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2017 Report Unknown
Use cases for GLIMPSE, a Generic fLexIble Monitoring based on a Publish-Subscribe infrastructurE
Calabrò A.
Nowadays, more and more industrial organizations are using monitoring infrastructure for enhancing their business from several point of views: Predictive maintenance, performance, fault tolerance, reduction in costs. In the following pages we would like to describe several use cases related to the usage over the years of the monitoring infrastructure developed within SEDC laboratory for analyzing end inferring events flowing from etherogeneous sources. A meta-model for defining functional and non-functional has been provided, a lightweigth infrastructure has been developed and several components has been introduced during time, in order to be able to execute coverage checks on BPMN, monitor several level of an infrastructure correlating events from network level with business level; a mechanism for automatic rules generation and self-injection, local filtering of probes; energy consumption analysis etc. The main advantage of the proposed architecture is the lightness and the possibility to be integrated in several scenarios that goes from the classical performance monitor to the more complex predictive maintenance scenario in a smart factory.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2017
Project(s): ELASTEST via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR ExploRA

2014 Other Unknown
ICSE 2015 - The 37th International Conference on Software Engineering
Calabrò A.
Sito web della trentasettesima edizione della conferenza internazionale di Ingegneria del Software ( RANK A1 ) . Realizzato su wordpress con estensione di plugin e template ad hoc per le tablet e dispositivi mobili. Layout completamente alternativo a quello delle precedenti edizioni della conferenza. Gestione ranking google e manutenzione negli anni.

See at: 2015.icse-conferences.org | CNR ExploRA

2013 Software Unknown
Calabrò A.
The deployment and the execution of applications on dynamic runtime infrastructures introduces new requirements of adaptability with respect to monitoring. Specifically, the governance of services relies on the observation and analysis of events happening at different abstraction layers. Adaptability requirements are even more evident when monitoring deals with Service Level Agreements (SLA) or KPI (Key Performance Indicator). The proposed monitoring infrastructure keeps track of the continuous evolution of the underlying environment, and adapt itself accordingly. The multi-source monitoring architecture developed by SEDC Laboratory that can synthesize on-the-fly SLA/KPI monitoring rules following the evolution of the infrastructure. Here below, a brief description of the main monitoring components as show in Figure 1. More details are provided in the referenced papers.

See at: github.com | CNR ExploRA

2016 Software Unknown
Monitoring component for business process model simulation engine
Calabrò A.
A Business Process models a set of tasks to be carried out within an organization to achieve a business goal. Key performance In-dicators (KPIs) are set on such process models so to get a quantitative assessment of critical success metrics. A timely and reliable monitoring of KPIs is instrumental to BP management, and several frameworks are being proposed for such purpose. We propose here a reference architecture supporting BP KPI monitoring that is independent from specific notations and platforms, and allows for flexible KPI decisions.

See at: github.com | CNR ExploRA

2015 Other Unknown
Amaretto 2016 - website
Calabrò A.
Sito web della prima edizione della conferenza internazionale Amaretto realizzata in congiunzione della conferenza Modelsward . Realizzato su joomla con estensione di plugin e template ad hoc per le tablet e dispositivi mobili.

See at: amaretto2016.isti.cnr.it | CNR ExploRA

2017 Other Unknown
AST2018 - website
Calabrò A.
Website has been created using html5 technologies and is hosted on SEDC laboratory servers. AST 2018 is the 13th edition of the successful AST series held at ICSE conferences since 2006. It will provide researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging ideas, experiences, understanding of the problems, visions for the future, and promising solutions.

See at: ast2018.isti.cnr.it | CNR ExploRA

2018 Other Unknown
AST2019 - website
Calabrò A.
Website has been created using html5 technologies and is hosted on SEDC laboratory servers. AST 2019 is the 14th edition of the successful AST series held at ICSE conferences since 2006. It will provide researchers and practitioners with a forum for exchanging ideas, experiences, understanding of the problems, visions for the future, and promising solutions.

See at: ast2019.isti.cnr.it | CNR ExploRA

2021 Software Unknown
Transponder - supporT foR locAliziNg diStressed People thrOugh a flyiNg Drone nEtwoRk
Calabrò A.
Solutions for improving Search and Rescue operations (SAR) operations are receiving increasing attention. Transponder is one of the an open-source, lightweight and low-cost solution. It installed on top of a drone, conceived for the analysis of Wi-Fi beacons or probe requests in areas without network infrastructure. It relies on LoRa communications and uses a Complex Event Processor for the enhancing and enriching data analysis and for providing first-aid information.

