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2015 Report Open Access OPEN
An overview of the NeMIS IT facilities
Dell'Amico A.
This is an overview of the NeMIS IT facilities. In particular, it gives a detailed description of the core systems exploited to operate the NeMIS services. Approaches aiming at scalability, redundancy and automated provisioning are presented. For provisioning systems Ansible is presented in detail by usage examples describing how it can be exploited to automate most of our infrastructure.Source: ISTI Working papers, 2015

See at: goo.gl Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Open Access OPEN
OpenAIRE APIs for data access to third party services
Artini M., Atzori C., Dell'Amico A., Labruzzo S.
The OpenAIRE infrastructure services populate and provide access to a graph of objects relative to publications, datasets, people, organizations, projects, and funders aggregated from a variety of data sources. Not only, objects in the graph are harmonized to achieve semantic homogeneity, de-duplicated and merged, and enriched by inference with missing properties and/or relationships. The aim of this technical report is to describe to third-party service managers (developers in the need of accessing data) how the OpenAIRE information space can be accessed and according to which combination of protocol and format. The document is organized according to a data centric view, where managers should first identify the typology of data they would like to access, and then verify which protocols and formats are available.Source: ISTI Technical reports, 2014
Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2020 Report Unknown
Open-ASFA report of training results
Assante M., Dell'Amico A., Pagano P., Piccioli T., Berloco L., Dicondina T.
This document, jointly drafted with the FAO consultants, reports on the training sessions and results achieved during the first 2 months of the project, from September 1st to October 31st. We report the objective, the topics discussed and the technology presented for each of the training sessions that took place during the period. A section on the training results highlights the technology choices, the agreements reached, and the development work plan.Source: ISTI Project report, ASFA, 2020

See at: CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Unknown
OPEN-ASFA Final Report
Assante M., Dell'Amico A., Pagano P., Piccioli T.
This document describes the services exploited by the Open-ASFA Virtual Research Environment (OPEN-ASFA VRE) at final term. It reports metrics of usage, the status of the activities, including service upgrades, and a summary of the issues solved or to be solved, from November 1st 2021 to April 30th 2022.Source: ISTI Project report, ASFA, 2022

See at: CNR ExploRA

2021 Report Unknown
OPEN-ASFA mid-term report
Assante M., Dell'Amico A., Pagano P., Piccioli T.
This document describes the services exploited by the Open-ASFA Virtual Research Environment (OPEN-ASFA VRE) at mid-term. It reports metrics of usage, the status of the activities, including service upgrades, and a summary of the issues solved or to be solved, from June 1st 2021 to October 31st 2021.Source: ISTI Project report, ASFA, 2021

See at: CNR ExploRA

2020 Report Unknown
SDG14.4.1 VRE Workshop exploitation report
Pagano P., Assante M., Dell'Amico A., Piccioli T.
The SDG 14.4.1 e-training environment enables the conduct of training workshops with hands-on interactive facilities to learn how to use stock assessment data limited methods/algorithms. The operational training environment is also continuously available for trainees using the on-line SDG14.4.1 ·e-learning course. During the workshops requested by FAO, as per requirements described in the SLA, a maximum of 25 participants each by providing the necessary online resources and immediate technical support from at least one week before the start until one week after a workshop. This document reports on usage and consumption of resources. It encompasses usage both during workshops, between and after workshops. The document is accompanied by a Dashboard that can be used to analyse the exploitation of the VRE from its inception to the day before the access date.Source: ISTI Project report, SDG14.4.1, 2020

See at: CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Unknown
TAF - Transparent Assessment Framework VRE - Report #1
Assante M., Pagano P., Dell'Amico A., Piccioli T.
This document describes the Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) VRE, the operational training environment available for registered users to use online TAF workflows and e-learning course-ware. The training environment comprises a set of generic cloud services for communication, sharing and storage of information composing the e-learning course-ware, and a set of analytics services for online TAF workflows creation, publishing and execution on the computing resources maintained and operated by the D4Science Infrastructure.Source: ISTI Project report, TAF, 2022

See at: CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Unknown
TAF - Transparent Assessment Framework VRE - Report #2-3
Assante M., Pagano P., Dell'Amico A., Piccioli T.
This document describes the Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) VRE, the operational training environment available for registered users to use online TAF workflows and e-learning course-ware, and includes the usage reports of the latest two events. The training environment comprises a set of generic cloud services for communication, sharing and storage of information composing the e-learning course-ware, and a set of analytics services for online TAF workflows creation, publishing and execution on the computing resources maintained and operated by the D4Science Infrastructure.Source: ISTI Project report, TAF, 2022

See at: CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Unknown
TAF - Transparent Assessment Framework VRE - Final Report
Assante M., Pagano P., Dell'Amico A., Piccioli T.
This document describes the Transparent Assessment Framework (TAF) VRE, the operational training environment available for registered users to use online TAF workflows and e-learning course-ware, and includes the usage reports of the latest two events. The training environment comprises a set of generic cloud services for communication, sharing and storage of information composing the e-learning course-ware, and a set of analytics services for online TAF workflows creation, publishing and execution on the computing resources maintained and operated by the D4Science Infrastructure.Source: ISTI Project report, TAF, 2022

See at: CNR ExploRA

2020 Report Unknown
SDG14.4.1 VRE exploitation report - 2020 V 2.0
Pagano P., Assante M., Dell'Amico A., Piccioli T.
The SDG 14.4.1 e-training environment enables the conduct of training workshops with hands-on interactive facilities to learn how to use stock assessment data limited methods/algorithms. The operational training environment is also continuously available for trainees using the on-line SDG14.4.1 ·e-learning course. During the workshops requested by FAO, as per requirements described in the SLA, a maximum of 25 participants each by providing the necessary online resources and immediate technical support from at least one week before the start until one week after a workshop. This document reports on usage and consumption of resources. It encompasses usage both during workshops, between and after workshops. The document is accompanied by a Dashboard that can be used to analyse the exploitation of the VRE from its inception to the day before the access date.Source: ISTI Project report, SDG14.4.1, 2020

See at: CNR ExploRA

2021 Report Unknown
SDG14.4.1 VRE exploitation report - 2021 V 1.0
Pagano P., Assante M., Dell'Amico A., Piccioli T.
The SDG 14.4.1 e-training environment enables the conduct of training workshops with hands-on interactive facilities to learn how to use stock assessment data limited methods/algorithms. The operational training environment is also continuously available for trainees using the on-line SDG14.4.1 ·e-learning course. During the workshops requested by FAO, as per requirements described in the SLA, a maximum of 25 participants each by providing the necessary online resources and immediate technical support from at least one week before the start until one week after a workshop. This document reports on usage and consumption of resources. It encompasses usage both during workshops, between and after workshops. The document is accompanied by a Dashboard that can be used to analyse the exploitation of the VRE from its inception to the day before the access date.Source: ISTI Project report, SDG14.4.1, 2021

See at: CNR ExploRA

2022 Report Unknown
SDG14.4.1 VRE exploitation report - 2022 V 1.0
Pagano P., Assante M., Dell'Amico A., Piccioli T.
The SDG 14.4.1 e-training environment enables the conduct of training workshops with hands-on interactive facilities to learn how to use stock assessment data limited methods/algorithms. The operational training environment is also continuously available for trainees using the on-line SDG14.4.1 ·e-learning course. During the workshops requested by FAO, as per requirements described in the SLA, a maximum of 25 participants each by providing the necessary online resources and immediate technical support from at least one week before the start until one week after a workshop. This document reports on usage and consumption of resources. It encompasses usage both during workshops, between and after workshops. The document is accompanied by a Dashboard that can be used to analyse the exploitation of the VRE from its inception to the day before the access date.Source: ISTI Project report, SDG14.4.1, 2022

See at: CNR ExploRA

2020 Other Unknown
Realizzazione di un Wiki del servizio S2I2S (Servizio Infrastruttura informatica ISTI e supporto ai servizi)
Dell'Amico A., Debole F., Piccioli T., D'Angelo C.
La realizzazione del wiki in questione nasce dall'esigenza di rendere facilmente fruibili i servizi gestiti dal nuovo gruppo S2I2S che ha provveduto ad aggiornare e riorganizzare l'infrastruttura informatica dell'ISTI. Il sito è stato progettato e sviluppato utilizzando la piattaforma di collaborazione e documentazione open source MediaWiki (https://www.mediawiki.org ). Di seguito sono elencati i contributi forniti dagli singoli autori per la realizzazione del progetto : - Progettazione, installazione, configurazione e manutenzione sono state eseguiti dal gruppo S2I2S e specificatamente da Andrea Dell'Amico, Franca Debole e Tommaso Piccioli; - Struttura, organizzazione e creazione dei contenuti sono stati fatti da Caterina D'Angelo con il costante confronto e supporto degli altri autori del sito. I contenuti delle pagine web del wiki sono pubbliche: non è stato configurato nessun autenticazione per l'accesso.

See at: mediawiki-s2i2s.isti.cnr.it | CNR ExploRA

2020 Other Unknown
Realizzazione di un Wiki di supporto agli utenti interni per le procedure ed i servizi di Istituto
Dell'Amico A., Debole F., Piccioli T., D'Angelo C.
Questo sito web è stato creato in una intranet riservata e presenta una serie di informazioni relative ad alcune normative e procedure CNR, di interesse per il personale ISTI. La tecnologia alla base di questa sito web è quella del wiki, un'applicazione che permette la creazione e la modifica di pagine web in maniera collaborativa e dinamica, in questo caso le pagine del wiki ISTI è via via composto ed editato con l'apporto congiunto del personale dei servizi ISTI. Il wiki attualmente è organizzato in 8 sezioni, ognuna gestita nella struttura e nei contenuti da referenti diversi con credenziali operative proprie: 1)Servizio Amministrazione (Giulio Galesi, Serena Paoletti) 2)Servizio Attività Generali (Roberto Scopigno) 3)Servizio Attività Logistiche (Caterina D'Angelo) 4)Servizio Biblioteca (Silvia Giannini, Anna Molino) 5)Segreteria Scientifica (Daniela Falconetti, Claudia Raviolo) 6)Sito e Social (Giuseppe Lipari) 7)Telefonia Mobile (Paolo Bolettieri) 8)Ufficio Gestione Privacy (Rosaria Deluca) Il sito è stato progettato e sviluppato utilizzando la piattaforma di collaborazione e documentazione open source MediaWiki (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/MediaWiki/it). Di seguito sono elencati i contributi forniti dai singoli autori per la realizzazione del progetto: o La progettazione, l'installazione e la configurazione sono state condotte dal gruppo S2i2S (Andrea Dell'Amico, Franca Debole e Tommaso Piccioli) con la collaborazione di Caterina D'Angelo; o I contenuti sono stati creati e organizzati/strutturati da ciascuno dei referenti sopra elencati. I contenuti delle pagine web del wiki ISTI sono riservate al personale ISTI, per questo l'accesso a queste è possibile solo tramite autenticazione. In particolare il processo di autenticazione per il wiki viene gestito dallo Identity Provider per il personale dell'istituto tramite l'uso del protocollo OpenID Connect (OIDC). Lo Identity provider è basato sul software open source Keycloak.

See at: CNR ExploRA | wiki-amministrazione.isti.cnr.it

2019 Other Unknown
Piattaforma REDMINE per il servizio di sistema di ticketing per ISTI
Dell'Amico A., Debole F., Piccioli T.
La pagina principale del servizio di project management è messa a disposizione dal "Servizio Infrastruttura informatica ISTI e supporto ai servizi" (S2I2S) Il servizio si basa sul software open source Redmine. Redmine è un'applicazione web open source per la gestione di progetti software e del supporto agli utenti. Redmine utilizza il paradigma dell'Issue Tracking system, ovvero tutti i task associati a un progetto sono visti come issue (spesso chiamati ticket o segnalazioni) da risolvere, raggruppati per progetto, urgenza, stato di avanzamento eccetera, rendendolo un valido strumento sia di supporto al servizio che di documentazione. I progetti attivati al momento sono nove e riguardano vari servizi dell'ISTI. Di seguito sono elencati i contributi forniti dai singoli autori per la realizzazione del progetto: - Andrea Dell'Amico, Tommaso Piccioli e Franca Debole hanno configurato il server su cui è implementata la piattaforma, installato il software Redmine, configurato la gestione degli utenti e dei vari progetti e il layout di base; - ciascun referente di progetto dispone poi di autorizzazioni proprie per configurare ed organizzare la propria sezione. Tutti i componenti del servizio afferente al singolo progetto oltre che gli utenti stessi che chiedono supporto, gestiscono i ticket ,ne seguono l'evoluzione e ne viene mantenuta traccia.

See at: CNR ExploRA | redmine-s2i2s.isti.cnr.it

2021 Report Unknown
SerGenCovid19 - Relazione analisi requisiti SerGenCovid19
Debole F., Dell'Amico A., Piccioli T., Testa A.
Prima analisi dei requisiti della piattaforma ISTI da realizzare nel contesto del progetto di ricerca "SERGENCOVID-19 (serum genetic covid-19 study) indagine sierologica e genetica sull'immunità e la suscettibilità all'infezione da sars-cov-2 e creazione di una biobanca" riguardo al Work Package 6: Progettazione e implementazione della piattaforma informatica per la gestione di "Raccolta, conservazione e consultazione dei dati sanitari relativi ai prelievi ematici" . Prima bozza di disegno delle interfacce della piattaforma da realizzare.Source: ISTI Project report, SerGenCovid19, 2021

