OPEN
Tutorial on Open Science tools
Papadopoulou E, Bardi A, Pla Karidi D
OpenAIRE session at MICCAI 2021, the 24th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. Agenda: Welcome - Giulia Malaguarnera Menti questions - Elli Papadopoulou Introduction to Open Science and OpenAIRE - Elli Papadopoulou Amnesia tool for anonymization - Danae Plan Karidi CONNECT service to build research communities - Alessia Bardi Argos tool to write and publish Data Management Plans (DMPs) - Elli PapadopoulouProject(s): OpenAIRE Nexus via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2020 Other Open Access OPEN
Designing a FAIR data discovery ecosystem
Kraker P., Mathiak B., Juty N., Di Donato F., Culina A., Bardi A.
The presentation is focused on the design of a FAIR data discovery ecosystem, with a particular focus on user interfaces and other user-facing services. Specifically, it explores the following topics:- Creation and further development of FAIR and open infrastructures enabling interoperable, cross-domain reuse and continued innovation- User involvement and participatory design to increase usability and usefulness of the developed solutions

See at: conference.codata.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2025 Conference article Metadata Only Access
ATLAS: Towards a Knowledge Graph of International Scholarly Research on the Italian Digital Cultural Heritage
Sebastiano Giacomini, Alessia Bardi, Marina Buzzoni, Marilena Daquino, Riccardo Del Gratta, Angelo Mario Del Grosso, Franz Fischer, Chiara Martignano, Roberto Rosselli Del Turco, Giorgia Rubin, Francesca Tomasi
In recent years, the abundance of available scholarly information has requested constant development and revision of standardized models and shared guidelines. Based on these frameworks, the Digital Humanities (DH) landscape features a variety of aggregators expected to enhance research data findability while promoting use and reuse. However, current semantic models fail to capture the specificity of DH research products, hindering data discovery and hampering the valorisation of Cultural Heritage. The ATLAS project addresses these key challenges by developing a unified framework for describing and aggregating scholarly outputs, particularly in the Italian Digital Cultural Heritage domain. This paper presents the initial versions of the ATLAS Ontology and Knowledge Graph, designed to model DH outcomes such as Digital Scholarly Editions, text collections, Linked Open Data, ontologies, and software. In so doing, ATLAS aims to enhance resource findability and reuse, paving the way for improved interoperability and future advancements in the field.Project(s): The ATLAS of Italian Digital Humanities: a dynamic knowledge graph of digital scholarly research on Italian Cultural Heritage

See at: ceur-ws.org Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Other Open Access OPEN
The open ecosystem of e-infrastructures for data discovery: a review
Bardi A., Kraker P., Juty N., Culina A., Colomb J., Widmann H., Goble C., Hiseni V., Flügel A. -L., Mathiak B., Heger T.
Research data are among the fastest growing openly accessible scientific outputs on the web. While we have made great strides when it comes to accessibility of research data, discoverability is still one of the key challenges for open science: in many ways, we cannot cash the cheques written by this movement, if we do not increase the visibility of research outputs. Many research data discovery services have thus emerged, often embracing the principles of openness. They aim to make data discovery more effective, address new user needs, and exploit new technologies. This paper aims to support the conception and design of such tools by providing a descriptive framework of the current open ecosystem for research data discovery. In this framework we define the building blocks of the ecosystem (actors, roles and features of discovery services), describe how those interact with each other, and how they support the different discovery needs of researchers. We analyse the current practices of research data discovery to identify gaps in both the infrastructure and in users’ research strategy. We further analyse opportunities for innovative solutions to address the crisis of research data discoverability, improve data discovery and contribute to the evolution of the open ecosystem.DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6952904
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7468089
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6952905
Project(s): FAIRCORE4EOSC via OpenAIRE, DICE via OpenAIRE, D4 via OpenAIRE, Integration of research literature and data, KonsortSWD, Mechanisms and disturbances in memory consolidation: From synapses to systems, OpenAIRE Nexus via OpenAIRE, Smart Harvesting 2, TRIPLE via OpenAIRE, VENI personal grant

See at: ZENODO Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | ZENODO Open Access | IRIS Cnr Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted