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2014 Book Unknown
Can blind people learn better? Web accessibility and collaboration to support learning for blind people
Mori, G.
If you think that blind people cannot be able to use educational material for learning something, this book could change your idea. The increasing spread of the Information Technology, multimedia devices, along with the impressive growth of Web 2.0, have radically changed communication and ways of acquiring knowledge. Collaboration between individuals combined with an active, enriched sensorial experience of the user, have produced new paradigms for learning and teaching, compared to the classic passive methods of the past. Unfortunately, multimedia applications are usually designed for the sighted, and are ineffective for blind users, who typically interact with a computer by screen reader via vocal synthesizer and a keyboard. This book investigates the design of accessible and usable Web e-Learning tools and specifically collaborative environments to support learning for blind people, overcoming their difficulties during the interaction. While the book is oriented for developers designing Web applications to support blind users, it will also be useful for those (e.g. teachers, tutors, parents, students, etc.) who want to prepare educational contents more effective for learning.

See at: CNR ExploRA | www.edizioni-ai.com

2004 Conference article Unknown
Automatic semantic platform-dependent redesign
Mori G., Paternò F.
In this paper, we describe a solution to support automatic platform-dependent semantic redesign. This is obtained within the framework of TERESA, a model-based environment supporting flexible development of multi-device interactive applications. The goal is to show how semantic information regarding the interactive part of a Web application can support more flexible and effective solutions for adapting the interface to different platforms.Source: W3C - Workshop on Metadata for Content Adaptation, Dublin, October 2004

See at: CNR ExploRA

2005 Conference article Unknown
Automatic semantic platform-dependent redesign
Mori G., Paternò F.
Nowadays, many devices provide access to Web pages : desktops, mobile phones, PDAs, etc.. Often desktop user interfaces need to be redesigned for mobile devices in order to support nomadic access. The problem of adapting the interface to different platforms can be addressed in many ways. Low-level syntactical transcoding or just resizing elements do not seem able to provide general solutions: they often generate poor results in terms of usability because they follow rigid rules and mainly try to fit the same design into different devices. This paper presents our solution, which is based on platform-dependent semantic redesign. Semantic redesign means that transformation from one platform to another is based on the use of semantic information and not only on the analysis of the low-level implementation. In our case, such semantic information is contained in logical descriptions of the user interfaces that also capture the possible tasks users intend to accomplish.Source: sOc-EUSAI'2005, pp. 177–182, Grenoble, France, 12-14/10/2005

See at: CNR ExploRA

2001 Conference article Unknown
CTTE: an environment for analysis and development of task models of cooperative applications
Paternò F., Mori G., Galimberti R.
Tool-support is strongly required in order to ease the use of task models and make them acceptable to a large number of designers. CTTE is an automatic environment that has been developed for this purpose. This tool can be useful to better develop and analyse task models and their dynamic behaviour including those for cooperative applications.Source: ACM CHI'01, Seattle, 31/03/2001-05/04/2001

See at: CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Investigating web applications adaptation to user emotions
Mori G., Paternò F.
The main goal of this research is to understand the issue of real time identification of emotions elicited on the users, while they are interacting with Web interfaces. Our aim is to create Web applications adaptable to the emotional state of the users, possibly stimulating more positive emotions, providing benefits to their interactions. This investigation is based on three previous studies oriented to find the key aspects of Web design responsible to stimulate a specific affective state on the users with consequent transformation of the interface to improve their experience. In this perspective, we carried out one test using an Emotiv Insight headset able to detect EEG of five channels to understand problems, potentials and limits related to monitoring physiological signals and their interpretation regarding the emotional state. We report and discuss the results of our analysis, amongst other findings on this challenge.Source: MEEC 2021 - 2nd Momentary Emotion Elicitation & Capture. Virtual Workshop at ACM CHI 2021, Online conference, 09/05/2021

See at: meec-ws.com Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2002 Journal article Unknown
CTTE: Support for Developing and Analysing Task Models for Interactive System Design
Mori G., Paternò F., Santoro C.
While task modelling and task-based design are entering into current practise in the design of interactive software applications, there is still a lack of tools supporting the development and analysis of task models. Such tools should provide developers with ways to represent tasks, including their attributes and objects, and their temporal and semantic relationships, to easily create, analyse and modify such representations and to simulate their dynamic behaviour. In this paper we present a tool, CTTE, that provides thorough support for developing and analysing task models of cooperative applications, which can then be used to improve the design and evaluation of interactive software applications. We discuss how we have designed this environment and report on trials of its use.Source: IEEE transactions on software engineering 28 (2002): 797–813.

