Conference article
Open Access
MAT-Builder: a system to build semantically enriched trajectories
Pugliese C, Lettich F, Renso C, Pinelli FThe notion of multiple aspect trajectory (MAT) has been recently introduced in the literature to represent movement data that is heavily semantically enriched with dimensions (aspects) representing various types of semantic information (e.g., stops, moves, weather, traffic, events, and points of interest). Aspects may be large in number, heterogeneous, or structurally complex. Although there is a growing volume of literature addressing the modelling and analysis of multiple aspect trajectories, the community suffers from a general lack of publicly available datasets. This is due to privacy concerns that make it difficult to publish such type of data, and to the lack of tools that are capable of linking raw spatio-temporal data to different types of semantic contextual data. In this work we aim to address this last issue by presenting MAT-Builder, a system that not only supports users during the whole semantic enrichment process, but also allows the use of a variety of external data sources. Furthermore, MAT-Builder has been designed with modularity and extensibility in mind, thus enabling practitioners to easily add new functionalities. The running example provided towards the end of the paper highlights how MAT-Builder's main features allow users to easily generate multiple aspect trajectories, hence benefiting the mobility data analysis community.Source: CEUR WORKSHOP PROCEEDINGS, pp. 175-182. Tirrenia, Pisa, Italy, 19-22/06/2022
Project(s): MobiDataLab ,
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ceur-ws.org | CNR IRIS | ISTI Repository | CNR IRIS
Conference article
Open Access
MAT-Builder: a system to build semantically enriched trajectories
Pugliese C, Lettich F, Renso C, Pinelli FThe notion of multiple aspect trajectory (MAT) has been recently introduced in the literature to represent movement data that is heavily semantically enriched with dimensions (aspects) representing various types of semantic information (e.g., stops, moves, weather, traffic, events, and points of interest). Aspects may be large in number, heterogeneous, or structurally complex. Although there is a growing volume of literature addressing the modelling and analysis of multiple aspect tra-jectories, the community suffers from a general lack of publicly available datasets. This is due to privacy concerns that make it difficult to publish such type of data, and to the lack of tools that are capable of linking raw spatio-temporal data to different types of semantic contextual data. In this work we aim to address this last issue by presenting MAT-BUILDER, a system that not only supports users during the whole semantic enrichment process, but also allows the use of a variety of external data sources. Furthermore, MAT-BUILDER has been designed with modularity and extensibility in mind, thus enabling practitioners to easily add new functionalities to the system and set up their own semantic enrichment process. The demonstration scenario, which will be showcased during the demo session, highlights how MAT-BUILDER's main features allow users to easily generate multiple aspect trajectories, hence benefiting the mobility data analysis community.Project(s): MobiDataLab ,
See at:
CNR IRIS | ieeexplore.ieee.org | ISTI Repository | CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS
Conference article
Open Access
A general methodology for building multiple aspect trajectories
Lettich F, Pugliese C, Renso C, Pinelli FThe massive use of personal location devices, the Internet of Mobile Things, and Location Based Social Networks, enables the collection of vast amounts of movement data. Such data can be enriched with several semantic dimensions (or aspects), i.e., contextual and heterogeneous information captured in the surrounding environment, leading to the creation of multiple aspect trajectories (MATs). In this work, we present how the MAT-Builder system can be used for the semantic enrichment processing of movement data while being agnostic to aspects and external semantic data sources. This is achieved by integrating MAT-Builder into a methodology which encompasses three design principles and a uniform representation formalism for enriched data based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) format. An example scenario involving the generation and querying of a dataset of MATs gives a glimpse of the possibilities that our methodology can open up.Project(s): MobiDataLab ,
See at:
dl.acm.org | CNR IRIS | ISTI Repository | CNR IRIS | CNR IRIS
Journal article
Open Access
Semantic enrichment of mobility data: a comprehensive methodology and the MAT-BUILDER system