See at: CNR ExploRA

2018 Report Open Access OPEN
BlueBRIDGE - BlueBRIDGE VREs operation activity: final report
Assante M., Candela L., Cirillo R., Dell'Amico A., Pagano P.
Virtual Research Environments and Virtual Laboratories are among the key products the BlueBRIDGE project is called to develop and to deliver to serve its target communities and application scenarios. The deployment and operation of a Virtual Research Environment is a task that involves the reuse of existing technologies as well as the development of new technologies aiming at offering new facilities. The development of the technology, both the generic as well as that which is oriented to serve the specific needs of a given community/target scenario, is captured by other deliverables. This report describes the activities performed to provide the BlueBRIDGE community with the set of Virtual Research Environments (VREs) and Virtual Laboratories (VLabs) hosted by the BlueBRIDGE portal during the entire duration of the project. A total of 66 VREs / VLabs have been deployed and operated, overall serving more than 3000 users across 32 countries and 124 different organizations. Such VREs / VLabs include "private" ones (66% circa), i.e. environments whose membership is by invitation only, "restricted" ones (15% circa), i.e. environments that users can request to join yet the requests have to be explicitly approved by the managers, and "open" ones (18% circa), i.e. environments that any user can request to join and no approval is needed. The 45% circa of the served users is exploiting "open" environments, the 34% circa is exploiting "private" environments, and the 19% circa is exploiting "restricted" environments. During the project, more than 980 requests for support, incident or bug have been resolved (441 requests for support and 546 requests for incidents and bugs).Source: Project report, BlueBRIDGE, Deliverable D4.5, 2018
Project(s): BlueBRIDGE via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2019 Report Restricted
DESIRA - Deliverable 5.1 - Virtual Research Environment: specification report
Assante M, Cirillo R., Dell'Amico A., Frosini L., Pagano P.
The DESIRA Virtual Research Environment specification consists of a hardware layer and a service layer. The former is made available by the D4Science Infrastructure 1 [1, 2] and it is organized as a dynamic pool of virtual machines, supporting computation and storage. The operations and management of those resources is performed via a set of enabling technologies selected to ensure availability and reliability of the infrastructure while e guaranteeing reduction of costs of ownership and a set of supporting technologies selected to ensure secure monitoring, alerting and provisioning. The service layer, illustrated in Figure 1, consists of three service frameworks, which can be summarized as a follows: o Enabling Framework: the enabling framework, framework , based on the gCube System [3], includes services required to support the operation of all services and the VREs supported by such services. As such it includes: a resource registry service, to which all e-infrastructure infrastructure resources (data sources, services, computational nodes, etc.) can be dynamically (de)registered and discovered by user and other services; Authentication and Authorization services, as well as Accounting Services, capable of both granting ing and tracking access and usage actions from users; and a VRE manager, capable of deploying in the collaborative framework VREs inclusive of a selected number of "applications", generally intended as sets of interacting services; o Storage Framework: the storage framework includes services for efficient, advanced, and on on-demand management of digital data, encoded as: files in a distributed file system, collection of metadata records, and time series in spatial databases; such services are used by all other services in the architecture, exception made for the enabling framework; o Collaborative framework : the collaborative framework includes all services deployed for the scientists and for each of them provides social networking services, user management services, shared workspace services. In addition, addition it comprises the part on the Web UI access to the Virtual Research Environment.Source: Project report, DESIRA, Deliverable D5.1, pp.1–19, 2019

See at: data.d4science.net Restricted | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Open Access OPEN
OpenAIREplus - OpenAIRE APIs for third party services
Manghi P., Bardi A., Atzori C., Artini M., Dell'Amico A., La Bruzzo S.
This deliverable describes the APIs offered by the OpenAIRE infrastructure to provide accessibility to the objects in its information space. APIs are organized by entity type (publication, dataset, and projects) and are characterized by access protocol, data exchange format, and schema.Source: Project report, OpenAIREplus, Deliverable D8.6, 2014
Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA

2014 Report Open Access OPEN
OpenAIREplus - OpenAIRE APIs for third party services. D8.6
Manghi P., Bardi A., Atzori C., Artini M., Dell'Amico A., La Bruzzo S.
This deliverable describes the APIs offered by the OpenAIRE infrastructure to provide accessibility to the objects in its information space. APIs are organized by entity type (publication, dataset, and projects) and are characterized by access protocol, data exchange format, and schema.Source: Project report, OpenAIREplus, Deliverable D8.6, 2014
Project(s): OPENAIREPLUS via OpenAIRE

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR ExploRA