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2013 Journal article Restricted
Un'introduzione a tre voci sul project management nella ricerca: "Presentazione di un mondo innovativo"
Lombardi S, Ghelardi L, Orsi S
Riflessioni e domande/risposte sui requisiti che il project management deve avere per essere utile alla Ricerca, raccolte tra gli "addetti ai lavori". Sulla sua utilità l'opinione è unanime, sulle modalità di applicazione le visioni, tutte legittime, sono molteplici.Source: IL PROJECT MANAGER, vol. 16, pp. 6-12

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | www.francoangeli.it Restricted

2009 Book Metadata Only Access
I Progetti del Dipartimento ICT del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - 2009
Lombardi S
La presentazione dell'edizione 2009, tappa di mid-term review sull'arco quinquennale 2006-2011, propone al lettore una riflessione importante, e certamente non esauribile in poche righe, a proposito del ruolo delle Tecnologie della Conoscenza alla luce della "Rete che verrà" (e che nessuno è in grado di prevedere come sarà e quali effetti avrà sulla società), denominata, nei circuiti internazionali specialistici, come Future Internet: delle persone, dei servizi, dei contenuti, delle cose. Occorre, in tale prospettiva storica, richiamare tutti gli attori del settore ICT a una presa di coscienza e di consapevolezza della responsabilità e della criticità del loro operare, soprattutto nel breve e medio periodo. Metaforicamente, essi sono un po' come persone che si trovino, per accidente storico, "a manipolare il lievito del pane di domani".

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2009 Contribution to book Unknown
ICT Department Project of the National Research Council of Italy 2009
Lombardi S.
The presentation of the 2009 edition, mid-term review over a five years period (2006-2011), puts to the attention of the reader an important consideration, for sure not to be fully elucidated in few lines, related to the role of Knowledge Technologies in view of "the Network that will come" (and, nowadays, nobody is able to foresee how it will be and what kind of impact will have on society at worldwide level), named inside the international ICT specific circuits as Future Internet: Internet of People, Internet of Services, Internet of Contents, Internet of Things. In such an historical perspective, it is necessary to advise all the ICT actors for being properly conscious and aware of the responsibility and potential criticisms of their actions, particularly in the short and medium range. Metaphorically, they find themselves as those people to whom it happens to manage, by a sort of historical accident, "the yeast for the bread of tomorrow".Source: Ospedaletto: Pacini Editore, 2009

See at: CNR ExploRA

2008 Book Metadata Only Access
I Progetti del Dipartimento ICT del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche - 2008
Lombardi S
Il settore delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione e delle Comunicazioni, comunemente indicato mediante l'accezione inglese di Information and Communication Technology (ICT), è, quasi per definizione, un'area pervasiva in tutti i domini applicativi, e ciò fa sì che esso rappresenti uno tra i più importanti driver dell'innovazione con forte generazione di valore sociale ed economico a livello internazionale. Disegnare una linea strategica di ricerca e di sviluppo nel settore ICT vuol dire orientare le risorse verso la creazione di nuovi prodotti e tecnologie abilitanti in grado di rispondere ai bisogni applicativi di classi sempre più ampie di utenti differenti, secondo il paradigma "per ogni attore, in ogni luogo, in ogni momento, per ogni servizio, con qualsiasi dispositivo disponibile", noto a livello internazionale con la denominazione di ambient intelligence. Occorre in primo luogo riconoscere che, attualmente, il settore ICT non costituisce più il paradigma tecnico-scientifico prevalente (secondo il modello di Thomas Kuhn), com'è stato negli anni '90. Questo ruolo è giocato oggi dal settore delle Scienze della Vita, certamente situato sulla linea di frontiera delle conoscenze e, soprattutto, nell'ambito della tematica di maggior interesse per ogni essere umano: la salute. Pertanto, è necessario ripensare a fondo le linee strategiche di ricerca nel settore ICT, rimodulando i suoi tradizionali ambiti disciplinari alla luce della strategia delle converging technologies (US Academy of Sciences), spesso efficacemente rappresentata dal classico triangolo bioscienze-infoscienze-nanoscienze.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2008 Book Metadata Only Access
ICT Department Project of the National Research Council of Italy 2008
Lombardi S
By definition similar, the sector of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is a pervasive area in all applicative domains and this is the reason why it represents one of the most important innovation drivers with a strong production of social and economic value at international level. To draw a strategic line of research and development in the ICT sector means to orientate the resources towards the creation of new qualifying products and technologies able to supply the applicative needs of a wider class of different users, following the paradigm "for every actor, everywhere, at any time, for every service, with every available device", known at international level as ambient intelligence. First of all, it is necessary to recognize that currently the ICT sector is no more the prevalent technical-scientific paradigm (following the model of Thomas Kuhn) as it has been during the '90s. Nowadays, this role is played by the sector of Life Sciences, certainly set on the knowledge frontier and above all within the thematic of particular interest for every human being, i.e. health. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze in depth the strategic lines of research in the ICT sector, by re-shaping its traditional disciplinary lines according to the strategy of the converging technologies (US Academy of Sciences), strategy often well represented by the classic triangle biosciences-infosciences-nanosciences.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Other Open Access OPEN
Grey Literature in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda
Lombardi S
Grey Literature in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda: a survey presented at GL2021 International Conference on Grey Literature

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.youtube.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Every document is born "grey". Some documents can become "open"
Lombardi S
As we all know, "grey" doesn't often mean "closed"; maybe sometimes it can mean just hard to find. If its sources are open and there are the conditions, the whole document could become an open access one. An example among all is the case of the pre-prints. When you archive a pre-print in a repository you allow the free, open and "grey" preprint become Open Access to everyone. If the immediately archived "grey" pre-print is open access it can accelerate global knowledge and research advancement. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is making us rethink the way we communicate, search, research and inform; there are some cases of publishers which immediately publish some COVID-19 related articles pre-print; other, instead, are making soon available the accepted manuscript (post-print). Let us concentrate on pre-prints, closer to "grey" literature. An immediate and open pre-print could accelerate research in some fields and could let researchers (and us) know on time if there is a deadlock or not. Some publishers are following this way. By the way, some pre-prints will never become a published article; in any case knowing those pre-prints let people know why that way is an unpassable one or if some other ways to improve research could be passable. So, "grey" sometimes could become open to improve and accelerate research, especially in this uncommon period.Source: THE GL-CONFERENCE SERIES. CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS, pp. 57-60. Online conference, 19/11/2020

See at: greyguide.isti.cnr.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Journal article Open Access OPEN
Every document is born "grey". Some documents can become "open"
Lombardi S
As we all know, "grey" doesn't often mean "closed"; maybe sometimes it can mean just hard to find. If its sources are open and there are the conditions, the whole document could become an open access one. An example among all is the case of the pre-prints. When you archive a pre-print in a repository you allow the free, open and "grey" preprint become Open Access to everyone. If the immediately archived "grey" pre-print is open access it can accelerate global knowledge and research advancement. The recent COVID-19 pandemic is making us rethink the way we communicate, search, research and inform; there are some cases of publishers which immediately publish some COVID-19 related articles pre-print; other, instead, are making soon available the accepted manuscript (post-print). Let us concentrate on pre-prints, closer to "grey" literature. An immediate and open pre-print could accelerate research in some fields and could let researchers (and us) know on time if there is a deadlock or not. Some publishers are following this way. By the way, some pre-prints will never become a published article; in any case knowing those pre-prints let people know why that way is an unpassable one or if some other ways to improve research could be passable. So, "grey" sometimes could become open to improve and accelerate research, especially in this uncommon period.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.greynet.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2020 Other Open Access OPEN
Logo GL2020 - 22nd International Conference on Grey Literature. "Applications of Grey Literature for Science and Society"
Lombardi S., Belvedere I.
Logo per conferenza internazionale GL2020.