See at: github.com | CNR ExploRA

2022 Software Unknown
Concern - COmplex eveNt proCEssing monitoR iNfrastructure
Calabrò A.
Concern is a predictive simulation monitoring infrastructure that aims to cooperate within Digital Twin in execution on a simulated environment to avoid possible accidents or failures happen in real systems using forecasting and self-generation rules techniques.Project(s): BIECO via OpenAIRE

See at: github.com | CNR ExploRA

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Integrated Wi-Fi and LoRa network on UAVs for localizing people during SAR operations
Calabro A., Giuliano R.
In distress and crisis situations, the way how the rescuers answer is extremely important and critical. Rapidity on which Search and Rescue (SAR) operations are deployed and executed may have a high impact on the physical and psychological health of the user in distress. The proposed tool aim in localizing users in areas where any wired or wireless access communication has been interrupted or not working properly like earthquakes areas or mountains where no cellular signal are available. The proposed system is deployed on top of a drone capable to detect Wi-Fi beacons generated by distressed user's device Wi-Fi interface. Beacons acquired are analyzed through the Complex Event Processor and after being aggregated with the acquired GPS position sent to the ground station using LoRa radio transmission protocol. The system has been tested in a woods scenario for simulating the absence of the mobile cellular signal and validating the proposed tracking approach.Source: AEIT AUTOMOTIVE - 2021 AEIT International Conference on Electrical and Electronic Technologies for Automotive, Turin, Italy, 17-19/11/2021
DOI: 10.23919/aeitautomotive52815.2021.9662760

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2013 Software Unknown
Choreos MultiSource Monitoring Framework
Calabrò A., De Angelis G.
The deployment and the execution of applications on dynamic Cloud infrastructures introduces new requirements of adaptability with respect to monitoring. Specifically, the governance of service choreographies enacted over Cloud-based solutions relies on the observation and analysis of events happening at different abstraction layers. Adaptability requirements are even more evident when monitoring deals with Service Level Agreements (SLA) established among the choreography participants. In fact, as the Cloud paradigm offers on-demand solutions as a service, often monitoring rules cannot be completely defined off-line. Thus also the monitoring infrastructure must keep track of the continuous evolution of the underlying environment, and adapt itself accordingly. The software realize an architecture that can synthesize on-the-fly SLA monitoring rules following the evolution of the Cloud infrastructure.Project(s): CHOREOS via OpenAIRE

See at: github.com | CNR ExploRA

2019 Conference article Restricted
GDPR and business processes: an effective solution
Bartolini C., Calabró A., Marchetti E.
In the European Union, the recent update to data protection laws by virtue of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) significantly changed the landscape of the processing of personal data. Consequently, adequate solutions to ensure that the controller and processor properly understand and meet the data protection requirements are needed. In enterprise reality it is quite common to use Business Process (BP) models to manage the different business activities. Hence the idea of integrating privacy concepts into BP models so as to leverage them to the role of GDPR recommenders. To this end, suggestions and recommendations about data management pursuant to GDPR provisions have been added to specific tasks of the BP, to improve both the process management and personnel learning and training. Feasibility of the proposed idea, implemented into an Eclipse plugin, has been provided through a realistic example.Source: APPIS 2019 - 2nd International Conference on Applications of Intelligent Systems, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 7-12 January 2019
DOI: 10.1145/3309772.3309779

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2019 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Enhancing business process modelling with data protection compliance: an ontology-based proposal
Bartolin C., Calabró A., Marchetti E.
The research and industrial environments are struggling to identify practical approaches to highlight the (new) duties of controllers of personal data and foster the transition of IT-based systems, services, and tools to comply with the GDPR. In this paper, we present a solution for enhancing the modelling of business processes with facilities to help evaluate the compliance with the GDPR. The proposal is based on a model describing the constituents of the data protection domain: A structured form of the legal text, an ontology of data protection concepts, and a machine-readable translation of the GDPR provisions. An example of application is also provided.Source: ICISSP 2019 - 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, pp. 421–428, Prague, Czech Republic, 23-25 February 2019
DOI: 10.5220/0007392304210428

See at: doi.org Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.scitepress.org Open Access | www.scopus.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2022 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Improving SAR ops using Wi-Fi and LoRa on UAV
Calabrò A., Marchetti E.
Solutions for improving Search and Rescue operations (SAR) operations are receiving increasing attention. Transponder is one of the an open-source, lightweight and low-cost solution. It installed on top of a drone, conceived for the analysis of Wi-Fi beacons or probe requests in areas without network infrastructure. It relies on LoRa communications and uses a Complex Event Processor for the enhancing and enriching data analysis and for providing first-aid information. The use of Transponder in a realistic scenario is also presented.Source: PerCom Workshops - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops and other Affiliated Events, pp. 82–84, Pisa, Italy, 21-25/03/2022
DOI: 10.1109/percomworkshops53856.2022.9767503

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | doi.org Restricted | ieeexplore.ieee.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2023 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Cobot protocol customisation manager - PLuME
Calabrò A., Marchetti E.
Making cobot safety protocols closer to a cookbook than to methodologies: Let users implement protocols without overhead in knowledge and understanding of the procedures.Source: ERCIM news online edition 132 (2023): 14–15.