See at: CNR ExploRA

2005 Conference article Unknown
Supporting flexible development of multi-device interfaces
Correani F., Mori G., Paternò F.
Tools based on the use of multiple abstraction levels have shown to be a useful solution for developing multi-device interfaces. To obtain general solutions in this area it is important to provide flexible environments with multiple entry points and support for redesigning existing interfaces for different platforms. In general, a one-shot approach can be too limiting. This paper shows how it is possible to support a flexible development cycle with entry points at various abstraction levels and the ability to change the underlying design at intermediate stages. It also shows how redesign from desktop to mobile platforms can be obtained. Such features have recently been implemented in a new version of the TERESA tool.Source: EHCI-DSVIS'2004, pp. 346–362, Hamburg, Germany, 11-13 July 2004

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Conference article Restricted
Authoring multi-device Web applications with database access
Mori G., Paternò F., Santoro C.
In this paper we present an environment for authoring Web sites through a model-based approach for user interface design. In particular, we focus on how it supports the access to remote databases and the dynamic generation of the Web pages presenting the corresponding query results. The environment is able to support development of applications implemented in many Web mark-up languages (XHTML, XHTML MP, X+V, VoiceXML) adapted to various interaction platforms (vocal, mobile, desktop,...).Source: Web Engineering . 7th International Conference, ICWE 2007, pp. 182–187, Como, Italy, 16-20 Luglio 2007

See at: www.springerlink.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2008 Conference article Restricted
Exploiting Web services and model-based user iterfaces for multi-device access to home applications
Mori G., Paternò F., Spano L. D.
This paper presents a method, and the corresponding software architecture and prototype implementation to generate multi-device user interfaces in the home domain. The approach is based on Web services and model-based user interface generation. In particular, it focuses on multi-device interfaces obtained starting with XML descriptions of home Web services, which are then mapped onto user interface logical descriptions, from which it is possible to then generate user interfaces adapted to the target devices. During use, the generated interfaces are able to communicate with the home Web services and can be dynamically updated to reflect changes in domestic appliances available and the associated state.Source: DSV-IS 2008. International Workshop on Design, Specification and Verification of Interactive Systems, pp. 181–193, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, 16-18 July 2008
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-70569-7

See at: CNR ExploRA

2008 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Authoring pervasive multimodal user interfaces
Paternò F., Santoro C., Mäntyjärvi J., Mori G., Sansone S.
In this paper, we present an environment for authoring pervasive multimodal user interfaces. It is composed of a set of XML-based languages, transformations among such languages, and an authoring tool. It provides designers with the possibility of designing interfaces for a wide set of platforms, which support various modalities. We describe how the environment has deeply changed from the initial mono-modal, web-oriented environment and provide example applications for a number of platforms.Source: International journal of Web engineering and technology (Online) 4 (2008): 235–261. doi:10.1504/IJWET.2008.018099
DOI: 10.1504/ijwet.2008.018099

See at: International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology Open Access | International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology Restricted | International Journal of Web Engineering and Technology Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2003 Conference article Unknown
Tool support for designing nomadic applications
Mori G., Paternò F., Santoro C.
Model-based approaches can be useful when designing nomadic applications, which can be accessed through multiple interaction platforms. Various models and levels of abstraction can be considered in such approaches. The lack of automatic tool support has been the main limitation to their use. We present a tool, TERESA, supporting top-down transformations from task models to abstract user interfaces and then to user interfaces for different types of interaction platforms (such as mobile phones or desktop systems). It allows designers to keep a unitary view of the design of a given nomadic application. Moreover, the tool provides support for obtaining effective interfaces for each type of platform available, taking into account the consequent differences in terms of tasks and their performance.Source: ACM Intelligent User Interfaces, pp. 141–148, Miami, 10-13 January 2003

See at: CNR ExploRA

2003 Conference article Unknown
An Environment for Designing and Developing Multi-Platform Interactive Applications
Berti S, Mori G, Paternò F, Santoro C
The increasing availability of new types of interaction platforms raises the need for new methods and tools to support development of nomadic applications. This paper presents a solution based on the use of multiple levels of abstractions and a number of transformations able to obtain concrete interfaces, taking into account the different platforms and preserving usability.Source: HCITALY'03, pp. 7–12, Torino, 4-5 Novembre 2003