See at: gl2020.isti.cnr.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Other Open Access OPEN
Grey Literature supporting the right to knowledge
Stefania Lombardi
One of the principal areas of interest of the Library of the CNR Area in Pisa is in authors' Rights Retention. Indeed, the staff regularly supports the personnel in the publication process, from choosing the publication venue to depositing their products in the institutional archive, finding that many researchers need to be made aware of their rights and how to retain them. For this reason, the library staff participates in the CLAKP and Right2Pub initiatives. CLAKP (Copyright Law and Access to Knowledge Policies Group) is a research group aiming to strengthen the right to knowledge as essential for education, innovation, and cultural access. Right2Pub (The Authors’ Voice from the Italian Research Community) project aims to build an awareness of the importance of Secondary Publishing Rights and Rights Retention in the Italian Research Community. In our work, we describe the two ongoing initiatives and the contribution of our library to them. We also illustrate the first results of a preliminary study on the rProject(s): Balancing Publication Rights: la voce della comunità scientifica su “rights retention” e “secondary publishing right”

See at: av.tib.eu Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2010 Other Metadata Only Access
FP6 Integrated Project XtreemOs: Building and Promoting a Linux-based Operating System to Support Virtual Organizations for Next Generation Grids
Coppola M, Dazzi P, Lombardi S, Ferrini R
Funded by the Commission of European Communities Information Society and Media Directorate-General, the overall objective of the XtreemOS project is the design, implementation, evaluation and distribution of an open source Grid operating system (named XtreemOS) with native support for virtual organizations (VO) and capable of running on a wide range of underlying platforms, from clusters to mobiles. The approach proposes is to investigate the construction of a new Grid OS, XtreemOS, based on the existing general purpose OS Linux. A set of system services, extending those found in the traditional Linux, will provide users with all the Grid capabilities associated with current Grid middleware, but fully integrated into the OS

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2012 Other Metadata Only Access
Silvestri F, Nardini Fm, Baraglia R, Tolomei G, Capannini G, Giordano M, Di Napoli C, Lombardi S
Contract No 215483 Funded by the Commission of European Communities Information Society and Media Directorate-General, the project mission is to establish a unified, multidisciplinary, vibrant research community which will enable Europe to lead the software-services revolution and help shape the software service based Internet which will underpin the whole of our future society. S-Cube aims to push the frontiers of research in Service Oriented Computing by creating a vigorous research agenda where knowledge from diverse research communities is meaningfully synthesized, integrated and applied. Starting on March, 1 2008.Project(s): S-CUBE via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2020 Other Open Access OPEN
Le biblioteche italiane durante la pandemia COVID-19: un'indagine sui servizi
Giannini S, Lombardi S, Molino A
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, from mid-February, libraries in Italy started to close to the public. In a short time, librarians had to implement different solutions to guarantee remote services and support to the users. In our study, we aim to outline how Italian libraries are responding to the challenges posed by this extraordinary situation. Moreover, we attempt to determine how librarians foresee their role after the emergency and to what extent exceptional means of service provision would become standards in the future. We proposed to the community of Italian librarians a questionnaire structured in thirteen sections, each corresponding to a specific aspect of our investigation. We disseminated it extensively to reach the widest audience possible. In eleven days, we collected 1134 anonymous responses from different types of libraries. Results demonstrated that librarians adapted quite fast to the new conditions with a medium degree of difficulty in maintaining the services active. We generally register an evident prevalence of the digital mean of provision. Even though the communication with the users is only virtual, their awareness of library presence seems to remain steady, if not increased. Most librarians believe that such a situation would affect the world of libraries significantly, being digital or not, after the pandemic. In our work, we adopted a traditional instrument for data collection to propose a full-scale investigation aimed at examining the whole range of activities of all library typologies in Italy in an outstanding time of contemporary history.DOI: 10.32079/isti-tr-2020/012