Lettich F, Pugliese C, Renso C, Pinelli FThe widespread adoption of personal location devices, the Internet of Mobile Things, and Location Based Social Networks, enables the collection of vast amounts of movement data. This data often needs to be enriched with a variety of semantic dimensions, or aspects, that provide contextual and heterogeneous information about the surrounding environment, resulting in the creation of multiple aspect trajectories (MATs). Common examples of aspects can be points of interest, user photos, transportation means, weather conditions, social media posts, and many more. However, the literature does not currently provide a consensus on how to semantically enrich mobility data with aspects, particularly in dynamic scenarios where semantic information is extracted from numerous and heterogeneous external data sources. In this work, we aim to address this issue by presenting a comprehensive methodology to facilitate end users in instantiating their semantic enrichment processes of movement data. The methodology is agnostic to semantic aspects and external semantic data sources. The vision behind our methodology rests on three pillars: (1) three design principles which we argue are necessary for designing systems capable of instantiating arbitrary semantic enrichment processes; (2) the MAT-Builder system, which embodies these principles; (3) the use of an RDF knowledge graph-based representation to store MATs datasets, thereby enabling uniform querying and analysis of enriched movement data. We qualitatively evaluate the methodology in two complementary example scenarios, where we show both the potential in generating interesting and useful semantically enriched mobility datasets, and the expressive power in querying the resulting RDF trajectories with SPARQL.Source: IEEE ACCESS, vol. 11, pp. 90857-90875
Project(s): MobiDataLab ,
See at:
CNR IRIS | ieeexplore.ieee.org | ISTI Repository | CNR IRIS
Conference article
Open Access
Summarizing trajectories using semantically enriched geographical context
Pugliese C, Lettich F, Pinelli F, Renso CThe proliferation of tracking sensors in today's devices has led to the generation of high-frequency, high-volume streams of mobility data capturing the movements of various objects. These movement data can be enriched with semantic contextual information, such as activities, events, user preferences, and more, generating semantically enriched trajectories. Creating and managing these types of trajectories presents challenges due to the massive data volume and the heterogeneous, complex semantic dimensions. To address these issues, we introduce a novel approach, MAT-Sum, which uses a location-centric enrichment perspective to summarize massive volumes of mobility data while preserving essential semantic information. Our approach enriches geographical areas with semantic aspects to provide the underlying context for trajectories, enabling effective data reduction through trajectory summarization. In the experimental evaluation, we show that MAT-Sum effectively minimizes trajectory volume while retaining a good level of semantic quality, thus presenting a viable solution to the relevant issue of managing massive mobility data.Project(s): MobiDataLab ,
See at:
dl.acm.org | CNR IRIS | ISTI Repository | CNR IRIS
Conference article
Understanding human mobility dynamics: insights from summarized semantic trajectories
Pugliese C., Lettich F., Pinelli F., Renso C.Mobility data analysis provides insights into human movement patterns, traffic flows, and urban planning strategies. Human dynamics analysis focuses on tracking people to investigate how individuals and groups behave, interact, and evolve. Various mobility data sources, such as GPS, mobile phone records, social media, and transportation logs, are often semantically enriched and used for these analyses. This results in the generation of new, complex datasets that require effective summarization methods to reduce data volume while preserving relevant information. In this work, we aim to demonstrate the effective use of summarized semantic trajectories in analyzing human mobility behaviours. We offer empirical evidence from a case study, showing how this type of trajectory helps in understanding human mobility, especially in distinguishing between routine and non-routine behaviours. Experimental results show that the analysis results are comparable with the results obtained in the original (non summarized) dataset.Project(s): CAMEO, PRIN 2022 n. 2022ZLL7MW,
SoBigData-PlusPlus , Spoke 1 ”Human-centered AI” of the M4C2 - Investimento 1.3, Partenariato Esteso PE00000013 - ”FAIR - Future Artificial Intelligence Research”
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CNR IRIS | ieeexplore.ieee.org | CNR IRIS