See at: CNR ExploRA

2004 Conference article Unknown
Designing multi-device interactive services through multiple abstraction levels
Berti S., Mori G., Paternò F., Santoro C.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the features of our TERESA environment and show how it can support design and development of multi-device interactive services. This is a tool for model-based design of multi-device interfaces. It considers three levels of abstractions (task model, abstract user interface and concrete user interface). For each of them a specific language has been defined and used. The task and the abstract user interface levels are described by platform-independent languages, which allow designers to focus on conceptual aspects and to avoid dealing with a plethora of low level details.Source: Device Independent Web Engineering (DIWE 2004), Munich, Germany, 26 July 2004

See at: CNR ExploRA

2005 Conference article Unknown
Dynamic generation of migratory interfaces
Bandelloni R., Mori G., Paternò F.
In this paper, we present a solution for dynamic generation of Web user interfaces that can dynamically migrate among different platforms. The solution is based on a migration/proxy server able to automatically convert a desktop service into a service accessible from a different platform, such as a mobile one. This solution can support new environments where users can freely move about and change interaction device while still continuing task performance and accessing the application in a usable manner.Source: Mobile HCI 2005. 7th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services, pp. 83–90, Salzburg, 19 - 22 September 2005

See at: CNR ExploRA

2005 Conference article Unknown
Teresa: an environment for designing multi-device interactive services
Berti S., Mori G., Paternò F., Santoro C.
In this paper we illustrate TERESA, an authoring environment for the design of multi-device interfaces, which supports specifications of logical descriptions of an interactive system in device-independent languages . The tool contains an intelligent engine supporting a number of transformations in order to move across logical descriptions and, consequently, generate the user interface for various types of platforms.Source: Hcitaly 2005. 4th Simposio su Human-Computer-Interaction, Roma, September 19-22 2005

See at: CNR ExploRA

2001 Conference article Unknown
Design criteria for usable web-accessible virtual environments
Costalli F., Marucci L., Mori G., Paternò F.
We have conducted a study revealing how even important Museums in various countries have implemented virtual cnvironnients that engender a number of usability problems for Web navigators.In our paper we discuss a set of criteria that should bc taken into consideration to obtain co sable virtual environments, discuss how we have implemented them in a specific case study (the Marblc Museum), and show how the tools provided can help users.Source: ICHIM 2001, pp. 413–426, MIlano, 2001

See at: CNR ExploRA

2007 Conference article Unknown
Migrating the user interface between the digital TV and mobile devices
Mori G., Paternò F., Sansone S., Santoro C.
In this paper we present a solution able to support user interfaces that migrate among digital TVs and mobile devices, thus useful for users freely moving about in the home and outside. The proposed environment is able to understand what tasks the users are performing and dynamically generate user interfaces for the target device, with the state updated to the point at which it was left off in the previous device, and taking into account the different interaction resources of the new device. We also introduce an example application of the migration environment in the area of entertainment.Source: Interactive TV: a Shared Experience, Amsterdam, Olanda, 24-25 Maggio 2007

See at: CNR ExploRA

2006 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Migrating the user interface while moving in the home and outside
Mori G., Paternò F., Sansone S., Santoro C.
Our life is becoming a multi-device experience. In order to improve such experience it is important to allow users to freely move, change device, and still be able to continue to perform their tasks without having to start from scratch at each device change. We present a solution able to support migration among digital TVs and mobile devices, thus useful for users freely moving in the home and outside. The proposed environment is able to understand what tasks the users are performing and generate dynamically user interfaces for the target device, with the state updated to the point in which it was left off in the previous device and their features adapted to the different interaction resources of the new device.Source: Mobile Guide 2006, Torino, Italy, 18-10/2006

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2004 Contribution to conference Unknown
A transformation-based environment for designing multi-device interactive applications
Berti S., Mori G., Paterno F., Santoro C.
The ever-increasing availability of new types of devices raises a number of issues for user interface designers and interactive software developers. We have designed and developed a tool (TERESA), which can be helpful when designing applications accessible through various device types.Source: IUI 2004 - International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, pp. 352–353, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 13-16 January 2004

See at: CNR ExploRA

2006 Software Unknown
MultiModal TERESA – Sistema per la progettazione di interfacce utenti per dispostivi multipli in vari linguaggi di implementazione (XHTML, VoiceXML, Java, C#, X+V)
Mori G., Paternò F., Sansone S., Santoro C.

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