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2021 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Grey Literature in the context of the UN 2030 Agenda
Lombardi S, Molino A, Giannini S
The poster presents the results of a survey on Grey Literature distributed to a heterogeneous set of Italian libraries in a questionnaire. Our analysis moved from the observation that our involvement in the grey community led us in touch with European and international initiatives. However, we do not have a deep knowledge of the Italian panorama. We do not know how much Grey Literature is present in the Italian libraries, if and how it is managed, whether it has an informative value, and is available to the patrons. To fill this gap, we thought of a survey that refers to the seventeen Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, focusing on the importance of access to information. We reached 4096 email addresses and received 265 answers. In the poster, we report the results obtained, especially in terms of interest in Grey Literature, the specific types of documentation present in libraries, and the practices implemented to give visibility and favor the use of this documentation. The limited number of answers led us to imagine that Italian libraries do not consider GL a primary interest topic. However, librarians replying to our survey seem to think of GL as an essential portion of libraries' documentary resources either for the patrons or for the implementation of UN SDGs. Therefore, they would be available for future projects dedicated to GL.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.textrelease.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2022 Other Open Access OPEN
La scienza con il cittadino. Come e perché collaborare alla creazione della scienza
Giannini S, Lombardi S, Molino A
Uguaglianza di genere, salute, ambiente e partecipazione sono solo alcune delle questioni che interessano i membri di una società. Come conoscere il lavoro degli scienziati su questi temi, e come può contribuire il cittadino? Un percorso teorico e pratico nella "scienza con il cittadino" per acquisire familiarità con il concetto, esplorare le interazioni tra scienza e società e capire come partecipare all'avanzamento del progresso scientifico. I partecipanti impareranno a muoversi nella Citizen Science usando semplici strumenti digitali per acquisire informazioni, comunicare con altri cittadini e decidere, in modo consapevole, se essere parte di questa realtà. L'attività fa parte dei Corsi per Docenti di Internet Festival.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | www.internetfestival.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Other Open Access OPEN
Grey Literature supporting the right to knowledge
Lombardi S, Giannini S, Molino A
CLAKP (Copyright Law and Access to Knowledge Policies Group) is a research group aiming to strengthen the right to knowledge as essential for education, innovation, and cultural access. The research group was born to achieve the above-mentioned goal by supporting copyright reform to benefit library users and researchers. CLAKP's topics are authors' Rights Retention, e-books and controlled digital lending, safeguarding of exceptions and limitations to copyright from technological protection measures and contractual override, and the aspects concerning secondary publishing rights and the application of open norms. CLAKP comprises the CNR-IGSG Research Group, the Italian representative for the Knowledge Rights 21 Programme (KR21), the Creative Commons Italian Chapter and the Libraries of the CNR Research Areas of Pisa and Bologna. The Library of the CNR Area in Pisa is particularly interested in authors' Rights Retention. Indeed, the staff regularly supports the personnel in the publication process, from choosing the publication venue to depositing their products in the institutional archive, finding that many researchers are unaware of their rights and how to retain them. For this reason, the library staff keeps abreast of the strategies authors can adopt to maintain their rights. In this perspective, the contribution to the CLAKP group mainly regards collecting policies, strategies, and experiences in the field of Rights Retention. So far, a series of videos on the main topics of CLAKP have been realised. As for the one about Rights Retention, a preliminary study has been conducted on grey literature regarding this subject and how it is approached in some European countries. Therefore, we aim to deepen this further investigation and produce information material of various kinds that may help authors for a fair publication.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Contribution to conference Open Access OPEN
Balancing Publication Right: la voce della comunità scientifica su "rights retention" e "secondary publishing rights"
Peruginelli G, Faro S, Cherubini M, Conti S, De Angelis D, Giannini S, Lombardi S, Mangiaracina S, Marzocchi S, Molino A, Sinigaglia L
Il poster presenta gli obiettivi e le sfide del progetto "Balancing Publication Rights. The Authors' Voice from the Italian Research Community", finanziato da "The Knowledge Rights 21 Programme (KR21)". Nello scenario italiano, caratterizzato dalla mancanza di una normativa che riconosca un esplicito diritto di ripubblicazione in ambito scientifico, il progetto mira a: svolgere attività di advocacy a sostegno del riconoscimento del diritto di ripubblicazione; promuovere fra i ricercatori la consapevolezza delle possibilità di mantenere i diritti sulle proprie opere; focalizzare l'attenzione sui limiti dell'attuale legislazione nazionale. A questo scopo, il progetto, da un lato, prevede una indagine sulla percezione da parte dei ricercatori CNR dei loro diritti nella pubblicazione dei risultati della ricerca e la messa a disposizione di materiali e strumenti informativi; dall'altro lato, pone le basi per spingere verso un cambiamento delle politiche istituzionali di gestione dei diritti di pubblicazione nel contesto della scienza aperta.Project(s): Right2Pub