See at: ercim-news.ercim.eu Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2009 Conference article Restricted
Book4All: a tool to make an e-book more accessible to students with vision/visual-impairments
Calabrò A., Contini E., Leporini B.
Empowering people who are blind or otherwise visually impaired includes ensuring that products and electronic materials incorporate a broad range of accessibility features and work well with screen readers and other assistive technology devices. This is particularly important for students with vision impairments. Unfortunately, authors and publishers often do not include specific criteria when preparing the contents. Consequently, e-books can be inadequate for blind and low vision users, especially for students. In this paper we describe a semi-automatic tool developed to support operators who adapt e-documents for visually impaired students. The proposed tool can be used to convert a PDF e-book into a more suitable accessible and usable format readable on desktop computer or on mobile devices.Source: 5th Symposium of the Workgroup Human-Computer Interaction and Usability Engineering of the Austrian Computer Society, USAB 2009, pp. 236–248, Linz, Austria, November 9-10, 2009
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-10308-7_16

See at: doi.org Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2010 Report Unknown
GLIMPSE: a generic and flexible monitoring infrastructure
Bertolino A., Calabrò A., Lonetti F., Sabetta A.
To respond to the growing needs of evolution and adapta- tion coming from the modern open connected world, appli- cations must continuously monitor their own execution and the surrounding context. The events to be observed, belong- ing to guaranteed functional and non-functional properties, can themselves vary in scope and along time. Therefore the monitor must be easily configurable and able to serve dif- fering event consumers. To address these requirements, we developed the Glimpse monitoring infrastructure conceived having flexibility and generality as main concerns. The pa- per introduces the architecture of Glimpse and shows how it can support runtime performance analysis through a simple example.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2010

See at: CNR ExploRA

2011 Conference article Restricted
GLIMPSE: a generic and flexible monitoring infrastructure
Bertolino A., Calabrò A., Lonetti F., Sabetta A.
To respond to the growing needs of evolution and adaptation coming from the modern open connected world, applications must continuously monitor their own execution and the surrounding context. The events to be observed, belonging to guaranteed functional and non-functional properties, can themselves vary in scope and along time. Therefore the monitor must be easily configurable and able to serve differing event consumers. To address these requirements, we developed the Glimpse monitoring infrastructure conceived having flexibility and generality as main concerns. The paper introduces the architecture of Glimpse and shows how it can support runtime performance analysis through a simple example.Source: 13th European Workshop on Dependable Computing, EWDC '11, pp. 73–78, Pisa, 11-12 May 2011
DOI: 10.1145/1978582.1978598
Project(s): CONNECT via OpenAIRE

See at: delivery.acm.org Restricted | doi.org Restricted | Hyper Article en Ligne Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2011 Conference article Restricted
Yet another metamodel to specify non-functional properties
Di Marco A., Pompilio C., Bertolino A., Calabrò A., Lonetti F., Sabetta A.
In service-oriented systems non-functional properties become very important to support run-time service discovery and composition. Software engineers should take care of them for guaranteeing the service quality in all the software life-cycle phases, from requirements specifi cation to design, to system deployment and execution monitoring. This wide scope and the criticality of non-functional properties demand that they are expressed in a language which is intuitive and easy to use for the service quality speci fication, and at the same time is machine-processable to be automatically handled at run-time. In this paper we present a Property Meta-Model that aims to reach these two main objectives and show as a proof of concept its use for the modeling of two diff erent properties.Source: International Workshop on Quality Assurance for Service-Based Applications, QASBA 2011, pp. 9–16, Lugano, Switzerland, September 14 2011
Project(s): VISION via OpenAIRE

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2011 Conference article Restricted
Towards a model-driven infrastructure for runtime monitoring
Bertolino Antonia, Calabrò Antonello, Lonetti Francesca, Di Marco Antinisca, Sabetta Antonino
In modern pervasive dynamic and eternal systems, software must be able to self-organize its structure and self-adapt its behavior to enhance its resilience and provide the desired quality of service. In this high-dynamic and unpredictable scenario, flexible and reconfigurable monitoring infrastructures become key instruments to verify at runtime functional and non-functional properties. In this paper, we propose a property-driven approach to runtime monitoring that is based on a comprehensive Property Meta-Model (PMM) and on a generic configurable monitoring infrastructure. PMM supports the definition of quantitative and qualitative properties in a machine-processable way making it possible to configure the monitors dynamically. Examples of implementation and applications of the proposed model-driven monitoring infrastructure are excerpted from the ongoing Connect European Project.Source: 3rd International Workshop on Software Engineering for Resilient Systems, SERENE'11, pp. 130–144, Geneva, Switzerland, 29-30 September 2011
Project(s): VISION via OpenAIRE

See at: dl.acm.org Restricted | CNR ExploRA