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | openscience.unige.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2024 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Grey Literature supporting the right to knowledge
Silvia Giannini, Stefania Lombardi, Anna Molino
One of the principal areas of interest of the Library of the CNR Area in Pisa is in authors' Rights Retention. Indeed, the staff regularly supports the personnel in the publication process, from choosing the publication venue to depositing their products in the institutional archive, finding that many researchers need to be made aware of their rights and how to retain them. For this reason, the library staff participates in the CLAKP and Right2Pub initiatives. CLAKP (Copyright Law and Access to Knowledge Policies Group) is a research group aiming to strengthen the right to knowledge as essential for education, innovation, and cultural access. Right2Pub (The Authors’ Voice from the Italian Research Community) project aims to build an awareness of the importance of Secondary Publishing Rights and Rights Retention in the Italian Research Community. In our work, we describe the two ongoing initiatives and the contribution of our library to them. We also illustrate the first results of a preliminary study on the role of Grey Literature on this topic and how some European countries approach it.Project(s): Balancing Publication Rights: la voce della comunità scientifica su “rights retention” e “secondary publishing right”

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | www.textrelease.com Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2024 Other Open Access OPEN
I diritti d'autore nella pubblicazione scientifica: informazioni utili e approfondimenti
Cherubini M., Conti S., De Angelis D., Giannini S., Lombardi S., Mangiaracina S., Marzocchi S., Mazza D., Molino A., Sinigaglia L., Faro S., Peruginelli G.
La consapevolezza e l’adeguata gestione dei diritti d’autore sono importanti per il progresso della ricerca e la salvaguardia degli interessi della comunità scientifica. In questa prospettiva, il progetto Right2Pub – Balancing Publication Rights, finanziato da Knowledge Rights 21, esplora il delicato equilibrio tra la diffusione della conoscenza e la tutela della proprietà intellettuale. Nel contesto delle attività del progetto, abbiamo ritenuto opportuno sviluppare questa guida, che fornisce informazioni sui diritti degli autori con riguardo alle pubblicazioni scientifiche e su come essi possano essere efficacemente esercitati. La guida ha come riferimento il contesto legislativo italiano – principalmente la legge 22 aprile 1941 n. 633, “Protezione del diritto d’autore e di altri diritti connessi al suo esercizio”; propone informazioni sul diritto d’autore e su specifici aspetti legati alla pubblicazione in ambito scientifico: conservazione dei diritti (Rights Retention), diritto di pubblicazione secondaria (Secondary Publishing Right), diffusione dei risultati della ricerca in accesso aperto. Ci auguriamo che la guida aiuti la comunità scientifica a navigare il complesso panorama dei diritti d’autore, per comprenderne l’importanza e per esercitarli in modo informato e consapevole.Project(s): Balancing Publication Rights: la voce della comunità scientifica su “rights retention” e “secondary publishing right”

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | zenodo.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2023 Other Open Access OPEN
Get the balance right!
Ginevra Peruginelli, Manola Cherubini, Sebastiano Faro, Deborah De Angelis, Laura Sinigaglia, Silvana Mangiaracina, Stefania Marzocchi, Silvia Giannini, Anna Molino, Stefania Lombardi
Poster presentato alla conferenza finale del progetto "HERMES - Strengthening digital resource sharing during COVID and beyond" dal gruppo di lavoro CLAKP (Copyright Law and Access to Knowledge Policies Group)Project(s): Balancing Publication Rights: la voce della comunità scientifica su “rights retention” e “secondary publishing right”

See at: dalia-bo.cnr.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted